Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 530 Worries From Parents

When Ye Zishu was busy during this period, Phoenix Technology Company was not idle, because the boss found him a new business and needed preliminary preparations.

They did not set up any industry in Hefei before, and none of the more than ten subsidiary headquarters they built was in Hefei, which meant that they had no foundation in Hefei.

In fact, Hefei has quite a lot of educational resources, but there are not many educational resources related to the software industry. This is also the reason why Phoenix Technology did not build its headquarters here before.

This time, if Ye Zishu hadn't asked them to come here to build a customer service industry base, it would be hard for them to think of investing here, which is considered a semi-mandatory industrial layout.

The University of Science and Technology of China is indeed strong, but their research and professional settings are not the same as those of Phoenix Software, and it is difficult to connect with them.

The investment in Hefei this time seems to be just a single customer service service, but it is not. According to Ye Zishu's plan, just such an industry seems a little weak.

So this time the banner is to build a "Valley of Sound" in Hefei, which is all combined with the industrial positioning of Hefei in the previous life, but it will be more predictable than the previous life.

This investment is not only for customer service, but also plans to transfer services such as intelligent translation. At the same time, Qinglong Technology will also establish an acoustic industry development base here.

It is planned to make the voice-related software and hardware facilities bigger and stronger here. If it develops well, the entire industry scale will reach trillions of yuan.

Qinglong Technology Company has no interest in building a base all the way, and it is still planning to use the site of Phoenix Technology Company to work, which can be said to be astute.

Phoenix Technology Company is very keen on building an industrial base. Here, 10 square kilometers of land was immediately encircled for the construction of an industrial base, which was built according to the standards of the subsidiary headquarters.

Because Phoenix Technology Company plans to merge customer service business, translation business, voice business, etc. to form a subsidiary company, which is at the same level as Phoenix Software Company.

Although this Fengming Technology Company is newly established, Phoenix Technology Company is not stingy at all with the hardware and software facilities that should be provided to them.

Anyway, fixed investment will not lose money in this era anyway, and the construction of such a large headquarters is also to provide convenience for other subsidiaries, not just for one subsidiary.

In addition, customer service has really developed to the world as Ye Zishu said, becoming the world's largest customer service provider, so the number of servers required is quite large, and a large space is required for the construction of a data center.

The local government did not expect that the investment posture of Phoenix Technology Company was much larger than that of Taiji Group Company, and it would engage in large-scale civil construction as soon as it came here.

The cosmetics industry of Taiji Group originally planned to build a few production factories here. The headquarters are planning to rent other people's sites, and they will decide whether to build their own industrial headquarters later depending on the development situation.

Originally, Taiji Group gave up investing here, which made them a little disappointed, but they didn't expect to recommend a company that they were more willing to invest in, which was a pleasant surprise for them.

People who used to criticize the Taiji Group no longer said anything now, and many people even changed their words to say that the Taiji Group is doing things authentically and has received excellent praise.

After Ye Zishu was busy working on the two major intelligent systems, he spent another two days writing the framework of the customer service system for Fengming Technology Company, including the software and hardware parts.

Within this framework, Leaf Book draws on the customer service system of the previous life, combined with the existing artificial intelligence technology, to create a brand new system.

Leaf Book even compiled many key components for them, making it easier for them to do the next development work, which can be regarded as compensation for temporarily adding tasks to them.

After finishing all this, Ye Zishu continued to sort out medical technical materials non-stop. It is already April, and he plans to finish this matter before May.

Because the white tiger technology company still needs to sort out the technical information later, and he thinks that this matter should not be delayed, at least their satellite-related business must be straightened out.

In view of the particularity of Baihu Technology Company, the talents of this company are not completely drawn from the group companies under him.

Even the person in charge of this company is a retired talent recruited by him from the relevant department. On the surface, he himself has nothing to do with Baihu Technology Company.

The purpose of doing this is to avoid the risk of being sanctioned when the situation is tense. You must know that once he is sanctioned, his industries will also be affected.

Since the funds had been allocated before, he didn't want other industries to have capital exchanges with Baihu Technology Company, so he came up with a way, which was to borrow money to register the company.

This approach seems unbelievable to others, but he passed it smoothly. He directly borrowed 500 billion yuan from a company that has not yet been established, such as a bank, as the company's registered capital.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is an empty glove wolf, but the bank that borrowed the money is not worried at all, but hopes that he will borrow more. Unfortunately, he thinks that the initial 500 billion yuan is almost enough.

If they want to put Baihu Technology's satellites into the sky in the short term, they can only rely on its existing industrial system. As for their own military industrial system, they have to think about it in the long run.

Ye Shu didn't bring out a lot of technology this time, mainly satellite technology. As for other technologies, he still needs to sort them out slowly when he has time, and he took out too much at once, and he couldn't digest it for a while.

Ye Zishu has been staying for more than two months since returning home for the Chinese New Year, and he didn't even intend to leave, which made his parents feel incredible.

In their eyes, it is a miracle that such a large industry has not had any accidents under his management. His father will be very worried if he doesn't visit the lo-mei company for a while.

Even if he just went over there for a casual look, it still made him feel that he had a good grasp of the company's situation. Ye Zishu told him to look at the management system, but he was still not at ease.

It feels very unreliable to be able to control a company with a management system. In fact, there are many bosses like him in this era.

This is also the reason why Honghu Software's business last year was not particularly good. Among the enterprises that purchased, they were mainly large enterprises, and most of them were large state-owned enterprises.

In fact, large state-owned enterprises don't particularly trust their systems, they just purchase them for facade. This practice actually makes Honghu Software very helpless.

Although they did use these systems, they did not give full play to the effects of these systems, and there were even two operating modes of online management and offline management, which was very weird.

Ye Zishu taught his father how to use the intelligent management system. As for whether his father used it or not, he couldn't control it. Anyway, he was just a nominal chairman and would not have a great impact on the specific business.

On the contrary, his parents reminded him several times not to stay at home all the time, and to go to the company anyway, what to do if the company is lost by someone, even if he explained, it still couldn't dispel the worries of the two elders.

Not to mention that the industry under him is currently running very well, even if he wants to swallow such a large industry, he still has to consider whether his teeth are good or not. At present, no one has the ability to swallow the sky.

These are all small episodes. Ye Zishu put his mind on medical technology, took out the list he made before, and he went through each item on the list.

He had sorted out a lot of technical materials before, and originally there was only less than two-thirds of the workload left, but after chatting with Pei Qing this time, he felt that it was necessary to add some medicines.

This world is so strange, the more indispensable a product is, the less money it can make, such as our food.

On the contrary, products that deviate from basic needs can reap huge profits, which is one of the reasons why the profits of industry and commerce are much higher than those of agriculture.

If the drugs are only developed for major diseases, they may not necessarily bring huge profits to Taiji Group, at least for drugs with a small user base, it is difficult to obtain huge profits.

For example, for some diseases, there are only a hundred or ten people in the world. Even if millions of dollars are earned from each person, the total amount will still not be very large.

This is why the rarer the disease, the higher the cost of treatment, because drugs developed solely for these diseases can only earn back their investment by increasing the unit price.

Although Taiji Group's business is internationalized, he cannot predict the effect of the internationalization of the pharmaceutical business. He must plan for the worst outcome.

If it is a small disease, Tai Chi Group does not intend to charge high treatment fees in China, especially for patients who have joined the membership.

So he wanted to provide Taiji Group with some special medicines. Although these medicines are not used to treat major diseases, the market demand may be very large.

For example, the weight-loss drugs mentioned above can also provide other drugs around weight loss. For example, rapid weight loss will cause skin relaxation in the human body. I believe that some people need suitable drugs or other products to solve this problem.

There is also myopia treatment. In fact, the medical equipment provided by Ye Zishu includes surgical equipment for treating myopia, and this time he plans to provide a drug treatment for myopia.

One-third of the world's people are troubled by myopia. Even if a myopia patient charges a few thousand yuan, it will be a very large number.

Moreover, myopia does not mean that myopia will no longer occur after treatment. If the habit of using eyes is improper, myopia may still occur after treatment. This is a long-term business.

The addition of these strange drug research and development plans has added a lot of workload to him. Fortunately, during this period of time, there are not many things to disturb him, so he can work with peace of mind.

But even so, it still exceeded his estimated time. On May 5, the planned medical technical information was finally sorted out.

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