The principal was surprised. He only paid attention to the professional education platform part of New Oriental Education Group's smart education platform, but he really didn't notice their basic education platform.

These two platforms are operated separately, because both the fees and business strategies are completely different, and it is not appropriate to mix them together, and it is not conducive to the specialization of labor.

Now that I heard him say that, I realize that he or New Oriental Education Group has done so many things unknowingly, and he still belongs to the field of education.

Even he is not very clear, it can be seen that there are not many people who know about it. On the one hand, it is certainly the reason for being low-key, and on the other hand, it is because the promotion area is not large, and it has not achieved the desired effect.

The principal has no doubts about the capabilities of the basic education platform. Since even the professional education platform can achieve this level, basic education is even easier.

As Ye Zishu said just now, the promotion effect is not good, mainly because there are not many people who can afford it, other than that, there is not enough trust.

Without official endorsement, it takes a very long process to gain trust, especially for parents with low education levels, who have no idea about this and can't tell whether it's good or bad.

This can be seen from the current sources of members of the basic education platform of New Oriental Education Group. Most of them are urban families, and very few rural families have become their members.

Even if micro-loans are introduced, it still doesn't help. Unless it is free, it is extremely difficult to get these people to borrow money, and this has become a deadlock.

New Oriental Education Group is a private enterprise. Even if it does not make money because of its feelings and ideas, it cannot lose money unless it is operated as a charity.

What's more, they are not responsible for the education terminal, the cost of the education terminal is there, and there is a limit to lowering the price.

"If what you said is true, then I am in awe of what you and New Oriental Education Group have done. The problems you mentioned do exist objectively.

I promised to appeal for you, but I can't guarantee whether it will work. Regardless of the low unit price of basic education, the total amount will increase due to the huge quantity.

There are many places where the country needs to spend money, and it is unlikely that there will be more additional funds invested in it. As for private capital, their participation will only further push up the cost of education.

As for private charitable funds, don’t count on them at the moment. I think only your domestic private capital is developing well. As for other capitals, they are still trying to accumulate.

What's more, if we want to really solve this problem, it cannot be solved by charitable funds. The amount is too large, and any single solution seems powerless. said the headmaster.

"I know what the principal said, and I understand what the principal means. Actually, we have never thought about using external financial support. Of course, it would be better if we had it.

I am more hoping to get official recognition, which will have a greater effect on promotion. In fact, an educational terminal only costs 700 yuan, which is not particularly expensive.

What's more, we have also launched micro-loans, and the loan interest rate is completely based on the bank loan interest rate. We don't even think about making money in finance, as long as we don't lose money.

These funds seem to be large, but they are actually not high. An educational terminal can be used for nearly 0 years, and the average annual cost is only 70 yuan. Given the current income situation in China, most of them can still afford it.

What's more, the domestic economy is developing very fast now, and the per capita wages are also rising rapidly. Even if you use small loans, you still have the ability to repay, and your family's financial difficulties will not be more difficult due to financial loans.

We have actually done a lot of work, but you also know that the per capita education level of adults in China is now. Even if it is the best thing, there are still many people who don't know what it is.

This is also what I want to obtain official recognition. It would be even better if I can help promote it in the national basic education system. I really don't want to further unbalance the distribution of educational resources due to prejudice and understanding gaps.

The reason why we are so anxious and hope that it can be fully promoted as soon as possible is mainly because children can't wait, a year is a year for children, unlike us, it doesn't matter if it is a year earlier or later. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's long explanation, the principal realized that he really cared about this, and the urgency was beyond his expectation, but he could also understand.

Seeing that the principal did not speak, Ye Zishu thought that the principal had doubts about his lack of money, so he explained again: "In fact, New Oriental Education Group has also launched a smart basic education platform overseas.

Each overseas member spends at least tens of thousands of yuan a year to purchase basic education services, because we feel that the services provided are worth the price.

At present, the number of members of the global overseas basic education service platform has exceeded 00 million, and the growth momentum is still unabated. This is only less than 3 months old, and it is expected to reach 500 million by the end of the year.

Our basic education is already weak. If all the good things are used by others, the gap in our basic education will be even greater, and we can all imagine the consequences.

But as a private company, we must make money to survive, and it is impossible to ignore the vast overseas market, and to reduce the cost of domestic education, we need to develop overseas markets.

After all, instead of relying on the domestic market to make profits, we can also rely on the overseas market to make profits, so that companies can have more funds to invest in the field of education and improve the quality of domestic education. "

The principal didn't say he wouldn't help, but after Ye Zishu's words, he could only listen patiently. But after listening, he gained a new understanding of New Oriental Education Group.

Regardless of the fact that there are only 00 million basic education service members, the income is as high as tens of billions. According to what he just described, there is a high probability that it will reach tens of millions within a year or two.

Then New Oriental Education Group has the ability to harvest hundreds of billions of dollars from overseas every year. This is still basic education services, professional education services charge higher fees, and there may be more members.

Basic education is provided free of charge in at least many countries, it’s just good or bad, but professional education is rarely provided even in developed countries, and students still need to pay for it themselves, and it is very expensive.

The professional education service platform of New Oriental Education Group not only does not require a threshold, but also charges much lower than that of colleges and universities, and it can be learned anytime, anywhere, without the limitation of the venue.

In addition to not being able to issue these nationally recognized diplomas, professional education service platforms have almost all the other advantages, and the diplomas obtained from this platform in the future may not be easy to use.

Based on this calculation, in just a few years, New Oriental Education Group will be able to earn trillions of yuan in overseas markets just by relying on these two platforms, which is faster than stealing money.

This is not ignorance. After being startled, the principal thought about these joints in a hurry. In this sense, New Oriental Education Group really does not need to make this money in China.

No wonder Ye Zishu said that New Oriental Education Group's basic education platform in China didn't even think about making money. This statement can be trusted because there is no need for it.

A smart education platform does not need as many teachers as traditional education, and the labor cost is almost negligible, but a bunch of hardware in the background needs more money.

This speed of making money is faster than robbing banks, no wonder he was able to own so much wealth in just a few years.

But only he can make money at this speed. Even if others want to do it, they don't have his technical strength. This is his exclusive business.

"I understand what you mean, and I will write relevant articles as soon as possible to appeal for this matter for you." The principal said.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he didn't plan to continue discussing this matter. He had said enough just now. Judging from the principal's attitude, he should be positive about this matter.

"Then, on behalf of the New Oriental Education Group, I would like to thank the principal, and hope to have a good result as soon as possible." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I don't think it should be too slow. After all, this is something that is beneficial to the country and the people. I don't think you need to thank me. I should thank you. After this conversation, I was greatly encouraged." The principal said with a smile.

"How dare you do that. I'm just fulfilling my responsibilities as a citizen. Only when the country is strong can we do business better. If the people are strong, our business can grow bigger." Ye Zishu said.

The principal agreed with what he said, and praised him a lot. He thought it was over, but changed the subject and asked: "I heard that you also have a big group called Kirin Industry. group.

I know a little bit about other groups and what they do. I don’t know much about this mysterious Kirin Industrial Group. Can you tell me about it. "

I didn't expect him to be interested in this group. Now that I asked, Ye Zishu couldn't say that he had no comment, but said vaguely: "This group company is actually very complicated. From the name, we can tell that it is an industrial entity. business.

It is mainly engaged in energy, food, textile and clothing industries. It is still in the initial stage, and there is nothing to show, so it is not easy to publicize it. "

Hearing his words, the Kirin Industrial Group, which was originally thought to be very mysterious, suddenly became less popular. It sounded too ordinary, far worse than Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company.

"Why do you want to run these businesses suddenly? Your current business is doing very well. There is no need to be distracted by these industries." The principal asked.

According to the principal, don't be half-hearted, and hope that he will continue to cultivate in the field of advanced manufacturing, so that he can achieve better results and create higher brilliance.

"What the principal said is that the most important goal of our country now is to expand the scale and diversity of the industry in addition to improving the technological content of the industry, so as to accommodate more people for employment.

The reason why I have developed so many industries is, on the one hand, to solve some of the country's problems, and on the other hand, to provide more jobs.

If the people are not rich, what is the use of having more high-tech, it is just for people abroad to enjoy, our purpose of doing high-tech is not simply to make money, but to let people in our country fully enjoy these product.

In order to achieve this goal, I can only try my best to give the common people job opportunities and higher salaries. From this perspective, I am not doing my job properly. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Now that he said that, the principal didn't say anything more, but changed the topic again and said, "The school is going to invite you as a representative to give a graduation speech. You can prepare well when you go back."

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