Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 449 It is better to be cautious in genetic research

After Ye Zishu sorted out all the information related to genetic testing technology and equipment, he confirmed that there were no omissions, and put the technology into the technical data archive of Taiji Group through an encrypted network.

Then I informed Pei Qing through the chat software, and Ye Zishu personally told Pei Qing that this set of technology and equipment can shorten the time for human genetic testing to half a month.

This is to increase the accuracy rate to a certain level, otherwise the detection speed will be faster. As a scientific research project, the detection accuracy rate is a priority, but the longer the time, the longer it will be.

If it is used for medical testing, a certain error rate will be allowed, so the testing speed is very fast, and the medical genetic testing report can be obtained in two or three days.

Such detection efficiency has broad application prospects in the current medical and scientific fields, and there is no need for more advanced technology.

Because the more advanced the technology, the more advanced basic technology and component support it needs, which means that it needs a whole set of industrial chain cooperation, and the cost of doing it is very high.

This is the limit that can be produced based on the current level of supporting technology, so that the cost of the equipment produced in this way is not very high, and at the same time the cost of use is not high, and Tai Chi Group is also profitable.

Seeing Pei Qing's happy tone, Ye Zishu said: "Gene testing is the most basic technology in the field of genetic research, and it is also the simplest technology. Don't be too happy!"

In fact, Ye Zishu has also found information related to gene analysis. Although it is not complete, it is still much more advanced than the existing gene analysis theory and technology.

It's just based on the caution of biology and genetics, he dare not take it out without verification. This is different from other technologies. Even if other technologies are wrong, the loss is not too big for him, and the psychological pressure will not be too great.

So when he is studying now, he always starts from the basic knowledge of human biology, and at the same time, he will refer to the basic theory of gene analysis and case analysis to confirm each other.

It is even necessary to carry out relevant experiments in the virtual laboratory, and record them after verification, so that such technologies and theories can be released with confidence.

The result of this is that there is a lot of human biology knowledge and gene-related knowledge learned, but the verified knowledge is relatively small, resulting in a relatively slow overall progress.

He wanted to build a software system for gene analysis and analysis, but due to the lack of sufficient verified theoretical knowledge, he did not write it for a long time.

In addition to the genetic testing technology and equipment he gave Pei Qing this time, there is also a complete set of digital gene reading and storage technology, which can intuitively see the gene series and provide many analysis tools.

These analysis tools are very beneficial to the functional analysis of gene fragments, but compared with the intelligent gene analysis technology he imagined, there is still a huge gap.

According to his idea, it is to use a supercomputer, based on the basic theory of genes, to be able to interpret the gene series by itself, and then to be able to perform self-test and verification.

The verification method is also very simple, that is to use the analyzed gene function series as the basis of the organism, and see if the target organism can be constructed through the simulation system.

If the constructed target organism meets expectations, then the interpretation is correct, and if it does not meet expectations, it indicates that the gene interpretation is flawed.

With such a system, human beings can analyze the mysteries of genes in nature in a relatively short period of time. Otherwise, according to the general method, it is very difficult to fully analyze them.

"You and New Oriental Education Group jointly applied for the qualification to run Tianwen Medical College, has it not been approved yet?" Ye Zishu asked.

With the development of his industries getting bigger and bigger, the involvement of high-tech industries is getting stronger and wider, and the scope is getting wider and wider. It is obvious that there are obvious limitations in my country's higher education.

He would like to call for more investment in higher education, but he thinks it has little effect. Even if some people agree with his statement, it is unlikely to change in the short term.

This is also one of the reasons why he wants to run a higher education institution by himself, even if he pays for it, he will not hesitate to pay for it. Compared with the talents he has acquired, these investments are not worth mentioning in his opinion.

The premise is that these talents can be used by him. If they are used by others, it will not be worth the loss. The cost of cultivating top talents is very high.

"We have received promises from some domestic and foreign scholars that as long as our medical school is established and the annual investment amount is promised, they will come to our side for teaching and scientific research.

At present, the number of people on the list has reached 100, including Nobel Prize-level experts and scholars and domestic academician-level experts and scholars, which already have a lot of weight.

We have submitted this list of personnel to the Ministry of Education. I heard that the original process has started again, and the process is still going on. There should be results around the end of the year. "Pei Qing said.

"What qualifications are you applying for?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Originally, we planned to apply for qualifications for running a university with a bachelor's degree, but after looking at the list, we and New Oriental Education Group agreed that we are fully qualified to apply for a qualification for running a school with a graduate degree." Pei Qing said.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu couldn't help laughing, but to be honest, medical research is quite time-consuming, and with just a bachelor's degree, it can only be said that he has learned the superficial.

However, with the emergence of a large number of automated medical testing equipment and diagnostic equipment, the entry threshold of medical institutions will also drop a lot, and medical students who have graduated from a bachelor's degree will still have a certain use.

However, if they aspire to become the top medical schools in China and even in the world, they will definitely not be satisfied with the qualifications for undergraduate education, and the training of master and doctoral students is what they need.

Speaking of this, Pei Qing couldn't help complaining: "The strength of our Taiji Group is still not loud enough, otherwise there will be more than this few people on the personnel list, at least twice as many."

Tai Chi Group has yet to prove itself, and most of its revenue comes from health care products. Other than that, other businesses are lackluster. In the eyes of many scientific research bulls, it is a big but not strong company.

For those who don't particularly care about money, or those who have few financial constraints in scientific research, the olive branch thrown by Taiji Group is not very attractive.

As a result, many of the scientific research talents they liked did not agree to their cooperation, which was also an important reason why Pei Qing complained.

If she was only immersed in the huge revenue of the company, Pei Qing would not have such troubles, but when she really wanted to do something, she realized that money alone is not enough, and she also needs to be recognized by her peers.

If they are recognized by their peers in terms of strength, even if they don’t have that much money, they will be able to respond to everyone, because everyone believes that they can achieve brilliant achievements in the end.

"It's all about complaining, but your current development speed is already very fast. If it is faster, it is still unknown whether your management and scientific research capabilities can keep up.

Any development must have a process, especially in industries related to medical care, and it is impossible to develop quickly. You still need to be patient. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Of course I understand the truth. It's just that I really experienced some things, and I still can't help complaining. You haven't seen it, and you may not have a deep understanding of that feeling." Pei Qing said.

"That's not necessarily true. If I go to hire someone, it may be much easier than you!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If he invites people, he only needs to throw out topics that the other party is interested in during the discussion, and it will be able to attract the other party to come to do research, but he feels that it is completely unnecessary to do so.

Although he is indeed thirsty for talents, he can accept faster or slower development. On the contrary, it is not worth wasting a lot of time because of this.

Many esoteric questions cannot be understood by one or two top scholars. In fact, he has a lot of unpublished theoretical knowledge in his own hands. He doesn’t care about it, let alone one or two top scholars. .

It’s good to have it, but it wouldn’t be a pity if he didn’t have him. He has a completely buddhist mentality. This time, Wentian asked about the medical school, mainly because he wanted to see how the relevant departments treated private colleges and universities.

Because this involves a series of academies to be established later, if the first step is hit, the subsequent things will be more difficult. If the first step is successful, the establishment of a new academie will be a matter of course.

"Why don't you go out?" Pei Qing asked.

"Forget it, I have endless things to do, how can I have that kind of leisure time!" Ye Zishu refused.

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