Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 447 The long-overdue home appliance industry

In fact, many home appliances have been mass-produced in September. Since the smart home control system has not been released for a long time, it is difficult for them to ship.

With or without the concept of smart home, the positioning and sales of products will be completely different. As a newcomer in the industry, there is nothing special about it. It is not easy to stand out from the encirclement.

In order to become an industry giant as soon as possible from a newcomer in the industry, Ye Zishu believes that there are two aspects that must be achieved, otherwise there will be many twists and turns in the middle.

The first aspect is quality, which is the basis for becoming an industry giant. If the quality of the product itself cannot be guaranteed, it is meaningless to do well in other aspects.

And this quality not only refers to durability, but also allows users to have a better experience, and is superior to peers in terms of function and energy saving. It is best to have certain rolling advantages in all aspects.

This is fully reflected in the technology he provided. The quality of parts mainly depends on the level of materials and processing technology, which is precisely the strength of Xuanwu Technology Company.

They have their own advanced CNC machining centers, advanced secondary material production technology, etc., which can well solve parts quality problems.

Secondly, in terms of power consumption, the air conditioners, refrigerators and other products he provides are far superior to other international giants in terms of energy saving, which is also a major selling point.

The last is the use effect and function. This is what consumers are very concerned about. If the use process is comfortable and can solve the pain points of consumers, it is already considered a successful product.

The second aspect is a gimmick, or a new concept, or a new technology, which can make its own technological advantages and competitors form a generational difference, so as to have the capital to stand out.

Quality is only the basis for standing out. If you want to stand out in a short period of time, you can't rely on quality alone. After all, they have been operating the brand for so many years and have long had a fixed consumer group.

If you want to attract the attention of these consumer groups, you must have something that attracts them, and it is also an attraction that other businesses do not have. This is very important.

Qinglong Technology Company is waiting for his smart home control terminal program, because this is the core competitiveness of smart home, and it is also a technology that other businesses cannot imitate.

With the smart home control terminal program, it is equivalent to having an understanding smart housekeeper, who can arrange life for the user except that he has no hands and feet.

In addition to being able to control all the smart home products at home, it can also be used to chat with users to relieve boredom, especially in the modern society where people live more and more alone, this function is very attractive.

For the product carrying the smart home control terminal program, Ye Zishu did not find another way, but chose the smart speaker that was commonly used in the previous life as the voice control terminal.

However, the product forms of smart speakers are also different. There are independent smart speakers, which are more suitable products for ordinary people, and the price is not very expensive.

There are also distributed speakers, which can be installed in various places throughout the house, so that you can order the smart home to do things anywhere in the house, without having to carry a speaker at all times.

This kind of product is very expensive, and the sound quality and sensitivity are much better than independent smart speakers, especially high-end products, which are more expensive and suitable for rich people.

In addition to smart speakers, portable devices can also be used as smart control terminals, but there is no such portable product at present, so it is temporarily shelved.

Portable products that are more suitable for smart control terminals are generally smart phones, smart watches, smart tablets, smart glasses, etc., but these products have not yet been launched.

Compared with the smart home control program in the previous life, the product he gave is undoubtedly much smarter. Not only is the dialogue more humane and emotional, but also the communication with users is smoother.

Moreover, it is more convenient and faster to control the smart home. As long as it is a product with a unified interface, it can be automatically incorporated into the entire smart home system, and the smart control terminal can be easily controlled.

The advantage of this is that it can reduce the programming tasks of smart home devices. It only needs to embed standardized interface products to match all the functions of the products with the interfaces.

It is precisely because of this simplicity that he just gave Qinglong Technology Company an intelligent control terminal program, and they immediately announced that a press conference will be held at the end of the month. After the press conference is held, it will be sold globally.

If it is not simple, in just 15 days, so many products are involved, it is not an easy task to change the program all at once to adapt the product to the smart home control terminal.

After seeing the announcement of Qinglong Technology Company, Ye Zishu smiled and put it aside. Although he is more optimistic about the home appliance industry, it is not enough for him to pay attention all the time.

At present, the home appliance industry has not gone downhill, and even because of the advancement of electronic semiconductor technology, it has shown a booming situation.

The most typical one is smart TV. It used to be a picture tube TV, and now it gradually has LCD TV and plasma TV, and now it is a smart TV produced by Qinglong Technology Company.

This time, Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. is stocking up on smart TVs the most, because they think that in the short term, there will be good sales of smart TVs, and the market share will be greatly improved.

As for refrigerators, air conditioners and other products, although they are not technically bad, it is difficult for consumers to distinguish them. Even if they are told, they may not trust them.

Smart TVs are different, whether they are easy to use or not, and where the gap is can be seen at a glance. In addition, the advanced LCD screen technology itself has a good sensory experience and user experience for consumers.

According to past habits, Qinglong Technology Company will not directly use Qinglong as the product brand, but directly use the three brands of computer products.

During this period of time, their computer sales were very good, and it could even be said that they swept thousands of troops, giving his three computer brands a strong reputation.

Compared with taking different brands separately, it saves a lot of cost in brand promotion, and at the same time, these home appliances and computer products of the same brand can be sold together.

Different from the single-brand operation of other home appliances, the main reason is the need for differentiation. He not only hopes to meet the needs of domestic consumers, but also wants to earn money from foreigners.

If the price of the same brand is very different, it will easily cause dissatisfaction among consumers, so we simply set three brands of different grades to meet different market needs.

The Jiaolong brand is basically used in China, and the pursuit of cost performance is priced at 17 yuan for a 800-inch LCD color TV, and 21 yuan for a 1000-inch color TV.

Such a price is sold in China, and most working families can still afford it. The purpose is also to popularize smart TVs in China.

The Jiaolong brand will only be sold domestically and in third world countries and regions, and the Jiaolong brand will not be seen in the markets of developed countries, because the profit margin of this brand is very low.

The starting size of Yinglong’s smart TV is 21 inches, and the maximum size can reach 45 inches. The price ranges from 2000 yuan to 5000 yuan.

As for the Golden Dragon brand, it is impossible to have such a small-sized product. The starting point is 55 inches, and the maximum is 100 inches, which can be pulled directly to the level of the ceiling.

In addition to the gap in size, there is also a gap in pixels and fineness. The more high-end brands are, the better they are in these details, but the price is also very expensive.

For example, the price of the 55-inch Golden Dragon brand starts at 1 yuan, and the price of the 100-inch King Long smart TV is as high as 5 yuan. Most people really can’t afford such high-end products.

In short, he has already contributed where he should contribute. Whether he can do a good job in this area depends on Qinglong Technology's own management capabilities.

In fact, many of these home appliance technologies are shared by Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company. This is specially arranged by Ye Zishu to prevent Xuanwu Technology Company from being in a weak position in the future.

Qinglong Technology Company is responsible for brand management, and Xuanwu Technology Company is responsible for product manufacturing. If Xuanwu Technology Company is weak, its bargaining power will be weak, and it will be difficult for workers to get good treatment.

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