Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 839 Annual Report of Huanyu Group and Taiji Group

Ye Zishu opened the annual report of Huanyu Group. The pages should be the shortest among all the group companies. The total number of pages is only about 100 pages. The reason is that they are not operating many businesses.

At present, the largest business is the automobile business. Last year, a total of 1500 million vehicles were sold, of which 800 million were sold domestically and 700 million were absorbed by the international market.

This shows that a large number of domestic people have become rich and have started to buy their first cars, and this phenomenon will continue for a while.

It’s just that the domestic market is still unable to absorb too many high-end cars. Generally, vehicles worth 10,000+ are purchased, and the average selling price is basically the same as the previous year.

The cars that Huanyu Group sells abroad are relatively expensive, mainly mid-to-high-end cars. The production capacity of low-end cars is basically absorbed by the country, and the quantity for export is not much, and they are mainly sold to countries such as Southeast Asia. .

Moreover, Huanyu Group knows that it is difficult to capture all international markets. If it does, it is estimated that there will be a violent reaction. Therefore, the policy formulated is to abandon the international low-end market and focus on the mid-to-high-end market.

Although the number of exports in this way is not much, the income they get is quite a lot. The FOB price of the cars they export exceeds 35 yuan, and most of them are vehicles above 50 yuan.

This creates dislocation competition with some established auto companies. Although they are annoyed that another competitor has appeared, they have not yet complained about it, and everyone generally maintains a superficially fair competition.

They didn't dare to stimulate the Huanyu Group too much. Although they lost a lot of high-end market, the low-end market is still their world. At least there is no problem for the survival of the company.

If the Huanyu Group is really stimulated, the Huanyu Group will stop talking about martial arts and start selling low-end and mid-end cars to the international market on a large scale at a low price. Apart from sticking to their homeland, they will not have much room for them to survive.

In terms of technology, Huanyu Group has formed a crushing trend. In terms of cost, Huanyu Group operates the entire industrial chain, and labor costs are also slightly cheaper, which is also very competitive.

Apart from the brand reputation of dozens or hundreds of years, they have nothing to show for it, so if they really want to engage in brutal competition, they will definitely not last long.

If there is no accident, Huanyu Group will maintain an annual international export volume of 700 million vehicles in the future, and the remaining production will mainly meet domestic demand, and domestic alone will be enough to support Huanyu Group well.

Among the brilliant car sales of Huanyu Group, there is a statistic that caught Ye Zishu's attention, that is, the sales volume of Tianqiong car he designed last year reached 1.

This number surprised him a bit. It seems that there are quite a lot of rich people in the world. You must know that the price of this car is very expensive, and the FOB price is 5000 million yuan.

Moreover, the order is still received before production. If there is no order, there will be no production. Buyers need to pay the money before production, which is completely different from other cars.

Of course, they didn't engage in identity authentication like other cars, and it was completely unnecessary. At this price, most people who pretended to be fakes were kept out of the door.

Those who really have the money to buy this car must be worth at least tens of billions of dollars. Otherwise, if they spend so much money on a car, they will probably bleed.

Although it is not ruled out to slap swollen faces to pretend to be fat, but the number should be very small. After all, what kind of strength is playing in what circle, and each other knows their own details. If they want to rely on a car to make a name for themselves, it will not be very effective.

This is not like the circle of ordinary people. In the circle of ordinary people, buying a slightly more expensive car can fool a large group of people, but Tianqiong car is too expensive, so expensive that even if you want to pretend to be fat, you don't have the strength.

Tianqiong Automobile has become the favorite of many truly powerful and rich people by virtue of its super safety, calm and impressive appearance design, and advanced technology application.

In particular, the application of intelligent technology belongs to the most advanced one at present. The L5 level of automatic driving technology is their unique technology. The automatic driving technology of other cars has not reached this level.

At present, Tianqiong car is the most expensive car in the world. In the past, most expensive cars were sports cars. This kind of business car is the only one that is so expensive.

The problem is that there are still so many orders, which Ye Shu didn't expect. He thought it would be very good to have 10 orders a year. The orders were not many the year before, but he didn't expect it to be so high last year.

Another thing that stands out to him is that new energy vehicles are favored by the market. He used to think that new energy vehicles would not sell well due to the imperfect infrastructure.

The reason for the launch is mainly to test the market, and at the same time, I want to occupy the track of new energy vehicles in advance. I am afraid that other auto companies will not be able to compete with Huanyu Group, so I want to find another way in this respect.

As a result, I did not expect that the sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 100 million units last year. The domestic price generally starts at 35 yuan, and the foreign price generally starts at 50 yuan.

It's just that the domestic market has no interest in new energy vehicles for the time being, and the sales volume is not very good. However, foreign markets are very enthusiastic about new energy vehicles. Almost all of these sales are contributed by foreign markets.

However, such a high sales volume has a lot to do with the sharp rise in international energy prices recently, and the domestic import of oil is increasing rapidly.

World trade will tend to be balanced. my country exports a large number of high-tech products. Countries with mines want to maintain trade balance. Naturally, they want to increase the price of resources. This is inevitable.

What's more, my country's reliance on external resources is relatively high, which is where international capital plays a role, so rising oil prices is an inevitable phenomenon.

It's just that with the rise of international oil prices, energy prices in other countries have also risen to varying degrees, which has prompted the development of the new energy vehicle market.

In addition, environmental protection issues are getting more and more international attention, and new energy vehicles just hit this theme. For those who are not short of money, buying new energy vehicles is a good choice.

However, in the new energy vehicle part of Huanyu Group, they also mentioned a situation, that is, the global price of lithium mines has begun to rise sharply, resulting in a rapid increase in the cost of lithium batteries.

He didn't expect this situation. He knew that with the sharp increase in the lithium battery market, lithium mines would definitely rise sharply, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, and new energy vehicles have just begun to develop.

Although there are a lot of lithium-ion batteries for consumer electronics products, the overall lithium mines used are not huge. Lithium mines were in a state of moderate growth before.

He predicted that with the emergence of new energy vehicles, lithium mines will definitely rise, but the process should be relatively gentle. Unexpectedly, it has risen by 50%, which has severely compressed the profit margin of Huanyu Group.

If it weren't for hoarding a batch of lithium ore materials before, otherwise it would really have to work for the mine owner, but this problem must be solved, otherwise there will be a possibility of a sharp increase.

At present, Huanyu Group is also developing new low-cost battery technologies, such as sodium-ion batteries, aluminum batteries, graphene batteries, etc., are all within the scope of their research.

Graphene, in particular, was more expensive than gold in the previous life. Now Wancheng Foundation has achieved large-scale production. Currently, it is only for internal use in the industry and will not be sold externally.

Huanyu Group's battery research and development direction is right, but it is more difficult to develop better alternative products than lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium mines in the world are relatively rare, and the distribution is extremely uneven. For the sake of industrial safety, it is essential to find alternative products. Therefore, Huanyu Group has a research and development project for alternative batteries a long time ago.

It’s just that it has been unsatisfactory. At present, there are no alternative products with high safety, low pollution, low production cost, and high energy density.

Now they specially marked it in red font, on the one hand to let him know the situation, and on the other hand, they wanted him to help.

If he doesn't help, it will take a long time for Huanyu Group to come up with alternative car battery products, during which time it will be cut off by upstream lithium mine suppliers.

And if you want to really develop new energy vehicles, you must solve the problem of batteries. Although lithium is the best material for batteries, its reserves are limited, and it cannot support the overall development of new energy vehicles at all.

For automobiles, as long as there is enough energy, the volume requirements are not high, and the few lithium mines are more suitable for consumer electronics products that have very strict battery requirements.

He took it down and went back and gave them several battery technologies that would allow them to continue to lead in the field of new energy vehicles while improving their profit margins.

Last year, Huanyu Group's automobile business revenue reached about 7.2 trillion yuan, and the battery business finally broke through the 1.1 trillion yuan mark, reaching [-] trillion yuan.

Although the super maglev train business is also developing, only the line from Wuhu to Hefei is under construction. Although there is revenue, the scale is negligible compared with the total revenue.

The low-speed maglev subway is only being built in Wuhan, and it is still in the earthwork construction stage. There is not much income in this area. The same is true for motorcycles, which can already be classified as miscellaneous businesses.

As for the high-speed rail technology in their hands, since there is no place to verify it, it is difficult to export it. They don't even bother to build related industries, and they don't bother to accept sporadic foreign business, and they don't make much money.

So their total revenue is about 8.3 trillion yuan, and the net profit margin has increased instead of falling, reaching 36%. This is what he did not expect, and the net profit is 3 trillion yuan.

You must know that they were still building the civil aviation industry and civil shipbuilding industry on a large scale last year, and the scale of investment was very large. In addition to the expansion of the automobile business, the total investment reached trillions of yuan.

Under such circumstances, the net profit margin did not decline, but increased by 6%. The reason is very simple, that is, sales have increased, and the sales of high-end cars account for a very high proportion.

In addition, their research and development costs are relatively low, and many technologies are provided by Yeshu. They master a complete set of technologies themselves, and only part of the supporting industries are handed over to brother companies.

In the final analysis, their costs are only raw material costs, labor costs, marketing costs and tax costs, and most of the profits in the middle are eaten by them.

If we only make complete vehicles and other parts and components are made by other companies, we will not have such a high net profit margin. According to this trend, the net profit margin may rise to 40% next year.

Huanyu Group is now a huge enterprise, and the number of employees is also increasing rapidly. The number of employees in its entire industry is as high as 1000 million, which is already a giant.

After reading the annual report of Huanyu Group, Ye Zishu clicked on the annual report of Taiji Group. Generally speaking, their revenue growth rate dropped sharply last year.

This is predictable. They did not launch many new products last year. The more important one is organ cultivation technology. However, the market is not very large, with a total market size of about 5000 billion yuan.

Due to the rapid growth of other businesses in the previous year, they have basically reached the balance of market supply and demand. If they want to continue to grow, they can only rely on the natural increase of the market.

However, unlike other pharmaceutical companies, Taiji Group likes to develop medical technology that hangs on patients. They prefer to cure them if they can be cured, rather than dragging patients down.

Therefore, some old diseases are completely cured after using their pharmaceutical products. This situation actually reduces the total market demand, so some pharmaceutical businesses do not increase but decline.

However, the overall growth is still maintained. The Taiji Pharmaceutical Company, which was the most affected, still increased its revenue last year, from the previous 6.5 trillion yuan to about 7.5 trillion yuan.

The main growth comes from the domestic market. The reason is that more and more people purchase members of Tai Chi Medical Group, resulting in a rapid increase in domestic market demand.

As for the neurotherapy products, psychiatric products, disability treatment products, and addictive disease treatment products they released at the end of last year, they only started to supply the world this year, and they have not yet brought them income.

If these businesses are added, the revenue of Taiji Pharmaceutical Company is expected to exceed the 10 trillion yuan mark this year, and there is no need to worry about a significant decline in revenue.

At that time, Taiji Pharmaceutical Company will become the company with the highest revenue among all the secondary companies under his umbrella, and it will also be an enduring company.

The revenue of Taiji Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. has also increased from the previous 1 trillion yuan to 1.5 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 50%, and the development is very good.

The revenue growth of Tai Chi Health Products Company has slowed down sharply, indicating that the market has encountered a bottleneck. If new varieties are not added, it will be difficult to grow rapidly.

Revenue has increased from 1.5 trillion yuan in the previous year to 1.7 trillion yuan last year, with a growth rate of about 13%. The main growth contribution comes from the focus on health care products.

The emphasis on children’s education in foreign countries is not as popular as in China. Most of the people who buy mindfulness health care products are elite families, at least middle-class families.

Although the country attaches great importance to children's education and is willing to spend money on everything that is beneficial to children, their health care products basically do not make money in China and are sold at cost prices.

However, in their annual report, they intend to increase the price of this health care product this year, and even plan to gradually increase the domestic price of other health care products. After all, there is a huge gap between domestic prices and foreign prices for a long time.

Everyone used to be poor, so it was no problem for them to adopt such a strategy. Now that everyone’s income has increased too much, the prices of these commodities have gradually increased, which seems to make sense.

Health care products are not medicines, and high prices will not have a great impact on society. Ye Zishu has no intention of stopping their decision. People have to spend money to make money, and saving money will only make banks and other financial systems cheaper.

It may be due to the increase in the income of domestic people. The performance of Taiji Personal Care Company is very impressive, and the domestic contribution is becoming more and more obvious, and the proportion is also increasing year by year.

In the past, most of their income depended on overseas markets. After all, their products were too expensive. The cheapest set of products cost 2000 yuan, and the most expensive ones reached tens of thousands of yuan. They really couldn’t afford it without some income.

Last year, the income of ordinary people in China has increased significantly, and the demand for skin care products and cosmetics has also increased rapidly. Many ordinary people can afford to spend several hundred yuan a month in this regard.

In addition, they are gradually developing into the fashion field, and they have developed very well around cosmetics, perfumes and derivative market products, especially their perfume business.

At present, they have launched three series of perfume products, namely Elegant Series, Passion Series and Charm Series. Each series has 9 products, and each product has its own unique fragrance.

The best-seller in China is the light and elegant series of perfumes. After spraying, there is no strong and elegant fragrance, but a long-lasting light and elegant fragrance, which is more in line with the character of Chinese people.

The passion series is mainly rich and colorful, which is more in line with the personality of Europeans and Americans, but it is not pungent, but it seems a bit deliberate and does not conform to the personality of Chinese people.

The main focus of the charm series is not the fragrance, but the charm effect. In addition to the pleasant smell, it has a certain nerve stimulating effect. In layman's terms, it has the effect of aphrodisiac.

This series is the most expensive among the three series, and the starting price is tens of thousands of yuan. The reason is that the demand for this type is relatively small, and you can only make money by selling it more expensively, and people who need it don't care about the money.

Among the first two models, the price of the Danya series is relatively cheap, because this series itself is designed for the domestic public, and if you want to sell more, you can only give a certain discount on the price.

Last year, the total revenue of Taiji Personal Care Company was 5.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.5 trillion yuan over the previous year. The results are still very impressive, with a growth rate of 38.5%.

They also established a new company last year, which they named Tai Chi Food Company, which focuses on functional drinks and medicinal diets, and is doing well.

Leveraging the name of Tai Chi Group, it achieved a revenue of 2000 billion yuan last year, which is a very impressive achievement for a newly established company.

Among them, the main contribution comes from functional beverages. The medicated diet business is cumbersome to develop, requires professional medicated diet masters, and requires customization, so the development is relatively slow.

However, after the emergence of universal robots, this situation will change a lot. Taiji Group is not short of money, and is willing to hire universal robots as medicated diet masters.

Moreover, the price of medicated food is relatively high, and it can afford the high salary of general robots, so that it can support the rapid expansion of medicated food business. As for talents, it is enough to cultivate them slowly.

What surprised him last year was Taiji Medical Company, which miraculously achieved a breakeven. The reason is very simple, that is, too many people bought their membership, and they also recognized each other with the national medical insurance.

Originally, their number of members was as high as 3 million, which was actually quite high, but then Pei Qing included longevity medicine into the basic membership services, which led to a sudden increase in the number of members.

Moreover, this service can only be enjoyed by senior members, that is, the Qiangua members mentioned above can enjoy it for free. If the fee is calculated according to the market price, it will be very expensive.

The price of one injection in China is 5000 yuan, and two injections are needed every year, which costs a total of 1 yuan. This money is enough to pay for the membership fee of Qiangua for a whole year.

Due to the current limited output, this type of product was not sold in the international market last year, and it is estimated that it will not be sold outside this year, and priority must be given to meeting domestic demand.

It can be said that purchasing Qiangua members of Tai Chi Medical Group is the most valuable medical insurance service in the world, so it is understandable that so many people buy it.

Now there is a problem, that is, people in the system, the unit buys national medical insurance for them, and cannot enjoy this kind of additional service, and the national medical insurance cannot afford it.

Therefore, this service will not appear in the medical insurance. After all, this is not a disease treatment, but an additional medical service, but it is quite tempting for ordinary people.

If used for a long time, not only will the body feel very young, the probability of disease will be lower, and it can increase life expectancy, most of which are hard to refuse.

Therefore, their Qiangua members have increased to 5 million in a short period of time. Not only have a large number of Qiangua members been added, but the original Kungua members have also been upgraded to Qiangua members.

In addition to the embarrassment of state units, other private enterprises are also very embarrassed. In the past, people didn't care much about whether they had medical insurance. Now many employees of private enterprises care more about this.

As a result, many relatively powerful private companies have to help their employees purchase Qiangua members, which is also one of the important reasons for the large increase in the number of members of Tai Chi Medical Group.

According to Tai Chi Group's estimates, if their membership reaches more than 8 million, it will basically achieve universal coverage, because minors can enjoy their parents' membership services for free.

According to last year's membership fees, Tai Chi Medical Group received a total of 3 trillion yuan in membership fees, plus other income, the total income reached 5 trillion yuan.

Although the income is high, the expenditure is also high. In addition to the normal medical and personnel costs, the number of their medical institutions is still expanding.

At present, the number of their hospitals has reached 1.5, covering all cities in the country, and they will build a large number of medical institutions, and the total number is estimated to reach about 3.

In any case, it is a great joy for Taiji Medical Group to achieve profit and loss balance while expanding, at least there is no need for Taiji Group to continue blood transfusion.

Excluding this break-even group, Taiji Group’s total revenue last year was 16.3 trillion yuan, with an overall net profit margin of 65%, and a net profit of 10.6 trillion yuan.

They don't need to keep so much money for themselves. When distributing profits, he asked them to hand over 9 trillion yuan, and leave the remaining 1.6 trillion yuan for their own use.

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