Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 590 Perception of Wealth

After the two student representatives in front had finished their speeches, they finally came to Ye Zishu. Since his clothes were too conspicuous, he didn't have to look for him, and he could see clearly from the rostrum.

When the host mentioned his name, almost everyone on the rostrum stared at him, which made him feel that many people still knew him.

He stood up and quickly ran to the stage. The classmate who asked him why he didn't wear a bachelor's uniform just now was dumbfounded. He didn't expect such an unruly person to be a student representative.

Running to the stage and standing on the podium, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Hi, school leaders and students, I am Ye Zishu from the School of Software, a not-so-serious student."

This opening remark amused everyone. On this serious occasion, some people dared to make a joke. Either they were big-hearted or didn't care, but it sounded good.

"When the principal asked me to speak as a student representative, I was also a little surprised at the time, saying that I am a not serious student is definitely not self-deprecating, but the truth.

Due to work, it is difficult for me to stay in school all the year round, and absenteeism has become a compulsory course, which has added a lot of trouble to the school. If it were not for the school's generosity, I would have been expelled a long time ago.

Here I would like to thank the school for its tolerance and allowing me to get a diploma. Although this diploma means little to me, it means a lot to my parents.

But with this performance, I consider myself unqualified as a student representative. Even though I haven't wasted my time in the past few years, it is a fact that I violated the regulations and cannot be disputed.

So I asked the principal if he gave me this opportunity to show my face because I just donated a large sum of money to the school.

To be honest, if this is the case, I don't think it's necessary. I'm a nerd, and 'nerd' means I like to stay at home and don't like to show my face.

Fortunately, the principal didn't answer me that way, saying that it was the affirmation of my achievements over the years, which gave me a little confidence, because I also feel that I have done a good job in the past few years! "Leaf Book said.

Having said that, the audience has already begun to buzz. Many people are still a little surprised that he can speak so boldly, not only teasing himself, but also teasing the principal by the way.

The graduation ceremony is a very serious occasion. Everyone is summing up the past and welcoming the future. The speeches are full of words of encouragement and expectation. I have never heard him speak like this.

The principal not far away was a little surprised when he heard his words, but in the end he could only shake his head helplessly and let him go.

The school has this advantage. Compared with the society, it is much more tolerant. Although such a speech was a bit unexpected, no one came forward to criticize him.

Teaching and educating people in schools does not mean only teaching book knowledge to students, but to establish students' world outlook and values, and at the same time let students learn the ability to think independently.

No matter as a social science subject or a science and engineering subject, students must have the spirit of independent thinking, otherwise it will be difficult to make major achievements in frontier fields.

He was about to continue talking, but he didn't expect the host to come on stage suddenly and said, "Here I want to add a word, Ye Zishu did donate 1 million yuan to the school a few days ago."

Although it is a bit abrupt to interrupt suddenly, it is understandable. After all, 1 million yuan is not a small number, and it must be widely advertised, so that the donors can at least gain some fame and fortune.

As a result, Ye Zishu continued: "Just now the host deliberately said that to make everyone think I'm good at it, even if I have a mouth, I can't say it clearly.

This donation was actually booked a long time ago. It was not used to sell graduation certificates, nor was it used to gain fame. If it was only used to do these things, it would not be worthwhile from the perspective of a businessman.

Don't think that because I have a lot of wealth, I can spend money like water. In fact, the wealth I can really control is only 1.6 million yuan, of which 1 million yuan has been donated.

And this money is my personal reward for working hard. As for the property of the enterprise under my name, it has little to do with me personally. "

Having said that, it caused even more sensation. In the eyes of many people, a hundred million yuan is already an astronomical figure. They didn't expect him to be so rich at such a young age.

Some people in the audience know him, but they only know that he can write songs. As for other information, they know very little. Of course, some people have been to his company for internship, but they know some information, but not much .

Seeing that many people below are very interested in money, Ye Zishu had to say: "Seeing that so many students are more interested in money, I will talk about how the money came from and my understanding of money.

Those who know me well know that although I am a student of the Software College, the music I make is pretty good, and I once became a relatively popular singer.

The reason why I made music was not because I loved it so much, but because I had no money at the time. Whether it was life or starting a business, I needed the support of start-up funds.

Here, I would like to thank all my classmates for their support to me at the beginning, and also thank the fans all over the world for their support.

The funds I personally hold are actually the income from these music copyrights. From this perspective, the money is indeed earned by me through part-time work, because most of it is the company's income and has little to do with me.

Someone should understand, isn't the music company your business?It's not that the left hand is the right hand, and this idea can't be said to be completely wrong, but it definitely doesn't understand the difference between the enterprise and the individual.

I don't know if you have read the report of Shengshi Finance and Economics, saying that I have a wealth of hundreds of billions of yuan. In fact, what I want to say is that this statistic is actually seriously underestimated. "

Having said that, not to mention the students below, even the school leaders sitting on the rostrum feel a little surprised. Hundreds of billions of dollars is already an astronomical figure. I didn't expect him to say that this figure is seriously underestimated.

This makes it difficult for many people to imagine how much wealth he has. Is there really anyone who can be so rich? Of course, some people have no lack of thinking about whether this situation is a good thing or a bad thing.

Excessive concentration of wealth, as long as everyone knows it is not a good thing, but at the current stage, it seems that it is difficult to avoid this situation. This is a subject worth studying.

Ye Zishu also ignored the commotion at the scene, but continued: "Since I have so much wealth under my name, why do I still say that I am just a hard worker and only talk about the little money in my account.

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, I don't think that the company's money is my money, which is completely different. In my opinion, the company's money belongs to social wealth and should be enjoyed by the society.

What's more, these wealth are not created by me alone, but by thousands of employees. Although they receive wages, it seems that they have paid for their efforts.

But is it really so?We are not discussing whether the academic nature of this question is correct. At least I think that part of the wealth created by employees must have residual value left in the enterprise.

These residual values ​​are stored in the enterprise for the purpose of better operating the enterprise and bringing better benefits to employees in the future development of the enterprise.

In addition, a considerable part of these surplus values ​​is social value, such as the stable social environment and convenient infrastructure provided by the state.

Someone asked again, didn't the enterprise pay taxes? It had already paid the social value assumed by the state for the enterprise. But is this really the case? Different people have different opinions.

At least I don’t think it’s entirely true, so there is always a part of the surplus value that belongs to me. This statement is correct, but the difference between me and others is that I don’t think it is necessary to own this part of wealth. "

He said such a long paragraph, but he confused many people. Could it be that he really doesn't intend to take any benefits from the enterprise?This seems a bit unbelievable to many people.

"Some people should understand what I mean, that is, I don't think the wealth of enterprises has anything to do with me, I just have the right to control the wealth of these enterprises, and let these wealth create more value.

As for why I personally don't plan to take these wealth, because I don't think it is necessary. No matter how much money there is, it is only three meals a day, and I can only sleep in one bed at the same time.

As long as it can solve the problem of survival, what is the use of so much money?What's more, for me, making money is really easy. There is no need to strive for money, but to make myself a slave to money.

What's more, the stable life we ​​have today is the result of thousands of revolutionary martyrs throwing their heads and blood, and it is also the result of the hard work and sacrifice of thousands of ordinary people.

At least in my eyes, I can't take these wealth for myself, it will only make me feel uneasy. I think their sacrifice and dedication are definitely not for the purpose of creating a super rich.

Instead, I hope that more people can enjoy the benefits brought about by their sacrifice and dedication, so that they will know and feel that their sacrifice and dedication are worthwhile. "

Speaking of this, Ye Zishu was also deeply in love, his eyes were a little moist, and his tone was already trembling, because when he said this, his mind was full of countless figures of fearless dedication.

"The reason why I said this is not to make others like me, I just expounded my philosophy and my views on money.

It is precisely because everyone has different opinions that the world becomes more exciting. Otherwise, if everything is the same, it will lack a lot of vitality.

But I still want to emphasize that when a person has only tens of millions of dollars in wealth, it is possible that the money can be completely regarded as his own. When a person's wealth reaches hundreds of millions or more, then the wealth will not completely belong to the individual .

It only belongs to you in name. If you don’t have this awareness, problems will definitely appear in this society over time. The most typical phenomenon is the widening gap between rich and poor.

If there is still the phenomenon of "rich men's wine and meat stinks, and the road is frozen to death", no matter what others think, I think it is a shame, a shame for those in power, a shame for the rich, and a shame for the whole society.

You can be said to be the smartest group of people in the country, and you will soon enter the society, and rich people may be born among them. I hope my words can inspire you.

The state proposes to 'allow some people to get rich first, get rich first, then get rich first, and finally achieve common prosperity'. I think it is not too early to study how to drive later rich and how to achieve common prosperity in advance. "Leaf Book said.

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