Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 44 "Art overwhelms the crowd"

Ye Zishu walked to the center of the stage, stood still, and glanced at the auditorium in front of the stage. At this time, the prelude music sounded.

"The people in the audience walked by without seeing the old color; the people on the stage sang a heartbreaking farewell song."

When these two sentences came out in a clear female voice with a strong opera accent, people who didn't know before stood up in surprise in the audience, and couldn't believe their ears.

Then after realizing that he had lost his composure, he sat down resentfully, cast apologetic looks at the people around him, and then continued to listen to the singing on the stage quietly.

After the two operas, Ye Zishu began to sing the main part of the song with another female voice, which was also full of charm, and the departure from his image on the stage was too obvious.

"When the play breaks, the sleeves rise and fall; singing sadness and separation has nothing to do with me." When it has nothing to do with me, and sings with a long tone, the emotions that look down on sadness and separation are all exaggerated.

And when he sang "The fans open and close, the gongs and drums sound and silence; the love in the play and the outsiders, who can tell." He directly showed the indifferent and hopeless emotions to the extreme.

This is just an appetizer. When the following words are sung one after another, the audience finally understands that this song is about a master of opera. When facing the broken family and country, the inner monologue, and life and death, resolutely go Deadly firm.

It has nothing to do with love at all. The joys and sorrows are the love in the play, but it is not the true portrayal of the protagonist. Between the virtual and the real, all the emotions are displayed one by one.

The patriotic feelings that are not revealed, jump out, and the whole song has been greatly sublimated, which is completely different from the current popular songs.

There are too many differences in it, the style is different, the libretto is different, and the content is also different from mainstream pop music, which completely amazed all the audience at the scene.

And this unforgettable song was actually sung by a young man on stage, which added a different flavor to this song and broke the conventional perception of music by ordinary audiences.

When the last note fell, the scene fell into an eerie silence, which made Ye Shu standing on the stage unsure whether to stay or go.

Generally speaking, no matter whether the performer sings well or not, the audience will give some applause, but when it comes to him, everyone has no such intention at all.

Just when he was embarrassed, someone stood up suddenly, shouting "Okay, okay, okay" while applauding, the scene finally broke the previous silence.

Immediately, everyone stood up while applauding. The enthusiastic applause here shocked the actors who were preparing backstage, and they couldn't help but lift the curtain to see what happened at the front stage.

And he was a little caught off guard by being teased like this. Apart from saying "thank you" non-stop, he didn't know what words to use to express his feelings.

Fortunately, at this time, the four hosts finally came to the stage and walked towards him. Zhao Zhongxiang said, "If you don't watch it with your eyes, the performance just now can be described as 'art over the crowd'."

And Ni Ping said with a smile: "As a woman, I'm a little jealous after hearing your female voice singing. You simply don't save any face for us women."

But Li Ruiying was very good at booing, and said directly to the audience: "Did the performance just now surprise you?"

Naturally, there was a sound of echoing at the scene, and it suddenly became a sea of ​​joy. There are not many opportunities to tease performers on such a formal stage, at least it is rare outside of cross talk sketches.

But Zhang Hongmin turned his head to Ye Zishu and asked: "Before you were able to easily control two styles of music, it was amazing.

And the "Chi Ling" you just sang completely broke the inertia of ordinary people's thinking. Someone even called and asked if you were lip-syncing. What do you have to say about it? "

What he said was not wrong, as soon as he sang the first line of the lyrics, CCTV's phone calls were rang off by the audience, and the most he said was to question whether it was fake singing.

Although there are men singing dan roles in operas, but the kind of male and female singing can still be clearly heard to be male, and the opera accents are relatively sharp, which can be done by pinching the throat.

But in his song, whether it is the opera part or the normal libretto part, the female voice is perfect, as if this song should be sung by this voice.

Ye Zishu held the microphone and said: "When I created this song and decided to put it on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, I was already mentally prepared for it.

For me, trying music sung in different styles and voices is a very meaningful thing, and it is also the joy of being a singer-songwriter.

Sometimes I even create some songs that are a bit nasty, because in my opinion, music is the existence that satisfies my personal emotions. "

"Then why did you have to choose this song?" Ni Ping asked.

"First of all, the meaning behind this song is very important, although it is a bit inappropriate to sing a sad song on the big stage of the Spring Festival Gala, a family carnival.

But I think that "drinking water does not forget the well digger". The more the country celebrates the day, the more we must remember the efforts and lives of our ancestors. Without their dedication, we would not have a stable life now.

The second is that I have created many songs, quite a few of them are sung by female voices, and the performance will be more perfect, and I am a person who pursues perfection.

So I just wanted to find an opportunity to show my female singing voice in front of the audience, so that the audience would have a new understanding of me, and it would be convenient for me to publish these songs. "Leaf Book said

After he finished speaking, Zhang Hongmin, who was next to him, told the story behind the song to the live audience and the audience in front of the TV. It was the version Ye Shu said before.

However, when he told the background story, whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they had a new understanding of this song, and it was also because he was able to sing this song to everyone on this stage. more understanding.

After Zhang Hongmin finished telling the background story, Li Ruiying grasped the key words in what he said just now, and asked: "You said just now that you created many songs that are more perfect for female vocal concerts, can you sing a few verses?"

Originally, these unpublished songs were inconvenient to be displayed in such a public place, but he plagiarized others anyway, so it didn't matter if he was plagiarized by others, and this kind of situation rarely happened, and he couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Then I'll give you a section, using a section from the mezzo-soprano song "Love Jiangshan More Love Beauty"." Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, everyone wants to hear it!" Li Ruiying said.

He stabilized his emotions, and then sang in a slightly magnetic mezzo-soprano: "Life is just a few autumns, don't let it go if you don't get drunk; my beauty is in the east, and the Yellow River is in the west; come, have a drink, don't get drunk don't give up;

Don't worry about worries and troubles; life is just a few autumns, don't give up until you get drunk; my beauty in the east, and the Yellow River in the west; come, have a drink, don't stop until you get drunk; don't worry about worries and troubles. "

After he finished singing, there was another warm applause from the auditorium, and Ni Ping asked curiously, "You can still play different female voices?"

"Although it's a bit unbelievable, it's true!" He said this directly in Ni Ping's voice, which immediately caused a burst of consternation among the people present.

"Okay, I'm completely convinced!" said Zhao Zhongxiang who was on the side.

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