Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 539 "Shabby" Baihu Technology Company

While working at home, Ye Zishu has to pay attention to the formation of Baihu Technology Company. The management structure is actually very easy to build, because this industry itself is not fully market-oriented.

As long as the company's affairs are managed well, there is no need to keep an eye on market changes. There are many such management talents in China, and in view of the importance of this company, the relevant departments are also particularly concerned.

This further accelerated the formation of the management team. Even though Ye Zishu had never been to Xi'an, the formation of the management team was completed as early as April.

Some of the management are recommended by the relevant departments, and some of the management are selected by Ye Zishu from his own industries, and most of the management he selected are technical backgrounds.

But when the company's R&D team was formed, it was not so smooth. Originally, he planned to use all talents with experience in satellite and space research, so that the basic knowledge is solid.

It's a pity that he can't get what he wants. Every such talent is the treasure of various scientific research units. How can he be abducted so easily? It's not a matter of more money or less money.

It was because the original unit was not willing to release people at all. There were not many scientific researchers in this field in China, and it was very difficult to train them. People cared about these personnel very much.

As time passed day by day, before Ye Zishu became anxious, the management was in a hurry. The company's registered capital was all borrowed, and every day that was delayed was a day's interest.

When many managers were fooled, the leaders told them that they would definitely have a bright future, and they were full of expectations for their upcoming positions before they came.

In the end, when I came to Xi'an, the so-called Baihu Technology Company, everything was on paper, and it didn't even have an office, so it was borrowed from others.

It's not a big deal, after such a long time, I haven't even seen the boss face to face, as if they were freed, and no one cares about them.

Especially the management staff who came out of the system, they could always find an organization before, and they had confidence in their hearts, but when they came here, they felt helpless, and the feeling was naturally not particularly good.

In addition, some time ago, Ye Zishu was busy with the affairs at hand, paid little attention to external affairs, and paid little attention to the affairs of Baihu Technology Company.

Unexpectedly, when I logged into their management system this time, I found that even the R&D team was not fully recruited, and the current scientific researchers are all fresh graduates who have just graduated from college.

Although they generally have a high degree of education and a lot of doctoral talents, there is still a big difference between actually presiding over project development and participating in scientific research project development.

This is nothing, after all, the technical information is provided by Ye Zishu, they only need to have scientific research ability, but looking at the scientific research team with less than 20 people, no matter how you look at it, it is unreliable.

He previously suggested that the size of the scientific research team should be at least 100 people. Of course, the more the better, but the limit of 100 people is the minimum requirement in his opinion.

This is because the research and development and production of many parts and components have been handed over to other industries under his umbrella. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to complete the research and development of the entire complex satellite system in a short period of time.

For the satellite control system, he will write the system framework himself, mainly for safety. He is not at ease in handing over this aspect to others, and the rest will be done by Phoenix Technology.

The various components inside are handed over to Qinglong Technology Company, Xuanwu Technology Company and Kirin Industry Group to complete, and even Huanyu Group may have to take on some scientific research tasks.

Baihu Technology only needs to complete the integration of the entire system, as well as Hall thrusters and other technologies that are not involved in other companies and are difficult to use.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu had no choice. He couldn't go to the relevant scientific research institutes in the country to knock on the doors of important people. Not to mention private companies like him, even state-owned companies may not be successful.

These units are different from ordinary state-owned units. They all have very strict confidentiality requirements. If they refuse, it is basically useless, and he will not waste the energy.

Before starting to copy the relevant technical materials, he had to complete the formation of the scientific research team. He had no choice but to find talents from various companies under his umbrella.

Anyone who has anything to do with space has been selected by him. Others include talents related to physics, chemistry, electromagnetism, etc. In the last look at the number, there are more than 300 people.

These people are all people who he feels have the potential to change careers in this field. If they don't have any knowledge, it will take a lot of time to cultivate talents.

Including the scientific research talents who have joined Baihu Technology Company before, the scientific research team has a total of 350 people. He feels that these talents are barely enough.

The team has been formed, but the necessary training is still needed for these people. Ye Zishu asked the management to invite experts from relevant departments to guide them.

He also needs to provide some technical information on space. Originally, he wanted to directly purchase some technical information and data from relevant units, but after thinking about it, he felt that this matter would be difficult to accomplish.

The fact that the country allows him to engage in scientific research in this area does not mean that it will unreservedly support this company. Everything depends on themselves, and don't expect much help from others.

If you really want to support it with all your strength, it will not be so difficult to form a scientific research team with hundreds of people. Although the domestic talent pool is limited, it is not impossible to have enough people.

Ye Zishu spent 5 days, basically writing all the time, sorting out the necessary relevant theories and data, so that the scientific research team has a more comprehensive understanding of outer space.

In fact, it is mainly about the collation of data. The theory has long been relatively complete, and he has no intention to come up with something beyond the existing theoretical level, and there is no need for that.

For the theoretical part, Ye Zishu basically lists the must-read bibliography and scientific research literature, and let the members of the scientific research team look for it by themselves.

The data is very critical. In fact, the reason why each company is different is that the quantity and quality of the various data they have are different. In fact, the gap in theoretical knowledge is not large.

After sorting out these data, he also developed a simulation system for this purpose. Combining these data, it is more conducive to their learning and practice.

This simulation system only took him 5 days. The system looks a bit rough, but its functions are very powerful, especially for new melons like them, it is a good learning platform.

After finishing all this, Ye Zishu finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the time has come to June, and the work in hand is destined to be delayed again.

While Ye Zishu was writing at home, a major event happened in the global communication industry, that is, the 3G mobile communication network of Lingtong Technology Company was fully approved by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

In fact, 3G mobile communication technology has completed internal testing around October last year, and then entered the off-site testing. Up to now, enough data support has been collected.

Judging from the data obtained in various scenarios and environments, the 3G mobile communication technology of Lingtong Technology Company has performed very well, and has naturally been recognized by relevant departments.

After this stage is successfully completed, the next step is to carry out the actual test stage, that is, to carry out pilot projects in some cities to see if there are any problems in the real operating environment.

If it still performs well at this stage, it will enter the stage of large-scale deployment, which also marks that their 3G mobile communication technology has officially achieved positive results.

Just when my country announced the pilot construction of 3G mobile communication network, Lingtong Technology Company also released their 3G mobile communication technical standard.

Originally, such a communication technology standard required many giant companies to sit down and talk slowly, because each company has some patented technologies, and the formulation of the standard needs to be decided by voting.

But now that other communication companies around the world are still playing in the field of 2G communication technology, Lingtong Technology has come up with a mature 3G mobile communication technology, and there is no need to negotiate with other communication companies at all.

In addition, they have registered a large number of patented technologies in 3g mobile communication technology, no matter whether they are useful or not, they have not left opportunities for others.

It can be said that the 3G mobile communication technology standard released by them to the outside world will become the de facto global 3G mobile communication standard if there is no countermeasure technology that other communication companies can provide.

The reason why this set of standards is released is to make this set of standards an international standard. In the future, 3G mobile communication technologies and networks in other countries must abide by this standard.

2G technology is currently only being built in some European countries, and other countries and regions are waiting to see, and even if they try to build a 2G network, it is impossible to build it in such a short period of time.

The release of Lingtong Technology's 3G mobile communication technology standard can be said to have dropped a "big nuclear bomb" in the global mobile communication field, blowing up many communication technology companies.

Affected by this news, the 2G communication network, which was originally under construction in full swing, immediately stagnated, and communication operating companies need to evaluate the impact of 3G mobile communication technology.

If 3G mobile communication technology is really ahead of 2G mobile communication network in all aspects, there is no need for mobile communication operators to build 2G mobile communication network.

Because even if it is built, the cost may not be recovered in the future. If you insist on choosing a 2G network, it will only make your country's mobile communication technology lag behind the world.

And those countries that were still evaluating 2G mobile communication technology are not in a hurry this time, and began to look at the construction of my country's 3G mobile communication network.

There are also relevant departments and enterprises in many countries who have asked for a copy of information from Lingtong Technology Company, and took it back to study this 3G mobile communication technology and find out what is so good about it.

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