Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 451 Portable Diagnostic Equipment

For a huge industry like the Taiji Group, it is impossible to put all the headquarters together. It's not that there is any problem, but that decentralized operations can get more help.

When each of their companies can become a local pillar industry, it is self-evident to get the support of the local government.

If they are all put together, no matter how emphasized they are, they can only get the support of one local government, and they may even be suspected because they are too powerful.

If they are dispersed, they will be able to obtain the support of multiple local governments, and at the same time, they will not be too conspicuous in one place.

This practice does not only happen to Taiji Group, but also to all of its companies, such as Xuanwu Technology, many of whose subsidiaries are not headquartered in Shenzhen.

Moreover, many businesses have also begun to spread to other cities in Guangdong, and they will not all be concentrated in one city in Shenzhen. The benefits brought by this are obvious.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, all local governments can get a piece of the pie, especially in neighboring cities. The economic benefits brought about by this kind of industrial spillover are much stronger than all concentrated in one place.

Because industrial enterprises have a strong impetus to the development of the local service industry, the gain multiples they bring are much stronger than those placed in one place alone.

"Mr. Ye, when will you be able to provide us with the technical information on the medical equipment that you promised to give us?" Pei Qing asked.

When Ye Zishu saw the text she sent, he fell into thinking. Originally, he thought that this job should not be too difficult. He had seen only a few types of equipment used in hospitals before, and it was not that remarkable.

But when it comes to him doing it himself, the situation is completely different. He needs to do more things, which makes a lot of work not so smooth.

On the one hand, he wants to lower the threshold for hospitals to require high-level doctors. If high-level doctors are needed, it will be difficult for Taiji Group to expand its medical industry.

It is impossible for him to expand for the sake of expansion without taking into account the improvement of the overall level of medical care. That would be unacceptable to the common people, and he himself would not be able to overcome the hurdle in his heart.

It not only wants to lower the threshold of medical care, so that the expansion speed can be faster, but also wants to improve the level of medical services, so that the people can really enjoy the benefits brought by the development of Taiji Group's medical industry.

The only thing that can do this can only be more technically demanding, and fully automatic surgical equipment was born under such circumstances.

The technical content of this equipment alone is no lower than that of the so-called aerospace technology, and it is even much higher. It is a master of many top technologies.

Such equipment is advanced, but the cost is very high. With the current domestic economic level, the cost of using it once is more expensive than manual work.

Therefore, he must ensure that the performance is not reduced, and the production cost should be reduced as much as possible. Even if the final price remains unchanged, at least he can make more money, and the internal use cost will not be so high.

This involves another aspect, which is to reduce costs. If the cost cannot be reduced to a level acceptable to the common people, no matter how advanced the equipment is, it will not be of much use.

At the beginning, he tried every means to reduce the cost, but no matter how he reduced it, unless the Taiji Group didn't want to make money, the end-use cost would not be very low.

Taiji Group is an international group. It is impossible for the same product to have the same price. The internal and external price gap is very large. In order to earn more profits, even if the production cost is not high, as long as the overall technical level is high, the price will not be very low.

This got stuck directly, leaving Ye Zishu in a dilemma. He didn't know how to deal with it to be more complete. It wasn't until he learned traditional Chinese medicine techniques that he had a new idea.

The biggest feature of traditional Chinese medicine is that the requirements for equipment are not very high, but the requirements for personal experience and ability of doctors are very high, so that many people study Chinese medicine all their lives, and dare not say that they have enlightened.

Chinese medicine is naturally not that simple for others, but for Ye Zishu, it is just the opposite. Through systematic study of Chinese medicine, he has a new understanding of Chinese medicine.

It’s not that Chinese medicine is an empirical discipline. In fact, it’s just that the current medical theory can’t explain it clearly. It’s not that Chinese medicine is poor, but that the development of medicine has not yet reached this level.

Of course, in the virtual library, there is no difference between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. As long as it can cure diseases and save lives, it is all in the category of medicine and will not distinguish between them.

However, in terms of diagnosis and treatment theory, there are still thousands of differences between the two, which is also an important factor for him to open up new ideas, because the large-scale use of traditional Chinese medicine technology can effectively reduce the cost of treatment.

Like before, he wanted to make a home disease diagnostic instrument. If the equipment is manufactured according to modern medical methods, the price of such equipment is not affordable for ordinary people.

However, the situation is completely different if it is implemented according to the technology of traditional Chinese medicine. It is only necessary to "observe, hear, ask and understand", and then use the theory of traditional Chinese medicine combined with the actual data obtained on the spot to give a relatively correct conclusion.

And such a set of equipment only needs to have several sensors, such as pressure sensor, sound sensor, optical sensor, temperature sensor, taste sensor and so on.

With these sensors, it is easy to "see, hear and ask" the user, and combine the collected data with the built-in TCM theory, and many diseases can be diagnosed.

This means that people who buy this device carry an old Chinese doctor with them, and can know their physical conditions well anytime, anywhere.

As for such a piece of equipment, although these sensors are expensive, compared with other detection equipment, it is not only small, but also much cheaper, because the most valuable thing is the built-in theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the real valuable thing.

According to Ye Zishu’s calculations, if it is a portable diagnostic device for personal households, the hardware cost only needs to be about 500 yuan, and the final price will not exceed 2000 yuan if the hardware profit is included.

The price of 2000 yuan seems high, but for many domestic residents, it is still affordable. At least one is equipped at home, and there is no need to panic if you have a headache.

Of course, in addition to the one-time purchase of equipment, you also need to pay a service fee of 100 yuan per year, which is equivalent to spreading the income over many years.

This is only the sales price in China. It only needs to make some changes to make another model. The price is not 2000 yuan, but 2000 US dollars.

It is not too much to charge $500 a year for services. Compared with going to a medical institution to consult a doctor, such a fee is simply not worth mentioning.

The service fee is to provide treatment suggestions for the user's current symptoms. The diseases we usually suffer from are not particularly difficult to treat. We only need to buy some medicines and take them by ourselves.

This saves many patients the cost of going to the hospital for treatment. Unless it is a disease that must be treated with the help of large-scale tools in the hospital, under normal circumstances, there is no need to go to the hospital at all.

Such personal and family diagnostic equipment can diagnose diseases with an accuracy rate of over 99.9%, which is much higher than that of ordinary doctors, and even higher than that of senior experts in some hospitals.

Moreover, for symptoms that are difficult to draw conclusions, the user will be reminded to go to the hospital for examination, and will not easily draw conclusions on the user's symptoms, so as to avoid delaying the treatment of the disease and missing the best treatment time.

At present, the prototype of this equipment has been made in the virtual laboratory. It is very small, only the size of a watch, and can be combined with a watch, making users feel that it is more worthwhile.

The reason why it is so small is to let everyone buy one. If it is bigger, it can only be placed at home, and the sales will definitely be much less.

He estimates that hundreds of millions of units of this device can be sold every year, and the revenue from hardware sales alone can reach hundreds of billions of dollars. Plus the service fee, the annual income is very considerable.

The designed service life of this equipment is 10 years. After 10 years, although it can continue to be used, the sensitivity of related parts will decrease, and the diagnostic accuracy rate will gradually decrease.

In his plan, the combination of portable diagnostic equipment and advanced medical equipment can solve most medical problems.

Portable diagnostic equipment can prevent diseases, prevent minor diseases from becoming serious diseases, and save treatment costs for users.

The more advanced medical equipment in the hospital is either for more detailed review, or for diseases that are difficult to treat with ordinary medicines. Not all diseases can be solved by simply taking medicine.

"It's never too late for a good meal, wait a little longer, I'll definitely bring you a surprise!" Ye Zishu said.

He didn't take it out now, because in his opinion, in order to exert the power of the portable diagnostic equipment, it needs the cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine, and Western medicine is not impossible.

It's just that Western medicine is a treatment method that cares about the head and ignores the back, which is often accompanied by relatively large side effects, especially for difficult-to-treat diseases, with greater side effects.

There is no shortage of Chinese medicine formulas in the virtual library, but how to keep them secret for a long time is relatively labor-intensive. As for whether foreign people trust Chinese patent medicines, that is not his concern.

As long as domestic users trust the treatment of Chinese patent medicines, it is fine, while foreign users do not trust them, they can directly replace them with western medicines, and the process of using western medicines is simpler.

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