Falling in love with you, reborn technology upstart

Yu Minhong's office is not big, only about 20 square meters, with bookshelves on three sides, a desk near the window, and a small coffee table in front.

If it is used for personal office, there is nothing wrong with it, but it will be warmer. If it is used for entertaining guests, it will appear a bit crowded.

Like Ye Zishu's office, there is usually only a desk and some office equipment, nothing else, it looks a bit empty, and the two have completely different styles.

Ye Zishu did not joke that the office conditions here are shabby. After all, it is a good thing for subordinates to save money, and it is inappropriate for a boss to make jokes.

But when the two sat down to drink tea, Ye Zishu still said: "Your business is getting better and better now, with more and more employees, there will definitely be a period of rapid growth in the number of employees.

The current office conditions may not be met, and employees may complain about overcrowding. What are your plans for the new office location? "

Yu Minhong was very surprised, the first thing the boss did was this, he felt that the current office space can last for a while, and moving is not an urgent matter.

"We plan to wait a little longer. The company is still losing money, but it has improved this year, but our new school building plan is expanding, and we don't have much money on hand." Yu Minhong said.

Last year they built 100 vocational schools. Although these schools are enrolling students one after another this year, they do not make much money. Each school only has a slight surplus on the basis of maintaining operations.

New Oriental Education Group did not dare to embezzle these funds, and could only use them as reserve funds for these schools in case of emergency needs later.

However, the initial investment is quite a lot. The fixed investment of tens of millions of yuan for each school is quite generous in this era. The facilities are complete and are completely in accordance with the configuration of colleges and universities.

"How is your school building plan going?" Ye Zishu asked.

Last year, due to financial constraints, in their annual development plan, they only mentioned the plan to build another 100 schools, doubling the number of schools they own.

"The 100 schools planned at the end of last year are under construction, and the infrastructure construction is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and the enrollment may not be until around July next year.

However, due to the emergence of the intelligent education system this year, we have gained a lot of benefits from the intelligent education platform, so we decided to implement the school construction plan in advance and plan to build another 300 schools.

In this way, our first goal can be achieved, and we will see how the enrollment situation is later. If the enrollment situation is good, we will decide whether to continue to build the school. " Yu Minhong said.

The first goal set at the beginning was to build 500 vocational schools across the country, and it was planned to take about 5 years to complete. After all, at that time, these funds had to be obtained from other companies.

Now that they can make money by themselves, the plan is naturally much bolder. Anyway, the first goal must be achieved, and the 500 schools should be built ahead of schedule.

Because various costs are rising rapidly now, whether it is labor costs or building materials costs. Before building a school, it only cost about 4000 million yuan.

Now it has risen to 5000 million yuan. If it is delayed for another year, it may cost 8000 million to hundreds of millions of yuan to build a school. Therefore, it is cost-effective to build a school early.

Putting these funds in the account is only eating interest, which cannot keep up with the increase in construction costs, so I want to spend the money quickly, leaving only the funds for the operation of the entire system in hand.

According to their new plan, it will cost 200 billion yuan just to build the school this year, but Ye Zishu is not very worried after hearing this, because they can afford it.

As mentioned earlier, the number of overseas users of their current basic education platform has exceeded 100 million, which can at least bring them an annual income of 100 billion yuan.

Then there is the professional education platform. The number of overseas users has reached 40, which can bring them at least 200 billion yuan in annual income.

This is only about two months after the two platforms have been in operation. If the current user growth rate is used, it is expected to bring them 1200 billion yuan in revenue this year.

In fact, the number of users of these two platforms in China is higher. After all, the domestic population is here, but the platforms do not make a lot of money. Even professional education platforms are only in a state of meager profit.

From this perspective, New Oriental Education Group has truly realized the business philosophy of education serving the people, and almost all of its domestic businesses do not make much money.

On the one hand, it is because of the economic level that the people cannot afford so much. On the other hand, they do this deliberately, just to allow more citizens to receive better education.

Like their vocational schools, the fees charged by each student are not low, and the student payment part is not much, but the corporate payment part is not low, and they did not think about keeping most of the profits.

Instead, they want to spend more of the funds obtained from these tuition fees on the cultivation of students. They are said to be vocational schools, but they are actually trained according to the standards of colleges and universities, which are even stricter than many domestic colleges and universities.

It’s just that the direction of training is different. The direction of training in vocational schools still focuses on practice. Although there are theoretical courses, the proportion is relatively small, and the practical part occupies two-thirds of the entire course.

Vocational schools want to train these students to become engineers. After all, these students are reduced to attending vocational schools, which means that they lost the competition in the college entrance examination.

Either the intelligence cannot keep up with those students who passed the college entrance examination, or the students who can't sit still or don't fully use their minds to study.

It may be difficult for these people to do cutting-edge scientific research, but as engineers, as long as they are trained properly and they work hard, they are quite qualified.

Engineers are the most demanded talents in our country, and construction needs to be accelerated in all aspects, and various engineers are required to play an important role in it.

Many domestic colleges and universities have not realized that they will have a group of strong competitors. If they only train college students with the idea of ​​training ordinary engineers, they will inevitably face huge difficulties in the future.

If the construction of all 500 vocational schools is completed and the enrollment is full, then 400 million students can be accommodated at the same time. This scale is actually quite large.

"Even if the vocational school construction plan is carried out in advance, you should have a lot of surplus, which can be used to build your own group headquarters." Ye Zishu said.

"The words are correct, but we dare not use the expected income in advance. Once an accident occurs, it is easy for us to fall into a passive position. We think it is better to be safe.

What's more, the fundamental purpose of these 500 schools is to train outstanding engineers. At present, due to the unsatisfactory enrollment situation, some schools are used for technician training.

This situation will change a lot as the domestic economy improves. At that time, we need to vacate these venues and use them all for vocational education and training.

As for the training of technicians, we need to build specialized technical schools, which is another large investment, and we need to prepare a certain amount of funds in advance.

What's more, we have cooperated with several brother companies to organize higher education. Although they say that they will provide the funds for running the school, we also hope to contribute more power and plan to allocate part of the money to support higher education.

So overall, we feel that this year is not a good time to build our company headquarters, but it is possible next year. " Yu Minhong said.

Ye Zishu was a little surprised when he heard that Yu Minhong was planning to contribute funds to support higher education. They only needed to do a good job in the basic service management of the school, and there was no need to pay this money.

At present, several of his companies that want to build higher education are not short of this money, and they are fully capable of supporting the development of higher education on their own.

"What are your considerations for supporting higher education?" Ye Zishu asked puzzledly.

"Actually, we also know that the further the future, the more intense the competition in the high-end technology field, and supporting higher education is supporting the country's future development.

Of course, this lofty goal is only a long-term goal. In fact, we made this decision for our own future development.

In recent years, we have also been troubled by the shortage of teachers for a long time, so we thought about investing in the construction of education colleges in these colleges to train high-end educational talents. " Yu Minhong said.

This makes sense, but the New Oriental Education Group has been troubled by the number of teachers over the years. In order to be able to gather the number of teachers to meet the business, they have spent a lot of money.

"Although your idea is good, I don't think it's necessary. There are quite a few normal schools in China. I think the enrollment scale of other schools is also expanding. There should be enough talents in the future." Ye Zishu said.

"It is not a big problem for normal schools to engage in compulsory education, but they may not be able to do what they want to do in vocational education, not to mention that we hope to do better in vocational education.

To be honest, we are actually not very satisfied with the current vocational education teachers under our banner. If it is not for the assistance of the intelligent education platform, the overall quality may not meet our requirements.

At present, the overall domestic technology and economy are at a relatively low level. These students meet the requirements, but it is hard to say whether they will meet the requirements in the future.

The reason why we invest in education majors in these colleges is to let these students be neighbors with top talents, even if they are not at their level, they can still absorb their breath and improve their quality in all aspects.

The so-called "the one who stays close to vermilion is red, and the one who stays close to ink is black", if we are asked to establish an independent education college, we are not willing, because we don't think we can train top educators. " Yu Minhong explained.

After listening to what he said, Ye Zishu felt that there was nothing wrong with the logic. Working behind these academies would allow him to get in touch with cutting-edge technology, which was much better than starting an education academy independently.

They are prepared to improve the quality of vocational education, not for the compulsory education stage, and it is very necessary to have an understanding of cutting-edge technologies.

"In addition, we actually want to provide teachers in existing vocational colleges with a better place to study. If their knowledge is not updated for a long time, it will seriously hinder the development of the entire vocational education.

So after the establishment of the School of Education, we plan to let teachers go for advanced studies for half a year to one year every three years, so that their knowledge system can always keep up with the pace of the times. "Yu Minhong said again.

For their attitude towards education, Ye Zishu has no reason to refute, and can only express his affirmation to them.

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