Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 846 Visiting Tai Chi Medical Group for Acquisition

Looking at the time, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening, and he felt a little tired after reading these annual reports for a whole day. He stood up, stretched himself, opened the door and walked out of the study.

Pei Qing was already busy in the kitchen, and when she saw him coming out of the study, she hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and wash your hands, the food will be ready soon!"

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, Taiji Group is not so busy anymore, what should be arranged has already been arranged, many employees have gone home, Pei Qing has also started to be lazy, staying at home and not wanting to go out.

However, the daily affairs in the company are done by the universal robot stand-in, and only when it is difficult to make a decision, will he communicate with Pei Qing, which does not delay things.

When I was busy some time ago, the cooking was basically taken care of by the robot Xiaohe. Now that I am not busy, Pei Qing will cook occasionally. After all, everyone's food tastes different.

Ye Zishu went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and washed his face by the way. The dishes had been brought to the table, and the finishing work was handed over to the robot Xiaohe.

"I still want to call you out after cooking, have you read the annual report?" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"After reading it, last year's situation was very good, not worse than the year before!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The situation last year was indeed a bit beyond his expectation. He thought that after the rapid growth of the previous year, the overall growth would slow down, but the result was not the case, and the rapid development was still achieved.

Although the growth rate is declining, the absolute value shows an increasing trend. The larger the volume, the harder it is for the growth rate to maintain the previous figure. This is an objective law of economic development.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Taiji Group's revenue last year, both in terms of growth rate and absolute value, was lower than the previous year.

She doesn't know much about the operating conditions of other companies, and she is afraid that the situation of other companies is similar to that of Taiji Group, so Ye Zishu will be worried in the future.

Now I heard that the situation is very good. Although she can't get many benefits, Ye Zishu can at least live a stable year without having to work hard for her property.

Seeing Ye Zishu working day and night, she was actually very worried, but it was impossible to stop him from working. With such a big business, it was impossible to stop.

Unless Ye Shu is only satisfied with the achievements in front of him, she still has to worry about it. She is afraid that Ye Shu's body will not be able to bear it if this continues.

Although Ye Zishu's medical skills are very good, but as the saying goes, if a doctor does not heal himself, he is afraid that he will think that his medical skills are good, but he will neglect to take care of him and cause a serious illness.

"That's good, so you can live a stable year!" Pei Qing said, looking into Ye Zishu's eyes.

"I don't worry about this. It's normal to do business with ups and downs. It depends on the general environment. The current domestic environment is good. Even if there are problems abroad, it will not hurt." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

It was not all smooth sailing in foreign countries last year. The main reason was the gdp data released last year.

Fortunately, there was no big disturbance. These people are just clowns, and there is no serious obstacle to the development of his industry, and it is still developing well.

my country's economy has developed by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Many countries have not yet reacted, and the economic volume is very large. In addition, there is no preparation before, and it is difficult to make things happen temporarily.

Coupled with the increase in the size of the economy, many countries have seen the opportunity to hitch a ride. Naturally, at this time, they will not follow individual countries to make troubles. This is not in the interests of their countries.

Moreover, at last year's air show, our country displayed a lot of advanced weapons and equipment, and its national defense capabilities have been greatly enhanced, which also made some countries very worried and did not want to go too far.

The current world simply cannot afford a world war. A direct collision between two superpowers will inevitably lead to annihilation. No country can survive alone. Maintaining peace is the common wish of the international community.

What's more, the rise of an economically powerful country is an opportunity for many countries. As long as they get a share of it, they can make their own economies rise to a higher level, and they are even less willing to get involved.

It is very dangerous to have money without a gun. To have a gun without money is to have no friends. With a gun and money, even if you sit at home, you will have friends all over the world. It is so realistic.

"It's been more than a month since your new product was released, how is the situation?" Ye Zishu asked while eating.

Having said that, Pei Qing is obviously in a better mood. Last year, she was very worried that Taiji Group would stop developing slowly, especially after rapid development, it would be difficult to accept the sudden slowdown.

A large number of new products were launched last year, and the situation has been greatly improved, and these new products are heavyweight products with a very broad market.

"In January, our revenue reached 1.5 trillion yuan. In February, our revenue reached 1.8 trillion yuan. It is expected that in March, our revenue will reach more than 2 trillion yuan." Pei Qing said.

When Ye Zishu heard this, the data was a bit astonishing. In the first quarter, it could generate more than 5 trillion yuan in revenue, and it was basically a certainty that it would reach 20 trillion yuan in the whole year.

"In fact, in January, everyone just wanted to try the effect. In February, the order scale increased on a large scale, but our inventory is limited. We must control points to avoid sudden stock outs in the market. Otherwise, the revenue in February will exceed 2. One hundred million yuan." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Zishu nodded. This is what it should mean. The Chinese New Year is coming soon in China, and the employees will take half a month off. It is the right way to keep some inventory on hand.

Especially for last year's new products, the market demand is high, but the production capacity is a bit insufficient, the production time is relatively short, and the inventory accumulation is not rich enough, so tension is certain.

Moreover, they cannot blindly expand production capacity and will maintain a relatively moderate state. Otherwise, if they expand production capacity now, there may be overcapacity in the future.

At present, the stock market is relatively large, and the demand seems to be high. When the stock gradually decreases, the market will return to a normal state, and the tight production capacity can be maintained for a longer period of time.

Of course, the main reason for doing this is that these diseases will not kill the patients, and can be delayed for a while. For diseases that cannot be delayed, Taiji Group will still build enough production capacity.

For example, the production capacity of cancer drugs in the past cannot be done this way. Tai Chi Group can wait, but patients cannot wait. It must supply the market in sufficient quantities so that everyone can be treated in time.

"You can't ignore strengthening your own scientific research capabilities. I just solved the difficult problems. There are still many problems that you need to solve by yourself." Ye Shu said.

Human beings exist in this world, and there are dangers everywhere. New diseases appear every moment, and there are not many existing diseases. What he has done is not worth mentioning in front of the huge variety of diseases.

What he was afraid of was that Taiji Group relied too much on him. Fortunately, several of their products at the press conference last year were not bad, which shows that their own research and development has not fallen behind.

"Naturally, we will not be so short-sighted. The R&D projects are actually full, but it will take some time for scientific researchers to grow. We must have enough patience." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu was just casually saying that he still knows a little about the efforts of the Taiji Group, but the field of biomedicine is too complicated, and progress cannot be achieved overnight.

"By the way, how about we hire a group of general-purpose robots to be scientific researchers?" Pei Qing asked.

"It's okay to hire some, but the hiring price is very high, and the current production capacity is somewhat insufficient, and there are other more important uses." Ye Shu said.

Although being hired by Taiji Group can demand a high price, but if you want to be a teacher, the price is not high, but things cannot be determined simply by income.

At least the absence of a few robot employees in Tai Chi Group will not affect their operations. If New Oriental Education Group does not have these robot teachers, many schools will not be able to open.

"I just want to hire some to see how it works!" Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu heard what she said, and said with a smile: "The effect must be very good, and it is definitely worthy of the price you gave, but you have to take it easy and don't rely too much on it.

The development of human society is, in the final analysis, the development of human beings. If all robots are used, although human beings enjoy more abundant materials and services, their own abilities will degenerate, and the gains outweigh the losses.

What's more, in these high-end fields, even if there are enough robots in the future, they cannot all rely on robots. This is a matter of principle, not an economic issue. "

Those physical labors, if they can be replaced by robots, will be replaced, and the big deal is just to support them. However, such as scientific research work, not only cannot be replaced by robots, but also need to be vigorously developed.

Pei Qing nodded and said, "I understand what you mean, and I don't plan to replace all of them with robots. After all, some things still need to be done by humans."

When Pei Qing said this, Ye Zishu felt relieved. He was afraid that everyone likes to take shortcuts. Some shortcuts can be taken, but some shortcuts cannot be taken, which is very prone to problems.

"By the way, how is the overseas market for your longevity medicine?" Ye Zishu asked.

Although this drug was not publicized, it should not be unknown. Apart from asking him whether it could be launched at the beginning, Pei Qing didn't mention it much later, which made him very surprised.

"We have no plans to export this drug for the time being, and our production capacity can only meet domestic demand. Although we don't make much money, it has promoted the development of domestic medical insurance business.

On the contrary, many overseas medical institutions have asked us about our ideas, and we have rejected them on the grounds that the production is insufficient and we need to supply domestic products first. However, some people are willing to pay high prices, bidding millions of dollars.

Although the unit price is high, the quantity must be very small. It is not attractive to us, so we simply ignore it and plan to talk about it in a year or two. "Pei Qing said.

He felt a little strange about Pei Qing's handling method. He chose to ignore such a profitable matter. It is not a matter at all to expand production if the output is not high.

The mass production technology is very mature, and there is no production bottleneck problem, isn't it just a matter of investing more money?This is not a problem at all for Tai Chi Group.

Seeing Ye Zishu's doubts, Pei Qing said: "After several years of internationalization, we have come to a conclusion that sometimes we give them medicines and feel that we need their market.

This is indeed true, but in comparison, they need our products more. The longevity medicine is such an important medicine, just to make them realize the reality.

There are some things that cannot be bought in the market. If we are willing to sell them, they should be grateful instead of provoking us with inexplicable things. "

Hearing Pei Qing's words, he suddenly understood what she meant. It was indeed the truth. Money is important, but things that are really useful are more important. Some things can't be bought with money, and it depends on whether the Taiji Group is happy or not. sell them.

The reason why I don’t do this with other medicines is that other medicines are for curing diseases. Based on the benevolence of doctors, there is no need to make patients suffer because of the ideas of a small group of people, and it is not good for their reputation. .

Longevity medicine is a special product, it does not have any effect on the treatment of diseases, it is just a matter of living a few years longer, some people pay attention to it, and some people do not necessarily pay attention to it.

Especially for the low-level people, living is like hell, and living a few more years is actually suffering. However, it is difficult for this product to be popularized by the whole people, because the price is not cheap, and only those with spare money will need it.

And those who have spare money just have a higher right to speak, and they are often the ones who do things, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with this product.

More importantly, through the differential treatment of internal and external, the domestic public's favor for Tai Chi Medical Group has greatly increased, and a responsible image in the hearts of the public has been established.

"Then follow your ideas, I'm just asking!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Pei Qing also smiled. She did not misunderstand Ye Zishu, and the two of them lived together for a long time. She still knew a thing or two about Ye Zishu's character.

"By the way, we are not sure about one thing!" Pei Qing said.

"What's the matter?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

"Some governments want us to acquire their hospitals and incorporate them into our system," Pei Qing said.

I have said this before. At present, many governments think that hospitals are a burden. Not only can they not make money, but they have to pay a lot of money. Now there is competition from Tai Chi Medical Group, and it is more difficult to operate in the market.

In addition, Taiji Medical Group has done well during this period, so some governments want to hand over these public hospitals to Taiji Medical Group for management.

Previously, she thought of contracting to Taiji Medical Group, but Pei Qing didn't take over, because doing so would cause a lot of trouble in the future, and there was no need to take over these hot potatoes.

Seeing that Taiji Medical Group did not take over this challenge, they wanted to turn the contract into an acquisition, so that the property rights would be clear, and they would not be afraid of being kicked out after development, thinking that they would be able to win the favor of Taiji Medical Group.

It’s just that Taiji Medical Group still hasn’t made a clear statement, and Ye Zishu also told them not to take over. This kind of thing can be done by itself, and there is no need to buy other people’s assets.

If it can’t be developed, others say that its ability is not enough, but if it really wants to develop, some people say that it is taking advantage of the country. Anyway, there are no people inside and outside, which is why he has always been reluctant to acquire state-owned assets.

"Why did the old matter suddenly come up again?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I didn't want to talk about it at first, but more and more local governments have proposed this kind of cooperation. You may feel that it is more worry-free to hand it over to Tai Chi Medical Group.

Moreover, Taiji Medical Group has done well in the past few years, the people have really benefited, and the government is relieved of handing over to Taiji Medical Group. "Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu held the job bowl in his hand, but fell into deep thought, how to do this matter, Tai Chi Medical Group will not take over, and in order to save trouble, there will definitely be other actions.

As long as the local government wants to get rid of this burden, they will always find a way. It is good if the measures are taken properly, but it will be worse if they do not care about the consequences.

In the previous life, privately contracting a certain department of a public hospital was a very bad example. Taking advantage of the people's trust in the public hospital, they did something despicable.

"It's not impossible to let us take over, but some things need to be clarified, and we can't just leave it to us. The local government seems to have no responsibility at all.

The most important thing is the medical insurance issue. All of them must be converted to members of Tai Chi Medical Group, and the money in the medical insurance must also be transferred. This matter cannot be included, otherwise all parties will not be satisfied.

In addition, before the acquisition, the approval of the high-level national department is required, at least it is necessary to communicate with the relevant department, and the matter must be done clearly, and there cannot be any shabby places.

In addition, asset evaluation must find a third-party evaluation agency that is recognized by both parties. If there is a disagreement, you can find two third-party evaluation agencies. Regarding assets and money, you can't get involved.

It is best to seek the support of national policies. If possible, it is better to form legal provisions, otherwise we will not feel at ease.

Even if all the terms of the negotiation are agreed upon, it must be announced to the public for a period of time to let the outside world fully understand these acquisitions. If anyone has any opinions, they can raise them.

If you feel that you don't have enough energy and don't want to waste a lot of time on this, you can hire a general-purpose robot to do this.

There are many advantages. The first one is that the universal robot will not have emotions, and is very patient in arguing with various forces, and can ensure that there are no problems in all links.

The second is that general robotics expertise is sufficient. It has expertise in the medical field and acquisitions. It is definitely an expert in doing this kind of thing.

The third is that Universal Robots can record the entire acquisition process. If something goes wrong, the information will be beneficial to us, so we won’t be confused.

The fourth is that the use of robots will never be bribed, especially when interests are involved, general-purpose robots are the most suitable for execution.

As for communicating with high-level relevant departments and leaders, you need to go to the high-level. What I mean is to establish a free medical system that covers everyone in the country.

If the government facilitates this, a lot of things can be discussed, you can tell them that they only need to spend 8% of gdp on health insurance, and we can do this.

Free medical care refers to the treatment of diseases. As for medical items such as plastic surgery and tooth replacement, they are not included in the free list. Whether other non-disease items should be included depends entirely on how we consider it.

For example, longevity medicine should not be included in the membership free directory, but considering fairness, it is still done. "Leaf Book said.

"I understand what you mean. We will take positive actions in the future, but there is no guarantee that we will succeed!" Pei Qing said.

"What you do is to do your best and obey the destiny. It's good if you can succeed, but it doesn't matter if you don't succeed, it's just a little troublesome!" Ye Zishu said.

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