Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 799 Test field and new energy vehicles

Although Taiji Medical Group is a private medical institution, it is engaged in civilian medical services. Its ideal is to promote the popularization of medical care so that everyone can afford it.

For this reason, I would rather lose money. Last year, I lost hundreds of billions of yuan. Although the number of members has increased significantly this year, and membership fees have also increased a lot, the loss may be reduced, but it is also difficult to make a profit.

The increase of membership fee is determined according to the socio-economic situation. Although it has increased a lot, it is within the affordability and is not like other private medical institutions asking for exorbitant prices.

If Tai Chi Medical Group really makes a profit, the profit will not be used by Tai Chi Group, but the medical expenses will be kept for itself, or used for value-added, or to further promote medical popularization.

Because at present most of the members who buy their memberships are people from the industries under the leaf book, regardless of whether they have urban or rural household registrations, they all purchase medical memberships according to the uniform standard.

However, the number of people who purchase membership in the vast rural areas is still quite small. The main reason is that the price is still relatively expensive for those who live in rural areas, and they are reluctant to spend money to buy it.

If Tai Chi Medical Group itself really makes money, they will consider including rural medical care at a cheaper price and promote comprehensive medical insurance for the rural population.

Of course, if the state can support part of it financially, then this process will advance faster, and even the Tai Chi Group will promote the improvement of rural health and medical care.

His attitude towards medical treatment is the same as his attitude towards education. He thinks it is enough to maintain a balance. There is no need to make money from it, let alone use the profits from these two industries to do other things.

If these two industries really make money, they will only be used in this field to improve service quality, cultivate better talents, etc., so that the money is spent in the right place.

Therefore, although this kind of debate has sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet, it has not caused much disturbance. The main reason is that the people and the country can settle accounts.

The medical care is handed over to Tai Chi Medical Group. They only charge about 8% of each member's salary, which seems not cheap, but they don't need additional medical subsidies from the state.

That is to say, what everyone is doing is buying and selling at a fixed price. If Taiji Medical Group makes a profit, it means that they have a very high level of cost control and management.

If Tai Chi Medical Group loses money, it does not need subsidies from the state, and it will not increase membership fees again, which is the most convenient way for all parties.

What's more, Taiji Medical Group is a subsidiary of Taiji Group, and Taiji Pharmaceutical Group and Medical Equipment Group under Taiji Group are both top companies in the world with strong research and development capabilities.

What's more, the country also knows the super boss behind Taiji Group, at least it can guarantee that Taiji Medical Group cannot go bankrupt when Ye Zishu is around.

At the same time, it can also ensure that the medical level of Taiji Medical Group will always be at the leading level in the country, and you can enjoy the world's top medical services with less money. Where can you find such a good thing?

Of course, it is also possible to limit the profits of Taiji Pharmaceutical Group and Medical Equipment Group and lower the prices of products, but they are all exclusive businesses.

And considering Tai Chi Group's global business, the country can't just lower the price of their products, which is tantamount to giving other countries an excuse to lower the price, and anyone can figure out the pros and cons.

How to better tame this wild horse for my use, then put them on the reins and let them assume more social responsibilities in order to maximize the interests of all parties.

As it is now, the prices of drugs and medical equipment sold by Taiji Medical Group and Medical Equipment Group to Taiji Medical Group are based on market prices, and even if they are taken care of, the price reduction is very limited.

However, the part of the loss was not replenished by Taiji Group, which led to Taiji Medical Group's ability to continue to operate at low cost in addition to book losses.

If it is not known that it is unrealistic to contract the medical treatment to a company, it will be difficult to get approval. This mutual recognition method is a good solution.

Seeing that it is difficult to shake the position of Tai Chi Medical Group, and local governments also want to get rid of the situation of continuous loss of medical expenses, some local governments even want to let Tai Chi Medical Group contract local public hospitals.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing. If the market scale can be obtained in this way, the development speed will be much faster than they are currently working hard to build hospitals.

Moreover, they can also receive a large number of experienced medical personnel, which are much higher than their current medical personnel. If it is not for the support of advanced medical equipment and systems, their medical personnel will not be as strong as others.

However, Taiji Group is more cautious about this. There are only two reasons. The first is that the status of assets is unclear. This is not an acquisition but a contract. There are many ambiguities in the future.

For the Taiji Group, they would rather spend more money than accept unclear things. If they are greedy for small gains now, they will suffer big losses in the future.

The second is that there may be difficulties in management. If it is contracted, but the personnel inside are all established, if they cannot be commanded, it will not be a help but a serious burden.

There are still many legal and national policy obstacles to solve this problem, which cannot be easily done by a private organization.

Therefore, seeing such a cake, they dare not eat it. They might as well build their own hospital honestly and train their own medical talents. Although they spend more money and more energy, they feel at ease.

For others, it may be that "horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfall", but these are not applicable to Ye Zishu or Taiji Group.

They don't need to take advantage of the loopholes at all, they just need to do their own things honestly, and the wealth will come back naturally. Instead, they planted time bombs for themselves by taking advantage of the loopholes, looking for troubles for themselves.

And now it seems that Tai Chi Medical Group is doing well, whether it is recognized by the people or the country, it is because other medical institutions are used as a reference, and they can be seen to be good.

If they are all Tai Chi Medical Group hospitals, and there is no comparison, no matter how well Tai Chi Medical Group is doing, everyone will find faults and feel that it is not doing well enough.

In addition, they also believe that if there is only one medical institution in the market, other problems may arise, such as slack caused by the lack of a competitive environment, the arrogance and lack of progress of a single company, and so on.

Don’t think that this is a common problem of public institutions. It can be said that this is a common problem of people. No matter in any field, you must maintain a certain level of competitiveness. It’s okay when Ye Zishu is here. When he’s not here, who can say what will happen in the future? allow.

Everything can't be done to the full, unless others can't do it, not to mention the membership system of Tai Chi Medical Group is also an expedient measure. If the country can establish a medical insurance system with wider coverage, they don't have to do so.

Taiji Medical Group and relevant departments implement mutual recognition relationship to prepare for further integration. Now it is only mutual recognition of relationship, and the fund may be entrusted to the state to manage.

Finally, when the time is right, it will be completely integrated. At this stage, Taiji Medical Group is equivalent to exploring a set of efficient medical insurance system for the country that meets the national conditions and the needs of the people, playing the role of an outpost.

Compared with public medical institutions, Tai Chi Medical Group is more flexible in its operations and can make its own decisions according to market changes. It has the value of exploration and will not involve too much.

Compared with other private medical institutions, Tai Chi Medical Group is obviously more willing to take social responsibility, and has its own understanding of medical popularization. It is not entirely for profit, and it is more in line with the medical scene that the country needs.

Now that the national economy has reached this stage, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive medical welfare system, but many people have different views on how to do it.

Some people hope to learn from foreign experience, but foreign experience is not necessarily good. Old M's medical system is too expensive, and it has not achieved universal coverage, so it is not a good example.

In Europe, although universal coverage is basically achieved, the efficiency is too low. Although medical care is free for all, it may not be possible to see a doctor in time. If something really happens, you still have to go to a private medical institution for medical treatment.

Therefore, most people still think that it is necessary to go out of my country's unique medical welfare system, take into account cost and efficiency, and strive to achieve universal coverage, and Tai Chi Medical Group is their vanguard and experimental field.

Among the many medical institutions, Tai Chi Medical Group is the most suitable for experiments. It is large enough to cover basically all cities in the country, and its ability to resist risks is strong enough, which is not comparable to other private medical institutions.

At the same time, there is no restriction on operation, it can operate completely independently, and other interference can be eliminated. At the same time, the medical technology is not bad, and the quality of medical services can be guaranteed.

In fact, my country has a medical insurance system for a long time, but at that time it was only for state-owned enterprises, and the real coverage rate was actually very low. In the past two years, under the various measures of Tai Chi Medical Group, more and more people bought their medical membership.

These are all good signs, which show that the services of Taiji Medical Group have been recognized by the people. At the same time, under the publicity and promotion of Taiji Medical Group, everyone also realizes the importance of purchasing medical insurance or membership to protect their own interests.

When all the people are aware of the importance of purchasing medical insurance, it will be the time when my country's medical insurance is fully covered. Based on the country's rich market experience and its own characteristics, the medical security and welfare system formulated by the country is more feasible.

Closer to home, domestic salaries have risen sharply, the welfare system has become more robust, and although housing has also risen, it is still acceptable compared to income, and people's willingness to spend is very high.

Against such a background, it is not surprising that the sales of Huanyu Group's automobile products have increased repeatedly in China, and their production capacity has expanded to 1800 million vehicles, which is not too outrageous.

my country has a large population. If 25% of the car ownership is used, the domestic car market should reach 3 million vehicles. According to the annual sales volume of 2000 million vehicles, it will take 15 years to reach this ratio.

Although the designed service life of a car reaches 15 years, few people will actually drive the car for 15 years. Generally, it is necessary to change the car in about 10 years, unless conditions do not allow it.

If Huanyu Group has maintained its leading position in the automotive field, so much production capacity can be absorbed in China alone, not to mention that they also have a vast international market.

Not to mention the annual output of 1800 million vehicles, there is still no need to worry about not being able to sell 2000 million vehicles, and increasing their own production capacity will also help them firmly occupy the main domestic market.

If you rank a market priority, it must be the top priority in the domestic market. Although the profits earned are less than those in the international market, there is no need to worry about accidents.

The new car conference of Huanyu Group this time is a conference held to further consolidate its position in the auto market at home and abroad.

In addition to providing upgraded versions of existing cars, the most important thing is the emergence of new energy vehicles, which will give consumers a bright feeling.

According to Huanyu Group, new energy vehicles can run 1000 kilometers continuously with full load on a full charge, because they are equipped with super-capacity batteries with a storage capacity of 200 kWh.

According to the laboratory environment, a new energy vehicle can run more than 1300 kilometers on a full charge, which is much higher than the mileage of ordinary fuel vehicles.

To fully charge the entire battery, it only takes 5 minutes to go to a special charging station, and it only takes 4 hours to charge it with household electricity, which is much faster than ordinary charging equipment.

Huanyu Group's new energy vehicle batteries are also very durable. Theoretically, they can run for 260 million kilometers. In actual use, they can run for a minimum of 200 million kilometers. Even if the car is scrapped after running, the battery can still work well.

Of course, the problem of attenuation is inevitable, but the battery will gradually attenuate only after driving 50 kilometers, and it will only attenuate half after using 100 million kilometers, which still beats all current battery products.

Just using such a battery, the price is too high. The price of the battery alone is as high as 30 yuan, and the price of the whole vehicle has reached more than 50 yuan.

So they also have new energy vehicles with low battery configurations. The battery capacity is 100 kWh, and they can travel more than 600 kilometers continuously on a full charge, which is still comparable to the mileage of fuel vehicles.

In this way, the price is much cheaper. The starting price is about 35 yuan, which is affordable for many consumers. It is completely sufficient for urban transportation, and there is no need to replace the battery when the car is scrapped.

In addition to these obvious things, this time Universal Group has used innovative front windshield displays for its mid-range and above cars, and at the same time upgraded the car's intelligence level.

Regardless of whether it is a fuel vehicle or a new energy vehicle, the driving experience is equally good, especially the new energy vehicle, which will definitely change people's previous perception of new energy vehicles.

Interestingly, Huanyu Group specifically explained their battery products at the press conference, and said that if other companies have the intention of cooperation, they would not mind selling their own car battery products.

In the field of batteries, Huanyu Group itself is the top in the industry. They are willing to use their own car batteries to cooperate, which is a good thing for other auto companies. At least they will not let their new energy vehicles lag behind in terms of batteries.

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