After Wang Chuanfu heard Ye Zishu's transportation industry development plan, he immediately felt a lot of pressure on his body. New projects were launched almost every year, and each project almost followed suit, and there was no time to stop.

If he was only in charge of R&D and production, he would not feel so much pressure. However, if many industries want to develop well, they still need to keep a close eye on the market.

If the advanced products produced cannot be sold, it is not considered a success, and Ye Zishu also made it very clear that the investment in later research and development and production needs to be completed by themselves.

In the current motorcycle industry, it takes a long time to achieve self-industrial expansion. Ye Zishu directly injects funds, which can accelerate the development of related industries.

But starting from the automobile industry, they need to achieve rapid self-value-added later, so that the economic benefits they generate themselves can realize their own rapid expansion.

To achieve this, the market is particularly critical, and what our country is currently more worried about than technology is the lack of market personnel, especially the lack of international market personnel.

How to cultivate its own international market talents will be a long-term problem faced by Huanyu Group. As for fully using foreign market personnel, it needs to be much more cautious.

Ye Zishu doesn't mind the presence of foreign faces in his internationalization strategy, but he doesn't want all foreign faces to appear, so that he will only become passive in the end. We still have to rely on our own talents as the lead and talents from other countries as the support.

"Mr. Ye's plan makes me feel a lot of pressure!" Wang Chuanfu said with emotion.

What he said was not to evade. Since he accepted the position of president of Huanyu Group, he should be mentally prepared. If he doesn't have the ability to resist pressure, he is not suitable to sit in such a position.

Ye Zishu smiled when he heard what he said, and said, "That's true, but time waits for no one, if you do the math, even if the project is launched on a yearly basis, it will take until 1999 to complete the initial establishment.

This is already 6 years later, if there are some unsatisfactory situations in the middle, it may be postponed later, and the time will be even longer.

I am very confident in the development of the domestic economy. As an enterprise, if you want to continue to maintain your head advantage, you need to seize every opportunity and always let yourself stand in front of the wave of reform, not behind it.

There are many paths for my country's economic development. The previous path of economic development was to carry out low-industrial chain international processing first to earn hard money.

This kind of development path is not wrong. Given our limited strength, it is a more suitable development path, especially for the textile, garment and toy processing industry, which requires less investment and quick results.

But this kind of development speed is destined not to be particularly fast. If our country wants to achieve prosperity, it may take three to forty years, from the gradual upgrading of primary industries to the development of high-tech industries.

The other path will generally not appear, because it does not conform to the laws of social and industrial development, that is, to take the lead in realizing the development of high-tech industries and advanced industrial industries, and then drive the development of other aspects of society.

Companies like Xuanwu Technology, Qinglong Technology, Huanyu Group and Taiji Group, and even Wancheng Jiye, a real estate company, are all advanced technology and industrial companies.

Such enterprises can quickly accumulate enough wealth for the country, and then flow the earned wealth to other industries to accelerate the rapid development of other industries.

It was difficult to get through this way before, but now we have the possibility of realizing it. In order to be able to give full play to our advantages in advanced technology and industrial fields and make the country and the people rich as soon as possible, it is worthwhile for us to suffer a little bit.

I know that you specific managers, as well as the staff below, are always in a state of nervous tension, but why not me.

In addition to eating and sleeping, I also work every day. Of course, I am not encouraging this state of having no personal life, but I think it is worthwhile to work harder at least for now.

In particular, our current high-tech industry will step on the bones of many companies, and if it fails, it will face a comprehensive countermeasure. At that time, the only thing we can rely on is the domestic market.

Therefore, accelerating the development and growth of the domestic market and giving the people more income is also to create an environment for us to survive more easily. We share weal and woe with the interests of the people and the country.

Now we have achieved technological transcendence in some fields, and their cognitive concepts are still in the past. This time window is particularly critical for us, and we must grasp it well. "

Wang Chuanfu did not expect that this was the reason why Ye Zishu was so anxious. He thought it was just because the boss had made a lot of money and had to invest quickly, which was in line with the characteristics of capital.

But compared with what Ye Zishu said just now, it seems a bit small-scale. The meaning of Ye Zishu is very clear, which is to take advantage of the opportunity to make more money as soon as possible to promote the development of other domestic industries.

Let the domestic people participate in the track of industrial development as soon as possible, and share the benefits earned from the outside, so as to achieve the purpose of expanding the domestic market.

At that time, as long as the domestic market is large enough, the external environment will not be able to control it. At most, it will have some influence, and it will not hurt these advanced technology companies and industrial groups.

In particular, Ye Zishu mentioned that the development of enterprises, the development of the country, and the prosperity of the people share weal and woe. This makes Wang Chuanfu feel that the situation is opened up in an instant, and his thinking is broadened in an instant.

In the past, Wang Chuanfu might just think that he was running a company for the pure benefit of the company, but after saying this, he felt that his responsibility was even greater.

"Mr. Ye's grand layout makes me admire!" Wang Chuanfu thought for a long time, and finally said this sentence.

"It can't be said that the pattern is big. One flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming is spring. And this hundred flowers are the common people. Only when they are rich can our unique flower continue to be unique.

And we also have the ability to do this now, wouldn't it be a pity if we don't work hard to maximize our ability? "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Only Mr. Ye has the ability to say that he can do this. It would be extremely difficult for other people!" Wang Chuanfu said from the bottom of his heart.

He really saw the talent of Ye Zishu, he didn't look like a normal human being at all, if he didn't have two eyes, one head, two hands and one pair of legs, he would have wondered if aliens were mixed among humans up.

He didn't know under what circumstances Yeshu Shu came up with so many technologies, but no matter what, it was beneficial to the enterprise, the country and the people.

Under this premise, no matter who the leaf book belongs to, it doesn't seem so important, so what if it is an alien?Don't we reform and open up without knowing the dangers of foreign capital, so don't we still want to reform and open up?

The most important thing is what we can get from it. As long as we can get what we want from it, some problems can be temporarily hidden, and self-development is the last word.

With our profound historical and cultural heritage, strong sense of national identity, and the new world gained through hard work over the past century, we have enough determination to stabilize ourselves so that we will not be eroded by foreign capital.

In the previous life, Ye Zishu also saw the determination of the national consciousness of young people. Traditional culture has become more and more confident in these young people. This phenomenon has already explained the problem.

But what he hopes is that the country can become rich as soon as possible, because wealth is the confidence of a country and the confidence of many people, so that they can confidently swear their national cultural pride and institutional superiority.

"In the past, the motorcycle industry was relatively simple, the automobile industry was a little more complicated, the high-speed rail was even more complicated, and advanced ships were also not simple.

As you know, the airliner is known as the crown of the industry, and its technology is more complex, which means that it will become more and more difficult for you to carry out these more complex systematic engineering research and development with your own company.

Even if I give you a full set of technology, if you want to rely on the strength of one of your companies, it will be difficult to do it in a short time, and it is unnecessary.

Therefore, cooperation will become more common in the future. For example, in the automotive technical information given to you this time, some technologies need to be in charge of Kirin Industries, and some need to be in charge of Xuanwu Technology.

So if you want to do a good job faster and better, you still need to do one thing, that is, unite with brother companies, give full play to their respective strengths, and do one thing well together. "Leaf Book said.

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