Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 835 Comprehensively promote unified personal intelligence service plan

Now that the Chinese New Year is only a few days away, he must first read the annual financial reports of his industries to understand the development of his industries in the past year.

As in previous years, he first looked at the development of Phoenix Technology's industries. Regardless of the development of other industries under its umbrella, Phoenix Technology has a long period of prosperity.

In this era of rapid Internet development and superimposed mobile Internet is also developing at a high speed, it is very difficult for Phoenix Technology to not make money.

And it is also different from those software and Internet companies in the previous life, most of which rely on stock financial means to make money. Phoenix Technology Company is a real money maker and hardly relies on any financial means.

The reason why the gap is so large is very simple, that is, the technology of Phoenix Technology has formed a crushing advantage over the software and Internet level of the current era.

Instead of relying on financial operations such as the stock market, it can rely on advanced technology to provide users with irreplaceable services, making global users willing to spend money for it.

Even Internet companies can earn a lot of benefits in the process of users' use, and they will not arouse users' resentment. This is their ability, and others cannot learn it.

Phoenix Technology has two major sources of income. The first source is the income directly paid by users, and the second source is online advertising revenue. At present, the first source still occupies the mainstream of income.

The company with the largest source of income from direct payment from users is still Phoenix Software. Their revenue mainly comes from user payments, and the source of advertising revenue is relatively simple, but their income is not bad.

However, last year did not have a high growth rate like the previous year. Many businesses have entered a period of natural growth, and it is difficult to make a lot of money suddenly.

Like their operating system and office software, the revenue of the previous year was 8000 billion yuan, and last year's revenue was only a little over 1 trillion yuan. In terms of growth rate, it is not as exaggerated as before.

This achievement is mainly due to the fact that the computer is still one of the electronic products of choice for everyone. Unlike the previous life, many people actually don’t play computers anymore, and a mobile phone in their pockets can meet their daily entertainment needs.

In this era, computers are still a symbol of electronic products. Even though Qinglong Technology Company released a smartphone in September, sales of computer products have not slowed down significantly.

Therefore, computers still have a few years of glory. Last year, the number of new computers in the world reached more than 5 million, which is much higher than last year. The global computer stock also exceeded the 10 billion mark, reaching more than 12 billion.

These computers all use the Phoenix operating system. Although not every computer will be equipped with office software, the proportion of installed computers is not low, because office software is also one of the basic software.

The database software business, which was in a period of rapid growth the year before last, almost became the dominant player in this field last year, with a further increase in market share, resulting in a large number of related competitors closing their doors and lingering on their last legs.

Technological leadership is sometimes unsolvable, especially when there is too much technological leadership, and there is no solution to it, so you can only watch them attack cities and territories, but there is no way.

Moreover, the database involves the core security of an enterprise. As long as a slightly larger enterprise attaches great importance to this, it would rather spend more money in this area than see problems.

Phoenix Software's database series products are not only highly secure, but also very easy to use, and their performances are far superior to those of the same type of products. Moreover, the product categories are very complete, and there are more advanced functions at the same time.

This leads to the purchase of their databases. Generally, they will buy a full set. Unless they are really not needed for business, they will buy a certain database product. However, if there is a need to upgrade in the future, their products will definitely be the first choice.

Compared with other companies that only have a single database product, this series of products cooperate with each other, which is more competitive and provides a better experience for users.

The year before last, their database business revenue was as high as 4000 billion yuan, which was further increased last year, reaching 6000 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 50%, which is a very good result.

In the field of network security software, they are still making great strides. Personal security software has almost occupied all personal computers, with an installed capacity of 12 billion.

The reason is that old-fashioned computers are almost eliminated, because the previous computers can no longer keep up with the current demand, and they have to be eliminated.

As long as the computer is not bad, they will install their personal security software, not to mention that now the personal security software comes with computer management, which makes the computer run more smoothly.

Moreover, the growth intelligence that comes with personal security software is of great significance to many people, and it is the first choice for many people to contact artificial intelligence for the first time.

Although the use of artificial intelligence is not very good in his opinion, and it is not even considered the category of artificial intelligence in his eyes, but for ordinary users, it is very amazing.

As users use computers more and longer, their intelligence grows faster, making it easier for them to use their computers for entertainment or work.

It can be said that the grown-up intelligence is a good partner of many users in life, study and work, and is very helpful to their growth.

Moreover, the artificial intelligence of personal security software is not only for managing computers, but also can play a very important role in cooperation with other software.

Now Phoenix Software takes the lead, and cooperates with Phoenix Technology's brother companies and other industries under Ye Zishu to establish a set of artificial intelligence for each user.

In other words, as long as the user uses the artificial intelligence function, whether it is personal security software, office software, entertainment software, learning software, work software, etc., they are all interconnected.

Of course, it doesn't mean that as long as you buy the artificial intelligence service of one company, you don't need to buy the services of other companies, and you still have to pay, which is an additional service fee.

The advantage of doing this is to further increase the dependence of individual users on artificial intelligence, and at the same time reduce the trouble of users and improve the user experience.

Even the smart core of Qinglong Technology's smart home has been added to this plan, further increasing the sense of participation of artificial intelligence in users' lives.

This approach is very important to increase user stickiness. Just like social software, all friendships are in it. It is difficult to abandon it, and it is difficult for users to change social software even if they want to.

In the same way, if users are familiar with their own artificial intelligence that is ubiquitous in life, work, and study, and want to abandon it, it is equivalent to losing a caring friend, and it is difficult to make a decision.

And because artificial intelligence is involved all the time, if you suddenly switch to another company's product midway, you will feel a serious sense of incompatibility, and it is difficult to integrate with existing products.

In this way, it is easy to exclude the products of other companies. If users want to change products, they will also give priority to products related to exclusive artificial intelligence.

As long as this goal is achieved, it will be very beneficial to many products around the application of artificial intelligence, and it will benefit infinitely from the development of his industries.

This suggestion was not made by Ye Zishu, it was thought up by Phoenix Software Company itself, and after it was put forward, it received positive responses from his subsidiaries, because it was also very beneficial to them.

What's more, it's not difficult to do this. At present, the artificial intelligence applications of all his companies come from Phoenix Technology, and the technical difficulty of breaking through the barriers between each other is not high.

Because they use the same set of data systems behind them, but they didn’t have such a large-scale thinking mode before. Of course, the proportion of artificial intelligence infiltrating individual users was not very high at that time.

This approach has also enhanced the value of personal security software members, greatly increasing the number of their members, and the number of senior members worldwide has exceeded the 10 billion mark.

The annual membership fee income is as high as more than 500 billion US dollars, and the annual income is about 4500 billion yuan. This income alone is enough to create a dominant company.

In addition to membership fee income, there is also advertising revenue. The advertising revenue reached nearly 7000 billion yuan the year before last, and this revenue increased further last year, reaching nearly 9000 billion yuan.

Calculated according to this income, their personal security software has become one of the most important advertising platforms in the world, and it is also a very high-value advertising platform.

This is something that Ye Shu didn't think of at the beginning. He just wanted to increase the income source of personal security software, and he couldn't just rely on membership income, because at that time he was not sure how much membership fee he could receive.

I didn't expect that a helpless move at the beginning would bring such huge profits to Phoenix Software Company. I don't know how many companies I envy for this advertising revenue.

In another year or two, the advertising revenue alone may exceed the 1 trillion yuan mark, and it is very likely to become the most profitable advertising platform under Phoenix Technology.

If it weren't for the fact that Phoenix Software is a private company, it has neither plans to raise funds nor go public, and has not disclosed any financial report data to the outside world, so it would be fine to make a fortune in silence.

The outside world only knows that this advertising platform must have made a lot of money, but no one knows exactly how much money it made, because the data is not transparent, and it is a global company.

Even if it is a specialized investigation agency, it is not easy to investigate clearly. If the specific data is released, it is estimated that it will cause a huge earthquake. This is a model of lying down and making money.

Like Kunpeng Information Technology Company, it has to provide so many supporting services to earn some advertising fees, and has invested a lot of energy to maintain the entire system. In terms of input-output ratio, it is absolutely inferior to the advertising platform of Phoenix Software Company.

Not only did they earn money for membership fees, but they also earned money for advertising, and advertising was just a incidental thing, and they didn't put in too much energy at all, and they didn't need to invest too much energy.

Their advertising platform is connected to Shengshi Advertising Company's digital advertising platform, which is fully digital and intelligently managed, so they don't need to worry about it at all.

In addition to the personal security business, they also have an enterprise security business. Last year, the revenue of the enterprise business reached 4000 billion yuan, achieving a 100% growth.

To be honest, although this income increase is not low, Ye Shu is not particularly satisfied. He thinks that it has not met his requirements, and he is not very clear about the reason.

However, the biggest possibility is that there is a problem with the popularization of network security, so many companies do not realize how important network security is.

This is also related to the fact that Phoenix Software Company dealt with a large number of hackers before, which caused hackers around the world to be a bit wary, and they did not dare to make trouble as before.

At the beginning, the hacking incident greatly improved the security business of Phoenix Software Company. Now it seems that there are also disadvantages, which have led to a great improvement in global network security.

Medium and large companies pay more attention to it. Even if it seems to be calm on the surface, they will still spend a lot of money to purchase network security technology services. After all, they can't afford to gamble.

But for small and micro enterprises, many of them are monks hitting the clock for a day, and they are reluctant to spend an extra sum of money when nothing is imminent. After all, they can't wait to spend their money.

Although he wasn't very satisfied, he didn't plan to reprimand them for this. Let the market develop slowly. Anyway, in the field of enterprise security, their market share is not low.

At present, their network security market share has reached more than 90%, becoming the mainstream service provider in the field of enterprise network security, and it can even be said to have reached the level of monopoly.

This shows that they have gained an absolute advantage in the process of competing with other competitors. From this perspective, they have actually done very well.

As for the small and micro enterprise market, we can only take it slowly. If we actively promote it, it will be a bit uneconomical. The promotion cost will be relatively high, but the income will be relatively low, and the profit margin will not be very high.

And now that the global Internet is calm, it doesn't mean it will always be like this. There will always be some hackers who can't bear the loneliness and want to make troubles on the Internet.

Companies that purchase their network security services naturally don't have to worry about these hackers, but those companies that don't purchase network security services will sooner or later learn how powerful hackers are.

If you only need money, you can just pay some money, and the loss will not be too heavy. If you encounter someone with a vicious mind, you will suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, the income of small and micro enterprises is not high. Another reason is that the development of Phoenix Technology's cloud computing service business has led many small and micro enterprises to choose to purchase their services.

The main reason is that these small and micro enterprises purchase their cloud services, and they will naturally provide network security guarantees, and Phoenix Software will not get much money in this aspect of security business.

After all, it is now in the promotion stage, and the fees charged to users are relatively low. However, cloud services use overall network security services and will not provide individual security services to each user.

If this is really done, the service cost will be very high, and small and micro enterprises may not be able to afford it, and cloud services will not be able to be promoted globally.

Moreover, cloud services are not exclusive to Phoenix Technology now. International giants that have failed in servers and personal computers have also entered the field of cloud computing.

Although their technology is not particularly mature, nor can they provide more intelligent services, but the cheap price is also an advantage, so Phoenix Technology has to lower the price appropriately to maintain its dominant position.

In any case, Phoenix Software's security business revenue is as high as 1.75 trillion yuan, which is still a very successful business and the fastest growing business under its umbrella.

As for other businesses, including programming languages, programming tools, component services, etc., it is considered a good income in other companies, but it is not so conspicuous in Phoenix Software.

However, the growth rate is still good. Last year's revenue reached 100 billion yuan, which is much higher than before. Now, all companies that do development use their set of tools.

The reason why the income is not very high is because of themselves. Phoenix Technology has a very high proportion of the global software market, and the proportion of Internet applications is also very high.

It can even be said that in these two fields, all giants are under the umbrella of Phoenix Technology, and the remaining enterprises are all small and medium-sized enterprises, and many large enterprises have been killed by Phoenix Technology.

As a result, although the market share is very high, they do not make much money, because the development tools they provide internally do not charge fees and are provided free of charge.

If this part is also considered money, then the income may be doubled several times, but it is meaningless to do so. It is better to use it for free, which saves a lot of worry and reduces the overall operating costs.

Just like the cloud computing platform responsible for Phoenix Technology, it is also free for all its companies, but its companies will take this part of the cost into account, and then charge users for the cost.

This is equivalent to giving up profits to its subsidiaries, and Phoenix Software's doing so is also equivalent to giving up profits to brother companies, instead of fighting for benefits.

After reading Phoenix Software's financial report, Ye Zishu is still very satisfied with their growth last year, with a total revenue of 3.36 trillion yuan.

The revenue has increased by about 1 trillion yuan compared with the previous year, and the growth rate has reached about 43%. It is not easy to achieve such a high growth rate on the basis of the huge revenue before.

The reason why they can achieve such a high growth is that apart from their own efforts, the most important thing is that the Internet is still developing and informatization is still developing.

In a high-growth market, even if they do nothing, as long as their products maintain their advantages, they can still achieve good growth.

In fact, they have not developed many new businesses, at least the new businesses have not grown enough to be reflected in the annual financial report, which shows that these new businesses are still insignificant.

So although the growth is good, it is still the result of the natural growth of the market. As for their future development direction, Leaf Book is not very clear.

In addition to being responsible for the big strategy, he is now involved in less and less specific businesses. Unless he thinks of it temporarily, he will not think about specific businesses specifically for a certain company under his umbrella.

And as far as the positioning of Phoenix Software Company is concerned, they have completed these tasks excellently, and all businesses have reached the level of industry hegemony, so he doesn't have much demand for it.

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