"By the way, I heard that Mr. Zhang and Tu Honggang have cooperated. Are you familiar with each other in private?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Boss Ye has something to ask Tu Honggang?" Zhang Guoli asked curiously.

"The main reason is that I want to cooperate with him. I hope Teacher Zhang can recommend it. I have a song in my hand that is very suitable for him to sing. It is guaranteed to make him a hit!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

He seized the opportunity and wanted to recruit people to his company. It would be best if he could sign a contract with his own company. If he couldn't, cooperation would not be a problem.

"Then I'll go back and ask for you!" Zhang Guoli said straightforwardly.

"That's fine, just let Guo Dongsheng contact me when the time comes." Ye Zishu said.

The matter has come to an end here, the script has been handed over to Zhang Guoli, as for what he can make, it is up to him, Ye Zishu has no time to take care of this matter.

After sending Zhang Guoli away, he was about to go back to school, when an employee told him that a reporter who called himself "China Business Times" wanted to interview the boss of the company.

Few people may have known that he was the boss of Shengshi Records before, but after a few large-scale distribution of business cards, not to mention the entire music circle, at least the circle in the capital, basically everyone knew it.

So it’s not unusual to want to interview him by name, especially since he still has many points of interest to the audience, such as top students from Tsinghua University, student entrepreneurs in school, musicians with non-major backgrounds, and so on.

In the previous life, you can talk about it for a long time if you just take it out, but now it seems that you are not as enthusiastic about entertainment news as you were in the previous life.

It just happened to happen this time, so it doesn't matter if I meet you. If you make yourself a special trip, you have to think about it and ask the staff to bring you to the conference room.

He talked to Guo Dongsheng, then came to the meeting room, went in and saw a rather young male reporter, said hello, and found a seat for himself to sit down.

"I'm Ye Zishu, what do you call Comrade Reporter?" Ye Zishu said.

"I'm sorry, my name is Wang Changtian, and I'm a reporter from China Business Times. I want to interview Mr. Ye. I'm sorry to bother you when I come here this time." Wang Changtian hurriedly introduced himself.

Hearing that his name was Wang Changtian, Ye Zishu was very surprised. He didn't expect that today was such a good day that he fell asleep and hit the pillow.

He was worrying about who should be in charge of the advertising company, and in the end, he sent the influential figures in his previous life to him. More importantly, Wang Changtian was involved in many businesses in his previous life.

Regardless of whether he has so many talents, at least he still has a way of management. With this ability, it is enough for Ye Zishu.

"I wonder what Comrade Wang wants to interview?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I want to conduct an all-round interview with Mr. Ye. I wonder if Mr. Ye will allow it?" Wang Changtian said.

"Personally, I don't have any opinions. It's just that my life is very boring. There may not be any content that arouses readers' interest!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"It's okay, just chat casually." Wang Changtian also laughed.

"Since that's the case, let Reporter Wang start asking. I'm sure I'll tell you everything." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Wang Changtian asked: "I heard that Boss Ye was admitted to Tsinghua University with full marks in all subjects. Can you tell me the secret of your studies?"

"Uh." Ye Zishu suddenly didn't know what to say. Did the Business Times just ask these gossip questions?

"This may really be impossible to say. In addition to hard work, talent is also indispensable for learning. To put it bluntly, the IQ gap between people is sometimes greater than the IQ between humans and animals." The gap is even bigger."

Hearing what he said, Wang Changtian was a little speechless. After all, he also graduated from Fudan University, so why didn't he feel this way, but he understood the meaning of the words well.

It means that he is talented, relying on his superior IQ and hard work, he can easily get full marks in all subjects, and others can't learn it.

Wang Changtian realized that he had asked a boring question, so he quickly changed the subject and asked, "What prompted you to enter the field of music singing and composition? After all, you are not from a major."

"This is a very clear answer. The main reason is that I was poor. When I came to Beijing, I only had enough money in my pocket for two or three months. If I didn't make money, I would go hungry." Ye Zishu said.

"Then why did you choose the music industry instead of others?" Wang Changtian asked.

"Because it's easy to produce records, and the results are quick, other industries are not so easy. Even if you do physical work, you have to have someone to do it, let alone start a business in other industries. If you don't have capital, everything will be fine!" Ye Zi the book replied.

"Will that delay your study of this major?" Wang Changtian asked.

"Although I release albums quite frequently, they don't actually take up much of my time. Most of my time is spent doing things related to my profession." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

These are appetizers, and then Wang Changtian asked: "The current domestic record market seems to be thriving. I wonder what Boss Ye thinks about it?"

Faced with this question, Ye Zishu pondered for a while, thinking whether he should tell the truth, but after thinking about it, it is not certain whether everyone will believe it or not.

So he said: "These five or six years should be the golden age of the domestic record market, and it can even be said to be the last glory of the global record market, and then it will gradually decline."

Hearing what he said, Wang Changtian himself was very surprised, because no matter from which point of view, the current domestic record market is going uphill, but he said that there are only five or six years of good life, how can people believe it.

What's even more outrageous is that he actually said that the global record market will enter a period of recession, but the foreign record industry has developed for hundreds of years and has been enduring for a long time. How could the situation he said happen.

"How did you come to this conclusion?" Wang Changtian asked.

"The death of an industry often does not come from competitors, but from industries that are completely irrelevant to the industry. Have you ever understood the Internet?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I know a little bit!" Wang Changtian replied.

"The overall decline of the recording industry is due to the great development of the Internet. This is the trend of the times. It is not something to be stopped. However, the decline of the record market does not mean the decline of the music market. There is still a difference between the two."

"I would like to hear the details." Wang Changtian said.

"When the time comes, listeners will no longer have to buy records in this way, and music will exist and circulate in other forms, which is likely to have a great impact on traditional record companies.

The most typical example is that the distribution channels they are proud of will become dispensable, at least not in their current status. "Leaf Book said.

He didn't want to go into too much detail. After all, it would be unfavorable for him to disclose more information to the outside world. He might be involved in this business in the future, so he spoke vaguely.

In the following time, the two sat in the conference room and conducted interviews in a question-and-answer manner. The interview did not come to an end until lunch time.

At noon, Ye Zishu invited Wang Changtian to a restaurant near the company for lunch. During the meal, Ye Zishu asked, "Reporter Wang, have you thought about changing your career?"

Wang Changtian was taken aback by his abrupt words. The meal was good, so why did he suddenly ask him if he wanted to change careers?

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