Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 578 Completion of graduation thesis defense

When Ye Zishu left Shengshi Cultural Industrial Park, it was completely dark. It can be seen that the tea party was held successfully, and the enthusiasm of everyone participating in the discussion was unprecedentedly high.

In the end, by the way, he also arranged a small task for Shengshi Culture Company, which was to set up a global public opinion research group in case of emergency.

There is a good saying, "There is a fundamental difference between having a sword in your hand and not having a sword." He is planning for the future, setting up a research group in advance to do a good job in this area of ​​research.

He hoped that he would never use it. He hated intrigue, but it was always a good wish that everything went well, and things were often difficult to go in the direction he expected.

Since Pei Qing was still at home, he didn't eat in the cafeteria here, and drove home directly. It was already eight o'clock in the evening when he got home, which was much later than he expected.

"Why did you come back now? The food is a bit cold." As soon as Ye Zishu entered, Pei Qing ran over and helped him put down the bag, acting like a little wife.

"I went to Shengshi Culture Company in the afternoon. I was going to have a normal meeting, but it turned out to be a tea party. Maybe everyone has lost the restraint before, and the atmosphere is much stronger." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu glanced at the food on the table and didn't move at all, so he said, "You don't have to wait for me to eat, you can eat in advance if you are hungry."

"Well, the whole family should have dinner together, so as to enhance the relationship." Pei Qing obviously disagreed with his words, and retorted.

Regarding the family she mentioned, although Ye Zishu felt that it was inappropriate, she did not refute it. After the two had a physical relationship, they were obviously much closer than before.

At this juncture, there is no need to correct the unreasonableness in it. This is making yourself uncomfortable, and if there is no major accident, it is really possible to become a family in the future.

"Although I don't want to refute, I still stick to my point of view. My family is like this, and I don't see a weak relationship." After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he gave an example.

"Your home is your home, and I'm in charge of our home!" Pei Qing said angrily.

After finishing speaking, Pei Qing filled Ye Zishu with a bowl of rice from the rice cooker, placed it in front of him, and continued: "Let's stop bickering about this, and eat the rice quickly."

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu didn't retaliate. He sat down and said, "What you said is right, you should hurry up and eat."

Seeing Pei Qing sitting down opposite, Ye Zishu said, "How do you eat lunch?"

"I went to the Taiji Group in the afternoon and had lunch there by the way." Pei Qing said.

"Didn't I tell you to rest for a day? You still have to work so hard with injuries?" Ye Zishu blamed.

Hearing that Ye Zishu said that she was injured, Pei Qing rolled her eyes at him, and said angrily, "I'm not that fragile, and the distance is not far, and I'm driving, so it's fine."

"Is it better now?" Ye Zishu asked.

When Pei Qing heard his words, although she felt sweet in her heart, she didn't respond, she just threw him a hygienic eye, and ate with a dull head.

Skipping this topic, during the meal, Pei Qing asked about the situation at Shengshi Culture Company, and Ye Zishu picked up some unimportant content, satisfying her curiosity.

After dinner, Ye Zishu accompanied Pei Qing to watch TV for a while, then hurried to work in the study with the computer, Pei Qing then brought him a cup of tea, and went out quietly.

In view of the fierce battle yesterday, the two temporarily decided to rest today. Ye Zishu knew that he might be working late, and told Pei Qing to go to bed first if she was sleepy.

Ruanrou Township is certainly fascinating, but he has not forgotten what he is doing. Sometimes he has to sigh with emotion, "Renrouxiang is a hero's tomb." Fortunately, he has a firm will.

Taking advantage of the time before going to Xi'an, his current task is to sort out the technical information related to the remote sensing satellite system, so as to avoid delaying this matter for too long.

Ye Zishu didn't finish his work until two o'clock in the morning. Then he walked softly to Pei Qing's bedroom and fell asleep quietly, but he didn't wake up Pei Qing.

Early the next morning, Pei Qing woke up and saw Ye Zishu lying beside her. She wanted to ask him how many days he had been working yesterday, but seeing that he was still sleepy, she held back.

She got up quietly, and then went directly to the company after washing up. Yesterday she was lying in bed and couldn't sleep. She felt that something was missing, and her whole body was scratched.

But she also knew that she had to go to work early tomorrow morning, forced herself to sleep, and fell asleep without knowing it, and she didn't know what time she fell asleep, anyway, it was late at that time.

Waking up in the morning, Ye Zishu found that Pei Qing had already gone to work. After washing herself, she drove directly to the school and had breakfast in the school cafeteria.

Today is the graduation defense, and Ye Zishu doesn't know when he is scheduled to defend. There is no printer at home, so he took a USB flash drive to the school's printing shop to print out a graduation thesis.

Then he went to the graduation defense classroom according to the address given by the instructor. When he came here, a large group of students had already gathered here.

Some of them are in his class. Although they have only been together for a few days, they can still be called by their names when they see them. On the contrary, the students are a little confused by him, a classmate who has not come to class for several years.

Some were classmates of the same major, he didn’t know much, and he took the initiative to greet him at first, but found that everyone was unfamiliar with him, so he didn’t bother himself, and went to the sidelines alone.

When it came to him, it was already close to noon. The teachers in charge of the defense saw that it was almost time for lunch, so they ended the morning defense directly and planned to start again at [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

Letting him spend the whole morning in vain, he went to the cafeteria to have a meal with a depressed mood, and then went directly to the library with his laptop, planning to work while he had some free time.

Finally, when it was close to two o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Zishu quickly packed up his things, left the library, and went to the graduation defense classroom to prepare for his own defense.

He was the first one in the afternoon. He handed over the graduation thesis printed in the morning to the defense teacher, and then stood on the podium to explain the overall idea of ​​the thesis.

This process only took 5 minutes, and Ye Zishu could only give a brief introduction, and then it was the questioning stage of the responding teacher, and this time was not certain.

If the responding teacher feels that there is nothing to ask, then just ask a few simple questions. In this case, the graduation thesis is usually not special, and the responding teacher thinks it is a waste of time to ask.

Obviously his thesis still has a certain amount of gold content. Artificial intelligence is a very sci-fi topic, and some people are not ashamed to conduct research on technologies in the subdivision of artificial intelligence.

Naturally, these teachers carefully scanned the content of his thesis, and found that it was the image recognition technology in the subdivision of artificial intelligence technology, which can be regarded as a hot research field.

Image recognition technology has long been a key research topic in the computer field, but Ye Zishu starts from artificial intelligence to explain how to let machines automatically recognize images.

Image recognition is based on the analysis of image features. Anyone who is an expert in image recognition knows these basics, and there is no need to understand them carefully.

And the artificial intelligence recognition he wrote will inevitably use some artificial intelligence algorithms to solve it, so in the process of defense, there are not many problems in image recognition.

The seven defense teachers asked questions about the artificial intelligence algorithms in his thesis. After he finished explaining the algorithms designed in the thesis, he still wanted to extend these algorithms and ask questions from a deeper perspective.

It's not that Ye Zishu is unclear, but he doesn't want to go into too much detail, and will answer some questions at first, and when it comes to deeper questions, he simply says that he hasn't researched to this level yet.

Knowing that there is really nothing to ask from his mouth, the seven teachers let him go. These people are all engaged in the computer industry, and they have long been itching for many technologies of Phoenix Technology.

They knew very well that Phoenix Technology Company must have a lot of advanced technologies in their hands, but they had no access to them at all, and even if it was the technology that Phoenix Technology Company employees knew, they would not disclose it casually.

Unless one joins the Phoenix Technology Company, one can have an understanding of the technology on the surface of the Phoenix Technology Company, but the deeper technology is also out of reach.

This time I caught him, I thought it was an opportunity, but I didn't expect that he would not answer the question at all. The question was too deep, so he simply asked a question, which made these teachers lose their temper completely.

Even so, they still felt that the defense just now was very rewarding, and they generously gave his graduation thesis an A-level evaluation, but seeing his young face, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Coming out of the classroom, Ye Zishu looked at the time, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the students who lined up behind either waited until evening to continue their defense, or it would be tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, his thesis defense took more than three hours. The defense time of other students is generally only about 15 minutes, and the excellent thesis does not exceed 30 minutes.

No matter how talented these students are, the graduation thesis they wrote is actually a child's play in front of these senior experts, and they can be understood at a glance.

Unless it is a once-in-a-century talent, he will come up with a particularly innovative paper, but this is rare, not to mention that these graduation thesis have already been read before.

After leaving the classroom, he didn't stop at the school, and drove home directly. When he got home, Pei Qing hadn't come back yet. He checked the refrigerator, and there were still some vegetables in it.

So I started to wash vegetables and cook. I can't always let Pei Qing cook, he is not so masculine, but he can't guarantee whether the food is delicious.

Anyway, he thinks he can eat it, but he doesn't know if it suits Pei Qing's taste. If Pei Qing thinks it's okay, he can make it a few more times in the future. If he thinks it's average, then forget it.

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