Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 527 It Was Originally a Customer Service Industry

A company with a large number of medical institutions like Taiji Group is actually very suitable for plastic surgery business, and can expand this business all over the country in a short period of time.

And it can also rely on the people's trust in their medical institutions, which is easier to get people's approval than ordinary small workshop-style plastic surgery hospitals.

This is also one of the reasons why Pei Qing made this suggestion, and these formal medical institutions can improve the level of the entire industry by doing these things.

However, Ye Zishu believes that the hidden dangers brought about by this kind of plastic surgery are very serious, and the more you want to cherish your feathers when your reputation is on the rise.

Of course, it doesn't mean that we will be indifferent when we see this industry, but we must have feasible technology and minimize hidden dangers to an affordable level.

To be honest, according to Ye Zishu's personal feelings, natural beauty is the real beauty. Plastic surgery looks very beautiful, but it reveals a fake and unnatural.

But he can't change some things, society is moving forward, no matter how capable he is, he has to be carried forward by the torrent of the times, and he can't help himself.

Therefore, he believes that to solve this problem, we must come up with higher technology to make people more beautiful in a real sense, rather than this kind of beauty that can be repaired.

Now he has too many things on hand, and he has no time to pay attention to this kind of unimportant business. When there are fewer things on hand, he will study these technical issues again.

Although Pei Qing was slightly disappointed, she did not fight for it. Once Ye Zishu denied a business with such affirmative tone, it meant that he had made up his mind.

What's more, Pei Qing herself also feels that the current technology is indeed a bit unreliable. It looks good on the surface, but it can't cover up the hidden dangers behind it. Once an accident occurs, it will cause serious losses to Taiji Group.

If something goes wrong with a small organization, they will lose some money in the worst case. If the organization changes its name, it can still be bluffed on the street, and many people who don't know the truth will still flock to it.

But they can't do this. Compared with small institutions, they have much more concerns, and this concern is also one of the foundations for people to trust them.

"The beauty industry headquarters is also located in Chengdu?" Pei Qing asked.

"Let's put it there too, there's no need to spread it too much," Ye Zishu said.

Pei Qing nodded after hearing this, the matter was finally settled, and then asked curiously: "Then what property did you give to Hefei?"

"Actually, there is nothing mysterious. You also know that in modern business society, customer service is indispensable. In the past, companies set up their own customer service departments to solve some problems of consumers.

For many companies, the cost is actually very high, and customer service is also a highly professional business, which is not easy for ordinary companies to do.

If we build a professional customer service company to provide these companies with customer service, they don’t need to set up their own customer service centers, which will also improve the experience of consumers.

So I plan to let Phoenix Technology establish a global customer service center in Hefei, where the headquarters is also located. This industry employs a large number of workers, and the revenue scale is also very large, with great potential for development. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing showed an expression of sudden realization. Taiji Group itself has customer service needs, and invests a lot of money to support this business every year.

I believe that for other companies, small-scale companies, customer service is an essential requirement, which involves their service quality, and the quality of customer service will even affect their reputation and market competition.

Now it is just a collection of customer service services originally established by various enterprises and handing them over to professional agencies to act as agents, thereby reducing the cost of enterprises in this regard.

If customer service wants to reduce costs, it must have a lot of software and hardware support. It is not surprising that Phoenix Technology is leading this project.

"However, it is not easy for this industry to grow rapidly. First, it is difficult to quickly keep up with personnel training. Second, the current domestic customer service market is limited and takes time to accumulate.

What's more, although the market size of this industry is relatively large, its profitability may not be very strong. Once other capital pays attention to this industry, the competition will become very fierce in an instant. "Pei Qing analyzed.

What she said is correct. Customer service personnel not only need language standards, but also need certain professional knowledge. Otherwise, the customer service provided will be scratchy and cannot really solve consumers' problems.

In the previous life, the scale of my country's customer service market was more than 4000 billion yuan. In this era, it would be good if the customer service market could reach tens of billions of yuan. Customer service has not yet been generally valued by enterprises.

Moreover, although customer service requires the support of a complete set of software and hardware equipment, which seems to have a high threshold, as long as there is a demand for capital, these are not problems.

At that time, the capital will compete with each other, and the quotation of each order will only get lower and lower. Coupled with the continuous rise of personnel salaries, the room for capital profit will only become smaller and smaller.


In Pei Qing's view, such an industry really does not match Ye Zishu's identity. With Ye Zishu's talent, he should be engaged in industries that others cannot do, have very high profit margins, and have low competition.

Ye Zishu said with a smile: "Your analysis is indeed correct according to the normal situation, but Phoenix Technology did this not only because their software is good.

Since we entered the customer service industry, we must aim at the global market. If it is only the domestic market, it will be difficult to satisfy our appetite in the short term.

Also, don't forget that we have artificial intelligence technology. If it is purely manpower, it will be difficult to quickly expand and strengthen this business, especially in terms of internationalization. There are various difficulties.

But artificial intelligence does not have this trouble. It can be said that it is proficient in various local languages ​​​​of various countries, and at the same time has learned a lot, and its reaction speed is incomparable to that of human beings.

It can be said that by establishing a global customer service center based on artificial intelligence, we are confident that global customer service will be included in our business scope in a short period of time.

If these goals can be achieved, it will not be difficult to generate a trillion yuan industry within one or two years, and the global customer service market will definitely have this scale and volume. "

When Pei Qing heard him mention artificial intelligence, she suddenly realized that she was quite familiar with artificial intelligence. The intelligent medical system has been deployed and used, and the effect is very good.

In the future, combined with advanced medical equipment, the convenience and service improvement brought by the intelligent medical system will be further revealed. She thinks she has some understanding of the power of artificial intelligence.

It's just that I didn't expect that artificial intelligence can also participate in customer service. For any business that needs to communicate with people, no matter how good the machines and programs are, there will always be some gaps.

But she didn't know that Ye Zishu had already upgraded the artificial intelligence. Apart from being unable to innovate, the current artificial intelligence could not distinguish between artificial intelligence and normal human beings at all.

In terms of cost and service efficiency, it can beat all customer service companies in the world. Based on their own interests, companies will definitely hand over this business to them.

What's more, the service quality is higher than that of manual service, especially for some highly professional customer service, the unit price is very high.

"Well, I didn't expect that artificial intelligence could already do these jobs." Pei Qing sighed.

In the past, machines could only have advantages over humans in repetitive labor. I did not expect that even this kind of complex work would be replaced by machines so soon.

That means that as long as the technical problems of robot hardware are solved, robots that can completely replace human beings can be directly created, at least a large part of human work can be replaced.

Thinking of this, Pei Qing couldn't help but ask: "According to the rapid development of technology, robots will completely replace human labor, right in front of us, tell me, do you already have such technology in your hand?"

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "It's not as beautiful as you imagined, the robot hardware technology is very complicated, and I don't have time to study it now.

What's more, even if the hardware problem is solved, it can already replace many human jobs, and it is not launched just because it wants to be launched. Many social issues must be considered.

If social problems cannot be solved well, even if we have advanced robot technology, it can only be used in a small range, and it cannot be promoted quickly at all. "

In fact, Ye Zishu really has a lot of robot technology in his hands. After all, he spent the first ten years learning software technology. How could he miss even the cross-age technology of robots.

It's just that he can't take it out, at least at this stage, the hidden dangers brought by him are very big, and the current strength seems to be very strong, but in fact it is not as strong as the outside world imagines.

If the robot is really to be brought out, it must be guaranteed to benefit ordinary people, rather than simply depriving ordinary people of their jobs, which will bring huge social instability.

Moreover, the current stage of our country is a period of social transformation. Many things are actually lacking. If these things are not made up, if they are taken out, the consequences will be even more unpredictable.

So even if Pei Qing asked face to face, Ye Zishu could only deny it. Once he admitted it, it would bring him a lot of trouble no matter whether he had it or not.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing actually felt relieved. Don't think that the existence of robots has no effect on them high-level people. In fact, it has a very big impact.

It is not impossible for robots to replace executives. It is even possible that executives are the first to be replaced, because robots are more loyal and capable than them, which is a boon for bosses.

The only ones that are more difficult to replace are senior scientific researchers, which include not only science and engineering, but also social science researchers.

Ye Zishu also saw Pei Qing's micro-expression, but he just pretended not to see it. This kind of thing is not suitable to be brought out, and he is actually not at ease about the social governance of pure robots.

Even humans, the masterpieces of heaven, have various problems, let alone robots created by humans. Just in case, the necessary back-up is indispensable.

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