Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 717 Black Technology: Full Perception Virtual Technology

I originally planned to eat alone, but the people who participated in the negotiation today also ate here, so the two sides ate together.

During the meal, Ye Zishu mentioned the matter of the communication satellite system. Since the technical information has not been sorted out, he has not mentioned it to the outside world before.

The reason why I mentioned it this time is to hope that they can understand this aspect. The problem still lies in quantum communication, so we must communicate with them in advance.

It is currently impossible for quantum communication to be open to civilian use, which means that Baihu Technology Company cannot obtain benefits in this regard and can only sell it to them.

After Ye Zishu explained the characteristics of quantum communication in detail, they really aroused their strong interest. For them, quantum communication is simply a magical existence.

But the disadvantages are also obvious. Once they plan to use quantum communication, it means that they need to replace all the communication equipment from top to bottom, which is very expensive.

In terms of quantum communication, Ye Zishu does not intend to adopt a service contracting model, but intends to adopt two charging models: equipment sales and service fees.

He sort of understood that if it was simply contracting services, many people would not be able to accept such a large amount of money.

Through the sale of each piece of equipment and the service charges provided, everyone feels that the money spent is not that big. Although the overall cost is not cheap, the feeling is completely different.

After dinner, Ye Zishu originally planned to visit the New Oriental Education Group, but now he was in no mood. At the dinner table, they said that if it was as advanced as he said, they would definitely be willing to pay for it.

The question now is, when will it come out? If you keep talking about it, many things will be a bit late.

The laboratory of Baihu Technology Company has completed the assembly of prototypes of various types of fighter jets, conducted comprehensive ground tests, and can conduct air tests after completion.

Next, they will complete the prototype assembly of other aviation platforms one after another. The speed is actually much faster than he imagined, which makes him unprepared in many aspects.

After returning home, he did not continue to be busy with shipbuilding, but directly started busy with the construction of the simulation training system, which is an inevitable need of the modern military industry.

The current military equipment is very expensive. If all personnel training is completed in the air, the cost will be too high, the time will be much longer, and the risk of participants will be relatively high.

Compared with the traditional simulation training system, what he hopes to build is an immersive simulation system, which can improve the simulation rate as much as possible, let the trainers have an immersive feeling, and improve their training efficiency.

In order to achieve this goal, in addition to the external simulation equipment, he is going to come up with a black technology product, which is the full perception virtual helmet.

Compared with civilian virtual helmets, what he brought out is definitely not a toy-level product, but a product that can really make people feel immersive and have full perception capabilities.

The full-sensing virtual helmet is matched with a full-scene simulation training system, which means that any training scene can be customized for the participants.

At that time, training will be like playing a game. Trainers can be trained in various environments, and even powerful military groups can be organized for simulated confrontation training.

Compared with ordinary game scenes, this system requires a higher degree of realism. In fact, as long as the degree of realism reaches 50%, it basically meets the training requirements.

But he plans to increase the highest real simulation degree to 80%. As long as people who are not particularly keen, training in such a scene is basically no different from the real world.

The system is supported by intelligent supercomputers. Xuanwu Technology has improved the chip manufacturing process to 28nm, and the chip performance has achieved leapfrog growth.

With the intelligent supercomputer architecture mastered by Qinglong Technology Company, the performance of the new intelligent supercomputer will be greatly increased, and it can barely be used for such simulation training.

If one unit doesn't work, then multiple units can be connected in parallel. He didn't give Qinglong Technology Company such technology before, and now he plans to give them this information.

The computing power integration technology in his hands is not only used for the computing power integration among a few supercomputers, but can actually integrate the computing power of all networked computers in the whole society.

It's just that there is no need for it at present, unless it is an extreme computing task, it needs to use the computing power of the whole society to support it. Anyway, he has not thought of any project that must do this.

If such a large computing power is really needed, he will not use this method, but directly devote himself to the development of quantum computers, and there is no need to rely on piles of equipment to achieve his goal.

To build such a system, in fact, he has already prepared for the next generation Internet, that is, the full virtual reality Internet.

The metaverse that was hyped up in the previous life is actually the prototype of the full virtual reality Internet, but there are too many technical gaps, the things made are a bit nondescript, and the experience is too bad.

If it is for civilian use, it is enough for the simulation accuracy to reach 50%, because too much perception cannot be generated, and it will not cause great harm to people's minds.

However, if it is used for military training, 50% is not enough. It is necessary to improve the simulation reality as much as possible, even if it will cause a huge mental impact on the soldiers participating in the training.

War is inherently cruel. If training is like traveling, the effect of training will not be achieved at all. Only by recognizing the cruelty can one stimulate greater potential and achieve the purpose of training.

Reaching 80% of the real simulation degree means that everything in this world is no different from the real world. In it, you can have all the sensory stimulation, and you can even feel the palpitations on the verge of death.

In fact, he can further increase the degree of authenticity, but every 1% increase in the future means that the demand for computing power will increase geometrically, and the cost is too high, which is completely unnecessary.

And the higher the degree of authenticity, the greater the impact on people, which will make people doubt the world, and if there is danger, the impact will be very large.

This needs to be grasped to a certain degree, not only to let everyone feel the authenticity in this system, but not to feel too fake, so that it is really no different from playing games.

But it can’t be too real, so that people can’t distinguish the difference between virtual and reality, leading to confusion of thinking and some unpredictable problems.

A person is both strong and fragile, and he cannot pursue reality too much without considering other things. He must balance virtuality and reality.

The software part is relatively simple for him. He plans to spend half a month to complete the software part, which is rare for the hardware part.

There are two main difficulties. One aspect is sensory interaction. The sense of smell, taste, and vision we often talk about are actually the most basic perceptions, and the more advanced senses include touch and psychological perception.

And all of this is the result of research on the perception of the human brain, and this work can only be done if there is a sufficient understanding and research on the perception of the human brain.

Ye Shu's previous research on biology and medical knowledge has played a role. Without this knowledge reserve, he dare not say that he can complete this work.

There is a reserve of knowledge, but there is still a lot of work to be done in order to transform these into real products. Let alone other things, how to transmit this feeling through signals is a huge test.

In order to increase the responsiveness and prevent delayed perception, he plans to use quantum communication on the full-sensing virtual helmet and the supercomputer system to exchange information.

The reason is very simple, no matter how advanced the optical fiber transmission is, there is always a delay. It doesn't matter when we go online, just wait a little longer.

But in the field of perception, even a slight delay that cannot be checked will bring people a completely different experience, and only high-speed quantum communication can achieve real-time feedback.

In addition, if the human-computer interaction is to use the now popular electromagnetic delivery, there will be a serious delay, and the experience is also very poor.

And what he wants to do is to solve the problem between the human brain and the device through quantum communication, because his research found that the human brain apparently transmits information through the nervous system.

The weak electromagnetic waves emitted by the human brain are actually generated during the electrical signal transmission of these nerve cells, which is also the basis for brain waves to interpret human brain information.

In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all. Everything in the world can be solved at the quantum level. As for whether there is a more powerful deep-level technology, he thinks there is, but his knowledge reserve has not yet reached that level.

Therefore, all the sensors of the full perception virtual helmet are quantum sensors, and the information exchange between the sensors and the human brain is also realized by quantum sensing technology.

In terms of technical content, the quantum communication technology used on the quantum communication satellite he mentioned earlier is far inferior to the quantum technology used in this system.

It is precisely because of this that this research and development is very difficult. It is definitely not an exaggeration to call it a black technology product. The science and technology it contains far exceeds this era.

With such a set of advanced system support, our country can train a large number of steel warriors who have experienced many battles in peaceful times, and even each of them can be trained to be an all-round warrior.

Of course, this set of equipment is also very important to him, which means that he doesn't have to type characters one by one like now, and directly copy the technical information in his mind.

Of course, the system sold to the outside world is a fully closed system, the purpose of which is to avoid detecting other people's inner thoughts. If this is not done, there may be chaos in the world.

After sorting out the next plan, Ye Zishu had to sigh with emotion. He finally came to this step and started to come up with black-tech-level technology.

Although the technologies that have been brought out before are very advanced, they are all traceable. There have even been related experiments before, but they are not as mature as the technologies he has come up with.

However, if the full-sensing virtual technology brought out this time, according to the current speed of scientific and technological development, it will not be realized in hundreds of years, at most it will just touch the door.

Because this is not only a breakthrough in technology, but also a breakthrough in basic theory, but Ye Zishu will not write out these basic theories, but integrate them into the technology, so as to achieve the effect of keeping secrets.

And in view of the advanced nature of these technologies, he is thinking about how to implement them, and how to keep them secret if it is a fake hand will be something he must consider.

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