Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 494 An Opportunity and a Crisis

The Taiji Group, who thought that there was not much to do, found that after this meeting, they had received quite a lot of tasks, and many of them were relatively complicated.

After Ye Zishu and Pei Qing finished chatting about the Taiji Group, the last link was to speak freely. The other people in charge just watched from the sidelines and did not speak.

During the free-talking session, the heads of various companies can express their own thinking, not only involving the group companies they manage, but also expressing their views on some issues of brother companies.

It may be the first time for this link, and the heads of various companies are still a little restrained. Originally, Ye Zishu wanted to see if they could point out some problems of other group companies.

As a result, everyone basically exposed the shortcomings of the managed group company, and the problems pointed out by other brother companies were not painful, which made Ye Zishu a little disappointed.

But he can also understand that if the other party is magnanimous, it's okay, if not, the more problems they point out, the more they will offend them. They are all smart people, and they can clearly see the pros and cons.

The people who can sit in this position are all good people, and they all have strong self-confidence. It is really hard to say whether they can accept the problems pointed out by others.

Although he was a little disappointed, Ye Zishu didn't say anything, but said lightly: "Enterprise development will inevitably encounter problems, some are easier to find, and some may be hidden deeply.

If you want to develop a company well, you should not only focus on the problems that can be seen on the surface, but also expose the hidden problems as soon as possible and solve them.

The so-called "Threesomes must have my teacher", there is also an ancient saying that "the bystander is clear, and the authority is lost".

Just relying on me to make decisions, or relying on the person in charge of the company to make decisions, may not be perfect, and may even make wrong decisions.

Now that you have already sat in this position, you must be brave enough to take responsibility. In the future, there will be a group discussion session at the annual meeting every year, hoping to make a difference. "

After saying this, Ye Zishu ignored the thoughts of the heads of various companies, but turned to Guo Dongsheng and said, "Your investment scale this year is very huge.

Having more money is certainly a good thing, but you are also facing the greatest pressure. How to make such a huge amount of money operate effectively will be a huge test for you.

In the past, you also wanted to gradually develop your business from some economically developed coastal cities to second- and third-tier cities, and even inland cities.

But now it seems that such a move is a bit conservative. The construction industry chain you have established before may need to expand its production, and its layout also needs to be extended to the mainland.

Fortunately, your industrial chain has been built. Compared with starting from scratch, expanding production is much easier, but you still can't relax in management. The easier the stage, the more likely it is to go wrong. "

Wancheng Foundation is special among the group companies. Other group companies are worried about how to make more money, but Wancheng Foundation is worried about how to effectively spend the money in hand.

At present, Wancheng Foundation has no profit requirements. It's not that Ye Zishu doesn't care about this, but because he knows the current situation, he can't have too many high requirements for Wancheng Foundation.

It is already remarkable that they can do a good job in the construction business, and the issue of profitability will not be considered until they stabilize the current form.

As long as the fixed assets are there, as the economy continues to develop and business operations gradually mature, it is only a matter of time before profits are made. According to priorities, the problem of profitability is not particularly urgent.

Any simple thing, as long as the quantity increases, there will be a qualitative change. According to Wancheng Foundation's investment of more than one trillion yuan, the scale of the employed population will exceed tens of millions.

How to effectively manage such a large team is the most severe test that Wancheng Foundation will face next, if they can really organize such a large team to coordinate and work together.

Then it means that the follow-up asset operation will not be a problem, because they have established strong management capabilities at this stage.

According to the current operating conditions of his industries, if there is no accident, the amount of funds that can be invested in Wancheng Foundation will only increase in the future.

At that time, the scale of fixed assets of Wancheng Foundation will be very large. How to manage such a large amount of assets in the future and keep these assets in a state of efficient operation will be a topic that Wancheng Foundation cannot avoid.

The previous management experience may bring them a lot of benefits in the future operation of these assets, so Ye Zishu turned his attention to Guo Dongsheng again.


After getting Guo Dongsheng's response, Ye Zishu said: "Tai Chi Group will be responsible for the construction of hospitals all over the country, and the infrastructure part will also be handed over to you.

Don’t you want to build urban complexes above county-level cities? When planning or project execution, you can take Taiji Group’s hospital construction into consideration, which will save costs even more. "

Guo Dongsheng did not expect that Ye Zishu would hand over the construction of Taiji Group's hospital to Wancheng Foundation. Although it seemed a bit natural, it still surprised him.

Taiji Group will invest more than 5000 billion yuan in hospital construction, and the proportion of infrastructure construction is about 40%, which means that this is a super project of more than 2000 billion yuan.

In addition, Wancheng Foundation itself has a complete construction industry chain system, and most of the money earned is still within the system, which is of great benefit to their entire group enterprise.

At the same time, Guo Dongsheng also felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier. Originally, they had a huge investment demand that had not been fully implemented, and now such a super big project came.

In the past, Guo Dongsheng was very happy that Ye Zishu planned to invest hundreds of billions of yuan every year, but now he feels that such a huge investment is overwhelming him.

If it is done well, he can naturally feel elated. At such an annual meeting, he won't feel uncomfortable all over. At that time, the heads of other group companies will look at him high.

If he fails to do well, or even has a major problem, then as the person in charge of the group, he will definitely not be able to escape punishment. Although he will not be replaced directly, his status will definitely be lower.

Therefore, for Guo Dongsheng, the next few years are not only his great opportunity, but also his great crisis. Whether it is an opportunity or a crisis depends on his ability.

Of course, Ye Zishu didn't give him a death order. Although it was true that he had given so much money, he really couldn't use it all up, so he wouldn't force it.

In the construction industry, management and safety are the most important. If you ignore the reality in order to use up the funds as soon as possible, it is easy to go wrong, and once a major accident occurs, the subsequent things will be difficult.

He also talked to Guo Dongsheng frankly about this idea, because he was afraid that he would blindly carry out expansion projects and neglect management in order to show himself in front of him.

Originally, Ye Zishu wanted them to open up the construction industry market, but now that he thought about it, he still felt that forget it, they were already under a lot of pressure, and maybe it would be better to slow down.

In fact, the construction industry chain they have established has many good things, many advanced construction materials, and has strong international competitiveness.

There are also a lot of engineering equipment, especially the technical strength of construction engineering equipment, not to mention domestically, even in the international arena.

If the construction industry wants to develop well, all kinds of engineering equipment are indispensable. The participation of engineering equipment can not only reduce the labor intensity of workers, but also improve the quality of construction, increase construction efficiency, and reduce construction difficulty.

If they can make effective use of these technological advantages, the industrial chain they have built will bring them huge benefits.

Now that their own business is so huge, it is good enough that the production capacity of these industrial chains can meet their own business development. If they want to expand the market, the current production capacity cannot meet it.

Moreover, the scale of the domestic infrastructure market is not very large, and it is hard to say how big the international market is. The infrastructure market in developed countries is actually not large, and the number of construction machinery and equipment required is relatively limited.

And other third world countries have no money for infrastructure construction, and the demand for these advanced construction machinery will not be very high.

From this point of view, it seems that the largest market for their industrial chain is still in China. In the future, domestic infrastructure development will continue to be crazy for more than 20 years, which is the golden period for the development of Wancheng Jiye's industrial chain.

After finishing what should be said, seeing that everyone had nothing else to say, Ye Zishu ended the annual meeting directly, and at the same time wished the people in charge a new year.

As for the Kirin Industrial Group that Ye Zishu manages, he didn't say much at the annual meeting. Many businesses here have not yet fully developed.

The currently delineated businesses do not have a particularly strong relationship with them. Taiji Group is more deeply involved. The raw materials and key equipment needed for many of their businesses have to wait for Kirin Industrial Group to provide them.

At most, other companies provide parts and components to Kirin Industrial Group. Although Kirin Industrial Group has key technologies, many parts are still purchased from Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company.

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