Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 588 Just Forget It For Free

Afterwards, Ye Zishu asked Yu Minhong about the company's basic situation. In fact, he could see this information directly from the system, and the reason why he asked was mainly to express his importance.

The two chatted until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Ye Zishu was about to slap his ass and leave, but Yu Minhong proposed that he planned to make the basic education platform free for the country for a period of three years.

According to him, in fact, the basic education platform does not make money in China. The annual cost of tens of hundreds of dollars is difficult for many families, but it is insignificant for their company.

Instead of this, it is better to free it for a period of time, and it will not be too late to charge when the domestic economic situation improves and the family can afford it.

And at that time, the basic education platform should have penetrated into the national education system and played an important role. The importance is beyond doubt, and the fees are easier.

This difficulty does not mean that high fees can be charged, but that coverage can be increased, so that even if the unit price is low, the overall income is relatively considerable.

Of course, they made this opinion because they have the strength now. If they did it before, they would not dare to do this. At least they must ensure the balance of operations, and they don’t have the ability to put money into it.

For their approach, Ye Zishu immediately agreed. Now the domestic people are still in the stage of satisfying their material needs. The demand for this kind of service is actually not strong. At least when making a choice, they will still choose the former.

After the service fee is waived, many families still have to face the problem of terminal purchase, but in comparison, many families are more willing to spend money to buy education terminals, because they are visible and tangible devices.

This is also the reason why Phoenix Technology has made a lot of money internationally, but the domestic effect is poor. It is because the software is not worth spending money in the eyes of many people.

This kind of thinking is actually not only in the minds of ordinary people, but also in domestic enterprises. They would rather spend huge sums of money on expensive hardware equipment than spend more money on more advanced software.

In fact, if the software is advanced, it can reduce the requirements for the use of hardware equipment. The productivity improvement brought by advanced software is sometimes much higher than that of hardware.

It is difficult to change this concept in a short period of time. The reason why this hacking incident was publicized with great fanfare is not only to sell more network security service products, but also to promote Phoenix Technology in China.

Previously, their companies were relatively low-key in China. Although many people have used their products, they don't know much about the company's specific situation.

This hacking incident not only demonstrated the advantages of Phoenix Software's network security technology to the outside world, but also introduced to the outside world what kind of group company Phoenix Technology is.

However, they did not disclose their revenue capacity, because once this is disclosed, it will cause huge controversy, because the revenue scale is too high, which is too high to be unbearable.

As mentioned above, the overall business of Phoenix Technology is expected to exceed 2.4 trillion yuan this year, which is very eye-catching in the current period when the domestic economy is still small.

Of course there is envy, who doesn't love wealth, but there will be a lot of discordant voices. Some people will definitely say that Phoenix Technology's software is too expensive, and there will definitely be exploitative remarks.

It's just that they don't think about it, Phoenix Technology can participate in global competition with its own products, and even obtain an absolute advantage, which shows that the value of the product is absolutely worthy of its price.

What's more, the price in China is much lower than that in foreign countries, and some prices are only [-]% off the standard price, which is already the floor price.

In view of these concerns, this publicity only emphasizes Phoenix Technology's position in the software industry and its position in the world.

No matter which country people like to make comparisons, as long as they can stand among the top companies in the world, no matter how much revenue, no matter how technical they are, they are still a very good company.

What's more, a lot of news also listed the software products owned by Phoenix Technology, each of which sounds vague, but it gives people a very powerful feeling.

It's just that this kind of propaganda can change this prejudice, Ye Shu himself is not very clear, but he knows that it is much better to do it than not to do it, and these propaganda-like news are also true.

"Let's do it according to your wishes. Qinglong Technology Company will follow the original plan." Ye Zishu said.

The reason why I want to emphasize the situation of Qinglong Technology Company is to avoid being affected by their free strategy. If the software service is free, it will only lose some broadband and hardware equipment costs.

If the hardware is also free, the loss will be huge. It is not a feasible method at all. Even selling at cost price is not a good strategy. You must make a little money.

Because hardware production has accumulated a lot of funds, funds also have costs, and we must earn back the costs caused by the squeeze of funds.

It was already six o'clock in the evening when I returned home from New Oriental Education Group. Pei Qing had already returned home and was cooking in the kitchen. When she saw Ye Zishu open the door, she quickly came out of the kitchen to take a look, and asked, "Where did you go this afternoon?"

"I went to New Oriental Education Group." Ye Zishu responded.

"Oh, then you should rest first, the meal will take half an hour to be ready." Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Well, then I'll go to the study." Ye Zishu said.

When he came to the study room, Ye Zishu looked at the securities account opening situation. Since no fund company has been established yet, all the applications are for personal accounts.

Let Phoenix Technology's regional headquarters located around the world help him open accounts in major stock and financial markets such as Japan, Lao m, Singapore, Hong Kong, and London.

Due to the time difference, the accounts opened today are all in the daytime stock market. Ye Zishu set these accounts into the account management system of the Tidal Intelligent Investment System.

It's just that the stock markets where these accounts are located are closed and cannot be operated. For example, the London financial market has not yet opened and cannot be operated. This time is a bit embarrassing.

Putting this matter aside, Ye Zishu continued to work on sorting out the technical information of the remote sensing satellite system. He didn't stop until Pei Qing knocked on the door and called him to eat.

"Old Yu said that they want to establish their own education college within the university you established, do you understand?" Ye Zishu asked.

Pei Qing nodded and said, "Actually, we only found out a few days ago, so we had to make some temporary adjustments to the school construction plan."

"Is it a big influence?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's not very big. It's said to be a college of education, but it's actually mixed together. These students will attend classes with other students and will not be separated separately.

It's just that in addition to these courses, they also need to study education-related theoretical knowledge and related courses, and these courses belong to their internal courses. "Pei Qing said.

I didn't ask that much detail just now. If this is the case, there is no need to make too many adjustments. It's just that the students of the College of Education have to take so many courses, can they bear it?

Ye Zishu articulated her doubts, but Pei Qing said: "There are a lot more courses, but for this group of students, the assessment standards will be slightly lower.

After all, the main purpose of training them is not to allow them to engage in these majors, but to teach others. Some knowledge only needs to be understood to a certain extent. "

"Since there is no problem!" Ye Zishu said.

He also just asked casually. He doesn't really care about these details. He only cares about whether the work is done well.

"By the way, what have you been up to this morning?" Pei Qing asked.

Originally, he didn't want to mention this matter too early. After all, the Tidal Intelligent Investment System is still in the testing stage, and he is not very sure about the rate of return.

Now that Pei Qing asked, she didn't intend to hide it, and said directly: "I made an automatic investment system this morning to prepare for entering the financial market."

Pei Qing was surprised when she heard this, because Ye Zishu has always given people the feeling that they are not interested in finance, and they are very cautious about bank loans, so much money is lying in the bank, and they have not chosen finance for investment.

"Why do you suddenly want to enter the financial market?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"You also know that I have never made any profit from the industries under my umbrella. On the one hand, it is because these industries are still in the expansion stage, and I have a long-term demand for funds.

On the other hand, I don't actually regard these industries as my personal property. From a legal point of view, they do belong to individuals. However, with such a large-scale industry, if I really think so, there may be many problems.

So I wanted to increase the value of the assets in my personal account. I went to school two days ago and promised to donate 1 million yuan to the school. The remaining funds are running out.

I also want to build my own personal laboratory. The investment must be tens of billions. If I don't want to make money, the funds in my hand will soon be exhausted. "Leaf Book explained.

Pei Qing was a little surprised when he heard his explanation, and also explained why he didn't take a penny from his subsidiaries. Although the company does need funds, it's not a big problem to take out 200 billion yuan.

Although she didn't know what Ye Shu was worried about, since he said that, there must be a reason, and she didn't investigate why he had this idea.

He just said: "The financial market is not so easy to make money, not to mention that you mean to use machines to help investment, which feels even more unreliable."

"You see, I'm so busy all day, I don't have time to operate the financial market, not to mention that if traders operate, they may not be able to make a steady profit.

I also know the complexity of the financial market. I have conducted research on this before, and I have some results. This time I just want to try to see if my previous research results are feasible. "Leaf Book said.

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