Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 441 Preparations and Appointment of Head of Administration

In the early stage of industrial development, even the cheapest products will not be cheap, because sufficient profits must be made for the development of the industry itself.

After the initial stage of industrial development, even high-tech products will quickly enter the stage of price reduction, so that products can be popularized as soon as possible.

This is the case for solar power generation. Although the cost per watt is only 1 yuan, according to this cost, the minimum cost of power generation per kilowatt-hour is only 0.02 yuan.

Even if the actual power generation cost is five times higher than this, reaching 0.1 yuan, it is extremely cheap in the global energy field and has strong competitiveness.

Therefore, in the future, as the solar power generation industry gradually becomes large-scale, the on-grid electricity price will be greatly reduced, which will accelerate the faster development of the domestic economy.

The most important thing in an industrial society is energy. The price of energy directly determines the price of various industrial products, and also determines whether various new technologies can be applied and popularized.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he did not continue to talk about the technical feasibility. Everyone here is not a professional. It is enough to popularize the concept with them, and there is no need to talk in depth.

"The purpose of calling everyone here this time is not to discuss technical feasibility, but to hope that you, as the heads of various departments of the head office, will do a good job for this new group enterprise.

We have the following things that need to be done in advance. The first thing is the registration of the new group company. This thing seems not difficult, but in fact it may face some problems.

The energy industry is quite special. We need to apply for many qualifications, such as solar power generation, thermal power generation, wind power generation and other qualifications, which we must obtain.

Of course, when applying, we should also try to see if we can apply for other qualifications, such as hydropower qualification and nuclear power qualification.

Although it seems unlikely to me, it would be best if the application can be approved. Our future energy business scope will be larger. If the application cannot be approved, it will not be a pity.

The second thing is to see if we can get policy support. Although solar power generation is nothing new, there has not been a company with large-scale construction and more advanced technology like ours.

As an emerging industry, if it can get policy support, it will develop faster. In this regard, you need to discuss a plan and then try it out.

The reason why this matter is put in the head office is mainly because the head office currently has a larger booth and a greater influence, so it is relatively easy to promote.

At present, the country has been in a state of power shortage, and the construction of various power generation facilities is far behind the power consumption speed of industrial enterprises. The country should support the development of the power industry.

So I think it should be relatively easy to obtain support for relevant policies, but the strength of the support depends on the results of your efforts.

The third thing is the construction of the organizational structure of Kylin Energy Industry Group. I personally think that the management personnel of each position should be selected from within the entire group, and the insufficient positions should be recruited from outside.

It's just that the entire Kirin Industrial Group has just been established, and the performance of each employee is still unclear. In addition, the management personnel themselves are relatively nervous, which is basically a carrot and a pit.

If you want to make adjustments to satisfy all parties, and at the same time take into account the principle of fairness, the HR Department must come up with a feasible plan and do a good job in this area.

In addition to the necessary management positions, the most important thing at present is the recruitment of R&D personnel. Later, I will provide a list of professional skills requirements for R&D personnel for your reference.

The fourth thing is about the land issue for the construction of solar power plants. This requires the support of the Ministry of Justice. There should be no ambiguity in the land issue.

The amount of land used this time is very large. If there is any ambiguity, if there is a problem in the future, our losses will be very heavy.

In addition to legal affairs, you also need to send employees to various parts of the country to investigate and see which parts of the country are suitable for building solar power plants.

Although we are currently planning to build in Qinghai, if there are other suitable places, it is not impossible for us to build, especially if the local government supports a lot, the plan can be changed. "

"Should ordinary employees be recruited in advance?" the person in charge of the personnel department asked.

"We still give priority to recruiting R&D personnel. For ordinary employees, we only recruit administrative positions for the time being. When the R&D is halfway through, we will start recruiting factory workers.

However, the production technology of Kirin Energy Industrial Group's factories is very high, which is not comparable to that of ordinary factories. Most of them use high-tech equipment, and the educational requirements for ordinary workers are relatively high.

Therefore, these ordinary workers must undergo sufficient training before entering the factory production line, so they need to cooperate with New Oriental Education Group. "Leaf Book said.

"There is no problem with the training cooperation, but I just heard Mr. Ye's description, I think it should be completely different from the solar energy production technology outside, that is to say, there are no ready-made teaching materials for reference." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Then we'll send employees to serve as trainers, but we can't send R&D staff, we can arrange R&D assistants to train.

If you find this troublesome, you can also compile training materials internally, and then use simulation software to demonstrate and explain the operation of the production line and equipment, which is more intuitive and conducive to workers' learning. "

Hearing what he said, the person in charge of the personnel department had no doubts, but the training should have been a matter of the administration department, but there are too few people in the administration department, and there is no one in charge.

So he said: "Let's leave the training to the administration department. Now, the two girls, which one do you think is suitable to be the head of the administration department?"

The person in charge of the personnel department didn't react when he heard his words. It stands to reason that the person in charge of the administration department and the person in charge of the personnel department are at the same level, and no matter what suggestion he made, he would offend people.

But Ye Zishu asked him if there was anything wrong with his opinion. After all, the personnel assessment work was originally a matter of the personnel department, and he had to answer Ye Zishu's questions.

"Based on the assessment and evaluation points, Du Xiaoyan is higher, and Lin Jia is slightly lower." The person in charge of the personnel department said.

He didn't dare to mix any personal opinions on this matter, because expressing any personal opinions and spreading them would not be conducive to the harmonious relationship between colleagues.

So he just told the points ranking in the assessment and evaluation system. This is an objective fact, and he is not afraid of offending people when he tells it.

Ye Zishu originally wanted to hear his usual observation and evaluation of the two of them, but he didn't expect that he just said the work evaluation evaluation, and he understood what he meant in an instant.

After thinking about this, Ye Zishu didn't ask the person in charge of the personnel department to continue to talk about his subjective feelings, because it didn't seem very appropriate to put himself in his shoes.

Even if the person in charge of the personnel department has his own subjective evaluation, Ye Zishu may not necessarily adopt it. The subjective feeling may be correct, but it may also be mixed with personal selfishness.

Ye Zishu has not been here for a long time, and he doesn't know the relationship between the personnel here, who is close to whom, and knows nothing about it. Therefore, for him, the greatest reference value is the work assessment points.

Because this score does not contain any subjective factors, it is clear at a glance who's job performance is good or bad, and in the end he will still use the assessment and evaluation as the main reference.

"Then let Du Xiaoyan be the person in charge of the administration department of Kirin Industrial Group. Your personnel department will write a job adjustment document and just give it to me to sign." Ye Zishu said.

"I'll handle this when I get back." The person in charge of the personnel department said quickly.

It was already strange that the administration department had no person in charge before. When the heads of these departments were asked to contact the administration department for work, they didn't know who to turn to.

The two girls from the administration department are at the same level. If you only find one of them, the other may have objections, and vice versa, which sometimes makes them difficult.

"Du Xiaoyan is the manager of the administration department, so let Lin Jia be the deputy manager of the administration department, and then recruit some ordinary staff for the administration department. Let Du Xiaoyan decide how many people are needed." Ye Zishu said.

In the past, many things were completely handed over to the sub-group companies below, resulting in a very small workload for the administrative department of the head office, and neither of them had a lot of workload.

Now that Kirin Energy Industry Group is about to be prepared, there are more things to do at once, especially the early-stage affairs, which need more support from the head office.

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