Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 65 Reorganizing the Band

Now that there are 5 more concerts at once, the easter egg songs he prepared before are not enough, so he has to write 5 more songs as the easter egg songs for each concert.

In order to make the audience continue to support his concerts in the future, in addition to continuing to release new good albums, the audience must also feel that watching his concerts is worth the money.

And what is value for money is to exceed the psychological expectations of the audience. Although these easter egg songs will eventually be released as a new album, but to be able to listen to them in advance, for fans who love his songs, it is beyond the psychological expectations.

It is even possible that the fans hope that he will release more songs, and even hope that he will hold more concerts. After all, every time there is a concert, you can hear a new song.

He took time to go back to school, found Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia, and asked them if they were free. If they were free, he would go to Hong Kong to perform with him.

The reason why I brought the two of them was that apart from allowing them to meet the world, the most important thing was that the concert set up a link for fans to order songs.

If they ordered songs from a rock album, the effect would be much worse if he sang on stage alone, but the effect would definitely be much better with two temporary teammates.

When Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia heard that they were going to hold a concert in Hong Kong, they immediately jumped up, expressing that even if they don't have time, they still have to make time, because this is a precious experience in life.

"Are you familiar with the songs from the rock album?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Boss, don't worry, we'll just play here when we have nothing to do, so we're very familiar with the songs of this album." Liu Jinpeng assured, patting his chest.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu felt bad. To be honest, the love of these two temporary teammates for music far exceeds his own.

It's just that, apart from their relatively good musical instruments, their ability to write songs and compose music is average, that is to say, their talents are average. Without him, it is estimated that they will only regard music as a pure hobby in the end.

But seeing that they love so much, and also love the stage very much, he originally planned to let the two teammates return to their majors instead of mixing in the entertainment industry.

His thinking was different from the original, since they love this stage so much, why can't he help them, anyway, writing and composing songs is his specialty.

So he said to Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia: "To be honest, I didn't expect you to love music so much. I originally thought that after graduation, you should be assigned to the unit and do work related to your major.

Now I have changed my previous thinking. Due to my many things, it is impossible to keep the band running all the time. Have you ever thought about forming a band by yourself? "

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, both Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia were silent. To be honest, the present opportunity was given by Ye Zishu. If Ye Zishu wasn't in the band, forming a band would be just a joke.

So after hearing what Ye Zishu said, they didn't know how to answer. Could it be that they admit that their level is limited and that there is no future in forming a new band?

"Jin Peng, you're still good at singing, as long as you continue to improve your ability in this area, you shouldn't have too much of a problem becoming the lead singer of a new band.

Lin Jia will continue to play the role of drummer. You just need to find another bassist or guitarist. It should not be very difficult to form a new band. "Leaf Book said.

"Boss, it's not difficult to form a new band, but without new songs, it's very difficult to make the band stand out. You should know that." Liu Jinpeng said angrily.

"Oh, that's why you don't talk?" Ye Zishu asked.

The two nodded at the same time. After Ye Zishu saw it, he smiled and said, "As long as your new band signs with Shengshi Records, are you still afraid that I won't write songs for you?"

When Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia heard what he said, they immediately jumped up. To be honest, they hid here and kept training, but they didn't feel good about it.

Especially during this period of time, Ye Zishu kept releasing albums, and the sales of each album exploded, but none of this had anything to do with them.

They also thought about asking Ye Zishu to release another rock album, so that they could continue to play with them, but after thinking about it, the two still didn't say anything.

They are a temporary band, and the meaning of their existence depends entirely on Ye Zishu's meaning. They are not qualified to ask Ye Zishu to do something according to their requirements.

That's why they cherish every performance very much, because they don't know whether there will be their next performance.

Now that Ye Zishu promised to write songs for them, the haze that had accumulated for a long time was finally swept away, how could this not make them happy.

Seeing their happy faces, Ye Zishu was happy for his decision just now. Once in life, apart from the responsibilities he has to bear, the most important thing is to do what he likes to do.

For Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia, having the guarantee from Ye Zishu to write songs for them is equivalent to getting a golden signboard. In addition, they have already been teammates with Ye Zishu, so they can be regarded as a little famous.

The combination of the two will make it easier for their newly formed band to get up, and it doesn't need to stay dormant for a long time before it may break out, or even never break out.

"Boss, I've decided. Our new band will still be called New Power Band. Whether you're in this band or not, you'll always be my boss!" Liu Jinpeng said.

Hearing Liu Jinpeng's words, Ye Zishu was surprised but also felt that it made sense that the brand of New Power had already gained a high reputation through that rock music album.

It is much better to keep the name of the band that is already widely known than to choose a new name. In addition, the songs that will be sung in the future may still be written and composed by Ye Shu, which can gain the support of a considerable number of fans.

To be honest, from a business point of view, such an obvious practice of chasing popularity would definitely be a joke. Fortunately, they will sign a contract with their own company, and Ye Zishu can't be too fussy.

And they had been vaccinated just now, that is, he will always be their boss. After saying this, if he cares about it again, he will appear stingy.

Ye Zishu, who could see their little thoughts clearly, didn't say anything, but his face was still very happy, and he even gave them high-fives and encouraged each other.

No matter what small thoughts they have now, Ye Zishu doesn't mind very much. Everyone in this world will more or less consider their own interests, which is understandable.

I just hope that they will not forget their original intentions in the future and continue to maintain this dedication to music, instead of falling into interest disputes and fighting endlessly.

After talking about this, Ye Zishu told them not to forget the time, practice more while they are free, and fly to Guangzhou together when the time comes.

Then go to Shenzhen to clear the customs. Now Shenzhen does not have its own airport. Baoan Airport will not open until October this year. Now I can only get off the plane in Guangzhou.

Before parting, Liu Jinpeng told him that he made a lot of money because of his participation in the production of his rock album, and his parents were very happy about it.

So his parents wanted to invite Ye Zishu to his home, and prepared to treat him well, which was regarded as thanks to Ye Zishu for supporting Liu Jinpeng.

In this regard, Ye Zishu can only say that if he is free, of course it is fine, but he may not be free all the time, and there are too many things that require him to be busy.

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