Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 552 It's equivalent to digging someone else's "ancestral grave"

"Are you watching the news?" Pei Qing was lying on the sofa with ^_^ in her hands, holding her head portrait as if she was watching TV, and she seemed to be thinking about something, so she asked.

"Well, when I stay in my hometown, I don't have much time to watch TV. I'm busy with work all day long. When I come out, it's like retreating out of a mountain. The outside world has changed a lot." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"It's true, not to mention the whole country, even the capital. There are changes almost every day, and people can feel the beating sound of development all the time." Pei Qing put the noodle bowl on the table and said.

Ye Zishu stood up, came to the table and sat down, seeing that the noodles in the bowl were handmade noodles from the north, he asked in surprise, "You made this by hand?"

"I don't have time to do this. I bought some from the cafeteria before, in case I work late at night, and I have something to fill my stomach." Pei Qing explained.

"Oh, are you busy these days too?" Ye Zishu asked grasping the key point of this sentence.

"It depends on how you look at it. In fact, many tasks are taken over by the intelligent management system. As a manager, there are not many things to worry about.

But as the president of the group, I don't feel at ease if I don't read a lot of things, so when I come back at night, I will take the time to look at the relevant information. Anyway, I don't have much to do here. "Pei Qing said.

Hearing this explanation, Ye Zishu was relieved a lot. In terms of the complexity of enterprise management, Taiji Group is definitely not very complicated. Although they have increased a lot of business recently, they still do not rank at the top.

If you really want to count, the business complexity of Taiji Group is actually at the bottom. Even Kirin Industrial Group, a company that has not yet made money, has business complexity that Taiji Group cannot match.

If even Pei Qing is too busy to touch the ground, then the bosses of other groups will not even have time to sleep, and sooner or later there will be problems.

"It's different now. With the continuous expansion of the group's business, if you pay attention to details like before, you don't have to be exhausted. You still have to learn to focus on the big and let go of the small, so as to reduce the burden on yourself." Ye Shu persuaded.

"Actually, I've already done so. It's just that many businesses are still under development. If I don't pay close attention to it, I'm a little worried. It should be much better after this period of time." Pei Qing said with a smile.

"You, still don't worry about the people below. First of all, you must make sure that a group company can continue to operate without anyone. If you can't meet this requirement, it means that there are certain problems in the company's system.

Secondly, it is necessary to make it clear that although the ability gap between any person is different, the ability of the people who can be recruited by you is generally not bad, especially the people in key positions, the ability is not necessarily worse than you and me.

If you have to say that there are some gaps, it is that the experience in handling things may be a little lacking, but these can be exercised.

Zhuge Liang is not a good example, and he still needs to give his subordinates more trust and opportunities, otherwise they will not be able to achieve their goals even if they die. " Ye Zishu said while eating.

"I know, in fact, I have been busy for such a short period of time, just like you back then, and you were not so busy at the critical moment of enterprise development.

I didn't stare at the business at the beginning, and I was really worried. When these businesses are on the right track, I don't need to stare so hard. "Pei Qing still explained.

"Then your idea is a bit naive. It is impossible for the company to have less new business. The current business is on the right track, and there will be new business to be developed next.

Unless the enterprise has reached a bottleneck, there will not be so many new businesses to develop, but I think the bottleneck of Taiji Group will not come so soon.

Although I have given you a lot of technologies and products, in fact, these are just a drop in the bucket, mainly because my energy is limited and there are too many tasks that need to be busy. "Leaf Book said.

It's okay if he didn't say that, and he realized the problem as soon as he said it, Pei Qing's eyes already explained everything, so she quickly added: "Don't look like that, the current business is enough for you to work on.

You should understand the principle of chewing too much, not to mention that I have to write textbooks for Tianwen Medical College in the second half of the year, which consumes more energy than any other work.

If we simply recount the current medical knowledge, I think it will be difficult for our Tianwen Medical School to be top-notch in a short period of time, so there are a lot of new medical theories presented this time.

To be honest, I thought I would have more time to rest this year after I was busy last year, but I found that I was still busy, even busier than before. "

The last sentence of complaining finally had a miraculous effect. When Pei Qing heard his words, she really showed concern, and she didn't mention what she was going to say just now.

Thinking about it, Ye Zishu has been busy for so many years. Even Pei Qing didn't know how he lived in detail later, but the good things that flowed out of him still kept flowing, which shows that he has not been lazy these days.

"You're right. I'm a little impatient. You are the backbone of the entire industry. If something goes wrong, it will not only be a loss to our industrial system, but also a loss to the country.

By the way, there is one thing I wanted to say a long time ago. I think you should equip yourself with security personnel. You should also use bulletproof cars for your cars. Don’t take it seriously. "Pei Qing said.

Hearing Pei Qing raise this question, Ye Zishu also had to think about it. He used to think that it was relatively safe in China, but in fact it has been safe and sound until now.

However, as some businesses of Kirin Industrial Group have been put into production one after another, and Taiji Group no longer has the peace of mind to make health care products, and has begun to wrestle with international pharmaceutical giants.

At that time, his industries will gain too much profit, and they will all compete with international super giants for jobs, so this problem will become serious.

Although the current business has robbed a lot of benefits, the total amount of these benefits is actually not large. Whether it is the software industry, electronic semiconductors, or even the communication industry, it is actually just beginning to develop.

Although discerning people can see the development potential of these industries, after all, the loss they feel will not be great, and there is no such kind of pain.

In the fields of energy, food, and biomedicine, some countries are already strong fields. If they fail to fight even this, the losses will be huge, which can be seen with the naked eye.

Biomedicine is better, because there are no alternative drugs and treatment plans for many intractable diseases, and Tai Chi Group has made a lot of contributions.

The big deal is not to export alternative medicines, but to use them domestically, and to reduce international interest frictions, and to a certain extent, we will live in peace.

But energy cannot avoid conflicts of interest. If he stays in the country, he can only have conflicts with domestic traditional energy companies, and if he goes out, he will have conflicts with global energy giants.

These are not the most deadly, the most deadly is his energy industry, but it has broken the petrodollar situation, which is tantamount to killing his life.

Food is actually the lifeblood of old m. Food is also a weapon, and it plays a fatal role at critical moments. Their advantage may also be destroyed by him.

In addition, all kinds of high-tech will become less and less dominant. How is this different from digging their ancestral graves?This enmity is not insignificant.

In fact, he also realized the seriousness of these problems, so he just announced the development of new energy sources. At least this should not be a big problem, and he did not say that he would convert electrical energy into chemical energy.

Although electricity is cheap, it has a well-known weakness, that is, it lacks the attribute of international trade and can only be used in the country, and cannot be traded as a general trade product.

Unless the UHV transmission network is pulled out of the country, there should be very few opportunities to do so, and it is only limited to neighboring countries, and there are too many restrictions.

Therefore, in the early stage of the development of the new energy industry, he only developed new energy. After all, the amount of new energy power generation in the early stage is not large, and it can be directly digested by the rapidly developing industries in China.

It is estimated that there will be a surplus of electricity after 5 years. At that time, a lot of preparatory work should be done, so there is no need to be so guilty.

Grain can be made in advance, but the best selling price is relatively high, which gives the illusion to the outside world that the production cost is extremely high and it is not widely competitive.

Our country itself is a big food producing country and a big food consuming country. As long as there is no international food trade, the problem will not be big, and it will take time to make adjustments in the country, and large-scale production can only be carried out after it is ready.

These are all things that he has analyzed before, but it is also possible for some people to get hotheaded and do something that goes against common sense, then the problem will be serious, not all things are under his control.

"What you reminded me, I will look back to see if there are any reliable veterans." Ye Zishu said.

Seeing that he listened to her own words, Pei Qing immediately became happy. It is really rare for a person in his current status to not even have a secretary.

Although Pei Qing didn't like Ye Zishu having a female secretary by his side, from a work point of view, it was actually necessary, at least having multiple people around him to take care of him.

In fact, a male secretary is also okay, but she may not be as delicate as a female secretary, so she also has a small heart in her heart, and she didn't mention it.

"Actually, don't worry about my personal safety. You are the same. Later, I will send a document to force the bosses of you groups to have security personnel." Ye Zishu said.

"I don't need people like me. They are just wage earners. Threats to our personal safety will not solve the fundamental problem." Pei Qing said.

"Your idea is wrong. If the other party really understands the relationship between power and strength, they will not do anything to you, but there will inevitably be people who are stupid and not smart enough. It is these people that you need to guard against." Ye Zishu said with a smile .

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing didn't raise any objections, so let's arrange it, anyway, it will be arranged sooner or later.

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