Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 476 The potential is far more than this

It's just that the wealth he currently possesses is really too much. If it is not so conspicuous in developed countries, it is a bit appalling in China.

So he can't report all the wealth in his hands, otherwise there will be a huge disturbance. He also wants to be quiet and doesn't want to spend so much energy dealing with outside affairs.

So at the end of the email, he directly set the wealth value at around 2000 billion yuan. As for the specific amount, he let Shengshi Media Group calculate it by itself, and its subsidiaries would not provide them with any data.

To be honest, this amount of wealth is still huge, but if it is hidden, it will appear very fake. Even economists who do not know the specific situation can obtain a considerable wealth value through external data.

That's why he set a half-truth and half-false data. He doesn't care how to compile it. The industry under him is so huge and the financial data is very complicated. Even if an insider wants to figure it out, it is not an easy task. .

What's more, the current financial data under the company are all taken over by artificial intelligence, and the financial staff only know part of what they should know, and they don't know anything else.

Even the company's chief financial officer only knows the data of his own company, and they don't know the data of other companies. What's more, people outside can only see the flowers in the fog and can't see the truth.

He really didn't expect that in less than four years, the current huge situation could be created, which was something he never thought of when he started his business.

His idea at the beginning was actually very simple, that is, to use his golden fingers to promote the development of the domestic economy towards high-quality and high-tech as soon as possible.

At the same time, create a large number of jobs, arrange for the upcoming laid-off workers, and guide more rural surplus labor to make a living in the city, reducing the number of rural poor.

More importantly, use your own scientific knowledge to create more wealth, and then flow the wealth to all levels of society, so that more people can enjoy more development dividends.

However, his industry is a bit out of touch with the entire social and economic system, and he cannot increase the salary of his employees too much, otherwise there will definitely be problems.

This led to his larger fixed asset investment plan in front of him, and he even deliberately spread the money to counties that would not be very profitable for the time being.

Not to mention how much money can be made in the current county economy, it would be good if the industries built in it can maintain operations, so at least he does not need to subsidize the operation for operation.

In this way, more jobs can be created for the county, and a considerable number of people can be employed locally without having to travel thousands of miles to work in other places.

Moreover, the tentacles of the industry have reached the county level, which is very beneficial for him and his subsidiaries to understand the national economic situation and lay a solid foundation for the rational allocation of industries in the future.

The current direction of industrial development is mainly concentrated in larger cities. After all, the conditions in all aspects are much better than those of county towns. Talents, transportation, taxes, government affairs capabilities, etc. are not comparable to county towns.

From an investment point of view, he invested 3000 billion yuan in the county seat, which can be called a money-sprinkling plan, which is a very uneconomical business.

But for him, he has enough money, so much that he has to worry about how to spend it. It is not good to simply consider the investment income, and it is more important to consider the issue of wealth distribution.

It is definitely not possible to directly distribute money, and it will not work, unless he can distribute money to all the people in the country, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.

The money can only be distributed through seemingly unprofitable investments, and he feels that these current investments are not making money, which does not mean that they will not make money in the future.

If you only focus on the short-term interests, it is just the perspective of a small business owner. At his level, he no longer focuses on the short-term interests, but looks at the long-term interests, and the long-term investment will bring more and more lasting benefits.

No matter how streamlined he is, the wealth of 2000 billion yuan can be viewed globally. Apart from the hidden wealth of the big family, his personal wealth can still rank first in the open.

In the eyes of others, this is a trouble of happiness for him, but for him, it is already a real trouble. I hope that it will not involve too much energy on me.

There are too many things at hand. The current industrial structure seems to be huge, but in fact it is not solid enough. The main reason is that there is not enough time accumulation.

The current industry is still configured according to the target main business, and the business expansion is not very large, which has caused serious waste of technology, but he personally cannot take care of these details.

For example, the company responsible for optics under Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd., their technology can be used to develop many products, but currently it only supports the industrial chain under Xuanwu Technology Company.

In addition, other companies under his umbrella need their optical equipment, and they will also customize or sell existing equipment, which is actually a serious waste.

At this annual meeting, he plans to bring this matter up, so that each company can mobilize its own initiative, and try not to confine its business internally, but to develop outward.

For example, the CNC processing company of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has done very well. It not only meets the needs of the group, but also obtains huge benefits from the outside, and at the same time promotes the development of related domestic industries.

Of course, there are many reasons for this situation. The first one is that many companies have no energy to develop external business because of the short time and heavy tasks.

In order to be able to open up the entire industrial chain, the entire Xuanwu Technology Company mainly cooperates with the head office. Otherwise, it would be impossible to establish a complex and powerful electronic semiconductor industrial chain in less than two years.


The second reason is that the industrial chain is very complicated, so the outside world doesn't know how many good things Xuanwu Technology has, so naturally they can't come to seek cooperation.

For example, their CNC processing equipment was known by domestic merchants at the Canton Fair, otherwise even companies outside of their advanced CNC processing equipment would not be very clear.

The reason why electronic components sell well is also because Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. itself is mainly engaged in electronic foundry and semiconductor foundry business, and outside companies can find them by looking for them.

Therefore, the development of these two businesses did not take their own initiative to develop externally, but because others came to seek cooperation, and they achieved such good results.

Therefore, the achievements made by Xuanwu Technology last year, compared with the technology and patents they own, are actually not worthy of pride and pride.

The reason why he is quite satisfied is mainly because they really lacked energy before. If the development of these industries is still the same this year, his attitude will be different again.

So far, the number of core patents he has provided to Xuanwu Technology has exceeded 10, and Xuanwu Technology has applied for more non-core patents.

The number of their patents is much more comprehensive than that of established companies that have developed for decades or hundreds of years. They only master one link of the industrial chain, while they master all links of the entire industrial chain.

As of the end of last year, they held a total of 25 patents, of which 15 were applied by R&D personnel based on the technical information provided by him, and there are also patents derived from technical information.

This is not all. Due to limited time and energy, many technologies have not been sorted out. It is the top priority to open up the industrial chain first, and the patent application can be postponed for a while.

There is also a considerable part of the reason that the product is not sold externally because of this, because once the product is exposed to the outside world without applying for a patent, it may be registered for a patent, and the loss will be huge.

At the beginning, Ye Zishu didn't have so much energy to sort out the patents. He only applied for patents for the core technology, and he didn't want to waste time on other trivial technologies.

He estimated that after digesting all the technical information, the number of patents held by Xuanwu Technology alone will exceed 30, covering almost all aspects of electronic semiconductor manufacturing.

They are already using some patented technologies, and some patented technologies are not actually used in their products, but are sealed up.

Some of these sealed patents are used to block competitors, making it difficult for them to bypass Xuanwu Technology's patent barriers.

The other part is for industrial upgrading in the future. The upgrading of the electronic semiconductor industry is too fast, and technical preparations must have a certain amount of advance, so that it is easier to survive in the fierce market competition.

It stands to reason that their technical system of such a scale, not to mention the annual revenue of only 7000 billion yuan, even 2 trillion yuan is too low, and the output value of 5 trillion yuan can be regarded as some achievement.

In fact, the situation faced by Qinglong Technology Company is similar, but their system is relatively smaller, and the number of basic patents is relatively small, resulting in a lower number of patents than that of Xuanwu Technology Company.

However, the total number of patents exceeds 10. Among them, the number of patents in the communication field is the largest, and the rest are patents in the fields of computers, home appliances, and consumer electronics.

Among them, the patents with the most patents are sensor patents, and he specially gave them more support in sensor technology.

The future intelligent society will be built on the basis of sensors. It is very necessary to lay a solid foundation in this area in advance, and it is also a way to limit competitors.

In the future, the market size of sensors alone will exceed the trillion yuan mark. It is impossible for him to give up this market, but at present, many sensors are not used at all. The technology obtained by Qinglong Technology is only for internal research and has not been put on the market.

Even Phoenix Technology, which everyone doesn't look down upon, has a large number of patents. As of the end of last year, it has applied for more than 5 patents. It should have the largest number of patents in the software field.

It can even be said that the total number of patents of other software companies is not as large as that of one of their companies, which is why Phoenix Technology can earn so much money.

In addition, there are still many core technologies that have not applied for patents, because once a patent is applied for, it will not bring them much benefit after the protection period.

The most typical is their intelligent technology. This is not the artificial intelligence technology given by Ye Zishu. There are also many advanced algorithms that have not applied for patents.

When used in the software, it is either encrypted or run in a black box, and the internal technical information cannot be viewed from the outside. The encryption technology provided by Leaf Book is still very reliable.

If these technologies of theirs realize their full potential and turn them into real economic benefits, the scale of wealth created will definitely not be comparable to what it is now.

Now Ye Shu is doing nothing. With these technologies, he can live for decades without worrying about his wealth shrinking.

He hopes that these companies can make good use of these technological advantages, and make steady progress in the next few years, so that these advantages can be truly brought into play.

At the same time, he also hopes that these companies can create more technologies by themselves, instead of just relying on the technologies he gave and waiting to die, otherwise they will not be able to survive one day in the future.

So to the outside world, the amount of his wealth is astonishing, but his real wealth potential is unimaginable to the outside world. In his eyes, money is really just a number, and the actual value created is what he values.

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