Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 86 CCTV "Biao Wang"

Two days later, Shengshi Advertising Company and CCTV signed this advertising resource agency operation contract in the conference room of the CCTV building, which can no longer be called a contract.

After signing the contract, Ye Zishu and Wang Changtian came to Shengshi Advertising Company and began to discuss how to achieve the rapid growth of CCTV's advertising business after signing the agreement.

In fact, Ye Zishu was talking and Wang Changtian was listening. Although Wang Changtian had done very well in the past, there was still a big difference between offline advertisements and TV media advertisements.

"First of all, we need to know that mastering CCTV advertising resources is equivalent to mastering the best quality media advertising resources in this era.

With such resources, in addition to our efforts to create more advertising revenue for CCTV and get more advertising commissions, I also have to discover additional benefits from them.

For example, if you want to advertise on CCTV, you must make TV commercials. This business is currently in a wild period in China, and there are not many professional TV commercial production companies.

Therefore, Shengshi Advertising Company must go faster than its peers in this area, and rely on high-quality TV advertising resources to make this business bigger and stronger as soon as possible.

In addition, to explore the road of corporate brand development strategy, the company needs to recruit more professional marketing and business analysis talents.

Through these talents, we can provide clients with services including advertising marketing, product positioning, market analysis, business management, etc., and increase the added value of advertising companies.

In order for the advertising company to generate high profits and continue to operate for a long time, the last step must be taken, so that we are not just a pure advertising distribution and production company.

It is to form an all-round one-stop service company in the hearts of customers and enterprises. As long as enterprises find us, we can solve their problems and become a good partner in the growth of their enterprises. "Leaf Book said.

After seeing Wang Changtian write down what he said, Ye Zishu continued: "The second is how to tap the potential value of CCTV TV advertisements, so that TV advertisement resources can be sold better.

I don't know whether CCTV has adopted ratings advertising value assessment methods, but we have to take action to analyze and evaluate CCTV's advertising resources from various aspects to tap their potential value.

For example, as mentioned above, the value of advertisements is determined according to the ratings. This is the most intuitive evaluation method, so that companies can understand it as soon as they hear it.

In addition, there is also the analysis of the identity information and proportion of the audience at each time period, which is also important for mining the value of advertisements.

The reason is very simple. For example, selling products used by women. Naturally, it is hoped that more women can see such product advertisements. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze which advertisement time slot has more women viewers.

Although the overall ratings during this time period are not very high, the proportion of women is very high, indicating that the valuable advertising viewing group is very high, and these time periods can be recommended to women's product companies to obtain more advertising revenue.

This is just the simplest crowd identity analysis, and a further step is to analyze the crowd objects of each CCTV program, and even analyze the programs that have not yet been broadcast in advance, so as to promote and deploy advertising resources in advance.

But here, I want to make a digression, that is, we also need to conduct credit ratings for corporate customers, such as big-name companies, whose product quality is guaranteed, so the reputation value is very high.

Generally speaking, the risk of advertising for such a company is very low, and the brand value of CCTV advertising is less impaired, so we can cooperate more extensively with such companies.

And some companies have quality problems or deceptive problems in the things they sell. We must reduce the reputation value of such companies, because advertising such companies will depreciate the value of advertising resources.

As an advertising agency, the headquarters should not shut out customers, but we must also pay attention to social benefits, not just money, which is very important.

But it also involves the interests of CCTV, so we must sort out companies with deceptive or product quality problems, and contact the relevant departments of CCTV to clarify the truth.

As for how to make the final decision, it is up to CCTV to decide. At least the responsibility that falls on us is much less, and the decision-making power rests with CCTV itself.

If there are more media resources in the future, we will also conduct a graded evaluation of the media resources and divide the media resources into several levels.

Media resources with a high evaluation level of media resources are recommended to corporate customers with a high reputation value first, whereas customers with a low reputation value can only be recommended to media resources with a relatively low level.

As an advertising company with important resources, in addition to making money, it must also try its best to maintain the brand value of the media resource platform. This is one of the important foundations for our long-term cooperation with the media resource platform.

What I want is not only an excellent advertising company, but also a great advertising company, striving to achieve a win-win situation for the audience, advertising platform and advertising company. "

Hearing this, Wang Changtian looked at him in surprise. He didn't expect that a mere advertising company would be so sacred by Mr. Ye, that it would suddenly be different from other ordinary advertising companies.

Moreover, the advertising value analysis system mentioned in Ye Zishu has greatly inspired Wang Changtian. Not many people and companies have realized this field so far, and it is extremely valuable to Shengshi Advertising Company.

There is also the credit value system of corporate customers mentioned in Ye Zishu, and the grading system of media advertising resource platforms, which are very beneficial to building a more complete advertising resource management.

Through this advertising resource management system, Shengshi Advertising Company can realize the precise positioning of the value of advertising resources and the precise placement of advertising resources. It is really possible to achieve what he said is a win-win situation for the three parties.

After Wang Changtian recorded all the key information he said, Ye Zishu continued: "The next step is a tough battle that we will face directly.

That is how to increase the value of CCTV's advertising resources as a whole, so that the majority of corporate customers realize that advertising on the CCTV advertising platform is half of their success. "

"Then how to do it?" Wang Changtian asked curiously.

"In fact, it is very simple. It is to create the concept of "Biaowang" for CCTV, and then carry out extensive publicity around it, so that the concept of CCTV's "Biaowang" will be deeply rooted in the hearts of consumers, so as to reach the point where consumers generally agree.

To achieve this goal, we need to go through three steps. The first step is to hold a bidding meeting for CCTV advertising resources, adopt the method of bidding, divide high-quality advertising resources into several levels, and conduct external auctions.

Among them, the advertising period within 1 minute before the start of the news broadcast and the advertising period before the weather forecast are the best advertising periods of CCTV.

We divide these most valuable advertising time slots into several resources according to a 5-second advertising segment, and match the advertising resources of other time slots to form a number of advertising resource packages for external auctions.

Among them, the 5-second advertisement before the start of the news broadcast and the 5-second advertisement before the start of the weather forecast are called "Biaowang" advertisements. Whoever wins this advertisement resource will be the "Biaowang" advertisement of CCTV that year.

Enterprises that obtain the most valuable "Biaowang" advertising resources not only get the opportunity to advertise in these advertising time slots, but also obtain advertising resources provided by other CCTV publicity resources.

The purpose is to establish a benchmark, so that CCTV's "Biaowang" can be generally recognized by enterprises and bring huge benefits to enterprises. Only in this way can it be said that it is the most valuable advertising resource. "Leaf Book said.

Although there were many controversies in the previous life of CCTV "Biao Wang", what is indisputable is the value of CCTV "Biao Wang", which is real and definitely much higher than the value of advertisements in other time periods.

As for how to make good use of the "Biaowang" advertising resources after the company has obtained them, and how to maintain stability after the company ushers in great development, this is a question of the company's own operating capabilities, and has little to do with CCTV's "Biaowang".

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