Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 725 The drone business also did not fall

, the reborn tech upstart

The Taiji Group has a lot of money, so it directly ordered [-] such robots, costing tens of billions of dollars. The average enterprise really cannot afford such a huge sum of money.

For Tai Chi Group, it is not a big money, but it can better maintain the brand image of Tai Chi Group, and at the same time provide customers with better services.

It's just that New Oriental Education Group also purchased a batch of these mid-end robots for its school management. It bought a total of 5000 units, which is considered a big deal for New Oriental Education Group.

Although their revenue this year is also good, compared with last year, it has almost doubled, but the total revenue is at the bottom of all group companies.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu has promised not to take a penny of profits from their group. As a result, although their revenue is not particularly high, they still have a lot of spare money.

What they lack now is excellent teachers. The number of competent teachers trained by domestic colleges and universities is still relatively small, which cannot meet the pace of their expansion.

Their vocational education schools have begun to expand to 1000, and they may continue to increase in the future. If each school is fully equipped, it will need about 800 teaching staff.

In other words, if these schools are full, it means that the number of qualified teachers required for vocational education is as high as 80, which is not large compared to the total population of our country.

However, compared with the talents cultivated by higher education in our country, it is a bit stretched. Teachers in vocational schools must not be ordinary undergraduates, at least they must be master students, and they must be excellent master students.

Such talents, in the context of the crazy development of the domestic economy, can find a very good job wherever they go, and there is no need to work in a vocational school.

Moreover, it is a private vocational school, even if it is regarded as a golden job, everyone thinks it is unreliable, so there is a big gap in talents, which has become a big problem for them.

It is different now and decades later, PhDs are not uncommon, and masters are almost everywhere. Although colleges and universities have expanded their enrollment to a certain extent according to the needs of economic development, there is not enough time and the number is not enough.

The number of talents needed by the society is more, and the newly expanded number of people will almost be absorbed by the needs of the society even if they leave the society in the future. What's more, the talents needed for vocational education cannot be recruited casually, they must be genuinely learned .

At this time, Qinglong Technology Company just launched the robot, which gave him a little hope. They are doing intelligent education themselves, and they are very clear about the level of intelligent education.

Aside from the fact that the robot's movements are not as sensitive as humans, other aspects are actually not much worse, at least in the field of imparting knowledge, it has done quite well.

So it doesn't seem so strange for them to buy a batch of robots. It's just that they don't plan to use the robots to teach for the time being, but plan to use them for school management.

For example, library management, if there is such a robot, it can almost know the collection of books in the library, one to ten is absolutely no problem.

At present, the main reason why robots are not used to teach is that the current teaching staff can barely maintain. If the existing positions are replaced and part of the manpower is liberated, the shortage of manpower can be greatly alleviated.

But when the newly built schools are actually put into operation, the problem of manpower shortage will become more and more prominent, and robot teachers may be employed to teach.

In addition to the above reasons, buying a batch of such robots now also has the idea of ​​making these schools adapt. After all, going directly to work will definitely cause a lot of controversy.

If these robots perform well in school management, that kind of prejudice will be much less, and if these robots are used to teach at that time, the resistance will be much smaller.

The above are all based on their own needs, and there is also the idea of ​​supporting the development of the robot industry of Qinglong Technology Company. Any new thing will face a difficult period of initial development.

If even their rich and powerful brother companies don’t buy it, it’s impossible to completely count on other companies to buy it. If they buy it to make samples, it will also help increase the sales of Qinglong Technology’s robots.

Just like the purchase of robots by Kirin Textile Industry Group, the industry that Qinglong Technology Company did not have much expectation for originally developed so fast, and the scale of the industry suddenly swelled.

It is estimated that around the robot industry and services, an industry with an annual output value of up to one trillion yuan will be formed. This is still the initial stage of robot development, and when it matures, the scale of this industry will be even larger.

Like New Oriental Education Group, they can save a lot of service fees by purchasing robots, because New Oriental itself possesses the skills teachers need.

Even the educational services used in the 10 yuan service robot are provided by them, and the benefits they get are also obtained by them.

The same is true for other services, such as medical consultation services around robots, the service provider is Taiji Group, and most of the income obtained is also owned by Taiji Group.

Around robots, many industries under his umbrella can provide value-added services, so it is beneficial for everyone to jointly develop the robot industry.

After reading the information about robots from various companies, Ye Zishu checked whether the drone business, which was supposed to be the protagonist of this conference, would be greatly affected.

After reading the data, he was relieved. He didn't know what kind of results the drone would have achieved if there was no robot topic.However, judging from their sales performance, they are still very impressive. The largest seller of drones is naturally Phoenix Technology. After all, they need to use transport drones to build a terminal delivery service system.

The second largest buyer turned out to be Qilin Agricultural Development Group, but after thinking about it, it seems that there is no problem. There are many cases of using drones for agricultural work in previous lives.

In terms of pesticide spreading and fertilization, compared with agricultural aircraft, it has natural advantages. The spreading speed is not slow, the price is cheap, and the operation is simple.

The price of a large agricultural drone launched by Qinglong Technology Company is as high as 10 yuan, but the economic benefits and productivity it brings are much higher.

If this kind of drone is used to fertilize and spray pesticides, one person can only complete the workload of two acres of land a day, but the workload of hundreds of acres will increase by 50 times.

At present, the Kirin Agricultural Development Company does not have much agricultural land, and their current main task is to promote agricultural modernization and agricultural development, rather than go into battle by themselves.

Of course, the reason why they don't go to battle in person is because they are not particularly interested in the existing agricultural industry at present, and there is no need to compete with the original interests in it.

So they buy so many agricultural drones, most of them are for renting to cooperative farmers, or to provide paid services for cooperative farmers.

They don't want to make much money from it. According to the current affordability of farmers, if they want to pay back 10 yuan, it will take years of monkeys, which is not a good deal at all.

Using drones to spray, compared with manual spraying, sprays more evenly and the dosage is completely controllable, which is more beneficial to the growth of crops.

Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. has specially equipped relevant software service support for agricultural drones, and can provide scientific pesticide and fertilization programs according to the status and maturity of crops.

Moreover, the whole process can be fully automated, and there is no need for manual remote control at all. Farmers only need to complete the filling work, and the rest can be automatically completed by the drone.

Compared with the high level of trust these companies have in their brothers' products, although other companies also have such needs, they have not purchased on a large scale, but choose to buy some samples and go back to try it out.

Take agricultural production as an example. In fact, every country has a demand for agricultural drones. It only needs to prove that their agricultural drones really meet their needs and bring them more economic benefits.

It will definitely shine in the agricultural field in the future, but it will take time to ferment. In terms of technical level and practicality alone, he is very confident.

Last time he went to their laboratory and saw their finished products. From his point of view, their drone products are almost perfect products.

Another big user of drones is Shengshi Film and Television Company. The high-altitude shooting drones they purchased are very expensive, each of which is as high as one million yuan.

Because they are not only drones, but also equipped with high-altitude shooting equipment. Compared with assembled shooting equipment, integrated professional shooting drones perform better.

They purchased hundreds of units at once, and then immediately distributed them to various crews for use. If the use effect is very good, there may be more purchases.

Although the business of Shengshi Film and Television Company is greatly affected by Phoenix Special Effects Company, the number of film and television dramas they produce has been increasing year after year. This year, the number of film and television dramas they have approved in China is as high as several hundred.

It's not that they have to shoot so much, but because they have to maintain the work of the entire domestic film and television personnel, even if it is not necessary to shoot so much, they still have to shoot.

Because if the output is reduced, it means that the number of jobs accommodated by the entire market will decrease. If the shrinkage is serious, it is very likely that Phoenix Special Effects will be greatly restricted.

Therefore, among the film and television dramas shot by Shengshi Film and Television Company, a considerable part of the investment comes from Phoenix Special Effects Company. The purpose is very simple, that is, to prevent the large-scale shrinkage of employees in this industry.

Not only can it not shrink, but it has to expand every year, but compared with the previous higher salary, the salary of film and television practitioners is gradually returning to rationality.

Some people even signed a fixed contract with Shengshi Film and Television Company, so that even if they have no movies to shoot in the future, they will still get a fixed salary every month, so that they will not have great difficulties in life.

Of course, if there is a filming, they can still get extra rewards and their income will be higher, but this kind of guaranteed contract is becoming more and more popular among film and television practitioners.

In fact, not only domestic shooting of film and television dramas requires such professional drone shooting equipment, Shengshi Film and Television Company also has many overseas subsidiaries, which also require a large number of drones for shooting.

From this perspective, in the future, the number of drones needed for film and television dramas alone will be very large, and the market size in this field will not be small.

Finally, there are individual buyers. The drones they buy are relatively cheap, basically around 5000 yuan, although there are also 2000 yuan, but the effect is not very good.

You get what you get for what you pay for. Many people compared and found that personal drones costing around RMB 5000 for high-altitude shooting have the best cost performance and are very suitable for personal use.

However, the sales in this area are not very high, mainly because many people have not figured out what to buy drones for, and the mobile Internet has not yet developed, and the demand is not so great.

Ye Zishu finished reading their drone business. In a word, there was no big surprise, but it was not as bad as he imagined, and even a lot better than he thought.

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