Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 554 Where is the temperament?

Ye Zishu sat at Pei Qing's house until eight o'clock in the evening, and then returned to his own home. The room was quite clean, because he asked Phoenix Technology Company to help arrange someone to come over and clean it once a week.

Putting down his backpack, Ye Zishu took a shower, and then went directly to the study, ready to start today's work. He hoped to finish sorting out the technology related to the remote sensing satellite system before going to Xi'an.

Later, he really didn't have much time to pay attention to Baihu Technology Company, because in addition to sorting out the subject content of medicine, he also needed to sort out the high-speed rail technology, which was promised to Huanyu Group last year.

After waking up to wash up the next day, Ye Zishu took the cured fish and bacon brought from home, and went directly to Guo Dongsheng's house. He went home for the New Year last year, and he hasn't visited their house for almost a whole year now.

In addition, there are very few opportunities for me to contact Guo Dongsheng and Guo Dongmei in person, so it is inevitable that I will be a little rusty if I have not moved around for such a long time. It is necessary to visit while I am here this time.

Guo Dongsheng has already served as the person in charge of an important company under his banner. Although Guo Dongmei is only the person in charge of Shengshi Records now, he still values ​​her very much.

When the Kirin Industrial Group gradually gets on the right track, Guo Dongmei will be handed over the position of the person in charge of the Kirin Industrial Group. At that time, Guo Dongmei's position will also be extremely important.

The two heavyweight generals under his command will naturally receive his special attention. Although he is the boss, the means of winning people's hearts are still indispensable.

Like their family, they have been dependent on each other along the way, and they attach great importance to family affection. The brother and sister are also very filial to their mother, so it is necessary to visit their mother from time to time.

In addition, there is their mother's personality, which Ye Shu likes, and they are not so restrained when they get along with each other, and they can chat together when they chat about family affairs.

After driving to Guo Dongsheng's house, it was still the courtyard house. He looked around and found that some of the alleys in this area had the word "demolition" written on them.

Fortunately, the scale is not very large, but some peripheral areas will be demolished. Many courtyard houses inside are relatively well preserved, with relatively high historical and cultural value, so there is a high probability that they will not be demolished.

At the beginning, Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongsheng to help buy a courtyard house, and specifically asked him to buy a well-preserved courtyard house with historical value.

Guo Dongsheng naturally listened to his opinion, not only considering these for the courtyard house he bought, but also for the courtyard house he bought himself, according to this standard.

Parked the car at the side of the alley in front of their house, got out of the car and took out the gift, then knocked on the door, and it was their mother who opened the door.

Seeing that it was Ye Zishu who knocked on the door, their mother immediately smiled and said, "Xiao Ye, why are you here? I said why the magpies are always chirping on the branches this morning."

"You're exaggerating. Didn't you come here just now to see you? I stayed in my hometown and didn't go anywhere, and I didn't have time to come and see you." Ye Zishu said.

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu twisted the gift in his hand. Guo Dongsheng's mother looked at it and said quickly, "I just wanted to be happy, and I haven't invited you into the house yet."

When Ye Zishu entered it, there was a big change from before. The courtyard with only two trees was already filled with various potted plants, as if it was a gardening expo.

"You made all of these?" Ye Zishu said in amazement.

"I made some here myself, and many others were sent by Dongzi. How can I take care of so many by myself? Some have already been given away, otherwise there would be more potted plants here." Guo Dongsheng's mother said.

Hearing her words, Ye Zishu gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "I didn't realize that my aunt still has such a hobby before. The craftsmanship is really good."

Hearing Ye Zishu's praise, Guo Dongsheng's mother was even more happy, but she said modestly: "There is no craft, it's just learning and selling from some masters.

Since Dongzi and Meizi have worked with you, the conditions at home have improved a lot, so naturally they don't want me to do my previous job again.

You said that one of them is away for a long time, and the other is busy with work during the day and only comes to live at night. I have to find something to do, don’t you think so? "

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "That's right, people have to be busy with things, otherwise they will be in a hurry, but your work is a bit high-end, how did you come up with these potted plants?"

"I didn't know about potted plants before, but Dongzi sent some people to put them at home. I thought it was interesting, so I started to ask the people who knew them for advice, and gradually learned a little bit.

Not to mention, some of the potted plants here are quite expensive. I didn't find out before that some people are really willing to spend a lot of money to buy these things. "Guo Dongsheng's mother said with a smile.

The two walked and watched, and when they came to the kitchen, Guo Dongsheng's mother put the gift he brought over on the stove, and then the two went out again to look at the potted plants.

Ye Zishu continued what he said earlier, and said: "These things look like plants, but after artificial management, due to their unique shape, they have become works of art.

Buying these potted plants and putting them in your home will immediately fill your home with an antique flavor, so it is normal to be able to sell them at a high price, after all, they are considered works of art. "

In fact, Guo Dongsheng surprised him by sending potted plants. He didn't know if Wancheng Jiye had a potted plant business, but there was a subsidiary company specializing in landscaping.

In fact, in the real estate industry, landscaping is a project with a relatively high profit margin, far higher than the profit of building a house, and there are not too many periodic twists and turns, so it is a very good industry.

It's just that there is still a big distance between landscaping and artistic potted plants. Potted plants need to be carefully maintained by people, and the labor cost is relatively high, but the market size should not be very large at present.

Of course, it is also possible that Guo Dongsheng bought these from outside and delivered them to his home for decoration. Seeing that his mother likes to make them, he simply bought more to make his mother happy.

Seeing Ye Zishu's expression of liking, Guo Dongsheng's mother said: "When you go back later, you can pick what you like and bring it back, and put it in the house as a decoration. It will make you feel much better."

"Then thank you, auntie. I'll pick two to go back later." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Guo Dongsheng's mother smiled even more happily. This is the joy of being recognized by others. She didn't do this for money, and she didn't study for a long time. Her leisure work was liked by others, so she was naturally happy.

"Ye Zi, you take a rest here first, I'll go to the nearby vegetable market to buy some food." Guo Dongsheng's mother looked at the sun, and then said.

"Auntie, don't be so troublesome. You can eat whatever you have at home. You know that I am not picky about my food." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"You, you don't have to be polite when you come to my aunt's house. It's only a few minutes away from here to the vegetable market. I'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Ye Zishu's reply, he went directly to the kitchen, took the vegetable basket and hurried out, Ye Zishu knew that he couldn't stop him even if he wanted to, so he didn't continue to mention it.

Looking at the various bonsai in the courtyard and looking at the huge house, it is indeed lacking in popularity. Ye Zishu knows that Guo Dongsheng's mother must be lonely, so she is so obsessed with bonsai.

If he wanted to get rid of this situation, Guo Dongsheng had to get married and have a son for his mother to take care of. With a child in the family, his popularity would naturally increase.

Looking back at Guo Dongsheng, he planned to persuade Guo Dongsheng to quickly find a wife. As for Guo Dongmei, she just graduated this year, so it is unlikely that she would be in such a hurry to find a partner.

For a high-income woman like Guo Dongmei, who graduated from a prestigious school, it is not easy to find a partner, especially when she is still in charge of half of the domestic music circle, the situation is even more complicated.

The weather was fine today. After Ye Zishu looked at the potted plants for a while, he moved a chair and put it under the wall. He sat down and basked in the sun, quite comfortably.

Half an hour later, Ye Zishu didn't wait for Guo Dongsheng's mother, but Guo Dongmei came back. Seeing Ye Zishu sitting on the wall basking in the sun, he couldn't help laughing.

When people bask in the sun, they feel drowsy. After the leaf book is in the sun for a while, it slowly closes its eyes and basks in the sun comfortably.

Hearing someone laughing, he opened his eyes and found that it was Guo Dongmei. Speaking of which, he and Guo Dongmei hadn't seen each other for a long time, and she was not eligible to attend last year's annual meeting.

"I haven't seen you for a while, and I noticed that you have become more temperamental." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Really? Tell me, how can I have temperament?" Guo Dongmei asked with a smile.

Hearing what Guo Dongmei said, Ye Zishu suddenly found it difficult to deal with. Originally, these words were meant to make Guo Dongmei shy, as a "reciprocity" for her laughing at herself just now.

He hadn't seen that the girls nowadays were so generous, and they didn't have the youthful look he had seen before. They were not only immodest to others' compliments, but they could also accept them calmly.

Seeing Ye Zishu's embarrassment, Guo Dongmei said: "I knew you would be like this. You have a lot of tricks in your mouth, but you don't have that kind of thought in your heart."

This evaluation can be said to hit the nail on the head, and Ye Zishu didn't think it was disobedient, and directly admitted: "Your summary is very good, it's like a roundworm in my stomach."

Ye Zishu is a smart person, he knows how to retaliate so as not to embarrass himself any longer, if he was twitchy just now, it would make Guo Dongmei want to continue "molesting".

Sure enough, as soon as these words were spoken, Guo Dongmei didn't bother to continue the topic, and said, "I reckon, you should come over by this time."

"Although I have been in college for four years, at least I can get my diploma." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Do you plan to go on to graduate school?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"Which mentor do you think can teach me?" Ye Zishu asked rhetorically.

Guo Dongmei got stuck when she heard this, thought for a while, and said, "I really can't figure it out!"

"I don't need a higher degree to decorate myself. The reason why I wanted to go to university at the beginning was actually to make it easier to get out of the small county town, integrate into the city, and plan for future development.

Now that my career has started, I don’t need these anymore. It’s not better to leave opportunities to those who need them. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When Guo Dongmei heard this, she had to admit that some people seemed to be born with talent, and Ye Zishu was definitely the smartest person she had ever met, bar none.

"What about you?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I don't plan to continue my studies. Although the school arranged for me to go directly to graduate school, I rejected it. The work is getting more and more busy, so I don't have much time to go to school." Guo Dongmei said.

"Study is still necessary, but it doesn't have to go to school." Ye Zishu said.

"I think so too!" Guo Dongmei followed up.

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