The characteristics of the bioactive liquid are very strong, and it has the ability to reduce the dimensionality of similar products, and even affect the sales of many other related cosmetics.

However, Taiji Group has never set foot in the cosmetics industry before, and is a complete novice in this field, and its brand awareness is not high in this field.

Therefore, in the initial stage of development, the scale of this industry will definitely not be very large, and it will take a certain period of time to develop. At the same time, it must cooperate with other cosmetics to form a complete cosmetics industry system.

Apparently Pei Qing didn't quite agree with his judgment, and she said, "I think you still underestimate the attractiveness of our product to women.

According to the experimental data, the older people use our products, the more obvious the effect is, and their consumption potential is very large.

We predict that the industrial scale brought by this product alone will exceed one trillion yuan in the next few years, which is not a small industry for any province. "

According to their plan, a bottle of 150ml product has an FOB price of 1500 yuan and a market sales guide price of 2000 yuan, which can be used for about three months.

If a person uses it continuously for a year, it will cost 8000 yuan. For women in developed countries, there is almost no burden on this price.

For many developing countries, it is barely affordable, especially when our country's economy recovers, the number of users will definitely increase.

The problem is that this product is suitable for men, women and children. Considering the problem of consumption capacity, the number of target consumers is at least 4 million, and the offshore income alone is as high as 3.2 trillion yuan.

The scale of output value is indeed not small, but due to the confidentiality involved, the production plant is basically an unmanned chemical plant, providing very few jobs, and the social effect is actually not great.

In addition, the profit of cosmetics is very high, and it is not very sensitive to transportation costs. It is more suitable to put it in Sichuan. The purpose is to increase the local tax level and promote the local economic development.

Only when the government has tax revenue can it be able to invest more funds in infrastructure construction and people's livelihood construction, so as to promote the development of Southwest my country.

This is just a cosmetic product, and when Taiji Group's brand trust in the cosmetics field increases, it will be of great benefit in promoting the sales of their other cosmetic products.

Now that Ye Zishu has no spare time, if he has more time in the future, he will come up with some other products to further establish the position of Taiji Group in the field of cosmetics.

The main feature of bioactive liquid is to maintain cell activity and at the same time promote cell metabolism. When used on the skin, it can keep the skin moisturized and look younger.

In addition, other effects are not satisfactory, and it cannot solve all the problems encountered by the skin, such as blackheads, acne, etc., and special products are needed to resolve them.

Purely from the perspective of making money, cosmetics are indeed more successful than many other industries, especially for someone like him who has advanced product technology, doing this is simply a lucrative business.

However, judging from the current domestic situation, cosmetics are not particularly important, and even the use of biologically active liquids in cosmetics is just incidental.

When Pei Qing heard him mention Huanyu Group, she was a little surprised. Huanyu Group has a very weak sense of existence among many groups, but it is indeed a group company.

It shows that Ye Zishu also has high hopes for this company, and the scale of output value will eventually be very large, otherwise there is no need to set up an independent group company, which will bring inconvenience to his management.

It's just that the current output value scale is too small, so small that even the grandchildren of some group companies are larger than their output value scale.

"How many years will it take to grow up?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

In her opinion, the scale of automobile output value is indeed very large, but it is too difficult to break out of the already mature industry, and there is no hope for the domestic market in the short term.

Facing this question, Ye Zi also shook his head helplessly, and said: "Although I can guarantee that their products are not bad at all in terms of advancement, I don't know how the specific business is.

But I believe that by virtue of technological leadership, it should be able to fight a bloody way among the international giants, it is only a matter of time. "

Although Ye Zishu asked Huanyu Group to promote the gasoline-electric hybrid model, but he also gave them a technical solution for pure electric vehicles, which can be regarded as a backup method.

If the gasoline-electric hybrid model cannot kill a bloody road in a short period of time, let’s see if there is a greater opportunity for pure electric vehicles. After all, switching to a brand new track is better than competing on someone else’s track.

In addition, it is intelligent driving. At present, the intelligent driving in their hands is not bad, and the highest level has reached L4 level. In this era, it is still very shocking.

If you want to upgrade to a more advanced automatic driving system, you need to establish a more advanced GPS. Even the civilian version of the old m's GPS is still slightly insufficient.


If he can't achieve the results he wants within two years, then he can only make a big move and directly launch the L5-level autonomous driving technology, completely reshuffle the global auto industry.

It's not that he doesn't have the technology, but he doesn't want to take it all out at once. There must be a process of upgrading slowly, so that he can make more money.

Moreover, it is easy to be targeted by many powerful countries in the auto industry if they come up with a big move. The best state is to always maintain a slight lead, so that the opponent can see hope but can't keep up.

If it really makes competitors feel hopeless, it is easy to be overthrown by them. Given that the domestic market is not big enough, this is a very unfavorable situation for Huanyu Group.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing smiled and said, "If that's the case, it won't be as immediate as the cosmetics industry, especially for this kind of heavy industry. The investment cycle is still long, and the profit may not be very high."

"You, stop worrying about the Huanyu Group. They not only have the automobile industry, but also high-speed rail, ships, airplanes, batteries and other industries, but they are still accumulating strength." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing laughed even louder, and said at the same time: "I don't think they need to continue their strength, but you don't have time to get involved in these industries."

We all know that if we want to develop these industries, if we rely on Huanyu Group's own strength, it is estimated that it will be difficult to tinker with it in 20 years. The ultimate source of technology is still with him.

Now Ye Zishu can't finish the things in his hands, let alone provide these industrial technologies to Huanyu Group. Every kind of transportation technology takes him a lot of time.

"What you said is only one aspect. The most important thing is that most of our funds have a clear destination, and there is not so much money for Huanyu Group.

If the Huanyu Group wants to develop rapidly, it still depends on whether their automobile industry is stable. If this step is taken well, they will not lack funds in the future, and the development speed may be faster.

This is the case with the heavy industry industry. The investment scale is large and the development cycle is long, but the profit margin is very low. The only advantage is that once it is done, the volume will be huge. "Leaf Book said.

After saying this, seeing that Pei Qing still wanted to continue talking about this topic, Ye Zishu hurriedly said: "Let's talk about the Taiji Group."

Although Taiji Group provided Huanyu Group with a lot of financial support, they were not affiliated with each other after all, so it was okay to chat occasionally, but he didn't want to have a deep chat with Pei Qing about Huanyu Group's issues.

It's a taboo to extend your hand too long, especially now that Pei Qing's relationship with her is unclear, and I don't want her to pay too much attention to the specific matters of his other industries.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing also realized that she was talking too much, and quickly stopped, saying: "Then I will put the cosmetics industry in Chengdu.

It's just that we have already negotiated with Hefei. If we change it this way, our reputation may be hit to a certain extent, which is not good for our possible follow-up cooperation. "

The companies under him pay the most attention to reputation. As long as the other party has no irregularities, they will never break the contract. He still attaches great importance to reputation.

Ye Zishu knocked on the table and thought for a while, then said: "You can put some medical equipment over there that has not yet confirmed the production address. Although the total scale of this business is smaller than that of cosmetics, it is somewhat of a comfort.

Moreover, the University of Science and Technology of China is also a strong engineering university in China. Putting some medical equipment industries there can also attract talents nearby. "

"In this case, the investment scale of the medical equipment industry here will be smaller." Pei Qing mentioned Ye Zishu.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu thought it was nothing at first, just a little less, but after thinking about it, it was better to forget it. After all, it is an established plan to put the medical equipment industry here, and there is no need to disrupt it.

So he hurriedly said: "Forget it, there is no need to mess up the plan so much, and you have a lot more work over there. Let me think about what other industries can be put there."

After finishing speaking, she ignored Pei Qing's reaction, and fell into deep thought directly. As compensation, the scale of the industry should not be too small, and it must be an industry that is relatively easy to develop.

It is best to be an industry that can use existing technologies. If it is a new technology industry, he himself does not have time to sort out the technology, and he may have to delay it.

Seeing Ye Zishu falling into deep thought, Pei Qing didn't take it for granted that she didn't pay attention to her immediately, but stood up directly, found a cup and poured herself a cup of tea.

Then she sat back to her original position, drank tea quietly, and waited for the end of Ye Zishu's thinking. She even looked forward to the result of Ye Zishu's thinking.

Because it seems that Ye Zishu wants to make a big move. If it is a small industry, he doesn't need to search his guts like this, and he would have blurted it out a long time ago.

About 10 minutes later, Ye Zishu suddenly knocked himself on the head, and said with a smile: "Such a simple industry, I almost forgot."

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