Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 827 A new family member and a live streaming platform that makes a lot of money

Ye Zishu spent 10 days sorting out the technical information related to the resource detection satellite system, and handed it directly to Baihu Technology Company to organize a team to develop this satellite system.

Now the launch of the Global Communications Satellite System is coming to an end, and in a dozen or so days, all the launches will be completed, and this work will also come to an end by then.

The communication satellite system is an autonomous networking system. As long as it is launched into orbit, it will automatically form a whole with other satellites, and the management is all operated by artificial intelligence, which does not require a lot of manpower to maintain satellite operations.

The freed up manpower can just be used in the development of the new satellite system. If it is fast, the system can be completed next year.

The resource detection satellite system consists of 128 satellites, forming 64 pairs of twin satellites. With the scanning efficiency of these satellites, it only takes one year to scan the earth.

It’s just that the accuracy of the data obtained from the first scan is not necessarily very high. After all, it is impossible to stay in the space orbit for a long time. The data are all passed through once. The collected data is relatively limited and the analysis factors are relatively small.

And if you want to scan the earth with this satellite system, you need to change orbits frequently, so the altitude of the satellites is relatively high, all above the middle orbit, to avoid affecting other satellites.

In fact, the more satellites the better, but the cost is too high, and data collection does not need to be so urgent, it can be done slowly.

At least during the life cycle of these satellites, it is enough to scan the earth dozens of times, and the data collected is enough to see the inside and outside of the earth, so there is no need to launch so many.

After completing this resource detection satellite system, Ye Zishu began to continue to study artificial intelligence 3.0, which is very important for future plans, and hopes to develop it before returning home for the New Year.

In fact, artificial intelligence 3.0 is also available now, at least much stronger than the current version of artificial intelligence 2.0, but it has not yet met the requirements of Ye Zishu.

The main reason is that he believes that the current artificial intelligence 3.0 is not innovative enough to be qualified for higher-level jobs, and these talents are lacking in China.

In fact, there are not many low-end and middle-end talents in China. If artificial intelligence can only replace these positions, the significance of its existence is not very great.

Generally speaking, if you want artificial intelligence to be more innovative, you must give artificial intelligence a higher degree of freedom, which is exactly where he struggles.

Artificial intelligence is very powerful. If it is given too high a degree of freedom, it is very likely that one day it will be out of control. It is okay for him to be here. If one day he is gone, who can control it?

Although he told the senior executives of Kirin Basic Industries Group about the three-layer artificial intelligence prevention plan, it was established when he was there. If he was not there, with the intelligence of artificial intelligence, it would not be difficult to deceive everyone.

Therefore, he does not dare to give artificial intelligence 3.0 too high a degree of freedom. It must be within the acceptable range that he thinks, and it cannot be out of control.

It's just that under this limited condition, he feels that something is wrong when he does it, so he can only desperately find a way to solve this problem. He wants to have absolute control and meet his requirements in terms of innovation.

The most difficult thing in the world is to have both. It is difficult to have both in the world. It is like doing a dojo in a snail shell. There is always a feeling of being bound, which makes him feel a little tricky.

Time passed in a flash, and the Taiji Group's press conference was finally held, but Pei Qing didn't go to the company that day, but stayed at home, wanting to watch the live broadcast of the press conference with Ye Zishu.

To be honest, he is not interested in watching the live broadcast of the press conference. He prefers to read the summary after the press conference and the public opinion about the press conference.

Because he can see all the new products at the press conference in advance, and many of the products themselves are made by him, even watching the live broadcast does not have the excitement of ordinary audiences.

However, this press conference was a bit special. Pei Qing thought it was very interesting, so she insisted on dragging him to watch it together. Although he was very busy, he did not refuse. After all, he also found this event more interesting.

The two were at home, projected the live broadcast system to the smart TV, and then nestled on the sofa, with the tea, fruit and refreshments prepared by the general robot next to them.

Since having a universal robot helper at home, his quality of life has skyrocketed, and he doesn't have to worry about almost everything at home, including grocery shopping, cleaning, and living arrangements.

He can even serve as his personal secretary, helping him run errands, and even the work of serving tea and water is done by the universal robot, which is really not too cool.

If it is a real person, if you want him to do so many things, he will inevitably have emotions, and he will not bear to let people run up and down.

But for Universal Robots, doing these things is a piece of cake. Even the meals and cleaning of the security personnel are properly arranged, and the quality of life of the security personnel has also been greatly improved.

Such a general-purpose robot can handle housework as efficiently as three ordinary people. This is because Ye Zishu will let the robot rest by itself at night.

Here I would like to say that a general-purpose robot is different from an ordinary robot. It cannot rotate continuously for 24 hours. Even if it works 24 hours occasionally, it cannot last for too long.

The reason is that the universal robot needs to spend time to repair itself, which is different from ordinary robots. Although the robot will not be tired, it will also have physical "fatigue".

If the robot keeps rotating continuously and the robot is not given time to recover, the service life of the robot will be greatly reduced, and the repair cost of a general-purpose robot is very high.

Because the interior of the universal robot is integral and its structure is very complex, if the interior is damaged, it is no different from performing surgery on humans, and even more difficult.

So when he chooses materials, he chooses materials that can repair themselves. As long as the materials are within the tolerance range, the universal robot can slowly repair itself.

This is why the normal service life of a universal robot is as high as 100 years, because it has the characteristics of self-healing and can ensure the stability of the internal structure and materials for a long time.

Therefore, it is very necessary to let the general-purpose robot rest for 8 hours a day. Of course, for such low-intensity labor, the rest time does not take that long, and it only needs to rest for 2 hours.

It’s just that no one wants a robot to walk around the house at night, especially for people with poor sleep quality, it may be easy to wake up with a little noise.

After the general robot prepared the tea, he sat on the sofa next to him, watching TV with Ye Zishu and Pei Qing, and seemed to enjoy it.

If Yeshu didn't know that the robot's practice was imitated, the purpose was to prevent the robot from looking cold, then it would not be suitable for service work.

Therefore, the universal robot will formulate its own behavior according to the personality of the service object. For example, Ye Zishu does not like to treat the universal robot as a servant, but as a member of the family.

Therefore, the performance of the universal robot will also move closer to this direction. After work, it will participate in some activities of the employer's house. For example, watching TV at his house is one of the important family activities.

Moreover, Ye Zishu didn't want the people around him to be obedient, so when he acted as his personal secretary, he still had a bit of a temper, but he controlled it just right, so that he wouldn't be too boring after work.

The employer can put forward these requirements by himself. If the employer does not raise these requirements, the general robot will also analyze the employer's psychology based on the situation it observes.

Then, according to the analysis results, adjust your behavior appropriately to make the employer feel more comfortable. Of course, all of this is based on compliance with the rules.

There are all kinds of people in the world, and it is not ruled out that some people will look at the beautiful figure and good-looking face of the robot and become malicious. After all, even inflatable dolls can be sold so hot, let alone a general-purpose robot.

In the production process of general-purpose robots, the physical appearance is automatically generated according to the program, and each robot is different and can be distinguished at a glance.

But no matter the shape or appearance, it is in line with human aesthetics. Although it is not necessarily amazing, it will definitely not be ugly, and the combination of body shape and appearance will become particularly attractive.

After all, universal robots serve the society and need to deal with all kinds of people in society. Although they are not discriminatory, they are more popular after all because they are good-looking and attractive.

The beauty and ugliness of human beings cannot be artificially controlled. It is determined by genes from the moment the parents combine, but robots do not have this trouble. Beauty and ugliness can be completely customized, so there is no need to treat robots badly.

After they were ready, a large number of people flooded into the live broadcast room on the smart TV, and the number of people online broke through the 100 million mark in just a few minutes.

And the number is still increasing rapidly. According to this speed, when the live broadcast starts, the total number of people is estimated to reach tens of millions, but the people here are not necessarily all domestic people.

In order to expand the influence of the press conference, the live broadcast room is open to Internet users around the world, and a real-time translation function is also enabled, so that people from different countries can watch the live broadcast content without language barriers.

Of course, there is a fee for global live broadcast recommendations. Generally, only large companies will use it when developing live broadcasts, because the fees are quite expensive.

For the live broadcast of this press conference of Taiji Group, tens of millions of yuan need to be paid to the live broadcast company, and these fees are live broadcast service fees.

After paying the fee, the live broadcast system will give priority to recommending live broadcast rooms to audiences all over the world, and will also provide translation services and automatic subtitle services in all languages ​​around the world.

Moreover, the picture of the live broadcast room after payment is much clearer than that of ordinary live broadcast rooms, making it more pleasing to the audience around the world.

This service is one of the important sources of income for Phoenix Technology's live broadcast system. At the beginning, not many companies were willing to use this service, and it was too expensive.

If a well-known company uses it, it will cost tens of millions of yuan. Even if an unknown company uses it, it will cost several million yuan. It must be heartbreaking for them to pay this money.

The important thing is that at that time, the live broadcast system had not enough users around the world, and its influence was not large enough. Everyone did not know how much effect this function could bring.

Enterprises are not afraid of spending money, but they are afraid of spending money but not achieving the expected results. If they can earn back the money spent and make a lot of money themselves, they are willing to spend no matter how much money they spend.

The company that used this service for the first time was actually Huanyu Group. Since no one dared to be the first to try it out, a brother company could only make a sample to let everyone see that using this system is definitely worth the money.

Facts have also proved this point. Huanyu Group broadcasted their new product launch live to Internet users around the world through the live broadcast system, and the effect was very good.

During the live broadcast, the number of online viewers was as high as 3000 million, and the number of subsequent live video broadcasts was even more exaggerated. The publicity effect played was definitely worth the fee paid by Huanyu Group.

Anyway, advertising costs are always spent, and being able to spend it at the new product launch event to expand the influence of the launch event is also an effective means of publicity.

Since Huanyu Group used the global live broadcast promotion function, more and more companies have begun to promote through Phoenix Technology's live broadcast system, which is usually only done during major events.

Moreover, with Qinglong Technology Company and Phoenix Technology Company using it one after another, it has almost become a common practice to hold new product launches through the live broadcast system.

Some people even think that only strong companies will use the global live broadcast promotion function of the live broadcast system, and the reason is very simple, that is, it is too expensive.

Enterprises with little strength have to weigh it if they want to use this function, and enterprises with weak strength do not need to promote it globally, because their products cannot reach the global market yet.

Therefore, if small and medium-sized enterprises really want to use this function, they generally only promote it to the market that they can touch, so that the cost is lower and the promotion effect is not bad.

In fact, after Phoenix Technology launched the live broadcast platform, other companies have also launched their own live broadcast platforms one after another. Anyway, there is now an industry consensus.

As long as it is a new business launched by Phoenix Technology, it has great potential for development. As long as you feel that you have the strength, you must hurry up and enter it. If you can make it bigger, then launch it.

This is the case with their live broadcast platforms. Later, there are countless large and small live broadcast platforms, some of which have been in operation for a few months and cannot continue to operate, and some have persisted until now and have received financing.

Money is of course important, and raising funds can make these live broadcast platforms survive better, but technology is equally important, which cannot be bought with money.

Phoenix Technology's live broadcast platform is a fully intelligent live broadcast platform, which makes live broadcast more interesting, and the operating cost is not comparable to them.

The most important thing is that according to the operating model of Phoenix Technology's live broadcast platform, they can't make any money at all, because the proportion of audience rewards on Phoenix Technology's live broadcast platform is very low.

There are many reasons. The first reason is that different regions and countries have different tipping policies. For example, domestic tipping is strictly restricted.

Not only limit the number of rewards per day per account, but also limit the total amount of rewards, just to avoid getting yourself into trouble.

Overseas, if there are no special laws and regulations, the management of tipping is not so strict, as long as it is not illegal, it is much more relaxed than in China.

The second is the proportion of income. Advertising revenue and value-added service income are its main income. Although the anchor can share part of the reward income, it is not the main source of income for the anchor.

The anchor’s income mainly comes from the advertising share of the platform. Some anchors receive a fixed salary, and the brokerage company behind them bears their salary.

The third reason is that the influence of other companies' live broadcast platforms is too low. No matter from which point of view, Phoenix Technology's live broadcast platform is far superior to theirs.

For example, the smart translation and smart subtitles mentioned above are not available on ordinary live broadcast platforms, and these two are precisely the important foundations for expanding influence.

Of course, if viewers want to enjoy the above two services, they need to purchase value-added services, otherwise the live broadcast platform will not translate the language and text the viewers want to hear.

This is also part of the value-added services of the live broadcast platform, and there are many other value-added services. Anyway, users can use it comfortably, and the platform can make a lot of money.

In addition to these personal services, enterprise value-added services are also their main source of income. The live broadcast promotion in enterprise services alone has brought them a lot of income.

According to the data seen by Ye Zishu, the revenue from this service alone is as high as several tens of billions this year, and there is still a lot of room for growth in the future. It is not difficult to reach hundreds of billions of dollars.

In addition to platform advertisements, value-added services, audience rewards, etc., the income brought by the live broadcast platform to Phoenix Technology is very good, far exceeding Ye Zishu's expectations.

Although this kind of business is not particularly amazing within the system of Phoenix Technology, but in the eyes of outside companies, this is a proper super business.

Under the pressure of such a powerful live broadcast platform, many live broadcast platforms do not have much confidence to win the competition, but think that the market should be able to accommodate several platforms.

They can't compete for the biggest cake, but they can compete for the remaining share. It can't be that all the live broadcast market share is occupied by Phoenix Technology.

So they desperately wanted to find the field of live broadcast content that Phoenix Technology had not set foot in, hoping to find a way out from the segmented field, not to mention, they really found it.

And the market in this segment is not low, that is, the live broadcast content service with color, which is definitely not allowed in China, but in some countries, it is allowed by law.

As a result, everyone began to give up the direct competition with Phoenix Technology in the live broadcast industry, and switched to the color live broadcast industry, which is more profitable for them.

Phoenix Technology's ability to make money comes from its huge market share and advanced technical support. They simply can't do it, and as a giant company, they generally don't get involved in color live broadcasting.

For small businesses, it is enough to make money without breaking the law, but for giant companies, it is not too ugly to eat while making money.

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