Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 456 The more business I want to get involved in

It’s just that so many licenses have been issued, how to carry out business has made Ye Zishu a little bit awkward. Before, he only wanted to do a good job in solar power generation, and the others were not considered for the time being.

But now he has to think more, otherwise he will waste a rare opportunity, which he is unwilling to accept, and opportunities are not often available.

At present, many things in China are in the exploratory stage, and there are more opportunities. After many things are formalized, there are fewer and fewer opportunities.

He was afraid of wasting the opportunity, and when the situation changed again when it was time to develop, he would really have to beat his chest. The best way was to start the business as soon as possible and occupy the market.

Even if the situation has changed by then, the facts already exist, and many things may not be so bad, which is very important.

For example, if the gas business does not obtain the business license, it may simply be used for electrical energy storage. After all, the cost of batteries is too high, and the cost of converting electrical energy into chemical energy storage is actually lower.

What he wants now is to spread the gas pipeline network to major cities across the country, so that cities can get rid of the dependence on traditional gas and coal, and achieve cleaner heat supply in one step.

According to his technology, one cubic meter of gas needs to consume 10 kilowatt-hours of electricity. If the power generation cost is 0.2 yuan per kilowatt-hour, the cost of one cubic meter of natural gas is about 2.2 yuan.

This price is actually very high, and ordinary residents must not be able to afford it, but it is calculated based on the apparent cost of power generation.

If calculated according to the real cost, the cost per kilowatt-hour of electricity is only 0.02 yuan, and the cost of one cubic meter of natural gas is only 0.4 yuan, which is very competitive.

In fact, as long as the price per cubic meter to the household remains within 3 yuan, it will not only have a certain degree of competitiveness in the country, but also have a high level of competitiveness in the international arena.

Although it is not profitable from the perspective of the gas supply side, from the perspective of the entire energy industry, Kirin Industrial Group is still in a profitable state.

Moreover, the overall profit margin is not low, and can basically maintain a profit of 4 times. With this profitability, there is a basis for large-scale development of solar energy and other energy sources.

He is even willing to set the household price at 1 yuan per cubic meter in order to promote natural gas to households as soon as possible so that the current people can afford natural gas.

To be honest, although 2 yuan per cubic meter is quite competitive, but with the income level of our people, except for residents in a few big cities, residents in other places still cannot afford it.

In fact, there is not much money to be made from building a natural gas network. At least in his opinion, he does not value such profits. The main reason why he wants to participate is because he is afraid of being stuck.

If he only focuses on the production of natural gas without any natural gas sales channels, he will not have much bargaining power at that time, which is unacceptable to him.

If it’s just a small energy producer, it’s a big deal to just quit, but if it’s already a big industry, it’s very uncomfortable to be stuck.

Therefore, this business, even if it is a superficial loss, has to be done, and it has to be done in a big way. In the case that the country has not yet paid attention to natural gas retail, it must be deployed quickly.

In addition to the natural gas business, there is also the fuel business. At present, the price of domestic gasoline is about 2.3 yuan per liter, and the use of electricity to produce a liter of gasoline requires 9 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

If calculated according to the surface cost of solar power generation, the production cost of a liter of gasoline is at least 2 yuan, plus the cost of other links, it is not worthwhile at all, and it is a compensation to grandma’s house.

However, based on the actual cost of power generation, the minimum cost of one liter of gasoline is 0.38 yuan, and there is still a large profit margin.

To be able to produce this energy in an industrialized way, and at a much lower real cost, is already a remarkable achievement.

You must know that other people's oil is only dug out of the ground, and it is a situation where God rewards food. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to compete with them.

However, industrial production of energy brings many benefits. The most important point is stable supply. As long as the industry is established, energy will be continuously produced, and there is no need to worry about insufficient reserves.

There is no need to look at the price fluctuations in the international energy market, at least in the domestic market, there is no need to worry about changes in international energy, and he will not do things that increase the price of international energy.

If you want to continue to operate in the country for a long time, you must abide by the rules, especially for private enterprises like him, you have to get reasonable profits, but you must not be mercenary, and the loss of reputation is not worth the loss.

At present, the domestic gasoline price is so low, mainly because my country is not yet a major oil importer, and the international oil price has not had a great impact on my country.

Whether it is gasoline, kerosene, diesel or natural gas, it is composed of carbon and hydrogen. Carbon can be obtained from carbon dioxide in the air, and hydrogen can only be obtained from water molecules.

If the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy is not on a large scale, it is the most cost-effective business to build a conversion plant where the solar power is located, because there is no need to pay high tolls to the grid.

However, if the conversion scale is too large, the nearby conversion will consume too much natural resources. Taking Qinghai as an example, although there are a lot of water resources, the distribution is not balanced.

Moreover, Qinghai's water resources are an important source of many downstream rivers. If the consumption of water resources in the upstream is too large, it may lead to a decrease in the amount of water in the downstream and affect the ecological and economic development of the downstream.

This is not the same as industrial water. After industrial water is used, it will still be discharged in the form of water. After soil purification, it can still nourish the earth.

After the burning of fossil energy, although water vapor will also be produced, no one knows the proportion of this water vapor that wants to form water molecules and fall down.

The most important thing is that the current construction does not seem to be a big problem. Once the country attaches great importance to environmental protection and water resources, the situation may become very bad. The originally established industries may have to be relocated, which is not a fortune. small cost.

In addition, my country's per capita water resources are insufficient, and water resources vary greatly seasonally, which may not be able to provide a stable and large amount of water consumption for conversion plants.

Therefore, it is best to build an energy conversion plant by the sea, and then use desalinated seawater as the raw material for the conversion plant, so that all aspects can be accounted for in the past.

You must know that water resources are also minerals, and logically they also belong to the state. If you use water resources, you have to pay taxes, which makes perfect sense in law.

However, it is difficult to define whether seawater is considered a national resource, because the ocean is connected to the whole world, and the use of desalinated seawater should not be regarded as occupying national water resources.

In addition, my country's urbanization process will inevitably accelerate, and water resources will become more and more scarce. It should be considered as the deployment of seawater desalination business in advance to provide more water resources for Chinese residents.

Having said that, Kirin Industrial Group needs to get involved in the seawater desalination business. If it goes further and involves the urban water supply business, it depends on whether it is cost-effective to do so.

He doesn't know how much other water plants cost per ton of water, but he calculated through his own technology that the cost per ton of seawater desalination is very low.

Using biofilms to treat seawater in stages, the main cost is the cost of biofilms, followed by the electric energy consumed for water extraction. Other costs are fixed costs, and the fixed cost per ton is not high when amortized.

The cost of biofilm depends entirely on how he sets the price. The price can be set very high or very low, because with mature production technology, the cost of biofilm is actually very low.

He estimated that if all the costs are added up, the factory cost per ton of desalinated seawater is only 0.05 yuan, and of course these are the lowest cost calculations.

What is really expensive is not the ex-factory price, but the price of water transportation. To send water from the sea to inland cities requires the construction of a lot of pipe networks, and the transportation also consumes a lot of electricity.

At present, the price of tap water for domestic residents is about 0.3 yuan per ton. If it is supplied to cities with relatively low altitudes, there is still some profit to be made. If it is supplied to high altitudes, transportation energy consumption will be very large, and it is basically unprofitable.

It stands to reason that this matter cannot be done for the time being, but if you don’t do it now, you will have no chance to do it in the future. When everyone feels that it is profitable, things will not be so simple.

He feels that the most important thing in the early stage is not to pursue profits, but to carry out industry layout, first to gain a firm foothold, and even to be able to withstand a slight loss of business.

As long as the price per ton of tap water reaches more than 1 yuan, it will be profitable for him. In theory, one kilowatt-hour of electricity can lift a ton of water 360 meters.

Most cities in my country are relatively low in altitude. Except for the western region, the central and eastern regions rarely have an altitude of more than 360 meters. Even if the efficiency of the water pump is low, it is still within an acceptable range.

In fact, the profit margin of the water supply business is not very high in his opinion, but the profit margin of sewage treatment, he thinks, is much higher than that of tap water.

Others think that sewage treatment is very troublesome, but in his opinion, sewage treatment is much easier than solid waste treatment, and the technology used is still biofilm multiple filtration technology.

Through different biomembrane technologies, the sewage is filtered layer by layer, and finally the filtered sewage reaches the level of drinking water. As long as this barrier can pass, it can re-enter the tap water supply system.

This idea can only be thought about, this is like a bowl that has been filled with shi, no matter how clean it is washed, it is difficult for people to pick it up and fill it with food again.

However, there is still no problem with the treated sewage entering the industrial water system, and the secondary sales price may be higher than that of domestic tap water.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that suddenly Kirin Industrial Group has so many businesses that it can do, and it is of great significance to do so, which can solve many problems of unbalanced and insufficient resources in our country.

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