Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 422 Let electric motorcycles open up the urban transportation market

"How do you say that?" Ye Zishu asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Ye may not understand that although our motorcycles have been off the assembly line for less than a month, sales have exploded, and the supply is already in short supply," Wang Chuanfu said.

"We are a new brand, why do we suddenly have so many sales?" Ye Zishu asked.

This is where Ye Zishu is puzzled. Although he is confident that the quality of Huanyu Group's motorcycle products must be reliable, it is not so easy for a new brand to be recognized.

Motorcycles are considered big items. Many families need to save for a long time before they can buy a motorcycle. Therefore, they are more cautious and give priority to buying brands they are familiar with, so the quality is more guaranteed.

"The main reason is that it is cheap. The product we launched this time is a low-end brand, and the price is only 3000 yuan, while other motorcycle brands, even the lowest price is more than 4000 yuan." Wang Chuanfu said.

Most of the current domestic motorcycle products are joint venture brands, or imported technology from abroad, and even parts are purchased from abroad, so it is not surprising that the price is high.

Almost all components of Huanyu Group's products are independently developed and produced, and the research and development materials are also provided by him, and the research and development costs are not high, which reduces the cost of the entire product.

Even if you sell a car for 3000 yuan, the gross profit of the whole vehicle can reach 1000 yuan. This is the benefit of independence. In terms of price alone, it is quite competitive.

Huanyu Group owns most of its industries. Even the special materials used in motorcycles are reprocessed by themselves. They only need to purchase crude steel from outside.

This keeps almost all the profits in its own industrial chain, and the crude steel of a motorcycle is not worth much at all, and the cost is very low.

What's more, even if it is a low-end brand, the quality is still quite good, and he will not shoddy it just because the price is low, which is absolutely not allowed by him.

After the consumer buys it back, as long as it is well maintained, this low-end brand motorcycle will not have any problems if it is driven for more than 15 years.

"We sell such a low price, and other competitors don't cut prices?" asked Ye Zishu.

Hearing his words, Wang Chuanfu smiled and said, "Mr. Ye may not know much about the domestic market, and the current domestic motorcycle market is in short supply.

The market has not yet reached saturation. Even if they sell at a high price, they can still sell it. They will not lower the price just because we lower the price.

Moreover, our current production capacity is very limited. There is only one production line with an annual production capacity of only 20 vehicles. In such a large domestic market, there will be no waves. "

"Do you currently only produce one low-end brand product?" Ye Zishu asked.

Wang Chuanfu nodded and said: "That's true, it's not that we don't want to produce more brands, but that our funds are used to build the entire industrial chain, and there is no extra funds at all.

This is because we borrowed 5 million yuan from the bank, otherwise it would not be enough to build the entire industrial chain, such as secondary processing of steel, which belongs to heavy industry, and the investment is quite large. "

Back then, Ye Zishu gave them more than a dozen models of motorcycles, ranging from low-end to high-end to luxury brands, just because they didn't want them to spend too much time and energy on motorcycles.

In his opinion, motorcycles are transitional products, and their safety is worrying, but at this stage, they are very suitable for the travel needs of domestic people.

"How big do you predict the domestic motorcycle market is?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It's hard to predict accurately. This year, my country's motorcycle output may exceed 1000 million, and next year's demand may reach 1500 million." Wang Chuanfu said.

"Then how much are you going to expand?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We plan to expand the production of low-end brands to 500 million vehicles a year, and at the same time, high-end brands will also establish corresponding production lines to test the reaction of the market." Wang Chuanfu said.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "I don't have any opinion on this output, but I think you should properly establish overseas market channels and plan ahead.

If it can be digested domestically, that would be even better. If it cannot be digested, then it will be sold overseas, at least to ensure that there will be no excess production capacity. "

At present, the competition in the domestic market does not seem to be particularly fierce, but the Huanyu Group has expanded its production capacity so much at once, and the situation is completely different.

Relying on the characteristics of high quality and low price, when the sales volume increases greatly, it will definitely squeeze out the market of other peers, and then price wars will inevitably appear.

It is impossible for Huanyu Group's low-end brand motorcycles to reduce the price. If the price is lowered, there will be no profit margins, and they will become pure wage earners.

If it can be digested at the current price, there is no problem. If it cannot be done, then the overseas market is where they can solve the excess capacity, and the price may be higher than the current price. It should not be a big problem to sell more than 5000 yuan.

It was basically impossible to establish an overseas market without money before, but now he is planning to lend 200 billion yuan to Huanyu Group, so he has enough funds to develop overseas markets.

"We will consider Mr. Ye's suggestion." Wang Chuanfu said.

"Have you ever considered producing electric vehicles? You also know that the phenomenon of banning motorcycles in cities is becoming more and more common, and there is a trend of gradually spreading downwards.

But not all urban residents can afford a car, and the travel problem must always be solved. I think there is a strong demand for electric vehicles in cities.

Moreover, the price of electric vehicles is cheaper, the cost of charging is lower than that of gasoline, the cost of use is much lower than that of motorcycles, and there is no exhaust emission, which is cleaner. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, the capital banned motorcycles in 1985. With more and more cars on urban roads, the safety hazards of motorcycles running on them are getting bigger and bigger, and because of non-compliance with traffic rules, the phenomenon of congestion is getting more and more many.

Although he believes that electric vehicles also have major safety problems, they can be circumvented in terms of laws and regulations. As a businessman, he will definitely not stop producing and selling them because of safety problems.

What's more, the speed of electric vehicles is much lower than that of motorcycles. Even if there is a traffic accident, the severity will be much lower. In addition, the battery life of electric vehicles is generally only used as a short-distance scooter.

Huanyu Group has both battery technology and complete vehicle technology. It is quite convenient to produce electric vehicles, and the structure of electric vehicles is simpler, and the production line arrangement is also easier.

"Mr. Ye's suggestion is very good, and it can absorb our battery production capacity." Wang Chuanfu said happily.

Previously, their battery products wanted to be supplied to PHS, but PHS couldn’t get through, and the production capacity couldn’t be fully digested. Currently, they are looking for external markets to digest.

As for consumer electronics products such as personal computers and music players, lithium-ion batteries are used, and lithium iron phosphate batteries obviously fail to meet the requirements.

In Yeshu's opinion, lithium iron phosphate batteries are more suitable for electric motorcycles. As for electric vehicles, he thinks it is almost meaningless, and the range is too low.

"How is the sales of your batteries?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Currently, lithium-ion batteries and nickel-metal hydride batteries are the most sold. The former is mainly supplied to brother companies, while the latter is mainly sold to external companies. These two types of batteries have no problem of surplus capacity at all.

Since the lithium iron phosphate battery is not high enough, the price is more expensive than the nickel metal hydride battery, and the storage capacity is not as high as that of the lithium ion battery, so the status is quite embarrassing. "Wang Chuanfu said.

"Your market operation level needs to be improved. In fact, there are many application scenarios for lithium iron phosphate batteries, such as uninterruptible system ups, high-power electric tools, electric drills, lawn mowers, etc.

Used on various vehicles, such as electric bicycles, recreational vehicles, golf carts, electric pushers, cleaning vehicles, hybrid vehicles.

There are also various small equipment, such as medical equipment, electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, toys, miner's lamps, etc., which can be used.

There are other fields, such as mobile power, implantable medical devices, and you also know that lithium iron phosphate is non-toxic. Among many lithium batteries, only he can meet the requirements of implantable medical devices.

Since I handed over the battery business to you and provided you with several battery technologies, it must be because there is a huge market prospect.

Your battery technology is mature. Compared with your peers, your technology level is higher, and your safety and energy storage are higher than theirs. There is no reason why there will be a lack of market.

The battery industry, if done well, can bring you hundreds of billions of yuan in revenue, and the net profit margin is much stronger than your motorcycle, so don't take it seriously. "Leaf Book said.

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