Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 454 Arranging the Technical Data of Experimental Instruments and Equipment

Ye Zishu didn't know the specific situation on Pei Qing's side. Seeing that Pei Qing didn't intend to continue chatting with him, he put it down and focused on the next work.

The medical equipment technical information has been given to Taiji Group. Although the number is not large, they are all heavyweight instruments and equipment, which are enough to meet most medical needs.

As for other equipment, either he will continue to organize it when he has time in the future, or the Taiji Group will use its own research and development strength to develop it, so we can't rely on him for everything.

The technical information he gave this time is not only the equipment itself, but also contains a lot of advanced technology applications, and even some theories have never appeared before, which can be regarded as his "original".

If researchers digest and absorb these technical materials and apply them flexibly, many new products and technologies can be derived from these technologies.

The matter of medical equipment has come to an end, and it can be regarded as an end to a worry, but there are still so many medical tasks waiting for him, which is equally important to Taiji Group.

However, before doing medicine, he planned to finish the work on precision experimental instruments and equipment. During this period of time, in order to develop high-tech medical equipment, the knowledge in his mind has been greatly improved.

Just along this line of thought, I finished the high-precision experimental equipment, and at the same time, I sorted out the technical data of the experimental equipment before, to see what can be improved, and strive to achieve a perfect state.

If domestic scientific research wants to go far and steadily, it must have its own sophisticated experimental equipment. This is not only the actual need of the country, but also the urgent need of Ye Zishu's industries.

Many of his industries are obviously at the forefront of the world. Unless he continues to produce technology, the main force of scientific research will still be the scientific researchers of these enterprises.

Scientific researchers do not have a virtual laboratory like him, and they can have any experimental equipment they want, as advanced as they want, and there is no need to worry about experimental equipment.

But the reality is that many experiments are not up to standard because the experimental equipment is not up to standard, the experimental results are not satisfactory, and even many major experimental tasks cannot be carried out at all.

Therefore, advanced experimental instruments are very important to the development of his industry. Not to mention whether he can purchase the experimental instruments and equipment he needs from around the world, it is also difficult to get others to match his experimental needs.

Only by controlling the R&D and manufacturing of precision experimental instruments and equipment can we calmly realize customized development, and at the same time realize purposeful upgrading according to the needs of our industries.

And the experimental equipment he took out this time, apart from being advanced, the biggest difference is convenience and safety, which makes the experimental process quite easy and enjoyable.

The idea is to refer to the experimental instruments in the virtual laboratory. If the experiment is done with ordinary experimental instruments, even if the virtual laboratory has sufficient conditions, it will be a time-consuming task for him.

So when he does experiments in the virtual laboratory, it is not like ordinary experiments where he has to record the data himself, but it is all done automatically.

Of course, this is due to the fact that the laboratory is a virtual laboratory, and you can do whatever you want, even without considering the external experimental environment, everything can be done as you like.

However, Ye Zishu believes that the automation level of experimental equipment will be one of the main differences in experimental equipment in the future. It is to reduce the difficulty of using experimental equipment and improve the work efficiency of the entire experimental process.

Although in the real world it is impossible to be as arbitrary as the virtual laboratory, he still wants to improve the convenience of using various experimental equipment as much as possible.

Of course, this premise is that the experimental data provided by the experimental equipment is more accurate, otherwise it will be useless no matter how convenient it is, he still has a clear understanding of this.

This time he brought out more than 500 types of high-precision experimental equipment, covering all aspects of the current scientific research field. He thinks that there are so many experimental equipment that are sufficient to meet the current scientific research needs.

Some of the experimental instruments here are improvements to the existing experimental instruments, starting from the two aspects of experimental observation accuracy and experimental convenience.

There are also many experimental devices that are groundbreaking, and some even have unimaginable capabilities, such as experimental devices that directly manipulate the microstructure at the atomic level.

This plays an important role in microstructure experiments. In the future, researchers do not need to use indirect means to achieve it, which greatly reduces the difficulty of experiments and becomes more intuitive.

It is not difficult to observe the atomic level now. There was a scanning tunneling microscope as early as 1981, but it is not so easy to directly manipulate the atomic structure.

This kind of equipment is widely used, not only in theoretical scientific research, but also in the field of material research and development, and it is very simple to use.

He believes that it is only a simple improvement of the existing experimental equipment, which is not very attractive to many top scientists, because many top scientists no longer need to personally operate the experiment.

Many top scientists basically just design the experimental process, and then hand over the specific experiments to students or ordinary laboratory researchers, because the experimental process is often boring, time-consuming, and low-tech.

The real technical work in the laboratory is the formulation of the experimental design plan before the experiment, which directly determines the success or failure of the experiment.

The other is the data analysis after the experiment. Some experiments do not have a clear purpose. They just want to try to play two shots. This kind of experiment is an exploratory experiment.

Another is that although there is a clear goal, additional experimental discoveries may be born, and many important experimental results come from this way.

And these accidental discoveries are inseparable from the analysis of the data after the experiment. Some people can see clues from a lot of data, and some people are not so sensitive.

These two kinds of work are the most important in the laboratory. As for the execution of the intermediate experimental process, the hard work that is considered the least technical content is generally assigned to the lowest-level experimenters.

Therefore, for top scientists, whether the experimental equipment is convenient or not is not their primary consideration, and it is not even their consideration whether the accuracy of the experimental equipment is high enough.

Although the precision of many experimental equipment is not high enough, the precision can be greatly improved under the existing experimental conditions through special experimental process design.

Just like measuring the speed of light in the past, it stands to reason that it is not easy for ordinary experimental equipment to measure the speed of light, but scientists have wonderful ideas and can always find ways to improve the measurement accuracy.

In the same way, information such as measuring the weight of the earth is obtained through ingenious experimental design, and the desired results are obtained under the condition of limited experimental equipment.

To attract top scientific talents to join his banner, it is necessary to produce experimental equipment that makes them covetous, allowing them to conduct experiments that were difficult to perform before.

Among this batch of experimental equipment, biological experimental equipment has the largest number, which can meet the needs of all biological experiments. This is very attractive to many biological and medical experts.

After sorting out the relevant technical materials, the time has quietly come to the end of December, and Ye Zishu handed over these materials to the subsidiary of Xuanwu Technology Company, which specializes in precision instruments and experimental equipment.

Originally planning to finish this matter, I left Kirin Industrial Group and went to the capital to sit in town. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it and just stay here for a while.

I am going to sort out the technical information related to solar energy here, and get the research and development done as soon as possible, otherwise it will be delayed, and it may not be fully put into production before the end of next year.

At present, the preparatory committee for the establishment of the Kirin Industrial Group headquarters has already begun to complete the registration and information modification of the subsidiary group companies. These are routine tasks and are not worth mentioning.

What makes Ye Zishu more concerned is that Kirin Energy Industry Group has not only overturned the solar power generation business license, but also obtained all energy power generation industries except nuclear energy.

At the same time, he has also obtained the license to operate fossil energy industries such as oil and natural gas, but he has not obtained the license to exploit land and resources. He didn't have much idea about this area.

In his opinion, relying on mining is not a long-term solution. He prefers to rely on technical means to transform many needs into problems that can be solved without mining.

With this license, it means that Kirin Energy Industry Group can carry out fuel retail business and natural gas home business, which is a license that ordinary companies cannot obtain.

At first he had to spend a lot of time to get this permission, but what he didn't expect was that he just mentioned it in the document and didn't hold much hope, so it was passed directly.

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