Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 444 The Leader Needs Strategic Thinking Ability

The next morning, he worked in the office for a while, and Du Xiaoyan, the new head of the administration department, came to inform him in person that all the heads of all the sub-group companies were present.

Ye Zishu put down the work at hand and came to the small meeting room on the same floor. There were not many people coming to the meeting this time, so he didn't need to walk too much to arrange this meeting room.

After he sat down, he said directly: "In the past few months when I'm not here, the various businesses under the Kirin Industrial Group are doing well, and this is the result of everyone's hard work."

Hearing that he was so polite, all the leaders dared not trust him. They all said that Mr. Ye provided the most technical assistance and huge financial support. These two are the key to starting a business.

"Okay, let's not talk about polite words. I won't talk nonsense if it's everyone's contribution. It's not enough to manage a company with only technology and funds. It's not easy to effectively organize so many people to coordinate and work together.

This time, I invite everyone to come to the meeting. The first is to communicate about the current work progress. If you have any problems, you can also bring them up in person, and we can discuss and solve them together.

The second is that the group will launch new business this time, and you need to provide some basic support, and you need to make some arrangements for manpower allocation and planning. "Leaf Book said.

After speaking, he glanced at everyone at the scene, and no one was surprised. I don't know if they got the news in advance, or because they were used to the boss's personality.

Leaf Book often comes up with new ideas suddenly. For example, Kirin Industrial Group itself proposed it suddenly. There was no sign before, and everyone was kept in the dark.

However, the technology he provided has indeed been proven to be real and effective, so these people in charge agreed that the boss had been preparing for a long time in private, but he just kept citing it.

I heard that the boss has just stayed in his hometown for more than two months. They don't really believe that if they stay in their hometown, they dare not do anything. If this is really the case, it is impossible to create such a large industry.

Therefore, it is not surprising to hear the boss say that there is a new business. It would be strange if you just held a non-painful meeting.

"Let's talk about the first item first, I looked at your progress report data, it looks pretty good, but I think you still have some shortcomings, you need to pay attention.

The first shortcoming is that there may be some problems in the connection of the plans and schedules of various sub-group companies. For example, various equipment and facilities required by the basic industry group are the basis for the industrial development of other sub-group companies.

But in terms of progress, there is no obvious lead. Our business is actually heavy industry. If your progress cannot be much ahead of schedule, it will take longer for the later links.

Therefore, considering the progress of the entire project, the basic industry group needs to strengthen the construction of research and development capabilities, and turn the technical information I gave into actual products as soon as possible.

At the same time, we will speed up the construction of production lines, as well as the recruitment and training of grassroots employees. Many of our equipment are high-precision equipment, and it is not easy to recruit ordinary workers to get started.

In terms of personnel training, you can contact the people in the administrative department of the head office, and they will provide you with the necessary help. If you have your own training plan, you need to submit the report to the administrative department to know.

The second shortcoming is that the plans and arrangements of each group are not reasonable. The information I gave you is actually calculated in detail, and each parameter is not set casually.

This means that the entire technical system can be connected to each other, and the purpose of this is to allow you to arrange things that you can decide on your own.

For example, the production and construction of the carbon purification link does not need to wait until all the equipment is in place to start. It is possible to complete the part that can be done in advance according to the drawings, and wait until the core equipment is in place, install it directly and start running.

There are many similar things. If you don't do what you can do in advance, the time in the future may not be enough at all, and the plan may be delayed.

So I suggest that you hold a coordination meeting every week, and each subgroup needs to set up its own coordination group to be responsible for this matter.

You must understand the progress of links closely related to your own business in order to make overall arrangements, and if possible, you can also establish an information sharing platform.

The third shortcoming is that everyone's plans are relatively cautious. I see that your acquisition of land is based on the first phase of construction. I know that you want to save money, but we don't need to save money in this regard.

Our second phase of the project may be carried out immediately after the first phase. In order to speed up the construction of the second phase, it is not a bad thing to carry out basic work such as land leveling and plant construction in advance.

If you are short of funds, you can submit an application to the Finance Department. As long as it is reasonable, I will not set up obstacles. After you go back, you can improve the plan in this regard.

The fourth shortcoming is the insufficient reserve of R&D personnel and highly educated personnel. It seems that your current personnel are just right, but I think there are some problems in doing so.

If it is just a small business, due to limited funds, there is almost no problem with one radish and one pit, because it can save a lot of money.

Although we haven't sold a single product yet, our investment scale is definitely not comparable to that of small companies, and our thinking about employing people is also different.

The company maintains a certain amount of personnel redundancy, which can avoid the situation that it is difficult for others to take over when people leave. At the same time, it is also the need to cultivate reserve forces and provide talent reserves for the development of the enterprise industry.

If I want to start a new business now, if I don’t have a reserve of talents, I can only start from scratch. The development speed will definitely be slower and more troublesome. "Leaf Book said.

He found that the heads of these subgroups are still in the stage of tactical understanding and have not yet upgraded to the level of strategic understanding. These things seem to be trivial, but in fact they are not trivial in his opinion.

"Everyone, the higher the position, the more strategic thinking is needed. You didn't do the top job before. Now that you have been promoted to the top position, I hope to think more about the group's business from this perspective." Ye Zishu said.

If the person in charge of a huge group company has no strategic decision-making ability, it will be a disaster. It is better for him to be here now, but he does not want to stay in this position forever.

Moreover, the head office may not always be aware of the affairs of the sub-group companies below. It is very likely that a seemingly small decision will lead to very serious consequences.

Hearing that the various persons in charge expressed their acceptance of the boss's criticism and making arrangements after returning home, Ye Zishu could only click to the end, because this thing can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

In addition, they have not been the top leaders for a long time, and they just collided with the group's initial stage, so they don't have so much leisure time to think about strategic issues.

"Let's talk about the new business. Before, most of our materials were purchased from outside, or they were ready-made, because it was really too late to start from scratch.

In addition, the investment in the basic material smelting industry is very large and the cycle is very long. We have neither so much time to wait nor so much capital.

But the basic industry is a hurdle that we cannot get around. If we all rely on the outside world, many of our own plans must depend on whether the external conditions allow it.

This will seriously restrict our own development pace, and the more high-end industries, the more stringent the quality requirements for basic industries, and it is likely to be a hurdle that restricts our development in the future.

So I think that basic industry groups no longer just provide advanced instruments and equipment for various groups, but also need to provide basic materials and basic chemicals.

This is not only our own needs, but also with the rapid development of our country's economy, the demand for basic materials and chemicals will also increase year after year, and the future development potential is still great. "Leaf Book said.

"If I understand correctly, Ye always said that we should start by smelting metals such as steel?" asked the person in charge of the basic industry group.

"That's what I mean, but even if we are doing these traditional basic industries, we must reflect our technological advantages instead of repeating the path that others have already traveled.

This requires that although we are engaged in the production of traditional basic products, the technologies we use are completely different, and we need to meet the requirements of environmental protection, high production efficiency, high utilization rate of raw materials, and good product quality.

You can do some preparatory work for this matter in advance. Before the Spring Festival, I will prepare the technical materials for you. I hope that the substantive implementation stage can be entered in the spring. "Leaf Book said.

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