Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 843 It's time to spend money again

"China Xiaodangjia" was renamed Xiaodangjia Catering Group. The main reason for the name change is to transfer the development center to China. After all, there is no need to emphasize Chinese food in China.

However, the brand of "China Xiaodangjia" is still retained, and it is operated as a high-end brand. The high-end brand adopts a unified management logo regardless of domestic and foreign countries.

Last year they opened 1 catering chain stores in China, mainly focusing on mid-to-low-end catering, because if it is too expensive, the people who are just a little richer will be reluctant to spend, and the market will not be very big.

Those who are really rich can go to their high-end brand stores. The dishes there can definitely meet their needs, and the minimum consumption is tens of thousands of yuan. If they are willing, 10,000+ or ​​even higher dishes will be ordered for them.

However, not many high-end brand stores have been opened, only two in the capital and Shanghai. The reason is still that there are not enough competent chefs, and the training time is too slow.

If they are willing to spend money, they can hire general-purpose robots, which can basically meet their high-end store expansion needs.

There is still a big difference between their domestic and foreign operations. In China, they not only operate various Chinese food chain brands, but also many Western food brands, as well as various national characteristic brands.

In addition, they also operate Western-style fast food, which is a category that they will not operate overseas. At present, the popularity of Western-style fast food in China is still quite high, and the profit margin is very impressive.

Although they have opened 1 restaurants, they are still in the stage of straightening out their business and have not really entered the stage of rapid development. After all, they have too many brands.

There are many more brands than foreign brands, the number of brands is as high as more than 30, and each brand has its own unique business content. Being able to open so many stores shows that the business is still possible.

Since the main focus is on the domestic market, the overseas expansion is not as aggressive as before. The main focus is to stabilize the current operation and increase the operating income of a single store, rather than continue to expand blindly.

For the whole of last year, their revenue was 2000 billion yuan, an increase of 700 billion yuan over the previous year, and their net profit margin increased to 15%, with a net profit of 300 billion yuan.

They haven't started the business sharing plan yet, and they plan to wait for the development to encounter a bottleneck before promoting the plan. They are still in a period of rapid expansion, and it is not suitable to do so for the time being.

They don't engage in franchising like other companies. They don't care about the life or death of the franchisees. They just need to make money first. They must ensure that every store they open can survive.

The fundamental purpose of the business sharing plan is to increase the enthusiasm of employees and provide better services to customers. It is more effective when management encounters difficulties.

At present, despite the number of stores they operate, there is no big problem with management. However, if they continue to expand, they will definitely lose energy. Even with an intelligent management system, the quality of service cannot be guaranteed.

At that time, we will promote store employees and the company to share operating income, promote the enthusiasm of front-line employees, and link store income with employee interests.

Since last year's profit was very good, and the model has basically been determined, it is relatively easy to expand, so I plan to expand this year, and plan to open 3 to 4 new stores in China.

Leaf Book is not surprised by their expansion speed. The domestic market is huge, let alone 10,000 to [-] stores, even if they expand to [-]+ stores, he will not be surprised.

As long as the market is identified, the products are welcomed by the market, and the management and supply chain can keep up, they will have the ability to expand rapidly. This is their own profit as the basis for expansion.

In the past, in order to save money, everyone basically ate at home. With the increase of everyone's income, the proportion of eating in restaurants will increase rapidly.

In addition, there are so many commercial stores in Wancheng Jiye, which must be rented out for operation, and it is impossible to hold all of them in their own hands. The rapid expansion of the small headed catering group is a good thing for them.

According to market demand, he also believes that their expansion is a bit slow. This year, he plans to give his employees a big salary increase. The social consumption capacity will be further improved, which is very beneficial to the expansion of catering.

Ye Zishu thought for a while, and planned to invest 1000 billion yuan in Xiaodangjia Catering Group to continue to accelerate the expansion of the catering industry. They are at the cusp of the development of the catering industry, and it is necessary to accelerate expansion.

Moreover, most of the investment money went into his pockets, and the rent and decoration expenses were handed over to Wancheng Foundation. Even if individual stores failed, the overall loss would not be too great.

With so much investment, it is enough for them to increase the number of domestic stores to about 14. In the future, their own revenue will be enough to meet rapid expansion without him continuing to pay.

If you can't manage it, you can hire a general-purpose robot as the store manager. Through the general-purpose robot store manager, you can strictly manage each store, and high-level decisions can be strictly implemented.

Wancheng Foundation is still in the stage of frantic investment. Last year's investment of 15 trillion yuan continued, and the actual investment effect produced was as high as 25 trillion yuan.

It can be said that they are thriving in the national real estate market, although there are other real estate companies, and even state-owned enterprises have also joined the real estate field.

But the land in good locations before was basically acquired by Wancheng Jiye, and the funds accumulated in the hands of the people are not enough to buy big things like houses.

At present, the transaction volume of the domestic real estate market is not large. The real estate in the hands of Wancheng Jiye is developed with its own funds and can be held continuously, while other developers cannot do so.

Most of their funds come from bank loans. If they can’t sell for a long time, the interest alone will overwhelm them. The imported off-plan model also died because of Wancheng Foundation’s existing housing policy.

Therefore, no real estate company can develop so recklessly like Wancheng Jiye. They must carefully watch the market trends and decide how many houses to develop.

After several years of high-intensity development, the building area they have built or are building is very large, close to 200 billion square meters. Even if commercial real estate is deducted, the residential real estate is 190 billion square meters.

If the per capita living area is 40 square meters, it is enough for 4.75 million people to live. Adding the urban residents who already have housing, the number of people that the city can accommodate has reached more than 6 million.

However, the living conditions of urban residents were not very good in the past, and the per capita housing area was very low. It would be good to have 15 square meters. There is still a great demand for improved housing in cities and towns.

In addition to building buildings, they continue to invest huge sums of money in expressway construction. The scale of investment this year has reached 1 trillion yuan, an increase of 4000 billion yuan over last year.

The reason is that domestic car sales are getting higher and higher, and the demand for expressways is also increasing. In order to meet the new needs, they decided to speed up the construction of expressways.

Without good transportation facilities, the development of the automobile industry will be severely restricted in the later stage. Many people cannot drive after buying a car, and there are frequent traffic jams, and there is no parking space at home, which is very torturous.

Just like what he thought, in order to promote the consumption of residents, the house must be big, and there are not many things in a small house. Even if you want to buy it, you decide to give it up after thinking about it.

In the same way, if you want residents to be willing to buy a car, you must make them feel that buying a car is a comfortable thing. It is not only convenient to travel by car, but also the cost of use should not be too high.

The convenience of travel is nothing more than good road traffic conditions, and there is no need to worry about parking spaces. The low cost of use means that the price of energy should not be too high, and it is best to keep it stable for a long time.

The former is being done by Wancheng Foundation. Any property they build is equipped with enough parking spaces, let alone one car for a family, or two cars for a family.

The parking spaces in their residential area are configured according to two parking spaces for a house. Now the land price is not very expensive, and Wancheng Foundation is also willing to spend more land resources on functional construction.

Moreover, they all acquire land in large tracts, so it is easier to plan. If we still follow the situation of the previous life, it will be very difficult to do it. After all, we must consider the issue of operating costs.

Because they invested a lot of money to expand the building materials business to meet the needs of urbanization, they now intend to stop the expansion of the building materials business.

The reason is that they believe that there is no need to continue to expand. The current scale of building materials business is sufficient to meet the needs of urban construction, and further expansion means waste.

When the urbanization construction is coming to an end, these industries will be seriously oversupplied, and it will be difficult to deal with it at that time. For this reason, it is better to prolong the urbanization construction cycle than to cause a process of production capacity. These are real money.

At that time, if you want not to waste these production capacities, you must either export the products or export the equipment. The question is whether the world market can accept such a large production capacity is a problem.

The reason why my country's urbanization is developing so fast is that the economic development is very good, and the number of urban employment is rising rapidly. Although the economies of other countries have improved with my country's economic development, the speed cannot be compared.

The urbanization of other people is a very slow process. Let alone digesting their production capacity, it is difficult to sell these equipment.

For their judgment, Ye Zishu agrees that maintaining a moderate scale of the construction industry is conducive to maintaining a healthy industrial form, and large-scale urbanization may continue until 2000.

At that time, there will be a lot of road construction in China, such as subway, high-speed maglev, highway construction, etc., which can help absorb part of the production capacity.

It's just that the scale of the funds handed over this time is a bit huge, with a total of 29.82 trillion yuan. In addition to investing 1000 billion yuan in the small headed catering group, there are still 29.72 trillion yuan left in hand.

It is impossible to keep such a huge amount of money in hand, it needs to be spent. Originally, he planned to give it to Wancheng Foundation, but now it seems that whether they can digest it is a question worth thinking about.

Unexpectedly, spending money has become his trouble again. It's not that he wants to make so much money, but that the companies under him are too good at making money. Many companies are doing monopoly business, and it's hard not to make money.

Originally, with so much money, it was just right to invest in the construction of the ultra-high-speed maglev transportation network. After all, it was quite expensive.

If 1 kilometers are built every year, 4 trillion yuan needs to be invested. The money in his hand is enough for investment, but the relevant departments are very cautious about this.

One is that without seeing the completion of the test line, it is impossible to make an accurate assessment of the reliability of their technology. After all, once a decision is made, it means a game of chess for the whole country, and it is difficult to change it halfway.

The super maglev transportation network is not very compatible with the current railway network. If it is transformed, it will cause a huge waste of resources, so we must be cautious.

Second, there is still no conclusion on whether to hand over the railway construction to private companies. Although the line from Wuhu to Hefei is invested and constructed by private companies, it does not mean that all lines across the country are contracted by private companies.

Before there is a conclusion, it is difficult to build on a large scale. If there is government investment, how to ensure profitability is also a problem. After all, their funds come from banks and they need to repay interest.

Thinking of these problems, Ye Zishu also has a headache. With Wancheng Foundation's ability, it is estimated that it can only absorb 20 trillion yuan of funds at most. After internal amplification effects, this fund can be expanded to more than 30 trillion yuan.

In addition to continuing to use their urbanization construction, they will also spend a lot of money on the development of other businesses, such as their planned industrial alliance and their own service business.

How to spend the remaining 9 trillion yuan has become a problem. It is impossible for him to get the money to invest overseas. The overseas investment can be made by Tidal Investment Company. There is no need to take money from China to invest abroad.

To be honest, foreign assets are really not very attractive, at least to him. According to the thinking of ordinary businessmen, the more money the better.

But according to his thinking, as long as he guarantees his living expenses and research needs, the remaining money is not that important. At present, what he thinks about is to develop domestically. As for developing abroad, he doesn't want to worry about that.

As the construction of the ultra-high-speed maglev transportation network has not yet been finalized, there is no need for him to reserve funds for this. He must find investment projects for the funds as soon as possible.

Only when the money is invested can more jobs be created, the development of the domestic economy can be further improved, and people can have more money in their pockets.

It's just that now it's hard for him to find a project with large-scale investment. He is not a government, so he can completely ignore the return. The investment must have some return, even if it is not high!

Looking down, I saw that Wancheng Jiye mentioned the renovation of the old city, and believed that it was necessary to carry out tentative development of the renovation project of the old city this year.

Compared with their current clean and beautiful residential areas with a very large living area, the old city is basically very desolate. Apart from the location advantage, other conditions are relatively poor.

But it is not easy to do. Once the interests of many people are involved, it will be very troublesome. If you want people in the old city to move out, you need to invest a lot of money and energy.

In the past, they were unwilling to touch it. Anyway, there is a large area of ​​land outside for construction, so there is no need to touch the old city renovation. However, with the development of the land around the city, the old city renovation is also a problem that must be faced.

Now there are two options before them. The first is monetary compensation, which is what the government is willing to do, according to the living area of ​​residents in the old city.

The reason is simple. The compensation will be distributed through the government. As for how much compensation will be paid to the residents, it is unknown.

The second is the replacement of living area. If it is a 1:1 replacement, the residents of the old city will not agree. After all, the location advantage of the family is very good, and the land value is higher than that of the land around the city.

What they want is an area compensation of 40 square meters per capita, that is, instead of giving them cash, give them a house in another place, so that they can move to a new home at any time.

But there is also a problem here. These residents are generally relatively close to their workplaces. If they live farther away from their work units, the commuting time will be longer. It is not known whether they are willing or not.

Anyway, it is impossible to compensate the per capita 40 square meters in the same place. In this way, Wancheng Foundation will not only have no money to make, but will have to spend a lot of money. It doesn't matter how much money you make, but you can't trade at a loss.

These two options have their own advantages. The first option is the government's willingness, and Wancheng Foundation as a developer does not need to bother so much, and the work will be done by the government.

However, it is not very friendly to the residents of the old urban areas. Maybe they have to spend a lot of money to buy houses in remote areas with the money they get. The problem is that the current houses of Wancheng Jiye have not yet been sold.

The houses of other real estate developers are very small, and a large number of purchase demands will promote the rapid rise of house prices, which he does not want to see.

According to his idea, the funds invested by residents to buy real estate should be equivalent to the total income of individuals for about 10 years according to the local income level, which is more reasonable.

For the second option, Wancheng Foundation needs to invest a lot of energy, and the government may not be willing to do so. The only advantage is that residents do not need to invest additional funds.

The easiest thing to argue about here is that some people have large houses in the old city, while others have small houses. If the compensation is the same, some people will definitely not want it.

Ye Shu thought for a while, and decided to adopt the second method, so that the housing price would not rise rapidly, and residents would not need to invest extra money to buy houses.

The difference is that those with a large house area per capita can be given priority to replace in that place, while those with a small house area per capita will be placed in the back row and pick what is left by others.

In this way, those residents with a large per capita housing area in the old city feel that they have received special treatment, and the conflict will not be so great.

Moreover, the development of the old urban area needs to be developed in large areas. Either all agree or give up. For the development of small plots, Wancheng Foundation has no need to go into troubled waters.

Anyway, for Wancheng Jiye, whether to develop the old city is not their priority. It is good if it can be done, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't. It's not like they have no business to do.

After writing his opinion, Ye Zishu continued to look down. The revenue of Wancheng Foundation was actually not bad, but they continued to invest, resulting in continuous losses.

Houses in county towns are mainly sold, while houses in big cities are mainly rented out. However, the sales situation is not optimistic because bank credit is not yet open to housing loans.

The construction cost of Wancheng Jiye’s house is relatively high. The construction cost of the house in the county seat is 2000 yuan per square meter, plus capital costs, etc., the starting price of the house is 6000 yuan per square meter.

The problem is that the area of ​​the houses in the county is still relatively large, basically ranging from 160 square meters to 200 square meters. If you buy them in full, it will put a lot of pressure on the county and township residents.

And even if banks are willing to provide loans for house purchases, many people are very cautious. It takes some time to adapt to change their previous concepts.

So their income is still mainly based on rent, plus property fees, deducting various taxes and fees, this part of the income is about 1 trillion yuan in total, and the leasable property area is 60 billion square meters.

The average rent per square meter plus the property fee is about 15 yuan, which also includes various commercial properties, and the average rent of residential buildings is even lower.

Fortunately, the leases they sign are relatively short, the longest being only 3 years, and usually 1 year. The current rent is obviously unreasonable.

Moreover, a considerable part of these houses will be sold in the future, and they are not suitable for signing long-term leases. The reason why they are so low is mainly to give people who have just entered the city a foothold.

Unexpectedly, the rent is quite good. A large number of people have flooded into the city, which has led to a large increase in housing funds in the city. This is the result of Wancheng Foundation's suppression. If the operation is completely in accordance with the market, the rent will be higher.

The rest is the revenue from its service industry, which together amounts to 1 trillion yuan. However, compared with the investment, it is not worth mentioning. As for the industries related to construction, most of them are self-produced and self-sold. In the annual report, they are only Just mentioned it.

After reading the annual report of Wancheng Foundation, Ye Zishu still decided to increase the investment this year to 25 trillion yuan. First, the capital cost of old city renovation is relatively high, so more funds should be reserved.

The second is to let them continue to strengthen the development of non-real estate business. He will not draw a line against Wancheng Foundation. They can do any legal business projects as long as they want.

The third is to make arrangements for its employees. In a few years, these workers engaged in the construction industry may face large-scale unemployment. Urbanization is almost completed, and there will not be so many construction jobs.

In the future, they will face the fate of returning to their hometown, but it is not certain whether there is a job in their hometown that is suitable for them. Farming will definitely not make much money.

This is also an important reason why he allowed Wancheng Foundation to develop so many businesses. At that time, these employees can be transferred to other jobs, and they can take root in the city.

Their industry development alliance is also for this purpose. In the final analysis, Ye Zishu can't abandon these employees when they are used up, and still hopes to give them a predictable future.

The remaining more than 4 trillion yuan will be used for the business plan of artificial intelligence + universal robot, and will be invested in remote areas that are currently difficult for his industries to benefit, so as to promote the economic development of these areas.

To be honest, he doesn't know how much it will cost, because he doesn't know how powerful AI 3.0 is in terms of economic development.

Even he is not very clear about what industries AI 3.0 will invest in. He completely lets AI 3.0 play by himself, and general robots cooperate with AI to realize it.

This is also an interesting attempt. As for whether he will lose money, he doesn't care much. Anyway, even if he loses money, the funds will still be used on this land, which will always have some effect.

The troubles caused by spending money this time made him realize that he still earned too much money, and there was no need to reserve so much money for the high-quality assets of his industries.

So he plans to further increase the salary of his employees. He originally planned to increase the average monthly salary to 1 yuan, but now he plans to increase it to 1.2 yuan.

At present, its total revenue is 132.65 trillion yuan. This figure is not equal to gdp, because there are a lot of double counting data in it, and the reason is that many of their businesses are internal cycles.

The gdp data is around 80 trillion yuan, the internal circulation of Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company is relatively serious, and the internal circulation of Kirin Industrial Group is also relatively serious.

Moreover, as the industrial system becomes more complex, the gap between revenue and gdp data will increase, which is one of the important reasons why its total revenue has expanded so much.

The total number of domestic employees in its industries has also exceeded the 2 million mark, but the average output value is actually showing a gradual downward trend, because more and more low-value businesses are involved.

There is no way to do this. Funds need to be continuously invested, and high-value industries are limited after all, and his industries do not need long-term research and development, so they cannot consume such a huge amount of funds.

In addition, he originally hoped to provide more employment for the society, and he supported service businesses that were not easily eliminated, resulting in an increasing number of workers.

However, the per capita output value of his subsidiaries will be much higher than that of other companies, which is why he has the confidence to quickly increase employee salaries. If he does not consider the overall social situation, he is ready to raise the average monthly salary of employees to 1.5 yuan.

Then he took a look at the two companies under the care of his father, both of which were developing well, and they still paid 50% of the net profit as dividends, and his father still held the money, and he had no intention of taking it.

After all, this little money is of little use to him, and he doesn't even care about how to use it, as long as it is used on the right path, even if it is donated.

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