"During the process of starting my business, the school gave me a lot of help, and I was very touched by the tolerance of my studies. I was about to leave this school, and I felt that I should do something for my alma mater.

I may not be able to give much help in other aspects now, and I happen to have some money I left from selling music albums before, and plan to donate 1 million yuan to the school. "Leaf Book said.

Originally, Ye Zishu planned to donate 5000 million yuan, which is not small in this day and age, and the remaining money will be used for other purposes, but after thinking about it, there is no need to keep so much cash on hand.

The instructor was surprised when he heard that he wanted to donate 1 million yuan, but he was a little relieved when he thought about the wealth in his hands, as if 1 million yuan was really not a big number for him.

But he didn't know that the 1 million yuan donated by Ye Zishu was really from his own hands. The company's money belonged to the company, but the money belonged to him. It was a completely different matter.

"Then I have to thank classmate Ye for his generosity. I will call the school to report this matter immediately." After the instructor finished speaking, he dialed the phone directly without waiting for Ye Zishu's reply.

After the phone call, the instructor said, "You sit here for a while, the principal will come over in person immediately."

After a while, the principal came over and said happily as soon as he entered the door: "Thank you, classmate Ye, for your generosity to the school."

"The principal doesn't need to be so polite. Don't say I'm stingy. After the donation, I don't have much left." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"What is this saying? We are very happy to donate more or less. How could we have such an idea." The principal said with a smile.

The principal then cared about Ye Zishu's graduation thesis and where he would go after graduation, but he didn't continue to talk about the donation. He could just talk about it verbally.

Everyone is an adult and a celebrity, so someone has to be responsible for what he says, so there is no need to worry about him reneging on the bill.

After the end, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "Since I started my business, the Software Institute has given me great support. I think 5000 million yuan of this money is donated to the academy, and the other 5000 million yuan is donated to the school."

Although he didn't say so, the school will still give the money to the software school more. After all, Ye Zishu comes from this school and should be taken care of.

But it was different when he said it himself, at least he could repay the college for its help. He still remembered that the dean of the college was almost responsive to his requests, and he had to express this kindness.

"It's all right, maybe Ye is not clear, because of your Phoenix Technology Company, the school's software school has expanded a lot in terms of enrollment.

From a national perspective, disciplines related to software have developed greatly in major universities, and these are all thanks to you.

If it weren't for the fact that Phoenix Technology is thriving in the global software field, and abruptly made our country's software industry the top in the world, how could it accommodate so many people for employment. "The headmaster said with emotion.

In fact, not only software majors, but almost all colleges and universities in China have a much larger enrollment scale than before for all majors, some have doubled, and the lowest growth rate is more than 30% per year.

This phenomenon not only occurs in science and engineering schools, but also in cultural and art schools, and the situation is similar, but in comparison, the speed of enrollment expansion is slightly slower.

The rapid expansion of cultural and art majors is mainly caused by the rapid development of Shengshi Culture Company. Although the number of employees of this group is not much, in fact their number of employees has also increased rapidly.

It can be said that such talents in China have always been relatively scarce, and the development of Shengshi Culture Company is still limited by talents.

However, the emergence of the Phoenix Special Effects Company may hinder the professional development of actors to a certain extent, but the demand for other professionals will be even greater.

Professional talents such as screenwriters, directors, and film and television technology are all talents needed by Phoenix Special Effects. No matter what the impact is, it is a fact that the domestic demand for cultural and artistic talents is rising rapidly.

Because the entire market has become larger, it can naturally accommodate more people to work and work. Even if the efficiency is improved, the demand for personnel will still increase uncontrollably.

"The principal is overrated. I should thank the school for sending us so many talents. During the process of starting a business, I deeply realized the importance of talents.

It can be said that at every step of the company's development, we are worried about talents, and even go to the battle to train talents ourselves, but we are forced to do nothing.

You should know that I have a New Oriental Education Group under my umbrella. The original intention of this group is to solve the plight of talents for ourselves, and at the same time, it also wants to give more young people a way to study. "Leaf Book said.

The principal of the company New Oriental Education Group has heard of it. After all, the business model of this company is very different, and it is difficult not to attract the attention of others.

It is said that they are in the same group as the training classes outside, and they have built a large number of schools themselves, as if they want to move closer to the path of traditional education.

Let’s say it is a traditional way of education. Basically, it is operating at a loss. It seems that it has never thought of making money. This is impossible in other training schools.

The second is the advancement of technology. It was not obvious in the past, but now it is different. With the launch of the intelligent education platform, it has caused a greater sensation in the domestic education circle than Ye Zishu thought.

Because students from many schools have joined this platform to study, there are still certain difficulties in school education if they want to study the major they want. Not all schools can change majors casually.

But on the smart education platform, students can learn whatever they want, and the quality of education is not bad. It can even be said that smart teachers accompany students throughout their growth.

As a person in the education industry, as well as a teacher and management of a university, he naturally needs to understand this platform, so he has paid attention to this education company.

Since Ye Zishu mentioned this company, the principal immediately became interested and asked, "Tell me the truth here, how does your smart education platform work.

I have also seen this platform, it is very advanced, and I feel that each student is assigned a teacher one-on-one, but I think this possibility is very low, what is the secret behind this? "

If it is a real teacher, one-on-one arrangement, it is impossible to only have such a small tuition fee, and it will definitely be so high that most students cannot afford it.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the principal thinks there is another mystery behind it. In fact, they also explored the secret behind it through various means. New Oriental Education Group did not hide it, and generously admitted that it used artificial intelligence.

But many people don't really believe it. People like artificial intelligence still hear some rumors. Although Phoenix Technology Company didn't specifically publicize it, you must know that many of their students work in this company.

In their cognition, no matter how intelligent artificial intelligence is, it is impossible to achieve this level. If it is really achieved, it will be very terrifying, completely surpassing the existing technology for tens of hundreds of years.

Seeing the principal's expression of nervousness and excitement, Ye Zishu was a little taken aback. It's really rare for a person of such an age to have such an expression.

But Ye Zishu still honestly admitted: "Actually, you should have guessed that behind the intelligent education platform is indeed supported by artificial intelligence.

If it is really arranging real teachers, it will definitely not be so cheap. New Oriental Education Group is a private enterprise and needs to be responsible for its own profits and losses, so it is impossible to operate at a loss. "

After getting the acknowledgment from Ye Zishu himself, the principal, including the instructor who was listening on the sidelines, showed expressions of surprise and relief, and only this could explain it.

It's just that the principal asked: "Your software technology has developed to this point? It's unbelievable!"

"In fact, after we completed the problem of entrepreneurial survival, we began to think about how to further improve efficiency and maintain a long-term leading edge in the global software technology competition.

You also know that software technology is introduced from abroad to China. Don't look at Phoenix Technology, which is developing like a raging fire and is struggling in the international market.

In fact, China is not as good as foreign countries in terms of software as a whole. There are gaps in terms of talent scale and quality, and education.

How to solve this problem will be a long-term problem for us in the future. If there is no good solution, our current leading advantage will be lost in a few years.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and we must plan ahead, so artificial intelligence has become our inevitable choice, and only artificial intelligence can win the victory of the entire software track with a small number of talents. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words belittle domestic software education, the principal was not angry, because the fact is that, if there is a gap, you have to admit it, as long as you find a way to catch up, it's not shameful.

It's just that he didn't expect that Phoenix Technology Company, or Leaf Book, would think of the way of artificial intelligence. Although this way seems inevitable, it is actually not easy to make this decision.

What artificial intelligence is, until now everyone is still confused, not to mention these outsiders, even the technicians under the Phoenix Technology Company, still do not understand the technical details behind it.

They are just working on the application of artificial intelligence. As for the technical details of artificial intelligence, they still can't figure it out, even if they use it every day.

The technical difficulty is too high, so high that it is difficult for many people to understand. Instead of pondering this, it is better to pay more attention to how to use it.

"Did you develop it?" The principal asked curiously.

At this time, Ye Zishu was unwilling to admit it personally, because artificial intelligence was too important, and it would be dangerous for him to reveal too much information to the outside world.

So he just said, "I have nothing to say about that!"

Not only did the headmaster not get angry when he heard such seemingly rude words, he laughed out loud, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Young people are awesome!"

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