Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 416 Xuanwu Technology Company is Open

In fact, only the products of Qinglong Technology Company do not cooperate with the outside world, mainly their chip products, and the most important thing for a computer is the cpu and gpu.

Without these two things, no matter how advanced the other parts are, it is useless, and Qinglong Technology Company produces the whole machine itself, so there is no reason to use its own products to cultivate competitors.

But Xuanwu Technology Company is different. Its hard drives, memory, flash memory and screens can all be sold externally, and it is not suitable to only provide it to Qinglong Technology Company.

Because it is easy to lose people's tongues, it is understandable that Qinglong Technology Company's chips are not sold out. If Xuanwu Technology Company only sells to Qinglong Technology Company and not to other companies, it cannot be justified.

Business is about the principle of reciprocity. Although there are many ways to circumvent this, under normal circumstances, it is absolutely correct to say so.

Since it chooses to sell it publicly, everyone has the right to buy it, so Xuanwu Technology's statement to the outside world is not that it will not sell it, but that its production capacity is insufficient.

The current chip manufacturing capacity has been occupied by the various chips of Qinglong Technology Company. If you want to build a new chip production line, you will have to wait until next year.

In fact, the chip production capacity of Xuanwu Technology Company exceeds the current product demand, but Qinglong Technology Company continues to let Xuanwu Technology Company produce, filling up all the production capacity of Xuanwu Technology Company.

In doing so, we are very optimistic about the future sales situation, and feel that we can digest the extra production capacity. After all, a large number of new markets and stock markets are waiting for them to occupy.

The second is to avoid the establishment of a large number of outdated chip production capacity by Xuanwu Technology Company, especially the 130nm production line, which will certainly not exist for a long time, and it is completely unnecessary to build too many.

After Qinglong Technology Company completes the production of chips for the entire cycle, it will be a year later, when Xuanwu Technology Company will open its chip foundry business to the outside world.

Because even a year later, other chip manufacturing companies in the world will not be able to advance the chip manufacturing process to a level comparable to that of Xuanwu Technology, and still have a strong competitive advantage.

The new 90-nanometer production line will be built in one year, when Qinglong Technology will launch the next-generation chip products to fill up their 90-nanometer production line capacity.

In this way, the chips of Qinglong Technology Company and the products of other chip companies will always be one generation ahead of the process, unless other chip companies are willing to pay much higher foundry costs at any cost.

In this case, Leaf Book will still let Xuanwu Technology Company expand its production capacity, or properly arrange their orders to be produced in advance, who will have trouble with money.

Anyway, the advanced nature of Qinglong Technology's chips is not only determined by the leading edge of chip manufacturing technology, but more importantly, it is determined by their advanced chip architecture.

With the same chip manufacturing process, Qinglong Technology Company can still maintain an absolute lead in its chips compared with competitors by virtue of its advanced chip architecture design.

Ye Zishu had no reason to disagree as this would allow Xuanwu Technology Company to make money without having too much impact on Qinglong Technology Company.

In addition to cpu and gpu, there are many other chips in the world. There are many types of chips used in the industrial field, and the market is still very large. It is impossible for Qinglong Technology to occupy all of them.

Especially for industrial chips, unless it is a particularly high-tech field, the requirements for chips are relatively high. In general industrial fields, the requirements for the computing power of chips are not high, but the requirements for stability are high.

In addition to the PC products and accessories released a month ago, Qinglong Technology also released their music player products a few days ago.

Due to the short period of time, it is still impossible to make an accurate market forecast, but according to the feedback from their current directly-operated stores, the situation is not bad.

Although it is not as popular as personal computers, after all, personal computers are a necessity for many people. Even if the price is more expensive, others are willing to buy them.

But the music player is different. It is not a necessity for everyone, and the price is also not cheap. The high-end brands are priced at 2000 yuan and 2500 yuan according to different memory configurations.

The low-end brands are mainly to take care of domestic consumers and consumers in third world countries. The performance parameters are slightly worse, but the gap is not too big.

The prices of low-end brands are different according to the configuration. The prices are 1000 yuan and 1500 yuan respectively. As for the lower ones, there are no more. The main reason is that Qinglong Technology Company believes that 1000 yuan is not particularly expensive.

The product was sold for three days, and a total of 20 units were sold worldwide. Ye Zishu didn't know if this figure was considered popular, but he thought the sales volume was still acceptable.

If this sales situation has been maintained, 2400 million units can be sold in a year, which seems a bit impossible, but he thinks it is very likely to be realized.

谷  他记得苹果的ipod从2001年发售到2021年,20年间累计销售出去4亿多台,平均每年也有2000万台左右的销量。

What's more, Qinglong Technology's music player is 7 years ahead of schedule, and its technology is more advanced than iPod, especially in terms of audio effects.

Using a high-end brand of music player, the audio-visual enjoyment obtained is better than that of a CD, mainly because of the built-in special algorithm, which can improve the audio source that is already at the CD level.

Even for low-end brands of music players, their sound quality is almost the same as that of CDs. This kind of technology cannot be achieved by other companies in a short period of time.

Even if other companies purchase components from Xuanwu Technology Company, or even let Xuanwu Technology Company manufacture them, it will be difficult for them to catch up in music effects.

Moreover, the cost of assembling components purchased by Xuanwu Technology Company is not low. In fact, they don't make much money because they can't sell them at a price of more than 2000 yuan.

Even in order to gain a comparative advantage in the competition, their prices must be set below 1000 yuan, otherwise they will not be able to compete with Qinglong Technology Company at all.

And if the price is too low, there is actually no profit, because the price of Xuanwu Technology's components is not cheap. After all, the technology has been leading for so many years, and it cannot be the price of cabbage.

Anyway, for Qinglong Technology Company, they didn't plan to make much money on low-end brands, the purpose was to maintain their influence in the field of music players.

At the same time, they can expand more markets, expand the market for Xuanwu Technology's components, and keep most of the profits in Xuanwu Technology. They don't have much psychological pressure.

Anyway, they are all brother companies. Xuanwu Technology Company has provided very important help in the development of Qinglong Technology Company. Xuanwu Technology Company's life is good, which is equivalent to their own life.

Mid-to-high-end brands will always create profits for Qinglong Technology. For products like music players, the price of high-end brands is almost double that of low-end brands.

The cost of components here is almost the same, and the added value is mainly reflected in industrial design, software functions and overall effects, and these are Qinglong Technology's own technical strengths.

This means that high-end brand music players can generate about 40% of the net profit for Qinglong Technology Company, and this income has already satisfied Qinglong Technology Company.

Launched together with the music player, as well as their home game console and handheld game console, three products, they put together a press conference.

Now Qinglong Technology Company feels that the development conference itself is an advertising campaign, and it is also a way to save a lot of advertising costs, so it is more keen to hold a new product launch conference.

The introduction of home game consoles and handheld game consoles has also brought a huge sensation to the game industry. From the previous pixel game consoles, it has directly entered a new era.

When their game demo screen came out, there were reporters on the scene asking where to buy it, because there were also players who liked to play games among the reporters.

It's just that the current TV monitor is not powerful enough to fully reflect the picture. At the press conference, Qinglong Technology Company also said this.

And said that they will launch their own TV products after October, which is much more advanced than the existing TV products, so please stay tuned.

Anyway, there is no need to hide LCD TVs. When peers see Xuanwu Technology’s LCD screen technology, they should think of this crop. Some companies have already consulted Xuanwu Technology about the possibility of cooperation.

The highlight of Qinglong Technology Company is not a simple LCD TV, but a smart TV, which has much higher technical content than ordinary LCD TVs.

Even if other companies buy Phoenix Technology's software products and make their own smart TVs in the future, Qinglong Technology's home products will still maintain a leading edge thanks to artificial intelligence.

In fact, for many home appliances, Qinglong Technology Company has completed the research and development work, and even the parts are produced by Xuanwu Technology Company, just waiting for its artificial intelligence.

And to make artificial intelligence work, it is necessary to build an intelligent supercomputer, so everything has returned to the original point.

In their email, they mentioned the matter of the intelligent supercomputer, which has already been built by Phoenix Software Company, and the construction work will be completed by the end of September, which is more than ten days away from now.

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