Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 851 Competing for Standard Chapter Language Rights and Cognitive Popularization

The next day, Ye Zishu convened a meeting with the presidents of the group companies under Kirin Industrial Group to make arrangements for the future development of Kirin Industrial Group.

Kirin Textile Industry Group, in his opinion, has actually done a relatively successful job. It is not easy to build up its brand awareness internationally in such a short period of time.

Although they have a lot of advanced technologies, but the development time is relatively short, and the establishment of a brand often takes a long time to accumulate, but they have done it, and they have done a good job.

It stands to reason that they have reached the current level, and there is no higher requirement, but Ye Zishu believes that they still have higher goals to achieve in the future.

"We all know that first-rate companies make standards, second-rate companies make brands, and third-rate companies make products. The textile industry group is currently very successful in branding.

But after all, you are in the second echelon. The control over the standards of textiles, clothing, shoes, hats, bags and other products is not in your hands. The quality of your products has to be judged by other people's standards.

Think about it for yourself. Don’t you think it’s a shame to take your own products to western certification companies for certification? Why do they judge the quality and grade of your products?

There was no way before, you had to integrate into the international trading system, and you could only play according to other people's rules, but this is not what we want, it means that your own destiny is in the hands of others.

In case there is a conflict one day, they will find out various reasons and set different standards for your products, and your business will definitely be greatly affected.

Besides, these standard-setting companies don’t produce any products, but just issue a recognizable logo and collect money comfortably. Don’t you think it’s too cheap for them? "Leaf Book said.

The president of Kirin Textile Industry Group believes that it has been quite successful last year, and it has become the largest textile industry group in the country, even in the world.

I thought that this annual meeting should be rewarded, but the boss just praised a few words before he began to point out the shortcomings of the textile industry group.

The problem is that the boss is telling the truth, and they can't refute it. Now the textile standards are indeed in the hands of Western countries, and they really need to spend money to provide certification every year.

"Mr. Ye thinks what should we do to get the right to speak in the field of standards formulated by the West?" asked the president of the textile industry group.

This is not to run on Ye Shu, but that he really doesn’t know how to do it. This seems easy, but in fact it is very difficult. It’s not that they introduce their own standards, and the world will recognize them.

It's not like spending money to advertise can snatch the right to speak from others. They have been in business for so long, and the standards they set have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there are too many interest groups around their standards.

In the face of the high standard wall that has been built, even if they are strong enough, they are no match for four hands. Competing for the right to formulate standards is to disintegrate the interests of others and will inevitably lead to counterattacks.

"First of all, we have to analyze the strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves, find out our advantages and the opponent's advantages, and then use our advantages to defeat the opponent. This is the way to win.

Our advantages are obvious. We have unparalleled advantages in technology, and we also have considerable advantages in design and market penetration. Otherwise, you would not be able to make so much money.

I read your product list, high-end products account for a very high proportion, and are the main contributors to your revenue, which shows that your product quality and design have been recognized by consumers around the world.

The advantage of Western countries is their market. At present, we cannot turn a blind eye to their huge market. No one has trouble with their interests, and neither can we. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing his words, the other party still recognized it very much. In terms of textile technology, the Textile Industry Group has indeed achieved uniqueness in the world. It not only has advanced textile machinery and equipment, but also has advanced textile production technology.

Coupled with advanced intelligent design, they have forged their current success together. As far as products are concerned, they have never been afraid of anyone, which is their confidence.

But we need the other party's market, and the standards they set are the threshold for entering their market. The standards they set themselves will definitely not be recognized by the other party.

"The second is strategy. Shopping malls are like battlefields. You can't rush into the battle like a fool. You must pay attention to methods and methods. You don't want to hit every hit, but you have to step by step.

If you set standards, you will definitely not be able to get the other party's approval. No matter how good the standards you set are, it will not help, after all, the benefits in this are not small.

That being the case, our bottom line is to keep the basic market, that is to say, at least we must be the masters of our market, and we cannot let other people's standards run amok in our market.

You can unite with influential textile and garment enterprises in the country and work with relevant state departments to formulate our textile standards. At least this standard is absolutely useful in our market.

After securing our market, let's look at the international market. Although the western market is indeed relatively large and is the high-quality market we need, the international market is not equal to the western market.

For the vast majority of non-western countries, they are not qualified to compete for textile standards, and they don't care who they use. It depends on who can give more benefits. It belongs to the category of "milk is mother".

You can gradually infiltrate your own standards into these countries, and you can even make appropriate concessions, but your standards must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Let consumers see your standard logo to buy your products with confidence, without worrying about the quality of the products they buy, and to be absolutely innocent.

If you do these two steps, it means that the standards you have formulated have a certain degree of international recognition, and the next step is to infiltrate them imperceptibly.

The method is also very simple. We don't need to rush to deny the other party's standard, but add our own standard logo while using the other party's standard logo.

When the two logos are hung together, although consumers in western countries still value their standard logo, they must not ignore the other standard logo next to it.

As long as the textiles we export have their own standard logos, as long as consumers buy textiles, they can see them and subtly recognize our standard logos.

Although we may not be able to completely replace their standards in the end, we will definitely be able to establish our own standards in Western countries. Once we are not allowed to use them, we will not be hit hard.

Moreover, the quality of our textiles is the best. When the market needs our products, but other markets cannot provide them, our right to speak is naturally greater.

In the future, whether we will jointly formulate standards with them, or just push our standards, it is up to them, but completely up to us. "Leaf Book said.

Leaf Book narrates the whole process in a simple way. This method is very suitable for latecomers, especially for those who have mastered the technology, and has a very high success rate.

This idea has also been approved by the president of the textile industry group. He thinks that the method mentioned by the boss is highly feasible. It doesn't matter if you spend more time. They have plenty of time to play slowly.

"It's just that I'm afraid that domestic textile enterprises won't cooperate when we formulate our own textile standards!" said the president of the textile industry group.

"Why didn't you cooperate?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Because the quality of their products may not meet the standards we have set, our standards must not be lower, or even higher than theirs, if our standards are to be accepted globally.

If such a high standard is set, it means that many domestic textile enterprises will fail to meet the standard. According to the new standard, it may be difficult to sell to foreign countries, even domestically. " said the president of Textile Industry Group.

Regarding this problem, Ye Zishu thought for a long time, and then said: "This matter is not impossible, we can start from two aspects.

The first is to promote the upgrading of the domestic textile industry. It is inconvenient for you to take out your highest technology. After all, it is your advantage. However, the second-level technology can be fully opened to the domestic market.

You can make the volume very large, but you can never monopolize the market. We must have a clear understanding of this. Proper opening up of domestic technologies will greatly help the prosperity of the entire market.

The second is to formulate different standards. One standard can be higher than the existing standards of Western countries, so as to create a high-end image and promote the development of high-end textiles in China.

Another standard can be lower, or equal to the international standard, but it has a price advantage and is also competitive in the international standard competition.

In this way, domestic counterparts can obtain real benefits, so they are naturally willing to participate, and doing so is also beneficial to them, and there is no reason not to participate.

As for the government, it is of course more willing to see this situation. After all, the formulation of standards is conducive to regulating the market and promoting the overall development of my country's textile industry, which is beneficial to the country and the people. "Leaf Book said.

After listening to Ye Zishu's method, the president of the textile industry group quickly expressed his approval. He still valued his own interests too much before, but now facing the new situation, he must make a new decision.

Now that the boss has said so, he naturally knows what to do. Now is not the time to fight with the strength of a company. We need to use the strength of everyone to do this together.

The other party had no objections, and Ye Zishu felt that this was the end, but he still said: "In fact, the issue of standards is not only in the textile field, but also in all walks of life.

Especially in industries that are destined to be unable to achieve monopoly, formulating standards will be your only way. As long as you make progress in the right to speak in standards, you will also have a great right to speak. "

Although the technology of Kirin Industrial Group's industry is very advanced, many of the products it produces are traditional products and cannot obtain an absolute monopoly.

If, like Qinglong Technology, they can gain a monopoly in the field of chips and consumer electronics, they don't have to care so much about standards, because their own products are industry standards.

Obviously, many industries under Kirin Industrial Group are unable to achieve this, so in the process of operation, they must deliberately establish their own standards and improve their voice and control.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, many group presidents said that they would study it carefully when they went back. They were indeed negligent about this before, and their concept was still in the competition of products.

Of course, it was not the time to create standards at that time, and different things needed to be done at different stages. They were still in the stage of seizing the market and strengthening their own strength, and it was still too early to consider standards.

But it is different now. Many of them are already very large and have a high market share. If they do not consider the standard issue, they may be put together by others, and they will not be able to continue to improve their own influence.

Moreover, the industries under Kirin Industrial Group have a fatal problem, that is, they all produce traditional products in advanced industrial methods.

If they don't compete for standards and control the right to speak, people only need to declare that natural is the best, and directly define many products of Kirin Industrial Group as cheap products.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu said: "In the actual business process, do you often hear that products produced naturally are better?"

Hearing what he said, many people nodded, seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu continued: "Don't think it's a trivial matter, in fact most people can't distinguish good from bad from a professional perspective.

They don't have any professional ability, and they don't have much energy to study these things. Once they are led to the rhythm, it is easy to have a chain reaction, and this rhythm is easy to follow.

Therefore, when you formulate standards, you need to think from the perspective of the industry. The standards in this area must be very professional, and all kinds of data will be quantified in detail, which has a high scientific basis.

But the public can't understand these, so you also need to provide a set of elaboration systems that conform to public perception and are easily accepted by the public based on industry standards.

Let people feel very reasonable when they hear it, and at the same time feel professional, simple and professional, and it is the best publicity for ordinary consumers. "

Ye Zishu is afraid that people like them will drop their book bags. This is a very common mistake for professionals. When ordinary people raise objections, they always feel that the other party pretends to understand.

As an industry professional, since the other party does not understand, we must find a way to organize a description system that ordinary people understand, instead of blaming the other party for their lack of knowledge.

If this is done, the effect of setting standards will be greatly reduced. The purpose of setting standards is to gain the approval of consumers, not for professionals.

The things they see must be different. Professionals naturally have a professional system, and ordinary people naturally need a simple, practical and easy-to-understand system. The two cannot be confused.

As the boss, he only needs to point out the general direction, and the specific work is still done by these people in charge of specific affairs, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

He doesn't care how to do it, he just needs to see the result, so these group presidents, no one asks how to do it stupidly, that would make him seem useless, and the boss doesn't have the energy to pay attention to these details.

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