Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 520 The chapter title that can never be avoided

The above are just some of the investment industry directions that Ye Zishu casually mentioned. In fact, his industries are involved in far more fields than these.

For example, the advanced service industry based on artificial intelligence technology is mainly focused on the software service industry at present, and will be extended to various hardware equipment service fields in the future.

There is also advanced manufacturing. At present, many businesses of Xuanwu Technology Company belong to advanced manufacturing. Kirin Industrial Group will also usher in a harvest period this year, and this will also be one of their main businesses in the future.

He doesn't mind investing in any industry that others can't do, and he doesn't turn a blind eye to any industry that he thinks can be done better than others.

I mentioned the difficulties that many low-end industries may face. In fact, the nightmare of these low-end industries in the future may come from the competition of his industries.

Now his industries are mainly focused on the development of high-tech industries. Due to limited energy, he has no time to take care of other industries for the time being, leaving room for many low-end industries in China to develop.

After a period of development of his industries, he has consolidated his dominant position in the existing technology field. Based on the instinct of capital self-expansion, it is very likely that he will no longer be limited to the high-tech field.

This trend will not be shifted by his will, it is determined based on the nature of capital itself, at most he can only guide in a benign direction, and cannot blindly stop it.

Ye Zishu understands that capital naturally has the urge to expand. The reason why it does not expand is either insufficient capital or insufficient energy. It is definitely not capital sticking to its duty.

In fact, he has now consciously limited the expansion impulse of his capital, and the method is very simple, that is, to extract profits, so that the capital owned by the enterprise itself is not particularly sufficient.

Like Phoenix Technology, they created so much profit last year, the expansion of the software industry alone cannot absorb their profits, if they do not extract profits, sooner or later they will invest outside the industry.

If the restrictions are strict, the result is a large amount of funds lying in bank accounts. In this case, he thinks it is better to allow them to expand freely.

Other companies will have a similar situation, and now he draws almost half of the profits for the development of new industries, which is how he guides expansion.

It's just that the current industrial structure is not particularly complicated, and he still has the ability to guide expansion to a certain extent. When the industry becomes larger and he can't fully grasp it, the situation will be different from now.

As for whether the industry will collapse because of this, under normal circumstances, the scale of the industry beyond the control will inevitably collapse in the end.

However, the situation of his industry is somewhat different. At present, it still focuses on human management, supplemented by artificial intelligence management. The management model is much more advanced than that of normal enterprises.

In the future, when this model cannot control the entire industry, it may become dominated by artificial intelligence management, supplemented by human participation in management.

"What you said is indeed an industry that is difficult for other companies to participate in." The reporter said with a smile.

"In fact, I hope that more capital will be invested in high-tech industries, so that the pace of domestic industrial upgrading can be accelerated, and the domestic economy will not only increase in quantity, but also in quality.

However, the actual situation will not develop like this. First, the investment in high-tech industries is very risky. Most people only see the scene of wolves eating meat, but not the scene of wolves being beaten.

The investment of several 10 billion yuan may be in vain because of the wrong direction or just one step too late. The competition in the high-tech industry is actually far more dangerous than that in the low-end industry.

The second is that the development of high-tech industries requires a high foundation. Although my country has always attached great importance to education and the illiteracy rate has been significantly reduced, the development of high-tech industries requires only literacy.

At present, the number of students coming out of my country's universities is very limited, and the number of doctoral students is even rarer. This is only a quantitative gap, and the qualitative gap is also huge. "

Hearing what he said, the reporter felt that this was indeed a problem, so he hurriedly asked: "Then what do you think should be done to solve these shortcomings?"

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "I won't talk about high-tech investment for now, as long as the capital is sufficient and there is a little ideal, it will be a matter of course.

Let’s talk about talent training. First, there are two scenarios for talent training. The first is school training, and the second is social training.

However, we have not done a particularly good job in these two aspects. At present, there are still many children who do not receive a sound basic education in school training. Seeing this situation, I am very worried.

Although I also let the industries under my umbrella invest a certain amount of funds in education charity, but after all, it is a drop in the bucket. If you want to solve the problem fundamentally, the country has to do a good job in this area.

The problems of basic education are obvious, but higher education is also not optimistic. Although there are objective reasons, the problems of higher education cannot be avoided.

Although we have also invested a lot in this area, and even set up the New Oriental Education Group, hoping to be a supplement to the existing education system, the situation is still not optimistic.

The solution we can think of is to continue to work hard to develop the economy so that more families can afford to send their children to school, but this will take a certain amount of time.

On the other hand, we are also working hard to develop new technologies, use new technologies to reduce the cost of education for students, and at the same time hope to improve the quality of education.


At present, New Oriental Education Group has developed an intelligent teacher system, and the effect is very good, but it is currently facing the problem of promotion, because it needs the support of educational terminals.

Although the cost of education terminals is reduced as much as possible, for many families, there is still a dilemma of excessive burden, and they are currently actively looking for ways to solve these problems.

In addition to the problem of intelligent online education, there is also the construction of a large number of vocational schools, hoping that more children can receive more professional education and training, and it will be easier for them to survive in society. "

What Ye Zishu said is actually not very clear to the outside world. Even if Shengshi Media belongs to his industry, the understanding of these things is very limited.

So the reporter was very surprised. I didn't expect that he would do so many things for education without knowing it. It can be seen that he really pays enough attention to education.

You must know that he didn't have a lot of wealth before, and it was only last year when he really made a lot of money. Before that, he was moving around for the development of the industry, and a lot of energy was devoted to solving financial problems.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ye to do so many things for education!" The reporter said with emotion.

Ye Zishu smiled and said, "We have indeed done a lot, but if we want to see results, our own efforts are not enough.

We hope to get more policy support, and hope that more people are willing to participate. At the same time, we also need to change the concept of education.

In fact, we have also spent a lot of energy on social training. Unlike other companies, we pay more attention to the growth of employees and hope that the growth of employees can keep up with the growth of the company.

In the past few years, we have invested more than 50 billion yuan in employee training, and this number will continue to increase in the future. "

"That is what prompted your company to invest so much money in training employees?" the reporter asked.

"There are two main reasons. One is that my industry is developing too fast. Social talents alone cannot meet the requirements. We can only cultivate talents by ourselves.

The second is that our attitude towards employees is different from other companies. Many companies think that employees cannot adapt to the development of the company and just eliminate them. Anyway, there are a lot of people waiting for them to use.

And we hope to establish a cooperative and win-win relationship with employees. We hope that the company and employees can grow together and trust each other. Every employee is an important member of the family, not a tool that will be eliminated at any time when it is used up.

In my opinion, everyone has the potential for growth and development, but there are large individual differences due to various reasons. If reasonable training is carried out, each employee's ability has the potential to improve. "Leaf Book said.

"Then what do you think is the reason why your company and other companies have such a big difference in concept?" the reporter asked.

It's really hard to answer this question, Ye Zishu thought for a while, and said, "Maybe it's because we have a big gap in the concept of enterprises as economic entities.

Many people just use the enterprise as a tool to make money, and few people pay attention to the social responsibility that the enterprise should undertake. Some enterprises are even unwilling to fulfill their tax obligations.

In our view, although an enterprise is a collection of interests driven by economic interests, it is also an important part of the ecology of society.

Enterprises are willing to assume more social responsibilities when they have the ability to undertake more social responsibilities, which plays an important role in promoting the healthy development of society. "

Although these words may be a good window for the outside world to understand Ye Zishu, but these words will inevitably offend some people. Even if he did not name them, they still make many people feel uncomfortable.

The reporter is also very interesting. These topics have been discussed to such an extent that they cannot continue to chat, so they asked: "Looking back, I still want to know about Mr. Ye's next personal plans."

What I talked about before was all about business and industry. There are still many people out there who want to know more about Ye Zishu’s personal situation. If you ask this question, many readers like to read it.

"In fact, my personal affairs are very simple. I spend most of my time doing research, and actually spend very little time on business operations.

This is why I am not interested in the status of a rich man. I hope that everyone will treat me as a scientist, even if I am not a scientist, it is also possible to treat me as a scientific and technological worker.

The next plan is also very simple, that is to continue to work hard in the field of scientific research. Many of my current tasks are related to medical research topics.

In the next few years, medical treatment and medical technology will be an important part of our industrial development, and we hope to improve the medical environment in our country so that people can enjoy more advanced medical technology services.

In addition, it takes a lot of time and energy to compile medical textbooks and do the basic work for the establishment of Tianwen Medical College.

In this process, many medical scientific research results may be born. If there are scholars engaged in research in this field, they can pay attention to these, which may be of great help to improve the medical level. "Leaf Book said.

Regarding the teaching materials of the medical school and the medical research results that were born, there is no way to keep them secret. He hoped that the domestic attention will be paid to the research results he compiled, which is conducive to the development of domestic medicine, instead of only focusing on foreign research results.

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