Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 848 Investing in airports and education issues

"Mr. Ye, the number of domestic airports is still low, which will be detrimental to the development of the domestic aviation industry. Should we participate in the construction of domestic airports?" Guo Dongmei said.

Most of the domestic airports are concentrated in provincial capitals and some economically important cities. There are very few airports in other places. There are only a few dozen in the whole country, and most of them are relatively simple airports.

It's just that the airport is a public facility in the city, and basically it doesn't make much money. Although Wancheng Foundation has money in hand, there is no need to take this muddy water.

Moreover, whether private capital can get support for participating in the airport construction is another matter. It feels unnecessary to consume so many resources for an unprofitable business.

The most important thing is that the domestic airports that make money are basically in the hands of the government. Even if Wancheng Jiye wants to participate, it is still a city without an airport, and its ability to make money is relatively weak.

He looked at the problem from the perspective of his previous life. The current economic development is much more balanced than that of his previous life. The economic development of the central and eastern regions and some western regions are very good.

As the income of residents has increased, flying has become a daily travel choice. Coupled with the huge population in the country, it may not be comparable to the airports in first-tier cities, but it does not necessarily mean losing money.

If everyone thinks that the airport can make a lot of money, there may be no opportunity for Wancheng Foundation to invest. This is not a natural market, and it is a resource-scarce business. Whoever grabs it first will benefit for a long time.

Now Ye Zishu doesn't dare to use the experience of the previous life to infer the current market development. In addition, Wancheng Foundation itself needs to build a three-dimensional integrated transportation network, and the aviation business is an indispensable part.

So he swallowed the words that just came to his lips, and then said: "I have no objection to your investment in the airport, as long as the country allows it, the central and eastern regions of the country and the western cities still have great potential for development."

When Guo Dongmei heard what he said, she was secretly happy. Not to mention that each prefecture-level city will build an airport, but it is still possible for a province to build two to three airports.

Moreover, the economy has developed to the present, and the economic layout is basically stable, and small-scale adjustments will follow. Which city has more potential for development can now be seen.

Therefore, investing in airport construction now will not be blind. The only obstacle now is the policy. Whether private enterprises can get the support of the government to participate in the construction and operation of the airport.

It would be difficult for other companies to participate, but Wancheng Foundation has a large number of infrastructure projects in many cities, and it seems logical to participate in the construction of airports.

Thinking of the Trinity transportation network, Ye Zishu asked about the construction of the super maglev train. According to Guo Dongmei's report, the construction of this route will be completed in the middle of the year, and it will take about a year and a half.

The reason why the construction is so fast is that the distance is not too far, and the total length is less than [-] kilometers, and the second is that the geographical location is good, there are not so many mountains, and the amount of work is much smaller.

The third is that Wancheng Foundation itself has a large number of advanced construction machinery and equipment, even if it is not available, it can be developed in time, which can effectively promote the efficiency of engineering construction.

Hearing what Guo Dongmei said, Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that the domestic decision on whether to build a large-scale super maglev transportation network might have a clear answer by the end of this year.

The operation of this test line for half a year is enough to explain the problem. As long as there is no problem in this half year and all parameters reach the predetermined target, it means that there is no technical problem.

It is an indisputable fact that domestic transportation construction lags behind economic development, and this shortcoming must be made up for, which is the consensus of almost everyone.

Otherwise, the expressway construction progress of Wancheng Jiye would not be so fast. The mileage of the expressway currently under planning has reached 18 kilometers.

Wancheng Foundation has increased its investment from 6000 billion yuan in the previous year to 1 trillion yuan. The purpose is to build a highway network covering most parts of the country as soon as possible.

However, the carrying capacity of roads is limited, and the main artery for economic development must be the rail transit network. No matter in terms of efficiency or carrying capacity, roads cannot compare.

Therefore, the rapid development of rail transit network construction is imperative, and it is impossible to delay it for a long time. Now it depends on whether the ultra-high-speed maglev technology can stand the test.

If it is approved, it will not be a problem to build tens of thousands of kilometers of ultra-high-speed maglev transportation lines every year. After all, due to domestic demand, it must be built quickly and cannot be procrastinated.

This is an annual investment of 4 trillion yuan, which is a very large investment scale for any party. At present, only Wancheng Foundation has the strength to invest in China.

"You continue to follow up on the ultra-high-speed maglev transportation network. No matter who will invest in the end, you can plan the route in advance with the relevant departments.

If you can participate in the investment, everyone will be happy. If you can’t, the work you have done in advance is also beneficial to the country, and the loss is not too big.

Moreover, through rigorous planning in advance, relevant departments can also see your determination to invest in this field, which is very beneficial to your participation in investment and construction. It is always right to be fully prepared. "Leaf Book said.

"Thank you, President Ye, for your reminder. We will speed up the preparations in this area later." Guo Dongmei said.

Ye Zishu didn't blame them for not doing enough. This matter was originally done by the relevant departments. As a private enterprise, Wancheng Foundation did not get the right to invest. It is understandable that it was not prepared.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu had a meeting with New Oriental Education Group and asked about their preparation for offline education, which was the issue he was most concerned about.

A large number of schools are handed over to them, and it is not easy to operate them all, and parents actually have doubts about the newly opened schools.

Everyone hopes to send their children to old and strong schools to study, so that the grades can be guaranteed, which is very beneficial for further studies and college entrance examinations.

It is estimated that the quality of their students will not be very good. Fortunately, they don't care about these. In their view, as long as they are educated properly, students with poor grades also have room to grow.

Just like their vocational education schools, all the students recruited are not very good grades, but after several years of practice, the results achieved are very remarkable.

Now some students have entered the internship stage one after another, and their abilities have been recognized by the employers, which shows that as long as the education is proper, there will be no students who cannot teach well.

Talent is very important unless you are involved in research in top fields. In fact, in most fields, as long as you have normal intelligence, you can be competent, and the importance of cultivation is much higher than that of talent.

According to their pre-enrollment situation, most of the students actually went to the city with their parents. They used to stay in their hometowns in the countryside to study because there were not enough schools for them in the city.

The opening of these schools under the New Oriental Education Group has solved the problem of education for the children of migrant workers. For them, a place to study is all they need, and they don't have to choose whether it is good or not.

At least in their opinion, education in the city is definitely better than education in the countryside, and education around them can also give you a lot of peace of mind, which is definitely better than education in your hometown.

It's just that they need to pay full tuition fees at present, because the city where they are located is unwilling to use education funds to support the children of these migrant workers, which is a difficult problem.

The tuition fees are too high, which puts great pressure on rural migrant workers. They often have more than one son or daughter, ranging from two to three or four. This is more common in rural areas.

Of course, not all local governments are unwilling, but most of the situations are not optimistic. New Oriental Education Group can only temporarily provide subsidies to reduce the financial pressure on the parents of these students.

If they are allowed to bear the full amount, they will need to pay more than 4000 yuan in tuition fees per school year on average. If the income is high, it will be a huge expense for low-income groups.

Unlike city dwellers, migrant workers have to spend a lot of money on their own. They have to rent a house, maintain a household, send their children to school, and take some money back to their hometowns.

Even if New Oriental Education Group is an industry owned by him, if they hire general-purpose robots to teach, the employment fee will not be low, and it will even be much higher. The purpose is to prevent everyone from relying heavily on general-purpose robots.

The only advantage is to allow the New Oriental Education Group to overwork the hired robot teachers. In addition to the daily courses, they can also offer courses of interest.

This is what Ye Zishu encourages. It is an inevitable trend to train students for diversified development. If it is the stage of industrialization, it is necessary to train students who are the same. In the post-industrial era, it is not appropriate to train talents like this.

It is necessary to fully tap the potential of students and explore more possibilities for students to develop, so that everyone has both ability and personality, and can pursue the realization of self-worth, not just for survival.

Therefore, the schools under the New Oriental Education Group will also provide interest courses from 5:8 p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. after the daily courses are finished. These are provided free of charge, and students sign up voluntarily.

In order to reduce the school's operating pressure, Yu Minhong plans to use the winter and summer vacations to open paid interest classes, because these robot teachers are hired for a year.

If the winter and summer vacations are not used, it will be a huge waste, and it will be cheaper for Kirin Basic Industries Group. They will let teachers do other temporary jobs to get more income.

Ye Zishu supported this decision. Those who took interest classes during the winter and summer vacations were all wealthy families in the city. Even if they were not very rich, they were still in good condition.

Ye Zishu is still very willing to earn money from these people, and the courses of interest classes are relatively expensive, which can make up for the operating costs of each school. If it is done well, it can also reduce the tuition fees of students.

"This is not a long-term solution. Every student is eligible to enjoy national education benefits, and they cannot be treated differently just because their household registration is not local.

You still have to continue to promote the integration of national education. You cannot slack off on this matter. If it is not resolved, the pressure on you will only increase, and the pressure on these students' families will also increase. "Leaf Book said.

"We have been promoting this, but it is very difficult to do. Even if the local government has subsidies, there will be a big gap with the students with local hukou, and it is difficult to treat them equally." Yu Minhong said.

Ye Zishu thought about it carefully, and said, "Tell me, if it is feasible to collect local taxes and education surcharges to the central government, and then the central government will subsidize them according to the number of students."

"It's hard for me to say, and the local government probably doesn't agree!" Yu Minhong said.

"I know it's difficult, but the purpose is not to be successful, but a last resort to get the local government to agree not to make a difference. After all, as long as they are employed locally, they are making contributions to the local area, and their children should also enjoy the same treatment. .” Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Yu Minhong knew what he meant, and thought he could give it a try, contact people in the education field, make it more popular, and see how it works.

New Oriental Education Group has a great influence in the education industry today, with ideals and money, many people are willing to cooperate with them, and there are not so many messy things, it is a model in the education industry.

In fact, these are relatively easy to handle. The cost from elementary school to high school is actually not too high. The real cost is the kindergarten. The reason is that the number of children that each teacher can take care of is limited.

Moreover, for the kindergarten education stage, the government subsidies are less, which are basically borne by parents, and New Oriental Education Group has no good solution.

Unless we really promote the inclusion of compulsory education from kindergarten to high school, the policies of different places are completely different. In rich areas, the government is willing to bear more subsidies, and in less wealthy areas, don't think about it.

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu has no good solution. He can only guarantee that New Oriental Education Group will not make money, but employees' salaries must be paid, and facility depreciation must also be included.

"You said, can the cost of kindergarten education be reduced through comprehensive management?" Ye Zishu looked at all the people in charge and asked.

After listening to everyone, I don't know what he meant. Can this be integrated?No matter how comprehensive the operation is, it is necessary to ask for money from the parents of the young children, and it will not increase the burden on the parents.

Looking at their expressions, Ye Zishu knew that they misunderstood what he meant, and explained: "The comprehensive management I am talking about is not what you think, but the comprehensive management by robot teachers.

Robots can go to kindergarten to work during the day, and after get off work, they can work night shifts under the industry you manage, so that robot teachers can earn two incomes.

There are many such scenarios, such as night shifts in hospitals under Tai Chi Medical Group, changing retail supermarkets or convenience stores to 24-hour operations, going to the police force for night patrols, and so on.

I believe that there should be enough night shift positions for these robot teachers, and you can even let robots work in your R&D center. Anyway, night shift and day shift will not affect the research and development work. "

When they heard Ye Zishu's idea, they all felt that it was feasible. For general robots, they could be competent for any position. With such a staggered operation, the daily income of a single robot is actually very high.

With more sources of income, robot teachers can appropriately reduce the salary of kindergarten positions and reduce the cost of kindergarten education.

"Mr. Ye's idea, I think we can try it, and we will conduct some investigations later, and try to make reasonable arrangements for general-purpose robots without seriously crowding out jobs." Yu Minhong said.

For humans, working the night shift is very painful, but for universal robots, it doesn't matter when they go to work, which is very suitable for the "comprehensive management" model.

This is the end of this topic. It is a good solution for all parties without perfecting the relevant system.

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