Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 584 Personal security software commercialization plan

When Ye Zishu came home, Pei Qing didn't go to sleep, but ^_^ came in, stood up quickly, and asked, "How is it?"

"Why haven't you slept yet? I've already passed by. What are you worried about? Naturally, there is no problem." Ye Zishu said.

"It's already so late, why don't you continue to work overtime tonight?" Pei Qing asked while helping him carry his bag.

"What? Want to practice sparring?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted with a deep passionate kiss, and the battle between the two sides started immediately. Ye Zishu was a passive participant in the beginning, but later gradually took the initiative and became the leader of the entire battlefield.

The passionate collision between the two left the other battlefield of Phoenix Software Company behind, and they fought until two o'clock in the evening, and finally returned to calm.

After waking up the next day, Pei Qing didn't go to the company immediately, but made him breakfast. After the two had finished breakfast, Pei Qing went to work in the company.

And Ye Zishu went to work in the study, and the first thing he did when he turned on the computer was to check the results of Phoenix Software last night, which were all recorded in the system.

Seeing that the result was going in the direction he planned, he was completely relieved, and then looked at their network security business situation, and a steep curve appeared in the statistical data.

Although it was only two hours, Phoenix Software received an order of 4 million yuan, which is still the off-duty time of most of those developed countries.

According to this growth rate, when a new day begins over there, Phoenix Software will receive more orders. Although it is reasonable, it is a bit beyond his expectation.

Although this hacking incident is a good time for Phoenix Software to promote their network security services to the world, he did not expect so many companies to be so urgent.

According to Phoenix Software's network security service category, enterprise-level services are divided into several packages, one is determined according to the protection level, the other is determined according to the size of the enterprise, and the third is determined according to the additional service category.

The price of the highest-end network security service is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars per year, and the price of the lowest-end network security service is only 10 yuan per year. This is mainly for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Package services include hardware network security equipment, software security services, and additional services. Those companies that spend hundreds of millions of dollars on network security services actually purchase additional services.

That is to say, once these enterprises are under strong network security attacks, Phoenix Software needs to provide them with real-time security protection, instead of selling the equipment or software to you and leaving them alone.

Like the ddos ​​attack launched last night, it is difficult to resist with ordinary software and hardware facilities, and Phoenix Software Company needs to provide additional service support.

The meaning is very clear, it is to spend a huge price to ensure the absolute security of its own enterprise in terms of network security, and Phoenix Software provides service guarantees for this.

Don't think that the price is very high. For large enterprises or multinational companies, it is very cost-effective to spend this little money to ensure the absolute security of the enterprise network.

What's more, once a country's public service facilities, such as the power grid, are hacked, there will be huge hidden dangers. It is very worthwhile to spend more money to buy peace of mind.

As more and more public services become intelligent, the global public service network will face cyber security threats, and cyber security is what they must always pay attention to.

Statistical data forecasting the future trend shows that if the current growth rate is followed, the network security business of Phoenix Software will reach about 1000 billion yuan this year.

Although Ye Zishu thinks this goal is a bit difficult, this incident has indeed reminded many companies, but after a period of time, many companies will selectively forget about it.

Especially for small and micro enterprises, which do not have strong funds, even if they spend 10 yuan to purchase network security services, they still feel very painful.

In fact, for many small and micro enterprises, it is enough to only use the personal network security software of Phoenix Software Company, and it is difficult for enterprises of this scale to be targeted by powerful hackers.

Because it is not profitable to target such a small business, and personal network security software does have a good ability to protect against virus programs that spread the net.

In response to this feature, people from the network security department of Phoenix Software also put forward suggestions, thinking that personal businesses should be commercialized.

At present, there are no advertisements, so memberships cannot be sold. If there were advertisements, many individual users would choose to buy memberships instead of being disturbed by advertisements.

Ye Zishu believes that this method of operation is correct, but users must be upset, and feel that Phoenix Software is suspected of being persecuted.

If you want users to buy memberships willingly, you can't just block ads, which seems too simple. You must make users feel that they can get more extra services after purchasing memberships.

This method of giving a sweet date with a stick has proven to be very effective, and it can also make members feel that they are respected, and the money is not lost.

Currently, the network security protection software on the market has a single function and only protects against viruses. The same is true for Phoenix Software's personal network security protection software.

Ye Zishu believes that in addition to network security, for many computer users, computer management is actually more urgent, and they can definitely do something about this aspect.

It's just that he is not at ease to let Phoenix Software Company write these functions, because if it is not done well, not only will the operation be cumbersome, but it will also easily slow down the speed of the computer.

And he thinks that if it’s just that, it doesn’t make people’s eyes shine, and it won’t make users have a strong urge to consume as soon as they see it.

So he gave up the idea of ​​letting Phoenix Software Company write it, and he planned to write a personal computer housekeeper with an intelligent assistant to provide a full range of security and automatic management services for personal computers.

At the same time, the smart program is also anthropomorphic. The more the user interacts with the smart program, the faster the smart program grows, the better the understanding of the user's habits, and the more convenient it is for the user to use.

Phoenix Software can not only obtain higher membership fees, but also obtain a large amount of user interaction data, which has more benefits for artificial intelligence training.

So he decided to divide the membership into two levels. Low-level members only need to pay $20 a year to get advertising-free services and additional computer management services.

Premium membership costs $50 a year and gets access to low-tier membership services, plus a personal smart assistant.

For non-member services, there is only virus protection service, without any additional services, and it will be advertised by Phoenix Software.

However, for advertising, Ye Zishu felt that it was not appropriate to make users disgusted. He was afraid that the company would deliberately let the advertisements make users disgusting in order to get more people to become members.

Such an approach is not what a company that focuses on serving users should do, so he asked that an advertisement can only pop up in the lower right corner once a day, and that too many advertisements should not be placed during computer use.

Another place to place advertisements is the lock screen. As long as the user locks the phone, advertisements will be placed during this period. There are not too many restrictions on this, and it will not affect the user's use anyway.

Although the lock screen advertisements seem to be of little value, because since the phone is locked, the user must no longer be in front of the computer, and the advertisements are worthless.

In fact, the user can still see the advertisement when the phone is locked, and can also see the advertisement when it is used again. The advertisements in these two stages are still valuable.

The advertisement in the middle is actually not completely worthless. In the office, if people come and go, the advertisement in the middle of the lock screen will still attract a certain amount of attention, but the value is not as high as that of the front and rear advertisements.

For lock screen advertisements, Phoenix Software can determine the user's computer usage scenarios based on data analysis, and choose the value of lock screen advertisements.

As mentioned above, in the office, the value of the lock screen advertisement is much higher, because it is not for the user to see, but for the staff in the same scene who come and go.

If it is in a family scene, only the front and rear advertisements are of higher value, and the middle advertisement is the price of cabbage, and some people should buy it. After all, there is still a certain possibility of being seen.

Then there is the requirement for the content of the advertisement. The content should not make people feel uncomfortable. Like the previous life, "If you are a brother, come and kill me", it feels outrageous, and the repeated repetition is disgusting.

In terms of advertising resources, there is no need for Phoenix Software to worry about it. It must be connected to the digital advertising platform of Shengshi Advertising Company, which not only saves time and effort, but also has a lot of customer resources.

After thinking about this, Ye Zishu started to work. With the help of artificial intelligence to write the software, the efficiency was naturally very high, and it was done in half an hour.

Although it has a lot of functions, it does not take up much system resources, and the whole program is also very small, only 10m in size. If it is made by Phoenix Software, it will definitely be much larger than this.

In addition to the front-end program, there is also a set of back-end intelligent programs that provide support for front-end services and also collect desensitized information from users.

Users can choose whether to allow the collection of user desensitization information, but after it is turned off, the smart assistant will not be able to grow, and it will not be able to interact with users more, which means that the growth is poor.

This is to avoid legal disputes between users and the company on the grounds of personal privacy, and the right to choose is left to the user. If it is turned on, it means that the company can collect relevant information by default.

However, it also guarantees that the collected information will not be provided to any third party except for the user itself, and the company will also keep confidentiality within the company to ensure the privacy of users.

After writing these programs, Ye Shu wrote down his thoughts just now, and then sent the program as an attachment to Phoenix Software Company, asking it to operate according to this plan.

At present, the number of users using the Phoenix operating system has exceeded the 2 million mark, and the number of users using their personal network security software is also about 1.5 million, which has already met the conditions for commercialization.

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