Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 817 Business experience around smart glasses

When Pei Qing came back in the evening, she was carrying a big bag of things. Ye Zishu thought it was vegetables for sale, but it turned out to be smartphones and smart glasses.

Smartphones have been out for a long time, and Qinglong Technology Company originally planned to send Ye Zishu one in advance, so that his communication would be convenient, but he refused.

There is no such thing as a circle without rules, because he is the boss, and he has to abide by the rules. Since it is still in the secrecy, he can't go through the market with swagger in advance.

These products that Pei Qing took were all bought with money, but they don't need to go to the store of Qinglong Technology Company to buy them, they can be delivered directly, which is convenient.

"I originally planned to ask my assistant to help me go to the store to buy, but I didn't expect that I couldn't squeeze in. There are too many people. I have never seen such a crazy scene." Pei Qing said while opening the box.

"I guess they all want to buy these two things. Smartphones and smart glasses are indeed epoch-making in a sense, and their popularity is understandable." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing also sold him a smartphone and smart glasses. The smartphone is a high-end version, and the appearance is not too fancy. The biggest difference is the interior, which emphasizes safety and stability.

This high-end mobile phone is specially prepared for business people. It can effectively protect the information security of business people. At the same time, the talk time is longer, so that the battery will not run out halfway through use.

Stability not only emphasizes system stability and call stability, but also has super anti-destructive properties. The materials used are different from other types of products, and it is also super waterproof, so there is no problem washing it in water.

Of course, the price is naturally very high, with a price of up to 2 yuan, which is the most expensive among all high-end models. Although the appearance is also amazing, compared with other high-end mobile phones, the design is relatively conservative.

Most people will not buy this one when they buy a high-end mobile phone, because what they want is coolness, not the above features, so the sales volume is destined not to be particularly high, and the price will naturally increase accordingly.

I only bought the standard type of smart glasses. The standard type is also not so much bells and whistles. The overall design is quite satisfactory, and the lenses are also white transparent glass.

And Pei Qing chose a slightly more fashionable smart glasses. The overall design sense is much better than the standard model. For women, more emphasis is placed on dressing, and the ordinary model is obviously difficult to meet the requirements.

It's a pity that Ye Zishu doesn't have much demand for smart glasses, and most of the time he is left idle. If you really want to watch blockbuster movies, the experience of virtual helmets is definitely far better than smart glasses.

In order to reduce the burden on users and minimize the waste of space, smartphones do not use physical cards, but virtual cards.

The user can search for the name of the communication operator on the smartphone, and after selecting it, he can log in to the service purchase interface of the communication operator without a card, and after paying the funds, he can choose the number.

After the number is selected, it will be automatically stored in the virtual card area. In theory, a mobile phone can have countless virtual cards at the same time, but Qinglong Technology provides a maximum of 6 virtual card positions.

One of them is specially reserved for the satellite communication network of Baihu Technology Company, and the virtual cards of other communication operators cannot be occupied, so in fact, only the services of five other communication operators can be used.

Of course, Pei Qing is not short of money. In addition to purchasing the service of the telecom operator, she also directly applied for a satellite communication service number, and directly charged 1 yuan into it.

As long as she does not use the satellite communication service, the recharged money will not be consumed, but it cannot be withdrawn either. The money will be directly deducted from the pre-deposited funds for how many services are used later.

The tariff of satellite communication service is directly changed according to the geographical location. For example, the same satellite communication number will be charged according to the domestic tariff standard in China.

If you go abroad with the same mobile phone and use satellite communication services in the country where you are, you will be charged directly according to the communication service tariff standards in the country and region where you are currently.

The purpose of this is to avoid loopholes. In order to save money, users in high-income countries may apply for satellite communication services in low-income countries.

It is very tempting for many people to be able to use satellite communication at a lower cost than their country's telecom operators.

Instead of investing a lot of cost to curb this phenomenon, it is better to directly distinguish the service charge standard by geographical location. For satellites, it is very simple to do this.

As long as satellite communication services are used, there is no need for navigation and positioning satellites to provide services. Communication satellites can determine the user's location, but the accuracy is not particularly high, and the positioning error is large, which cannot meet the needs of high-precision positioning.

Ye Zishu also followed Pei Qing's thinking. In his opinion, it is safer to use satellite communication signals, but the satellite signals are not very good in a relatively closed space, not as strong as the signals of ground telecom operators.

The two saved each other's numbers in each other's mobile phones, and Pei Qing started to play with smart glasses again. She knew how to use a smartphone, because some models of tablet computers played very similarly to smartphones.

Smart glasses are different. This is the first time she has seen this kind of product, and she wants to understand how Qinglong Technology can achieve such powerful functions in such a small space.

Originally, this was designed by Ye Zishu, and he explained it aside, allowing Pei Qing to understand the basic internal structure and how to use it in a while.

Smart glasses are slightly heavier than ordinary glasses, and the frames of the glasses are also thicker. After all, many components need to be installed inside. If the space is too small, it is difficult to arrange them.

Fortunately, the overall impact is not big, and it is not such a big burden to wear. If it is too heavy, the comfort will be poor, and it cannot be worn for a long time, which will affect the user experience.

Since it is so expensive, it is natural to make consumers feel that it is worth the money, so it has achieved the ultimate in all aspects. The frames are not made of ordinary materials, but lightweight nano-materials.

Even the lens is not an ordinary glass lens. In addition to having self-illumination, it can also be adjusted to full light-absorbing glass, directly becoming a black lens.

The main purpose of this design is to watch large movies. If there is still a lot of light entering the eyeball when the image is projected to the eyeball, it will cause serious interference.

If it becomes completely black, it can effectively prevent external light from directly entering the eyeball. Although it cannot be completely prevented, the experience is much better, and the interference from external light is not great.

Of course, if you feel that this kind of experience is not enough, then shut it in the room and turn off all the lights. The experience is definitely the best, just like being in a movie theater.

Smart glasses can be linked with smartphones, smart terminals, and computers. Pei Qing directly used her smartphone to log in to Kunpeng Information Technology Company's online theater mobile application and chose a blockbuster sci-fi movie.

Click it directly, and when the movie is playing, an additional button will be provided, which is the projection button, which can project the movie being played on the smart TV or on the smart glasses.

Of course, since they are all products of the same company, they can also be projected directly on the computer. After Pei Qing chose to project, it was directly detected that the smart glasses were connected, so Pei Qing chose the screen-casting smart glasses.

After selection, the playback on the smartphone stops, and now there are two options, one is to choose not to turn it off, and the smartphone and smart glasses play at the same time, and the other option is to turn off the playback on the smartphone and let it be in a silent state.

After Pei Qing chose to be silent, she suddenly let out an exclamation, and said hastily: "It's so real, it feels like the movie screen is happening around me."

Ye Zishu on the side was quite satisfied after hearing it. This is what he wanted. If he didn't achieve this effect, he would be ashamed to sell it so expensively, and he wouldn't be able to sell much if it was so expensive.

Only when people feel that it is worth the money will there be a strong demand for purchase. Although he does not expect the sales of smart glasses to reach the sales of smartphones, he also hopes to reach about 50%.

Only when everyone feels that the product is an indispensable existence in daily life, can most consumers choose to buy it, and can bring him huge benefits.

It can be said that watching movies is just an application of smart glasses. In fact, the experience of playing games is also very good, especially games specially customized for smart glasses. The experience is super strong.

Using smart glasses to play 3D games is no longer to realize 2D on a 3D screen, but to really let the player be in it. If the No.1 viewing angle is used, the user feels that the protagonist is himself.

In addition, smart glasses can also play a very important role in daily life and work, and can also perform complex operations through simple brain-controlled commands.

However, many of these services are provided for a fee. The more professional and profitable the service, the higher the fee. This is almost a business law.

It's just that the smart glasses are still short, and Phoenix Technology has not had much time to get the relevant standards, so the services that can be provided currently are not particularly rich.

In a limited time, in order to maximize the charm of smart glasses and increase the sales of smart glasses, they can only start from a few aspects.

The first one is to upgrade the online cinema service, which is not particularly difficult for them. They only need to develop a format conversion tool to convert the format of the online movie library.

The price of the converted online movie is much more expensive than that of the normal format movie, directly doubled. Originally, the movie on demand only cost 10 yuan, but if you want to watch the immersive version, you need to spend 20 yuan.

This is just an example. The charging standards of online theaters are different in different countries, and they are still determined according to the level of economic development. His industry is very skilled in this regard.

There are no 3D theaters yet, so it can be said that smart glasses are the only tool for them to watch movies with 3D effects. It is normal that the price is more expensive. If it is not expensive, it is Phoenix Technology doing charity.

But even so, it is still cheaper than theater movies, like ordinary 2D movies, it is usually half or even more cheaper than theater tickets.

And like the 3D movie version, the highest price is only the same as the ticket price of 2D movies in theaters, and the ticket prices of most ordinary 3D movies are much cheaper than 2D movies in theaters.

After all, online theaters do not need to invest in a lot of hardware facilities, and the audience is theoretically unlimited, so the overall operating cost is much lower than that of offline theaters.

The relatively low ticket prices of online theaters are more conducive to market development and competition with offline theaters. Anyway, Kunpeng Information Technology Company does not have foreign offline theaters, so there is no need to consider them.

The theater chain of Wancheng Jiye in China has not yet been built, but according to this trend, although it is unlikely that no theater will be built, the number will definitely decrease a lot.

After all, considering the overall cost, it is more cost-effective to use smart glasses to watch 3D blockbusters, especially for single people, it is the same everywhere, so they will naturally choose a more affordable way to watch.

It can be said that the emergence of smart glasses will have a huge impact on the offline theater business, not to mention a devastating blow, at least the number will be reduced by half.

The second is to provide some immersive games. This aspect is more difficult. Fortunately, they have artificial intelligence in hand, and the processing efficiency of artificial intelligence is naturally high.

Not only did they develop some new games for the smart glasses, but they also reset old games, and then put them back on sale for only a little less than the original price of the regular version.

The price of the immersive version of the new game is about 25% to 50% higher than that of the normal version. In the past, it was difficult to increase the price of the game, even if it was a 3A masterpiece.

But now the form is different, which gave Seagull Interactive Entertainment a reason to increase the price. After all, in order to make players more immersive, a lot of extra processing needs to be done.

In fact, for Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment, the cost has not increased much, and the production of the immersive version can be completely handed over to artificial intelligence. After all, there is a normal version as a reference, and the artificial intelligence fully knows how to make the immersive version.

For players, although the immersive version is more expensive, it is definitely worth the money, because playing the immersive version, it seems that the whole person is in the virtual world, and the sense of participation is particularly strong.

And because it seems to be in it, the sense of picture is stronger, even if it is an immersive game with beautiful scenery but not strong story, it can also be used as a travel experience, and you can also enjoy the scenery that absolutely does not exist on the earth.

Of course, if you want a more detailed picture, you need a stronger processor. For example, the processor of a low-end mobile phone cannot handle such a delicate picture, and at least a mid-range or higher mobile phone is required.

Because in order to achieve a good experience, the picture must be at least 8k. If it is lower than this picture, there will be obvious discomfort, and nothing looks right.

At the new product launch conference of Qinglong Technology Company, in order to allow players to enjoy immersive games, they launched a new game console, which can drive up to a higher screen, and of course the price is much higher than before.

Therefore, the previous game console products will also be sold simultaneously. Not everyone likes immersive games, and not everyone can afford a more expensive new version of the game console.

Of course, new and more powerful graphics cards are also indispensable, and the price is also much more expensive than ordinary graphics cards. After all, you get what you pay for, and if you install a more powerful graphics card, the original old machine can also play immersive games.

The third is the immersive transformation of search engine information, but most of the services are free. If you need to provide more professional information, you need to purchase professional services.

With the access of immersive search information, using smart glasses to look at things will automatically jump out of the basic information of the viewed objects and scenes, making the entire real world the same as the game scene.

Therefore, the immersive transformation of search engines is an important embodiment of the AR application of smart glasses, allowing users to fully experience the fusion of virtual and reality.

The fourth is the immersive transformation of the social platform. After all, this is also one of the mainstream applications. If this aspect is not transformed, the smart glasses will lack something.

As long as these four aspects have undergone immersive transformation, the market for smart glasses can basically be supported. As for more applications with smart glasses, they will be launched in succession.

Around the smart glasses, his industry will form a new huge market, which can effectively promote the continued development of its industry at a relatively high speed.

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