Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 503 Lead the villagers to get rich?

"I still need you to say, but what kind of business is suitable!" Father didn't listen to his long analysis, so he just asked the topic directly.

Hearing his father's words, Ye Zishu smiled embarrassingly, and then said, "Let me think about it, how can I figure it out in such a short time?"

In fact, there is a lot of business, and many industries have not developed at all in this era, or even did not exist. It can be said that in this era, gold is everywhere.

But the gold is there, and not everyone can pick it up, so since he wants to give advice, he can't just say it casually. When he loses money, everyone may not say it, but he doesn't know what to think in his heart.

Few people in the village have read a lot of books, and it is only a matter of one or two years to venture outside, and they still go directly to work in factories without rich business experience.

To be honest, in this case, even for the simplest industry operation, the result is unpredictable, not to mention the complex business operation, where the possibility of mistakes is greater.

It is impossible for him to really let everyone open a restaurant. Although it is much better than farming, this business is not easy. In addition to cooking skills, it also requires some operating ability.

More importantly, the operation of restaurants is not only tiring, but also difficult to expand. In fact, most self-employed catering operators earn hard money.

If he, a super rich man, only suggested opening a restaurant, it would not reflect his ability at all, and it would be difficult for the people in the village to make a fortune.

What's more, Jiangxi's cuisine is not well-known compared to other cuisines. People from Sichuan and Hunan opened the most restaurants in their previous lives, and they were relatively successful.

Ye Zishu, a catering giant who has gone out of Jiangxi, is ignorant and has never heard of it. In this life, he does not intend to let them mess around in this business.

"Let's eat first, then I will reply after I think about it." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, his father stopped discussing this issue, but poured himself a cup of tea and drank it. Later, his mother and younger siblings finished their meals one after another, and he stayed at the end to clean the dishes.

After eating, Ye Zishu sat in the living room and chatted with his family for a while, talking, and talked about Ye Ziqin's favorite idol.

Last year she still liked Jimmy Lin, and this year she started to like Mao Ning again. After Ye Zishu heard about it, she didn't know what her little head was thinking.

Now that she is in high school, she should be very nervous about her studies. I didn't expect that she would still care about idol stars. If her grades were not good, she would probably be blamed again.

In contrast, Ye Ziqi has no distractions, and has been studying with peace of mind. He doesn't have as many nonsense things as Ye Ziqin, which makes him feel more at ease.

In fact, high school courses are basically completed in the second year of high school, and the third stage of high school is basically used to review the knowledge points learned before, so laying the foundation in the first two years is especially critical.

Now Ye Zishu is too lazy to preach like before. His younger siblings are getting older, and if they discipline them like before, it will be counterproductive, so they just let it go.

As long as the path doesn't go astray, it's better to let them develop freely, especially for the two younger sisters. His requirements are actually not high, and it's just inertia of thinking to ask them to study hard.

After sitting with his family in the living room for a while, Ye Zishu returned to his study, but sitting on the chair, he was thinking about the question his father had just asked.

There are indeed many businesses, but after adding some restrictions, it is not easy to find a business, mainly because he is too cautious.

This cannot help him from being careless. It is his own business to lose money. If his suggestion causes others to lose money, the responsibility may fall on him.

This is also what he didn't say before to lead everyone to get rich, because he knew that doing so would be thankless, so he didn't mention it at all.

Unexpectedly, his father still took such a difficult problem for him. It seems that everyone saw him getting rich and wanted to start a business to make a fortune, but they thought too simply.

If you can succeed in doing business casually, then the rich people in the country must go everywhere. The people in the country are never lacking in diligence and courage, but success belongs to only a few people.

It also needs to be removed that a considerable number of people have developed by relying on relationships, and there are very few people who have truly become rich from scratch.

It's like the monsters in the movie, but whoever can come out and show off, which one has no background, and monsters without background have only the fate of being killed by the "Monkey King".

People like him are definitely an exception. Even choosing to make his first pot of gold through music is the result of his comprehensive consideration, and he didn't just do this business casually.

In the field of culture, the most important thing is talent and personal strength. This is especially true in the field of music. It is not like the field of literature, which needs to be praised by others. The audience will know whether it is good or not.

This can bring out his strength, without relying too much on capital and relationship circles, and allow him to make a fortune as soon as possible and earn the first pot of gold in his life.

After getting the first pot of gold, he immediately invested in the high-tech field. With his strength at that time, the software industry was the field where he was most likely to succeed, and it was also the field where he had the strongest strength.

Gu Yu

The most important point is that the software field also does not need to deal with complex relationships, and the company structure is not as complicated as that of a physical enterprise, and management is not particularly strenuous.

Relying on the advanced graphics operating system in this way, his wealth has grown further, and at the same time, he has also accumulated prestige for himself in the process, and he is no longer a small role like before.

But that alone is not considered insurance. To make the industry more stable, it is necessary to bind more stakeholders to him.

According to ordinary people's thinking, it must be to find a big backer with strength and background, but Ye Zishu understands that doing so is likely to quench thirst with poison, and there will be endless troubles in the future.

And the backer he chose was the broad masses of the people. As long as enough people relied on his industrial system to survive, he could also achieve his goal of protecting himself.

So he started to enter the physical manufacturing industry, and even got out of control. It was not enough to have a huge Xuanwu technology company, and he had to desperately support the development of Wancheng Foundation.

At the same time, Kirin Industrial Group was also established. The development of these real industries will lead to the survival of hundreds of millions of people in the future, which will be closely related to him. In his opinion, the people are the most reliable backer.

A talented person like him must be careful and step by step when developing industries. Every step is the result of in-depth thinking.

Now such a group of farmers, if they are given industries with development potential, not to mention whether they have the ability to manage it, the many problems they will face in the future are also stumbling blocks on their way.

To be honest, he really didn't have the confidence to entrust any business to them, and it was very likely that the money would be wasted later, and he couldn't afford any splashes.

If they are asked to be self-employed, maybe they are not willing, otherwise they would not seek his advice. The purpose of seeking advice is to do big business.

If they are given industries with development potential, whether they can develop and keep them is a very real question.

This problem completely stumped him. He sat in his seat and thought for a long time, but there was no good solution. The main reason was that he lacked confidence in their management ability and ability to deal with crises.

In fact, while eating, he had already thought of a business that might be more suitable for them to manage, and that was the lo-mei industry.

In the previous life, the market scale of my country's lo-mei industry was very large, and many large companies were born, which shows that the development potential of this industry in China is very huge.

More importantly, except for the formula, the operating structure of lo-mei is not particularly complicated, and the profit margin is definitely not low in this era, and it has the ability to expand rapidly.

In fact, there are already many lo-mei operators, but they have not yet operated with the idea of ​​industrial development, and they are all in the stage of self-employed development.

According to the capital scale and management ability of the villagers, when they develop, it is estimated that others will develop faster, and it is really uncertain whether they will be able to compete by then.

It's not his company, he's just offering a suggestion, and he can't ask for advice all day long, and Ye Zishu is also unwilling to get too involved in other people's business operations.

As it is now, if there is a good result, it’s all right, if the result is not good, good intentions will be regarded as the liver and lungs of a donkey, which is a thankless behavior.

In order to stand out in the lo-mei market and occupy the market at a faster speed, two key elements are very important. The first is the formula, which belongs to the core competitiveness of the lo-mei industry.

Apparently, the people in his village didn't have such a formula, nor did they have any experience in running the catering and food industry, so it was completely unfamiliar to them.

The second is funding. Regardless of their total funding of nearly one million, it is not a big problem if they only open a few stores, but if they want to quickly expand to the whole country, this amount of funds is not enough.

Of course, there is another model, that is, the Shaxian snack model, which brings together many people, and the organizer focuses on operating a unified brand, turning the power of a group of self-employed people into the power of an enterprise.

However, this loose alliance model has many problems. It cannot provide consumers with unified services. The business situation is completely determined by the participants themselves. The organizers can only make some fuss about the supply chain at most.

After much deliberation, I still feel that it is better to set up a lo-mei company and let the villagers pay for some shares, at least the probability of success is much higher.

He can produce all kinds of lo-mei recipes, and he can even provide the technology needed to establish a whole set of lo-mei industry, so as to ensure that the taste of the products produced is completely consistent and the quality can be guaranteed.

Moreover, I also have a lot of funds in my hand, and now I don't spend much money on the purchase of courtyard houses, but the funds in my personal account are accumulating more and more, and I have to invest them out.

In addition, after my father contracted the field to others, he became a little idle. He just found something for him to do, and he made suggestions behind the scenes. He didn't need to manage it himself, which could save him a lot of energy.

The more he thinks about it, the more feasible this model is, and even more people can be recruited in the future. For such an industry, he does not need to occupy 100% of the shares.

In the end, he himself doesn't think much of such an industry. Even the catering brand "China Xiaodangjia" doesn't really matter to him for a while, it's just a pawn played in his spare time.

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