Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 63 Employee Training

Guo Dongsheng left happily, but he wanted to know what songs to sing in the concert. At present, he has released four albums with different styles.

The title song of each album must be sung, and a concert usually needs to be sung for 3 to 4 hours, and more than 30 songs need to be prepared.

From this point of view, in fact, there is no special song to prepare for singing. He has released a total of 48 songs, and he only needs to choose the most popular ones.

If he wants to understand this question, he won't worry about it anymore. When the time comes, he will communicate with the people from Rolling Stone Records to see what the people in Hong Kong like.

Although it has not yet been said where the concert will be held, but given the current cross-strait relations, the probability of going to the other side for the concert is relatively low, and the high probability is to hold the concert in Hong Kong.

According to his habit, such public concerts usually leave Easter eggs for the audience, so he plans to write an additional song as an Easter egg for the concert.

Just what song is better to write?

This is his first trip to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong should already have a large number of his own fans, otherwise Rolling Stone Records would never invite him to a concert.

So the last easter egg song had to tell the thoughts of him and the audience. It reminded him of an internet celebrity song from his previous life, which was more in line with his requirements.

That is "Thousands and Tens of Thousands" sung by Deep Sea Caviar. The content of the lyrics meets his requirements, and the style of the song is relatively avant-garde, especially in this era, it is very innovative.

The next day Guo Dongsheng ran to the dormitory again and told him that the date of the concert had been confirmed, and it was going to be arranged on May 5, at the Hung Hom Stadium in Hong Kong.

Hearing the news, he thought to himself, as expected, it would be impossible for him to hold a concert on the other side anytime soon.

He told Guo Dongsheng that there was no problem on his side, just let them prepare with all their strength. In the end, he asked Guo Dongsheng to recruit a few retired scouts in the mainland to be his security personnel.

Although he asked Rolling Stone Records to prepare security personnel, he planned to recruit a few in the Mainland as his personal security, so that the security would be more secure.

The reason why he attaches great importance to safety is not only due to the social environment in Hong Kong, but also because he does not want any accidents for himself, because the losses caused are not only his own.

Throwing this matter over again, although Lenovo will not be able to install all the computers in place for a while, it is still no problem to install a dozen or twenty computers in advance.

As soon as the first batch of computers arrived, he arranged for the previously registered students to go to the company to report. During this time, he was going to provide them with the necessary training.

When I came to the company the next day, the company was already busy. When he came over, everyone who knew him called him Mr. Ye, but some people called him rather jerky, obviously not used to it yet.

When everyone arrived, he counted silently. There were a total of 105 people. Except for some seniors from Tsinghua University, the rest were basically students from other universities in the capital.

In addition to the students, there are of course regular workers who have jumped from other jobs, but the number is not very large, there are only 12 people in total, which is pitifully small.

"I don't know if you heard that we are going to develop some software before you came here?" Ye Zishu asked.

Some people nodded at the scene, some shook their heads, half of the nods were recommended by the teacher, and most of the nods came here by themselves.

Because when recruiting, it is impossible to state the company's research and development projects, the most is to brag about the company's research and development strength, and the upcoming research and development of difficult software.

"Whether you are regular employees or interns, you are all employees of the company. I will not hide it from you here. The software project we will develop next is a graphical operating system."

Hearing his words, the employees who didn't know the truth immediately showed a surprised expression, obviously shocked by the ambition of this newly established company.

Ye Zishu ignored everyone's surprise, but continued: "In order to successfully develop a graphics operating system and reach the current level of hardware adaptation.

I specially developed a new programming language. Compared with the C language that everyone has learned, it not only has good portability, but also has better writing efficiency and friendliness than C language.

This language has been verified by relevant expert groups, and it will soon become one of the must-learn programming language courses in major domestic universities.

Therefore, before writing the operating system, you must first be familiar with this new programming language, and only when you have mastered this new programming language can you start participating in the writing of the operating system. "

They were already surprised when they heard that a graphical operating system was to be developed, and now it is no surprise that Mr. Ye has developed a new programming language himself.

I'm just surprised that Mr. Ye has such a good technology at such a young age. I don't know how technical the operating system is, but being able to write a new programming language, no matter whether it is as good as he said, at least it is not something ordinary people can do. things.

"In order to allow everyone to master this new programming language faster, you will have to work harder during this period, and may work overtime.

The training is divided into two parts. In one part, I will explain the key and core parts of the new programming language, as well as the architecture of the entire language, which is very helpful for you to understand the new programming language.

The other part is self-study and practical operation. There are still many computers not in place, so it is still mainly about learning and supplemented by practical operation. "

However, some people are a bit resistant when they hear that they have to work overtime. In this era, although they have to work 6 days a week, overtime work is not a common phenomenon, and it is definitely not as serious as in previous lives.

In order to encourage everyone to work overtime voluntarily, he decided to give some rewards, so he said: "I know that it is a bit embarrassing to ask everyone to work overtime, so in order to compensate everyone, I decided to give everyone a cash reward.

As long as I pass my technical assessment within one month, that is, before June 1th, I can get an extra 6 yuan reward every day in advance, and there will be no reward beyond this time. "

Hearing this award, some people were happy, some said it didn't matter, and some people had different expressions, and he saw them all.

People who are happy are naturally more confident in their abilities. People who don't care are more concerned about working overtime. Money is not particularly important. People who are concerned about gains and losses want to get rewards but lack confidence in their abilities.

However, he has no special opinion on this. Many of them are working for the first time, and even most of them are students in school. Their current performance does not mean their future growth limit.

Many people will mature in an instant after experiencing some things, and some people will become enlightened in an instant, so life is a marathon. Although the starting point is important, what is more important is to look at the performance afterward.

After saying these words, he immediately started training, distributed a notebook and a pen to each employee, and he started to explain on the blackboard in front.

Due to the large number of people, he had to speak loudly, but after half a day, he couldn't stand it, not to mention it would last for a while.

In order to alleviate his pain, he had to buy a set of speakers so that all the employees participating in the training could hear clearly.

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