Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 576 Want to continue the previous miracle

Fortunately, the front desk still knew that he was the boss, so he quickly called Wang Changtian. A few minutes later, Wang Changtian came down and saw Ye Zishu standing at the front desk chatting with the little girl at the front desk.

After chatting with the little girl at the front desk for a while, I found that the changes here are really big. I thought that the head office of Shengshi Culture Company only retained its own headquarters attributes, and assigned all the specific businesses.

This is not the case. In order to better operate the cultural industry, Wang Changtian put many weak cultural industries in the head office for incubation.

So this 20-story building was not as empty as he imagined, but was packed with quite a few small teams, some with only a dozen people, and some with as many as hundreds of people.

The business they operate is also varied, even Ye Zishu himself has never heard of the business, Shengshi Culture Company has not let go of it, and some of them are still running well.

For example, cultural industry training, Ye Zishu had never heard of it in his previous life. He thought it was all based on experience, and he rarely heard of a special school teaching this.

In fact, Shengshi Culture Company and New Oriental Education Group have jointly launched online and offline training services. The professors include cultural industry economics, creative economy, cultural industry project management, cultural resources and cultural industry consumer psychology.

Seeing Wang Changtian coming, Ye Zishu talked to the front desk, then walked directly to Wang Changtian, the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then went straight to the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator, Ye Zishu asked, "How did you come up with training related to the cultural industry?"

"Actually, we don't want to, but there is no way. There are too few talents related to the domestic cultural industry, which limits the development of the cultural industry. In order to solve this problem, we have to do it ourselves.

In fact, we only play an auxiliary role. Through our experience in cultural industry management and knowledge learned from abroad, combined with the professional theories owned by New Oriental Education Group, we have formed courses related to cultural industries.

It is the New Oriental Education Group that really does this business, and we only send people who are interested in this industry to them for training, or to study while working in the company. " Wang Changtian explained.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu expressed his approval. After all, Shengshi Culture Company is a cultural product operator, and there is no need to deeply participate in the basic training of talents in the cultural industry.

Ye Zishu followed Wang Changtian to his office. There were quite a few people on this floor, but they were all based on the infrastructure department of the headquarters. The departments and teams engaged in business operations were not on this floor.

When Wang Changtian's secretary was helping to pour tea, Ye Zishu said, "Why don't you inform the leaders of the following major companies to come and have a small meeting."

Hearing what he said, Wang Changtian hurriedly informed the administration department to send out the meeting notice, and then returned to the office, where Ye Zishu was already drinking tea.

Seeing Wang Changtian come in and take a seat, Ye Zishu said, "I came to the capital this time mainly to attend the graduation ceremony. I can't stay for a few days. I can only improve my efficiency."

Wang Changtian was deeply touched by this. Since he was fooled by Ye Zishu, no matter whether he was in the former Shengshi Advertising Company or the current Shengshi Culture Company, the number of times he met did not exceed two hands.

Ye Zishu came here this time, which is probably the only time this year. Although he is used to it, he still couldn't help but smile and said: "Boss Ye is always a busy person, but he really pays less attention to us."

Faced with these complaints, Ye Zishu could only smile and say, "You have wronged me a bit. Among the many companies, I have paid a lot of attention to the industries under Shengshi Culture Company, and I have contributed a lot to them.

It's just that I have been a little negligent recently. There is no way to do it. There are so many industries under it, and there are new businesses every day. How can I take care of every one of them.

Let alone me, I believe it is an industry under Shengshi Culture Company. As the president of the head office, you may not always be able to pay attention to it. This is unrealistic.

Now I'm complaining that I don't pay attention. If I really want to keep an eye on you all the time, you actual managers of the company will probably feel uncomfortable again. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's last teasing words, Wang Changtian himself laughed. That's true. Only mediocre people think that someone is always directing them to do what they do.

To be able to take the position of the head of a first-level enterprise group is definitely not a mediocrity, even if you are a mediocrity, you will not admit that you are a mediocrity, so naturally you don't like to be supervised all the time.

"I believe that if other people have Mr. Ye's talent, as the person in charge, they should be very willing to be dictated to, at least they will have much less to worry about." Wang Changtian said with a smile.

"Why, have you encountered a problem in development?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It can also be said that in the past, our main business was a troika, the first was the record business, the second was the film and television business, and the third was the advertising business.

Since the record business had the intelligent system provided by Mr. Ye, it has regained its vitality, so there is no need to worry too much about its future development.

Advertising business Due to the establishment of a digital advertising platform, our business scope has been greatly expanded, and our business volume has also achieved explosive growth.

Now it has a lot of business internationally, and its development is booming. There is no bottleneck in the short term, and it is considered a high-quality asset.

The film and television business has been developing relatively slowly. This business used to be the pillar industry of our entire group. Now that it has left the guidance of Mr. Ye, the development is not very optimistic.

This year they also tried to launch an animated film, but the box office was not very satisfactory. The global box office only received 2 million US dollars, a record low.

This defeat made them not have much confidence in the two animated films that had not yet been released, and their morale was much lower than before.

Although the live-action movies performed well, this is just a sequel to last year's live-action movies, and they themselves have not produced impressive results.

I used to think that the internationalization of film and television was easy, allowing us to earn a lot of money from the international market, but when I did it myself, I found it was not that simple.

In addition to its own lack of strength, another human factor is the transformation of Phoenix Special Effects Company, which has also affected its domestic business development to a certain extent. "Wang Changtian said.

He felt that Wang Changtian was not worried about the performance of Shengshi Film and Television Company. In fact, the proportion of Shengshi Film and Television Company's revenue in the entire group's revenue is getting lower and lower.

Especially this year, with the renewed strength of the music industry and the rapid growth of the advertising business, the dependence on the film and television industry is even lower.

What he was worried about was that the international reputation that Shengshi Film and Television Company had built up with great difficulty would suffer a devastating blow, which would hinder the internationalization of my country's film and television industry.

In the current era, it is not easy for my country's film and television industry to internationalize, especially the film industry. Shengshi Film and Television Company can be said to be a miracle.

As the president of the group, he naturally hopes to continue this miracle. As long as it can continue, as the domestic film industry becomes more prosperous, there will be more hope.

Moreover, the cultural industry is not only a matter of making money, but also has many other functions. If this miracle cannot continue, these additional abilities need not be mentioned.

"I can understand your concerns. In fact, they can get about [-] million US dollars at the box office, which is already a good start. After all, they must learn to walk, which is something we outsiders can't help.

As for your concerns, I will consider writing some scripts for them, but now they can’t all be occupied by the films I wrote. They must produce more than two films every year to participate in the international market competition.

Then slowly increase the number until they have fully learned to walk, or even run, and then I don’t need to worry about it as the boss. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, it doesn’t take much time to write a script, and it doesn’t even take much time to make an entire animated movie or a live-action movie. Artificial intelligence can do these things very quickly.

The reason why I didn't take care of this this year is that on the one hand, I was really busy, and on the other hand, why didn't I put pressure on Shengshi Film and Television Company to let him learn to walk faster, and don't let him walk all the time.

Now that Wang Changtian has said this, Ye Zishu intends to help them, but the strength of the support should be gradually reduced, so that they can walk on their own as soon as possible.

Wang Changtian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ye Zishu's words. Although he had no intention of forcing Ye Zishu to do this, he would not refuse either.

"The special effects production software system of the Phoenix Special Effects Company was handed over to them before, and the previous special effects production staff were also left to them?" Ye Shu asked.

"Leave half of the staff of Shengshi Film and Television Company." Wang Changtian said.

This relieved him a lot. After the script was produced, someone who fully understood the intention of his script was needed to operate it. Otherwise, the produced movie would still be almost meaningless.

"How about other industries?" Ye Zishu asked.

"The biggest remaining business is cultural copyright operation, and the development speed of this area is also not slow. The overall revenue has reached 140 billion yuan, and the growth rate is still quite large.

Now we have also obtained the cultural copyright management rights of Phoenix Special Effects Company. It is not obvious that the time is short. In the future, this cooperation will help our copyright industry to develop more rapidly.

In addition to the copyright licensing business, our toy industry is also developing well, but the growth rate is not as good as the copyright licensing business, but it is developing very fast among the peers.

We expect to achieve a total revenue of 300 billion yuan in cultural copyright management this year, of which cultural copyright licensing business may reach 240 billion yuan, and toy business business may reach 60 billion yuan. "Wang Changtian introduced.

Ye Zishu felt that this area should be the fastest growing among all businesses in Shengshi Culture Company, and he was quite satisfied with it.

As for the current subdivision of the cultural industry, it is still in the investment-oriented stage, and it will take some time to gain something.

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