Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 861 A Good Start Is Half A Success

Sure enough, spending money can make people happier. After chatting with his father for a while, he felt much better, and there was no need to stay outside, so he went back to the study directly.

His father didn't know what the unbuilt house looked like, but he knew, because before the construction started, Wancheng Foundation had already prepared the design drawings and renderings.

Ye Zishu logged into Wancheng Jiye's planning system, found the county where he was located, looked at the renderings, and found the house his father described.

After reading it, I realized why there is such a large area. It turns out that there is not only a garden on the top floor, but also a large flat floor below, which is a duplex structure.

The roof above is the garden. There are not many buildings on it, only the Lingtai Pavilion dotted in it. It is a good place to drink tea and chat, which is very suitable for people who stay at home.

There are all kinds of facilities in the house, and there is also a small swimming pool inside, surrounded by variable glass, with a very wide view, overlooking the entire county and a corner of Poyang Lake.

He thought it was only more than 10000 square meters, but it turned out that it was only a plane area. If all the areas were added together, the area would be as high as more than 2 square meters, which is quite large.

He didn't know why Wancheng Jiye wanted to build such a high-end residence in the county, because no one in the county could afford it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Why did it feel like he was being tricked, after all the calculations, only his family in the county could afford such a luxury house, it seemed that it was tailor-made for his family.

This building is a commercial building with hotels, entertainment facilities, supermarkets, etc. inside. There is only a residence on the top floor, which seems a bit out of place.

In order to increase the protection of safety and security, the lower floor of this house is designed as a space and equipment floor, and generally no one else is allowed to enter, which can play a better role in security protection.

Moreover, there is an independent elevator from the ground floor to the top floor, which seems a bit wasteful. You must know that every square meter of this kind of high-rise building is a cost, and the cost of setting up an elevator alone can be imagined.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this was specially designed for him, otherwise Wancheng Foundation would not have had to go through so much trouble, they would not have worked so hard to earn this little money.

Fortunately, this building is not as high as 200 meters as he thought. It is only 188 meters high. There are several high-rise buildings around, with a height ranging from 125 meters to 150 meters. In this way, this building is really the tallest building.

But when he saw this house that seemed to be specially designed for him, he was a little unhappy. According to this design and area, the price of tens of millions of yuan was simply unattainable.

Although Wancheng Foundation is his property, he has always kept a clear distinction between public and private. As the boss, he has to pay according to the market price. He agrees to buy Wancheng Foundation at a low price, but he also disagrees.

So if this house is really to be taken down, it will cost hundreds of millions of yuan. If the decoration is upgraded, hundreds of millions of yuan is also possible for such a large area.

Although his father received a lot of dividends from the two companies, he actually didn't have much money in his hands. First, he had to pay high dividend taxes.

The second is that his father also gave away a lot of money to the outside world, and the real money left in his hands was only tens of millions of yuan, which was not enough to buy this house at all.

Of course, he didn't have to buy this suite, and Wancheng Foundation could modify the design before construction started, which would not be a waste, but after looking at it, he also felt that the design of this suite was very good.

After reading the design, Ye Zishu didn't pay any further attention. He was not short of the money. If his father wanted to buy a property in the county, let him do it. Money would always cost money.

Then he checked the status of the reposted news published by the news portal platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company. Anyway, he was not in the mood to work anymore.

Click on the comments of this article, and there are a series of question marks below. After scrolling down, I saw other comments. Everyone expressed their disbelief.

The main reason is that when Shengshi Media Group announced the rich list last time, his assets were only less than 2000 billion yuan. In the past few years, his assets have risen to 5 trillion US dollars.

Even if he can make more money, his wealth will not rise so fast, right? The question mark in front represents the thoughts of quite a few netizens, who are a bit confused and don't know how to comment.

Some people also think that this wealth may be a valuation. According to the reprinted article, the evaluation method is indeed used on many data. They will definitely not be able to get the real financial data.

Valuation is unreliable. None of the properties of Yezishu are listed. There is a huge gap between the valuation of 10 times and the valuation of 20 times. It is impossible to count.

There are also comments below, thinking that if he has so much wealth, he will not be surprised. After all, most of his industries are high-tech industries that make money, and ordinary people can't do it.

Many industries are in a global monopoly position, earning high profits from the world. If he does not make money, then it is even less likely for others to make money.

Some people also commented that it is his ability to make so much money. We mortals have to admit that the gap between people is sometimes really big.

Some people also commented that we shouldn't worry about how much his wealth is, because it doesn't make any sense. Most of us can only get a salary, and don't even think about getting a share of it.

Immediately below, someone commented that this is indeed the case. Good opportunities will only be reserved for the rich and powerful. After all, he came from the countryside, step by step, and every penny he earns should stand the test.

Of course, there are also conspirators who do not agree with this statement. They think that the small rich depend on luck, the medium rich rely on strength, and the rich depend on background.

It's just that this statement was immediately refuted. It seems that this netizen still has some understanding of the industry under his banner, and gave some popular science to the netizen above.

Then he said, if these achievements can be achieved only by background and relationships, it is estimated that the world is full of super rich people. Although backgrounds and relationships are not ruled out, these can only be embellishments on his road to success.

Some netizens also mischievously said that as his employees, we really don't know how much money the boss has, but I dare say that his company is the most formal company in China, not even one of them.

This comment received very high praise, which shows that many of his employees also read this reposted news. Seeing this comment, he felt that he was good to his employees, and it was not in vain.

These comments are all good, they belong to the category of discussing the facts, and some netizens stubbornly believe that there must be something strange in it, thinking that foreign forces deliberately discredited Ye Zishu.

Of course, some netizens think that Ye Shu should be investigated. They don't believe that one person can make so much money in such a short period of time, which is a bit beyond people's cognition.

After reading this reposted news comment, he is generally more at ease. It can be seen that the rapid economic growth in recent years has benefited everyone, but there have been no large-scale extremists.

However, this also reminded him that in the future, he will pay more attention to the distribution of wealth, so that more people can enjoy the development dividend, so that the whole society will appear more peaceful and will not be dominated by extreme ideas.

Then he looked at the popularity of this topic, and it was quite high on the popularity rankings, ranking third. It took less than an hour to rise to third place, which showed that the topic fermented very quickly.

In addition to the news article he authorized to reprint, there are also a large number of other media and self-media following this topic and reporting from various angles.

Kunpeng Information Technology Company not only did not cold-handle it, but instead fueled the flames, making the matter more well-known and giving enough traffic to this topic.

This is of course what he signaled to do. The so-called reason is not clear. He is convinced that there is nothing wrong with him, and it can be discussed in the sun. There is no need to hide it.

The more you cover up, the more others will think that he has ghosts in his heart. If the platform participates in the cold treatment, it will also be a huge blow to the credibility of the platform, which is not conducive to the fair image they establish in the world.

If you tamper with this matter, everything may be magnified, and when the time comes for competitors to follow suit, it will be really troublesome and completely unnecessary.

The traditional media that are currently reporting are all local newspapers. The official major newspapers have not yet participated, and the comments are not too malicious.

Some media believe that this incident is something that should be vigilant when it comes from abroad. It is impossible to say that there is no problem when Yepshu is suddenly pushed to the forefront at the moment when my country's total economic output hits the first juncture.

Although they didn't know what Ye Zishu was doing all day long, it was very difficult for everyone to see him in real life, except for a few limited media appearances, he never appeared in the public eye.

However, the industries under him are actually on the table. The role of these companies on the table for the development of the domestic economy is obvious to all, and there is no way to discredit them.

If you really want to say that these companies are suspected of monopoly, then other companies must have the ability to compete. You can’t fight monopoly for the sake of anti-monopoly. As long as it does not cause trouble to the economic order, there is no need to oppose it.

Our country has taken the lead in emerging economic industries and technology industries, and can even be said to be thriving. As long as the internal stability is stable, the economy will still have a long period of growth.

At this time, it is very difficult to break this good situation from the outside. Only by creating chaos from the inside can other countries and enterprises be given opportunities.

So at this juncture, regardless of whether this report is true or not, we must be steady and not let the outside world take advantage of it.

This point of view is based on the overall situation. After all, it is not about the amount of wealth, but to make the cake bigger and stronger so that everyone can eat their own cake. This is the top priority.

Some media also counted his industries in detail, as well as the possible revenue and scale, as well as the share in the global market, etc., and analyzed the authenticity of this report.

Not to mention, after careful calculation by them, it was really amazing. The conclusion they drew with conservative estimation method is still shocking, but it proves the authenticity of this report.

Of course, the media who did this did not say that he was at fault. After all, these companies have not been able to blackmail them all the way. First, the industries they are engaged in are all industries that were weak in our country before.

The second is that these industries are all technologically advanced industries. If there were no companies founded by Ye Zishu, the domestic market would be nothing more than a market that allows foreign capital to gallop.

On the contrary, they think this situation is a good thing, because only giant enterprises can fully participate in the increasingly fierce competition in the international market, and if they are small and medium-sized enterprises, they simply do not have that strength.

The current economic situation is relatively complicated. It is necessary not only to maintain sufficient economic vitality at home, but also to have sufficient competitiveness in the international market, and to be able to produce some industries with absolute advantages.

my country's per capita resources are not rich, and it is impossible to make a fortune by selling resources. In the past, we relied on the demographic dividend to sell cheap labor. Everyone knows what happened. It has not been a few years, so it is naturally impossible to forget.

It is also from the start of Ye Zishu’s business that the domestic economy has improved every year, the income of the people has also increased rapidly year after year, and the working environment has also been greatly improved.

Not only does his industry have a huge market share in the world, but also the cheap goods exported in China have gained more respect from the international community.

Because they are shown internationally as a whole, through the recognition of their products, everyone has less prejudice against other domestic export products.

Coupled with the various advanced production equipment and technologies of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. over the years, it has greatly improved the overall domestic manufacturing industry, and the product quality and efficiency have been greatly improved compared to before.

Moreover, Tidal Investment Company invested in a group of private enterprises with potential in the previous year, and the self-owned brands established have gradually produced benefits, and the product value has been significantly improved.

These facts cannot be denied. If we deny it, we are not seeking truth from facts. Although we may not be perfect now, we are on the road of gradual perfection. This cognition is very important.

Compared with the relatively stable views of traditional media, self-media is not so serious. On the basis of facts, all kinds of imaginations have been carried out, and the views are also varied.

Some people simply verify the authenticity of the matter from the perspective of wealth. Although it is still far from the truth, some data are more or less on the point.

To be honest, it is very difficult to fully understand the scale of his industry. The reason is that the system is too large. Anyone can only see a certain aspect of it, and it is difficult for anyone to see the whole picture.

Take Taiji Group, which has a relatively simple structure, as an example. The whole system is also extremely complex. The number of independent financial accounting enterprises is as high as several thousand. Each enterprise has its own core business, and the income is very good.

Not to mention Xuanwu Technology Company, which has a more complex business. There are tens of thousands of companies with independent accounting qualifications under it, and the business is even more complicated. Without the support of an advanced management system, management will be a hassle.

If you only look at the revenue from the perspective of the head office, it is actually not high. Many head offices are responsible for small businesses, such as Kirin Industrial Group.

As an insider, it is impossible to figure out the financial situation, let alone an outsider. Even the president of his group only knows the situation of the industry he manages, and they don't know about other industries.

Of course, there are also some self-media who publicly cheered for him, and some of them said quite well. He couldn't help but want to give a reward, but he still held back.

After reading these public opinion trends, he was relieved a lot. Although it has just fermented now, the early public opinion trends are still good, and he thinks it is possible to be biased later.

But a good start is half the battle. At least before others take the rhythm, the people in the country already have preconceived ideas. Unless he catches his unforgivable black history, the rhythm is irrelevant.

The next step is to look at the attitude of the official big media, which has the effect of a weathervane to a certain extent, but no matter whether it is good or bad, he is very calm in his heart, because he has a magnanimous heart, so he doesn't have to be afraid of ghosts and monsters!

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