Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 854 Artificial rainfall data collation and cooperation model

Ye Zishu returned to his hometown on February 2rd. He originally planned to return to his hometown on February 3nd. Seeing Pei Qing's reluctance, he decided to spend a day with her.

The biggest feeling of returning to his hometown is that this place is becoming more and more different from what he remembered. The dilapidated small county town is now full of high-rise buildings, the traffic extends in all directions, and the spirit of the people on the street is very good.

However, on the way home, I also saw that the terraced fields that had been reclaimed before had been gradually replaced by tall grasses that withered and yellowed in winter, indicating that fewer and fewer people were engaged in agricultural activities.

The entire area of ​​land like terraced fields is small, it is difficult to get water, it cannot be mechanized, and it is not very fertile. It is the first land to be abandoned.

Fortunately, I saw a slightly flat place, and the paddy fields are still being cultivated. These lands are the essence of this place. The soil is fertile, the terrain is low, and irrigation is convenient, so it is impossible to be abandoned.

However, it is estimated that young people are not willing to farm anymore. Those who are willing to farm are older people, and they have also started to rent machinery to help with farming, which is completely different from before.

When these people who are still willing to farm the land stop farming, it is estimated that these fields will be rented out as a whole and cultivated by large enterprises. This is how it was done in the previous life.

There is no big plain here in my hometown, and there is not much good land in the hilly area. Even if I don't grow grain in the future, I will use it to grow vegetables, and I will never waste it.

When he returned to the village this time, what he felt the most was that the men, women and children in the village were dressed in a much more fashionable way than before, which shows that everyone's living conditions are indeed better than before.

In fact, changing from large items does not fully reflect everyone's affluence, because many large items are purchased with the money saved from living frugally.

Only when everyone wears well, eats well, lives well, and uses well at ordinary times can the wealth of the people be reflected, and we cannot judge by looking at buildings with bright appearance.

Last year, his father received a lot of dividends from the two companies, and according to the habit of previous years, he would give a part of it to give back to the village.

When he went home this time, he saw that the former village square had many facilities, many leisure and exercise facilities, and greenery. The changes were so great that he felt a little novel after seeing it.

In addition, his father also spent money to repair the inside and outside of the village. The small ditches on the edge of the village have also been beautified, and landscape facilities have been installed on the shore.

The small pond in the past has also been dredged, and artistic guardrails have been built on the side. In order to prevent children from falling into the water, smart locks and smart cameras are also used.

When there are only children, these doors cannot be opened. When children approach the pond, the parents of the children will be notified, or people nearby will come and watch.

These expenditures were determined by the dividends of the previous year, and now the construction has been completed. This year, his father plans to use last year's dividends to build a leisure and entertainment building in the village.

There are a library, a chess and card room for the elderly, a place to study, and some entertainment facilities that young people and children like. After completion, the ownership will belong to the village.

On the way into the village, I saw that the brand new ancestral hall in the village had already stood in the original place. Although the area is not very large, the overall feeling is very good.

Although the style is an antique building, after all, there are not many styles of ancestral temples in the south, and there are fixed styles everywhere, but the materials used are quite different.

I heard that his younger brother also took an extra sum of money to donate, because the cost of labor has risen, and the materials used are the best, and the overall construction cost has also risen a lot. The money everyone paid before was not enough.

So Ye Zihua took out 300 million yuan alone to make up for the funding gap, and after the completion, Shangliang needed to entertain all the people with the same surname in the family tree.

The raising of beams in the ancestral hall is the most solemn event for clan members. People from villages with the same surname who are related will come to congratulate them. The entertainment is also willing to spend money, and delicacies from mountains and seas can be obtained.

For example, if their village has a big prospect, it is impossible to ask other clansmen of the same surname to give generous gifts. All they need to do is send a plaque. All other expenses are paid by themselves, and the money spent is also not small.

At that time, his father called him to come over, but he was in Xi'an at that time, and he couldn't get away at all. For this reason, his father complained, saying that it was easy to be gossiped, and it was also disrespectful to the ancestors.

He has no other way to do this other than make amends. The clan relationship is bound to become weaker and weaker under the wave of modern economy. Let alone the clan, even the relationship between husband and wife is not as strong as it used to be.

Whether he wants to or not, he must follow the old order. Although there is no such vital interest connection as before, the blood connection is still there and cannot be completely ignored.

In order to prevent everyone from talking about it, Ye Zishu plans to give each household a big red envelope of 1 yuan this time, to compensate everyone in the village, and let this matter go.

What everyone wants is an attitude, as long as the expression is in place, it means that he still considers himself a member of this big family, instead of choosing to fly solo.

If you choose to fly solo, you really don't have to worry about it, but it means that you have lost any contact with your family, which was a very serious matter in ancient times.

In ancient times, if one wanted to survive, one had to rely on the power of the family. With the support of a big family behind him, he had a lot of confidence to venture outside, and he could win some face wherever he went.

Today is different from the past, the social system is different, and the way of life is different, so that individuals can achieve success without relying on the power of the family, and they don't have to worry about walking in society.

The reason is simple. The asylum provided by the clan in the past is now provided by various comprehensive systems of the country. After all, the relationship between people and people, and the relationship between people and organizations is determined by the relationship of interests. Clans, countries, husbands and wives, etc. so it is.

After coming back, he dealt with these matters in the past few days, and took a look at the construction of the private laboratory. According to what he saw, it is estimated that it will not be completed until the end of this year.

The construction period is so long. First, it covers a large area, and the land is not flat, so the earthwork is very large. It is said that the earthwork alone took half a year.

The second is that the requirements are extremely high. According to the highest standard that Wancheng Foundation can currently build, every place strives to be the best, which also takes a longer time.

At present, even the underground facilities have not been completed, and the workload of the ground facilities is also not low. It is said that it will be completed by the end of this year, and it may be delayed by then.

In the early stage, the employees of Wancheng Foundation will be used to participate in the construction. When the details are actually dealt with, they will be replaced by general-purpose robots to participate in the construction. The reason is for confidentiality.

He didn't want the situation in his private laboratory to be known to the outside world, and he tried not to reveal even the building structure inside.

Now the security personnel at home have been replaced by general-purpose robots. The former security personnel, he arranged another job for him, and his income is not lower than that of being a security personnel.

It still looks like there are a lot of people in the house, but it is much easier than last year. These general-purpose robots work more efficiently. His mother finally does not need to wash vegetables and cook, and all the general-purpose robots do it.

After Ye Zishu spent a few days dealing with the affairs here, he began to enter the working state again. He wanted to sort out the technologies needed for the "Tianhe" project of the Kylin Environmental Industry Group a few years ago.

This was not difficult for him. It only took one day to organize the technology. After the simulation in the virtual laboratory, the effect was very good, and the cloud rainfall efficiency was as high as 80%.

At the same time, the maximum operating altitude is 2 meters, and most of the clouds are lower than this altitude, not to mention the clouds in the interior, even the clouds that float over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Pamirs are rarely so high.

In spring and summer, water vapor in the southeast moves northwards, which is conducive to bringing the water vapor from the Pacific Ocean to the mainland. Cloud-dispelling technology is used in the southern region to appropriately reduce the density and amount of rainfall in the south and reduce the possibility of flood disasters in the southern region.

And these dissipated cloud water vapor will gradually drift to the northwest. Here, artificial rainfall technology can be used to form a large amount of cloud water vapor in the south to form rainfall and land on this dry land.

In winter, the cold air formed by the water vapor in the Arctic Ocean will also move southward. If appropriate intervention is made, it will be able to form a greater thickness of snowfall and rainfall in the north.

As long as the thickness of the snowfall is controlled so as not to cause rain and snow disasters, the snow that falls can nourish the vast land in the northwest after it melts, and even replenish the groundwater more effectively.

As long as such measures last for a few years, the Hetao area in the northwest and the area east of the Hetao will become a land of abundant water and grass.

It is not impossible to plant crops that are of great help to the fertility of the land, mainly some crops with strong carbon sequestration, and then rot, forming a humus layer on the surface of the land and turning it into black soil.

At that time, the climate in the entire northern region will change greatly, and the rainfall in the entire north will increase significantly, so there will be no serious water shortage in the north.

At that time, from the northwest to the Bohai Bay, the climate in the entire northern region will not be worse than that in the south, and it will become more livable because the air is relatively dry.

At that time, the domestic desertification problem will be fundamentally resolved, and only two desert areas in the country may be retained, and the other deserts will gradually be replaced by grasslands.

If you are willing to spend money, it is actually possible to transform the Taklamakan Desert into a grassland or even a forest. There is not a lot of high-altitude water vapor passing through the Taklimakan Desert every year, and the amount is actually very large.

It is only due to the special geographical environment that the temperature here is high all the year round, the wind effect is obvious, and the water vapor evaporation is too large. It requires a large amount of artificial rainfall all the year round to resist the annual water vapor evaporation.

From an economic point of view, it is actually not cost-effective. Even if it is remodeled, it will be used as a pasture at most. It will take a long time to form a good farm, and these are not very profitable.

And once the maintenance of the climate is stopped, the force of nature will slowly turn the transformed land into sandy land again. As long as the geographical location does not change significantly, the significance of manpower changes is not great.

The current goal is to form a large amount of water in Lop Nur, and through the convergence of low-altitude water vapor and high-altitude water vapor, natural rainfall will be formed on the Hetao and the areas east of the Hetao.

As long as this is achieved, it means that the climate in the northwest region has been fundamentally changed. As long as the ground vegetation is well maintained, the south of the Yangtze River will be completely formed.

In the later stage, there is no need to spend a lot of energy on artificial rainfall, and natural rainfall can well maintain the ecological balance of local water resources.

Now that the technology is available and the goal of transformation is established, the next step is how to do it. This is the primary task of starting the natural climate transformation.

The first solution is that the state funded Kylin Environmental Industry Group to implement the "Tianhe" project, so that Kylin Environmental Industrial Group does not have to worry about it, and only needs to work with money.

It's just that he doesn't know how much the country is willing to spend in the Northwest. According to his estimation, the plan needs to last for more than 10 years to see good results, and it needs to last for more than 20 years if it wants to completely become the south of the Yangtze River.

To form a stable water vapor circulation system in the northwest region, even so, it may take a certain amount of energy to maintain it every year, after all, the situation is different every year.

For the fragile ecology, if there is a huge change in a certain year, it is likely to break the ecological balance and slowly develop in the direction of deterioration, so continuous observation and human intervention are essential.

Although he doesn't know how much it will cost each year, he roughly estimates that it will cost hundreds of billions of yuan each year, especially in the first 10 years, when the renovation cost is relatively high.

The second option is to contract out these lands, and the contractors will bear the costs of land renovation and climate renovation, so that the country does not have to worry about funds.

Anyway, the land in the northwest region is too vast, which is a typical situation where the land is sparsely populated. The land is not worth much at all. If the useless land can be transformed into good fields and pastures, it can also bring good economic value to the country.

It's just that private contracting requires huge costs, and it is simply difficult for ordinary people to participate. It must be done with large capital to make their participation meaningful.

Apparently, at present, only his subsidiaries are capable of contracting large areas of land in China. If he really wants to do this, he can only let Qilin Agricultural Development Group do it.

Of these two options, he actually prefers the first option. He actually doesn't have a high desire for land. At least compared to the troubles he may encounter, he still thinks the first option is more trouble-free.

In addition to the strategic significance of agriculture, it is too difficult to make money, not to mention that with his technology, he does not need so much land at all, and the direct factory can produce crops.

At present, although there are only aquatic products such as meat, fish and shrimp, food crops, sugar, etc., it does not seem to be a lot, but it is actually fully industrialized. He has the ability to turn all agriculture into a factory model.

It's just that he doesn't think it's necessary. It's not cost-effective to turn some crops into a factory model, and the cost is higher than using land to grow them. This is why he is unwilling to factoryize all agricultural products.

Therefore, the second option not only needs to spend a lot of money, but also does not have much profit to be made. Now it is not like before. Owning a large area of ​​land is equivalent to having strength.

What's more, these lands are only rented, and the management rights of these lands will be greatly restricted. It is good if they can avoid huge losses, and don't even think about making money.

So after he uploaded the sorted technical information to the technical library of Kirin Environmental Industry Group, he communicated with their person in charge about this matter.

In order to prevent them from having unnecessary thoughts, he did not mention the second option at all, but only asked them to try their best to cooperate with the country in the first way.

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