Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 815 New Launch Plan and Space Station Design Plan

After all the technical solutions were completed, Ye Zishu did the calculations and surprised himself. This solution was already his plan to reduce costs as much as possible.

But the cost still surprised him. The cost per kilometer is still as high as nearly 1 million yuan. If a [-]-kilometer electromagnetic track is built, trillions of yuan will be needed.

How could Baihu Technology Company have so much funds to build such a facility, and it was impossible for him to get funds from other companies to build this for Baihu Technology Company.

After all, compared with the future, the present is more important. Developing the economy and improving people's livelihood are also one of the important tasks. Baihu Technology Company can only make money to support itself.

Although this scheme is adopted, the launch efficiency is extremely high, and each carrier can carry thousands of tons of cargo into space, and it can be used continuously.

Since the inside of the orbit is a vacuum, and the magnetic levitation technology is realized between the interior and the vehicle, as well as the large-scale use of superconducting materials, the power consumption is actually not that exaggerated.

To launch a thousand-ton vehicle into space, the minimum power consumption is only 1000 million kilowatt-hours each time. Even if the cargo is launched to the moon, it will not exceed 1 million kilowatt-hours at a time.

This is equivalent to the cost of each launch ranging from 500 million to 5000 million yuan. This cost is much lower than the cost of the current first-stage rocket, and the minimum cost per kilogram is only 5 yuan.

Of course, this is just the cost of using the electromagnetic orbital launcher. In fact, the construction cost and maintenance cost of the electromagnetic orbital launcher must also be included. The larger the quantity, the lower the cost.

But in any case, it is nothing compared to the current cost of 10,000+ yuan per kilogram or even higher. This is the effect of the electromagnetic orbital launcher after it is completed.

Of course, including the cost of building the electromagnetic track and the cost of the carrier, the cost will not be so low. If you want to earn back the cost, based on 1 yuan per kilogram, you need to launch more than 10 tons of materials to just pay back the cost.

Just according to the cost of your own use, if you use the current international rocket launch as a reference, it is absolutely very competitive to charge 5 yuan per kilogram of cargo for launch.

If you want to further reduce the launch cost per kilogram, you must further increase the total weight of the launch cargo. Obviously, just building a space station simply cannot cover the cost of orbital construction.

Unless it is the construction of a future space city, the total weight of the space city will definitely exceed 10 tons. After all, it must accommodate tens of thousands of people to live, live and research at the same time.

If calculated according to the construction of a space city with 10 people, the construction of this electromagnetic orbital launcher is absolutely worthwhile, because the total weight of such a space city may eventually reach nearly [-] million tons.

In the long run, building an electromagnetic orbital launcher is the most cost-effective, but under the current space mission, it seems a bit tasteless. The total weight of Baihu Technology's space station is only about 1 tons.

The construction cost is too high. If the construction length is shortened, it can only be used to transport general goods, not high-precision equipment, let alone personnel.

The reason is very simple, that is, the acceleration is too fast, not to mention whether human beings can withstand it, even high-precision equipment cannot withstand such a high acceleration, and precision equipment is easily damaged under high acceleration.

It will take a long time for Baihu Technology to accumulate such a large amount of funds. According to the annual fund stock of 1000 billion yuan, it will take more than 10 years.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu directly put away the plan silently. Based on the current domestic rocket launch cost, the actual cost per kilogram is only about 1 yuan.

The reason is that they have achieved full recovery of the three-stage rocket. Generally, the first-stage rocket accounts for 60% of the cost, the second-stage rocket accounts for 20% of the cost, the third-stage rocket plus fairing accounts for 10% of the cost, and the launch service fee accounts for 10% of the cost. %.

The cost of rocket propellant is only less than 400 million yuan. If the loss of the rocket is also included, plus service fees and insurance fees, and the need to make profits, the total cost of each launch is about 2 million yuan.

Obviously, from the perspective of building a space station, it is more cost-effective to use the current rocket launch, but he still feels a bit painful, and the launch cost alone is as high as 1000 billion yuan.

Including the manufacturing cost of the space station itself, the total cost of the entire space station is still as high as about 2000 billion yuan. It is still a bit expensive for Baihu Technology, after all, they have to save money for other space programs.

So Yeshu began to use the electric propulsion technology according to the first plan above, so as to reduce the fuel weight of the rocket and increase the payload of each rocket.

In this way, about 20 tons of goods can be transported. Through the electric push technology, the cargo transportation volume may reach more than 200 tons, and the weight is more than 10 times that of the current one.

With microwave power transmission technology, the higher the altitude, the lower the transmission efficiency. After all, the farther the distance, the greater the energy diffusion. In addition to complex environments such as clouds, the transmission efficiency will be further reduced.

But in any case, it is much lower than the current rocket launch cost, and the key to all of this lies in electric propulsion technology and high-power wireless microwave power transmission technology.

As for the other parts, there is no need to make changes, just use off-the-shelf technology, and only small modifications to existing rockets will meet the requirements.

Thinking of this, he could only temporarily put aside the matter of the electromagnetic orbital launcher, and began to study electric propulsion technology and high-power microwave power transmission technology.

Electric propulsion technology is an important technology to achieve navigation in the solar system. The technical principle has long existed, but due to various reasons, the force generated by this propulsion technology is very small. If it can reach 1n, it is already a very powerful existence.

Most of them are used in space for orbit change and attitude adjustment, and can also be used for long acceleration, which can continue to accelerate with a small acceleration for a long time, as long as the distance is long enough, the speed will always increase.

However, so far, no electric propulsion has been used for the power system inside the atmosphere, and the status quo will not be changed for a long time in the future.

The most critical part is that the power is not enough to provide a large amount of power. Relying on the rocket's own battery to provide power cannot meet the requirements.

This is why many people feel that small-scale controllable nuclear fusion is the real symbol of the human space age, because small-scale nuclear fusion can provide enough power to allow electric thrusters to generate enough thrust.

Now Ye Zishu does not intend to directly adopt small-scale controllable nuclear fusion technology, but uses high-power microwave power transmission technology, which can also provide a large amount of electric energy for the rocket, but it is more affected by the environment and is not as good as small-scale controllable nuclear fusion.

But it does not prevent human spaceflight technology from taking a key step forward. Even if only the electric propulsion technology is realized on the first-stage rocket, it is a major breakthrough.

In order to avoid the serious impact of the ionosphere on high-power microwave power transmission, he plans to use electric propulsion only on the first stage of the rocket, and conventional chemical propulsion on the second and third stages.

Because once the ionosphere seriously interferes with microwave power transmission, it means that the rocket will lose power in an instant, and the launch will definitely fail.

Even if the connection with microwave power transmission is not completely lost, the disturbance caused by power instability can easily cause the rocket launch to fail. After all, the rocket needs high-precision power control, and any accident may lead to failure.

Therefore, it is impossible to use electric propulsion technology throughout the launch process. We can only choose to implement electric propulsion on the first stage rocket, and use conventional chemical propulsion technology for the rest.

In fact, the first-stage rocket consumes the most energy. As long as the propulsion problem of the first-stage rocket is solved, the weight of the fuel behind it will be much smaller.

It took him two days to complete the high-power microwave power transmission technology. Without serious electromagnetic interference, the power transmission efficiency was as high as 2%, and the power transmission power reached the gw (98 billion watts) level.

Then it took another 3 days to develop an advanced electric thruster. In fact, it should be called an electromagnetic thruster in the strict sense. It not only uses the Coulomb force of electricity, but also uses the Loren magnetic force of the electromagnetic field.

Using this electromagnetic thruster, ions can be accelerated to 10 kilometers per hour, which has reached one-third of the speed of light, and is more than 200 times faster than ordinary electric thrusters.

The last thing is to carry out the overall transformation of the rocket so that it can adapt to the current propulsion technology. This is relatively simple. It only took him one day to complete the new rocket design.

Using these technologies to conduct a simulation demonstration, it was found that it fully met his design expectations and has reached the actual construction level, but it is not known whether there will be any problems in actual operation.

However, he believes that it should not be a big problem. After all, the simulation run by the super quantum computer is precise enough, and all the factors that can be considered have been taken into account.

Upload all the sorted technical data to the technical data management system of Baihu Technology Company, including the technical data of the previously designed electromagnetic orbital launcher, and also gave it to them.

Although it is unlikely to be built at present, it allows them to organize a small-scale scientific research team to study these materials, and they will not be in a hurry when the time is right.

After uploading the materials, Ye Zishu held a brief meeting with the management of White Tiger Technology Company and the selected project leader to share his thoughts on the space program.

It can be said that the space project research and development department of Baihu Technology Company is waiting for this moment. If you don’t count on him, it’s okay, just follow the current path.

But Ye Zishu thinks that this way is not easy to go, he wants to go another way, and he doesn't tell these project personnel what way it is, so they are at a loss and can only wait for news from him.

This period of time is a kind of torment for all personnel in the space project. Every day feels purposeless, and the whole person feels that they are just dawdling, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Now finally came the critical moment, Ye Zishu finally completed the choice of the technical route, but they never expected that he would directly use the electric propulsion technology.

Moreover, in order to allow the electric propulsion technology to have a strong enough thrust, a high-power microwave power transmission technology that many people have never thought of has been designed.

This makes many people think of Tesla's wireless power transmission technology. They don't know how Tesla's wireless power transmission is realized, but the high-power microwave power transmission technology provided by Ye Zishu is just around the corner.

After Ye Zishu finished talking about the technology of electric propulsion rockets, he briefly explained the technology of electromagnetic orbital launchers, but everyone was dumbfounded when they heard that it would cost trillions of yuan in construction.

Is it necessary to build such a large-scale facility? Unless it is going all out to enter the universe, there is no need at all. Ye Zishu also agrees with this idea.

However, he feels that the simplified version of this set of electromagnetic orbital launchers can be built on the moon in the future, and the construction cost is much lower than that on the earth. Since there is no air, there is no need to consider the problem of vacuum pipes.

So he asked Baihu Technology Company to organize a research and development team to use the electromagnetic orbit launch technology he gave to design a lunar electromagnetic orbit launcher.

If you really want to mine on the moon in the future, this set of electromagnetic orbital launchers will come in handy, and the cost is much lower than using conventional transportation methods.

As for the electromagnetic orbital thrusters on the earth, we can wait until we have money, but we don’t have this idea for the time being. It’s better to develop the space program step by step.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu began to design the space station non-stop. The space station he designed should not only consider the current situation, but also consider expanding it into a space city in the future.

Among the many designs, he finally chose to design the space station in the shape of a flying saucer disc. The reason for this is that on the one hand, this design is conducive to allowing the space station to simulate gravity.

The method is to rotate the space station to generate centrifugal force. Although the centrifugal force acts on the human body in the space station, it is actually not much different from gravity.

The place where the entire space station is completely weightless is the center of the disk. Experiments in a weightless environment can be carried out here, and experiments in various gravity conditions can be carried out in other places.

The living area is arranged on the edge of the space station, because the gravity effect here is the best, which is conducive to the recovery of the astronauts' body during rest, and allows the astronauts to stay on the space station for a longer period of time.

The entire space station is actually the prototype of the foundation of the space city. To expand in the future, it only needs to be expanded like building blocks on the edge of the space station.

Then expand other functions on the space station, and finally form a space city with a strong three-dimensional sense, which can accommodate much more people.

In fact, the service life of space spacecraft is very short, and it is mainly vulnerable to various particle rays from space, and these ray particles are basically charged.

He wants to prolong the service life of the space station. In addition to working on the material itself, he also plans to develop an electromagnetic shield that can effectively block the direct damage of charged particle rays from space.

This is just like the earth. It is precisely because of the protection of the earth's magnetic field that the creatures on the earth have the conditions to survive. Otherwise, it is like Mars, which cannot allow creatures to survive.

The entire surface of the space station is covered with high-efficiency solar coatings, which can not only absorb sunlight, but also absorb the energy of some high-energy rays, further reducing the damage of high-energy rays to the interior of the space station.

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