Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 468 Drought and flood uneven

The remaining most profitable subsidiary is Seagull Interactive Entertainment, which has a revenue of 1620 billion yuan on handheld game platforms and home game platforms, and has also achieved good results on personal computer platforms.

In less than half a year, relying on the rapid development of the personal computer business of Qinglong Technology Company, their games also shine on the personal computer platform.

A total of 2 million copies of games have been sold, with an average price of 50 US dollars, equivalent to about 300 yuan. After deducting the app store commission, a total of 450 billion yuan in revenue has been achieved.

In the past, the video game industry, which many people didn't think much of, did not expect to generate a revenue of 2070 billion yuan in a short period of time, with a net profit rate of about 80%, and a net profit of 1656 billion yuan.

Fortunately, these data will not be released to the public. If you see these data, many people will definitely complain. Compared with companies in the industry and software companies, it is a bit light to say "bitter haha".

You must know that there are so many people in Xuanwu Technology Company, and after a year of hard work, the net profit obtained is not much more than that of a company that makes games.

This is because the number of platforms is relatively small. There are only 3000 million computer platforms, and only 9000 million handheld game platforms and home game platforms combined. Looking at it next year, the revenue will increase by a large margin.

Cross-age technology can indeed bring revenue beyond imagination. If it is replaced by other game companies, it will be very difficult to achieve such a high revenue.

In fact, colleagues also know that the income of Seagull Interactive Entertainment is very high during this period, because their game players are everywhere, which can be described as unprecedented.

Anyone who plays games has more or less bought their games, even rich players have bought almost all of their games, it doesn't matter if they can't finish playing, just play slowly later.

Their large-scale games are visual feasts and stories of ups and downs, and their small games are also full of fun. It seems that every game has touched the hearts of players, and people can't help but want to buy it.

The game planning given by Ye Zishu at the beginning is definitely not an ordinary person, it is a classic game from the previous life, and he even corrected the shortcomings to make the overall effect of the game even better.

Coupled with the support of more advanced game engine technology and intelligent algorithms, even if many game companies want to make game products of the same level, it is impossible in a short time.

Therefore, many game companies strongly request to cooperate with Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment, hoping to obtain authorization to use their game engine, so that they can compete with them at a similar height.

In this regard, they did not adopt a conservative strategy, and readily agreed to cooperate. Due to the lack of competition, the authorization fee was set at 5%.

In other words, 5% of the revenue from games made using their game engine must be paid to Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment.

In addition to being able to charge fees in this regard, whether it is the Phoenix OS application store, or handheld game platforms and home game platforms, Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment can also get a 25% commission.

Because these three platforms also use their game running technology, which can make the game run more smoothly on these platforms, and can achieve heights that cannot be achieved by ordinary technology.

It seems that 25% is not worth [-]%. In fact, these technologies provide huge advantages for the future competition of these platforms.

In addition, these three platforms are all their own. Although the interests seem to be inconsistent on the surface, there is actually not much difference in the end, so they did not fight too hard with each other, and agreed to this sharing ratio.

Therefore, no matter how the competitors develop, Sea-Gull Interactive Entertainment can collect tolls. As long as they continue to maintain their technological advantages, this part of the income will always exist.

It’s just that the cooperation period is relatively short, and the partners have not yet launched games for sale. So far, the income has been zero, and I am not sure about the future income. It depends on whether the partners are strong.

Although the unit price of the industrial software made by Suzaku Software is high, the sales volume is limited, which is negligible compared with the revenue of the above two companies, but there is no problem in maintaining its own operations.

Although their industrial software is very advanced, it will take a certain amount of time to transmit it to the industrial field, and advanced technology does not mean that they can dominate the country immediately.

One is that it takes a long time to update industrial manufacturing equipment, and it is impossible to replace a piece of software for you. Second, the use of industrial software is completely different from the use of personal software.

This requires a considerable number of practitioners to be proficient in the use of their industrial software. At present, they are developing relevant tutorials and providing paid training for users.

In short, the future of this business is worth looking forward to, but it is still quite difficult to see obvious results within one or two years. We can only say that we should take our time and continue to cultivate in this field.

Originally, the establishment of this company was not aimed at making a lot of money, but to provide software supporting services for its industries, and it was enough to achieve self-sufficiency.

Advanced industrial software requires the cooperation of advanced manufacturing equipment, so that it can play a stronger role. At present, the domestic advanced manufacturing industry has just started, and it will take some time to ferment.

But even so, with the sales of advanced processing and manufacturing equipment such as Xuanwu Technology's advanced CNC machine tools, they still earned 50 billion yuan in revenue.

They hope to increase this income to 100 billion yuan next year. Ye Zishu believes that this goal is not very high and should be achievable.

Jiufeng Software Company performed very well during this period. Although it did not appear to dominate the Jianghu that Ye Zishu idealized, it squeezed out a lot of market share of traditional application software giants.

Their image processing software, video processing software, audio processing software, animation production software, desktop publishing software and other tool software sales are very gratifying.

First, advanced technology and powerful functions lead to a relatively high price of a single product. You get what you pay for, and it is impossible to sell cheaper than other inferior products.

The second is that they provide too many types of software. Even if the sales volume of each item is not too large, the total sales volume added together is still very large.

In the second half of last year, they launched 50 application tool software to the market one after another, covering 80% of the needs of the business software market, covering a very wide range.

Last year, the total revenue also reached 1000 billion yuan, partly from the incremental market, and partly from seizing the market share of competitors.

This is just the beginning. Their goal next year is to double their operating income, further expand their market size, and increase their market share.

Next, there are two research and development directions. The first is to provide software services for the needs of market segments, and the second is to focus on the future development direction of software demand and conduct software research and development in advance.

In fact, they are still holding the software projects given to them by Leaf Book, some of which have not been developed yet, and some of which have been developed but have not yet been launched.

As the economy has fully entered the electronic age, the software market is developing rapidly every year. The high revenue of Phoenix Technology's companies is stepping on the node of the times.

Part of the trend of this era is driven by the era itself, and the other part is promoted by the companies under Ye Zishu themselves. The combination of the two makes the electronic era more ferocious.

At this juncture, relying on advanced software technology, excellent product architecture and functional design, and an early grasp of the future direction of electronic development, it is not difficult to seize the opportunity.

As long as a monopoly advantage is formed during this period of time, it will be difficult to be snatched back by competitors in the future. The Matthew effect of the advantages in the software field is obvious.

Although Honghu Software Company and Baihe Software Company focus on different fields, they do basically the same thing. One focuses on the field of enterprise management software, and the other focuses on the field of government affairs software.

In contrast, the development speed of Honghu Software Company is much faster. After all, enterprises have operating pressures. They will actively use any technology and tools that reduce management costs and improve enterprise operating efficiency.

Last year, the total operating income of Honghu Software Company was only 200 billion yuan, half of which came from brother group companies, and the remaining half was earned from outside.

This income is not low on the outside, but compared with many brother companies, it is very pitiful. It is impossible to say that they have no ideas.

They divide enterprise management software into three levels, namely l1 to l3, and l1 is the conventional standard enterprise management software. Currently, they sell the most products of this type.

The price of this kind of product is the cheapest, and it can only meet the basic informatization of enterprise management, and has no particularly significant effect on improving the overall efficiency of the enterprise and reducing the difficulty of management.

It can be said that it is an entry-level product of an enterprise management software system. At present, such a product is more suitable for the domestic situation. After all, many companies do not even fully understand what information management is, and they are too advanced.

The L2 level is to provide customized services for enterprises, and to tailor an information management system for them according to the actual operating conditions of the enterprises and the management goals they want to achieve.

This can make the informationized enterprise management system and the actual business of the enterprise more suitable, and can better reflect the realization of the business purpose and management goals of the enterprise.

It's just that this kind of customized product does not contain any intelligent technology, and because the cost is much higher, the price is naturally several times higher than that of L1-level products.

The L3 level is the intelligent customization service, which is still a level behind the artificial intelligence management system used internally, but it belongs to the top technology ranks outside.

It's just that the technical reserves of products at this level are not enough. After all, the artificial intelligence leaf book was only produced in October last year, not long from now.

L3-level intelligent system technology is realized by relying on artificial intelligence front-end technology. After understanding the application of front-end artificial intelligence technology, it is still very fast to develop related enterprise management systems.

After all, the programming tools they use now are much more efficient than before. Employees no longer need to focus on how to write code, but only need to focus on how business and technology are implemented.

Although their current revenue scale is not very high, Ye Zishu is very optimistic about their future development, especially the launch of L3-level products, which is likely to monopolize the high-end enterprise management software market.

In addition, the technical content of L1 and L2 level products is not low, the update and iteration speed is faster, and the competitive advantage is also obvious. It is still very capable in the low-end market.

If these goals can be achieved, it will not be difficult for the annual revenue to exceed one trillion yuan in the future, but now they are just dormant.

This is from the perspective of products and technologies. Their market plan will also be very different this year. They will actively explore the international market and formulate a global strategic plan for this.

Regardless of whether their plans for this year are successful or not, at least this direction is correct. The domestic market is indeed inferior to foreign markets at present, and they must go out if they want to develop.

Relying on its own technical advantages, recruiting international talents, making products more advantageous and opening up the international market is easier.

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