Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 49 Are you going to change careers?

The MV script of "Chi Ling" written by him can be used as a sample MV script, and it has important reference significance for the current MV filming that has just started in China.

Seeing the fruits of my labor, the more I look at it, the better I feel, and I even have an urge to write a thesis on how to shoot a good MV.

The matter of filming MV has been raised to a theoretical level, and more guidance has been given to domestic MV shooting, so that many directors can avoid detours.

But after thinking about it, he still abandoned this idea. He is very short of time now, and it is not worthwhile for him to spend a day or two writing this.

Put the written script aside, continue to sit back in front of the computer, and start writing programming language codes. I can adapt to participate in the entertainment industry, but I can't trap myself in it.

Time is very precious to him. Writing a new programming language and operating system is just the first step in his plan. There will be a lot of technological work behind him, which will almost consume all his time and energy.

It was already eight o'clock when I got up from the bed in the morning. After a simple wash, I took a taxi and rushed directly to the company's location to meet Zhang Guoli.

When I came to the company, the employees had already come to work, but Guo Dongsheng hadn't arrived yet, so he probably went to discuss the sale of the courtyard house with the previous seller of the courtyard house.

I found a seat and waited for a while. Guo Dongsheng hadn't arrived yet, but Zhang Guoli had arrived first. His appearance was easily recognizable by Ye Zishu at a glance.

Seeing Zhang Guoli approaching, Ye Zishu immediately stood up, walked towards Zhang Guoli, and said, "Teacher Zhang Guoli, hello!"

"You are Ye Zishu?" Zhang Guoli asked uncertainly.

He showed his face on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and many people remembered his appearance, but it was made up, let alone make up now, even the hair was not specially taken care of, the image is still a bit different.

"I am Ye Zishu, the boss of Shengshi Records. Manager Guo has some important matters to delay, so let me talk to you about the cooperation." Ye Zishu said.

He calmly explained the reason for Guo Dongsheng's absence. After all, the guests had arrived but the host hadn't arrived. It was really unreasonable and would leave a bad impression on the other party.

"I'm fine." Zhang Guoli said with a smile.

"Alright then, please come with me to the meeting room, let's talk about the filming of the MV in detail." Ye Zishu said.

After the two came to the meeting room and sat down, and asked Guo Dongsheng's secretary to make tea, Ye Zishu said: "This time, I invited Teacher Zhang over to shoot the MV for "Red Ling".

At present, Mr. Zhang is the only one who has the experience of filming MV in China. It can be said that he is the No.1 in domestic MV shooting. "

His words praised Zhang Guoli, which made him very happy. No matter what, it is a happy thing for his profession to be affirmed by the other party.

Not long after he divorced his ex-wife, he married Deng Jie again. During this period of time, there was a lot of pressure, and in this day and age, the salary was not very high, so he thought about making more money by filming the MV.

It can be said that this period of time was the most difficult period for Zhang Guoli. Now that the mv he filmed in order to earn extra money has been affirmed by others, it seems that a little haze has been lifted from his heart.

"Boss Ye, you're being polite, it's just for dinner!" Zhang Guoli said politely.

"Mr. Zhang, you're welcome. This is the MV script I wrote. Take a look first. If you have any questions, feel free to bring them up and we'll solve them face to face." After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he handed the prepared script to Zhang Guoli.

Zhang Guoli saw the other party take out a relatively thick stack of manuscript paper, with a surprised expression on his face. He didn't expect the other party to write such a thick script for the MV.

However, he didn't speak. He took the script and began to read it carefully. As an insider, he is quite familiar with the script, so it's no problem to understand it.

Ye Zishu was sitting quietly in his seat. The tea in front of Zhang Guoli was cold, and he was in charge of refilling it. The meeting room suddenly fell into silence.

An hour later, Guo Dongsheng finally came. He went straight out of the meeting room and talked with Guo Dongsheng about the purchase of the courtyard house. The progress went very smoothly.

The other party's courtyard house covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters, which is neither too big nor too small in the capital. It cost 2 yuan, which is simply too cheap in Ye Zishu's opinion.

Tomorrow, Guo Dongsheng will take the money and go to the government unit with the owner to change the registration information of the house. After completing this step, the purchase is considered successful.

After talking about this matter, Ye Zishu and Guo Dongsheng came to the conference room together. Zhang Guoli was still reading the script quietly. Judging from the expression on his face, this script should be of great help to him.

Half an hour later, Zhang Guoli finally finished reading the script, and said three good words to Ye Zishu, and then found Guo Dongsheng next to him. The two of them had never met and did not know each other.

Ye Zishu introduced them to each other and said, "Mr. Zhang, do you think there is a problem with shooting the MV based on this script?"

"There is no problem at all, it's just that the cost of shooting in this way is not low." Zhang Guoli kindly reminded.

"It doesn't matter if the cost is high, we just want to set a benchmark for MV in China." Ye Zishu said without hesitation.

"Then there's no problem." Zhang Guoli said with a smile.

"Then there's Mr. Zhang. Next, let's talk about your compensation. The cooperation must be straight to the point. If you have any suggestions for compensation, feel free to ask." Ye Zishu said.

"It's better for you to say the number!" Zhang Guoli said.

Let him say it himself, it’s definitely not easy to say, he will suffer if he says less, and if he says too much, this cooperation may be ruined, so he directly kicked the ball to Ye Zishu.

"Since Teacher Zhang trusts us, let's just say it straight, we have prepared 5 yuan for the shooting of this MV, and we will use good film and equipment to make the picture clearer.

As the director of the MV, we will give you 5% of the reward, that is to say, we will give you 2500 yuan as the director's reward. What do you think? "Leaf Book asked.

The figure he mentioned is definitely much higher than the current price. Since he wants to win over Zhang Guoli, he can't be too stingy.

"No problem, no problem!" Zhang Guoli was very surprised when he heard the number he reported.

I didn't expect that there was a company willing to spend so much money to shoot an mv. Now it doesn't cost much to shoot a low-budget movie, and his mv is only a few minutes.

And I was surprised that he actually paid 2500 yuan, which is a huge sum of money compared to the current monthly salary of only about 1 to [-] yuan.

"Boss, is it a bit high?" Guo Dongsheng approached Ye Zishu and asked in a low voice.

Hearing what Guo Dongsheng said, Ye Zishu ignored him, turned to Zhang Guoli and said, "I am very optimistic about Teacher Zhang's talent, and his future achievements are definitely not comparable to what he is doing now."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli moved his buttocks on the seat, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Boss Ye, for your love, and I hope to accept your good words."

"Mr. Zhang, it's a bit of a waste of your talent to just film an MV. Do you plan to change careers?" Ye Zishu asked.

Zhang Guoli was taken aback by what he said, and he bewitched him to change careers just by saying it. He wanted to change careers and change the current predicament, but he couldn't change careers just because he wanted to.

"What suggestion does Boss Ye have?" Zhang Guoli asked.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhang, I also have a Shengshi film and television company under my umbrella, which specializes in the production and distribution of TV dramas and movies, and now I need a person in charge to take charge of this company.

In my opinion, Mr. Zhang not only has the quality and talent of an actor and director, but also adapts quickly to new things. In addition, he has a certain network of contacts in the film and television industry over the years, so he is very suitable to be the person in charge of this company. "

Ye Zishu didn't intend to talk too much nonsense, so he directly invited Zhang Guoli to come to his film and television company. Whether the other party agrees or not depends on whether he is willing to spend money.

Zhang Guoli looked at Ye Zishu, he didn't know what to say for a while, he just came to talk about business, but the other party actually wanted his people.

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