The prices of the newly added concerts are different from the previous ones. The average ticket price for the concerts is actually sold at US$120, which is a full US$40 higher than the current one.

The main reason is that the songs sung in these new concerts are all unreleased, which belong to early listening, and the duration of the concert is appropriately increased to 4 hours.

If it wasn't for profit, Ye Zishu would never agree to extend the concert time, because after two consecutive concerts in one day, he would be more tired and feel like he was being used like a livestock.

After the negotiation between them, in the next few days, more and more media joined the army of this proposal, as if this was what everyone expected.

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but spit out: "Both stand and stand!"

Sure enough, after creating the desired impression, Rolling Stone Records took advantage of the situation and announced that in order to satisfy everyone's wishes, after difficult negotiations with Ye Zishu, they decided to add up to 14 new concerts.

The reason why we want to create an atmosphere that everyone expects, on the one hand, is that it has been agreed before that there will be no more new sessions, but now that they are added, it is not a slap in the face, so we need to find a reason to make face easier.

On the other hand, the emergence of such an atmosphere will also affect fans who did not have this idea, and these fans will also be coerced into it, thus making the concert tickets easier to sell.

So don't be happy if most of the opinions on the Internet are the same as your own. In fact, your opinions may have been coerced by Internet opinions, and you don't know it.

With the foreshadowing in front, the effect is naturally very good. It has just been announced that up to 14 new concerts will be added, and the tickets for the concerts have been sold out quickly.

This is the reason why the announcement of this decision was relatively late. Many fans from other regions and countries went back after seeing the concert. Unless they were very rich, they generally would not come back in the short term.

But there are also many people who still stay in Hong Kong. After all, as an international metropolis, Hong Kong still has a lot of places to play, and the same is true of Macau next door.

So in just one day, tickets for 10 concerts were sold out, and the remaining 4 concerts will definitely be sold out the next day, and the tickets are very popular.

Those who bought tickets were basically re-buyers. If it weren't for Ye Zishu's limited number of sessions, there would definitely not be so many tickets sold.

On July 7, at 12 o'clock in the evening, when Ye Zishu walked off the stage and went backstage, he suddenly received a large bouquet of flowers to celebrate the successful conclusion of his concert.

After 53 days of continuous hard work, he finally completed a record of 100 games in a row. With this achievement, it is definitely not too much to be called the most popular singer in the Asian music scene.

There are many people who have held more than 100 concerts at the Hung Hom Stadium, but no one has held 100 concerts in a row like Ye Zishu, and this is still under the condition of limited number of concerts.

If there is no limit to the number of new concerts in the future, it is estimated that it is not known how many additional concerts will be added. It can be said that no one has ever achieved this goal. As for whether there will be newcomers, no one knows.

According to the arrangement, after the concert is over, the Rolling Stone Records Company will hold a celebration banquet, and will invite celebrities from Hong Kong and artists from the Hong Kong show business circle to attend the celebration banquet.

Although he didn't like it very much, he didn't refuse. Of course, Rolling Stone Records wanted to increase its influence in Hong Kong, so why not Shengshi Records.

In addition, he also wants to establish some connections with the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, which may be useful to his film and television company in the future.

As for the business world in Hong Kong, to be honest, there are very few that he can look up to, and there is nothing that attracts him except that he is a little richer than him.

And they seem to be rich now, but Ye Zishu believes that before long, his wealth will definitely surpass all of them, there is no doubt about it.

The celebration banquet was held at 06:30 the next night. All the employees of Rolling Stone Records and Shengshi Records who were busy with the concert were present, as well as the two bosses of Rolling Stone Records.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, people from the entertainment industry came to the scene one after another. Ye Zishu took Guo Dongsheng to chat with artists who were familiar with him or had a certain status in the entertainment industry.

During this process, Guo Dongsheng kept handing over his business card, but Ye Zishu did not do this, because he did not deal with the specific affairs of the record company, so there was no need to hand over his business card.

And the entertainment industry is also very realistic, and almost everyone has no objection to Ye Zishu's practice of not handing over his business card.

The reason why Ye Zishu did this was not because he was arrogant, but because he basically didn't deal with the affairs of the record company. He didn't even manage the film and television company very much. Except for the TV series "I Love My Family" filmed by Zhang Guoli, he had no other projects.

After all the people from the entertainment industry were invited, the big businessmen came next. Hong Kong is a modern yet traditional society, no matter how famous an artist is, they are still a head shorter than the business people.

Ye Zishu is not just an entertainer, he is also the boss of the company, so there is no pressure to chat with these business people, and these business people come to the banquet, which means they approve of Ye Zishu.

After the business people arrived, they thought that everyone should be there, but unexpectedly, the director of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency came uninvited.

If it's purely a mainland matter, it's not a big problem to invite the president in Hong Kong, but this time in Hong Kong, Rolling Stone Records is involved, so the president was not invited to participate.

However, he was very happy that the president could come uninvited. After all, this was his natal family, and the president was also very interesting. He spoke as if he was invited to the banquet.

With the personal participation of the president of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency, Ye Zishu's status was instantly valued by more people.

Facts have also proved this point. During the banquet later, the president also praised Ye Zishu, and even brought him to talk with other bigwigs. This is support.

As mentioned earlier, although Ye Zishu does not need to think that his status is lower than that of Hong Kong business leaders from the perspective of being the boss, but in fact it is definitely not the case. The wealth in the business world is status, which is an eternal truth.

This time, the director of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency personally led the conversation with various business leaders and introduced him. This kind of treatment instantly raised Ye Zishu's status by several levels.

This flattered Ye Zishu a bit, because he thought that his current achievements had not yet reached the level of national recognition, and he felt that his virtue was not worthy of him.

After the celebration banquet, he went back to his room and thought about it, trying to figure out why. He didn't understand it at first, but combined with the scene where he was warmly welcomed by the local media when he first came to Hong Kong, he understood it instantly.

The strength of a country is mainly divided into soft power and hard power. Hard power refers to both economic strength and technological strength, which is the guarantee of whether a country is strong or not.

And soft power is much more, and hard power will become soft power when it reaches a certain level, but there is no doubt that cultural influence must be included in soft power.

From this point of view, Ye Zishu is a singer who came out of the mainland and has extensive influence in Asia. After this concert, the influence has become even greater.

At present, the domestic economic strength is not particularly strong, and the technological strength is similar, and the hard power is limited. Under such circumstances, the country naturally attaches great importance to the emergence of artists with strong influence like Ye Zishu.

What's more, Ye Zishu is not just an entertainer. The Phoenix programming language he developed can be said to be the first programming language in China, with major groundbreaking research results.

If he is not still a college student and very young, with this outstanding research achievement, he will definitely become a candidate academician, and may even become a veritable academician.

Such a talented and powerful young man would take the state's support for granted. After thinking about this, Ye Zishu finally let go of his heart, and everything became transparent.

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